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Re: Flow Study

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<< Personally, I think Milhorat's new study findings show CSF flow problem

areas most docs don't even consider significant. I may be wrong, but

does anyone concur?



in my humble opinion .....the mathmatical reconstruction models , develped

and put into use , in the last five years ......have changed understanding of

the chiari syndrome ......we now can measure , and see small posterior fossa

volumes , and movement of csf , throughout the brain and spinal cord ,

........with special mri techniques , and new machines that allow upright

views of us zipperheads .......understanding is gaining in leeps and bounds !

your daughter is a great example , of what science couldnt see .....( except

perhaps on autoposy ) ......until just a short time ago ........what a

blessing these doctors have worked so diligently to help us !

id sugest for all intrested in reading up on this csf movement ,and the

impacts of acm and syringomyelia , you might follow that link on the asap

resources page .......to firma invitada ......<A

HREF= " http://www.pareras.com/neuroxxi/xxi05/xxi05-02.htm " >Firma Invitada</A>

( http://www.pareras.com/neuroxxi/xxi05/xxi05-02.htm ) , its in english ,

so scroll down past the spannish doc's introduction . and youll find the full

article ....these docs have published other work as well .

another great source of understanding , is renting the presentation of Dr

Heiss , at the beaverton asap confrence in 97 ......chock full of mri

examples , moving cine study , charts and stats , its an intense but

worthwhile hour of information ! ( you can rent it from asap _)

the gentetic studys at duke , are also worth suporting , and reading up on ,

there to , a link from asap's site .......

it stricks me this am , as i write this ramble around csf , posterior fossas

and leeking brains , how truly fortunate we have wacma , and asap , the

compasion of some special docs and friends , and hope !

hugs to you Eurico , you and your family have gained so much , another reason

to celebrate now all !

sarah in paradise

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