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Thanks for the response, Robyn. I'm wondering if the culprit is the fibroid

or the hormones that cause the fibroids. My worry is, if it's a raging

hormonal imbalance of some sort, no fibroid treatment will help. I guess

time will tell. I'd like to know your results, as shrinkage of your fibroids

continues. Maybe that'll give me some hope. I'm just feeling a bit

depressed and helpless about it. It seems like this ought to be something I

can control.



I had a ufe in Feb. of this year. All I can say is that like you I weight

train, 4 x a week, run 4-5 miles, 4 times a week, so I know it is not from

lack of exerciese. Like you mine is all in my mid-section. But this

past year I have gained about 8 lbs. and I cannot get it off no matter

what. I watch what I eat carefully, for a couple of weeks and then I get

discouraged for a few days and eat the wrong things. People tell me it's

because of my age, so is it some magical thing that the day you hit 40 you

start gaining weight. I attribute it to the fibroid and hopefully, this

damn thing will dissolve soon or whatever it is that they do after ufe.



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To chip in unsolicited, excess oestrogen causes the fibroid, oestrogen is

stored in fat cells as well as produced by the ovaries, so weight gain could

possibly contribute to fibroid growth. Oestrogen is also supposed to make

you lethargic and sluggish so perhaps it is a vicious circle, with excess

oestrogen also contributing to more weight gain by inhibiting movement and








>I had a ufe in Feb. of this year. All I can say is that like you I weight

>train, 4 x a week, run 4-5 miles, 4 times a week, so I know it is not from

>lack of exerciese. Like you mine is all in my mid-section. But this

>past year I have gained about 8 lbs. and I cannot get it off no matter

>what. I watch what I eat carefully, for a couple of weeks and then I get

>discouraged for a few days and eat the wrong things. People tell me it's

>because of my age, so is it some magical thing that the day you hit 40 you

>start gaining weight. I attribute it to the fibroid and hopefully, this

>damn thing will dissolve soon or whatever it is that they do after ufe.







>72% off on Name brand Watches!

>Come and buy today and get free shipping!






>Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry






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Robyn Cline wrote:

> I have a question that might be kind of gross, but I will try to be tactful

> in wording this. I had the ufe on February 23, when I hav my period, there

> are still a lot of blood clots, some quite large. Is this always the

> fibroid breaking off or degenerating or whatever it is they do, or is it

> normal to have blood clots. Also, I had them before the ufe, and that

> wasn't the fibroid degenerating, so could it be something else?


Did you have a D & C before your UFE? Do you know what the thickness of your

endometrial lining was pre-UFE or whether or not you had any polyps?


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No Carla, all I had was an MRI. Pretty much normal periods, regular, they

were kind of heavy but not like some people report. I never soaked through

more than 1 pad an hour, usually my second day was hard. I do have a cyst

on my ovary, but everyone keeps saying it's nothing to worry about. Are

you thinking of endometriosis. Does that show up on an mri? I thought I

heard it did.

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Robyn Cline wrote:

> No Carla, all I had was an MRI. Pretty much normal periods, regular, they

> were kind of heavy but not like some people report. I never soaked through

> more than 1 pad an hour, usually my second day was hard. I do have a cyst

> on my ovary, but everyone keeps saying it's nothing to worry about. Are

> you thinking of endometriosis. Does that show up on an mri? I thought I

> heard it did.

No, I wasn't thinking about endometriosis. I'm thinking that if you didn't

have a D & C prior to UFE but did have a thick endometrial lining (as possibly

evidenced by the heavy bleeding) that you are just continuing to slough off the

heavy lining. If that's the case, there's probably a good chance it'll level

off to more normal periods within 4-6 months now that you've had UFE. Don't

know that for sure. Just guessing.


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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 6/27/00 7:56:08 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

cliner@... writes:

<< So, I don't always think it's that

women don't want a myomectomy, becuase that's really what I wanted, it's

that drs. won't do them on just anyone.


I had a female gyn tell me the same thing. This is OUTRAGEOUS. She sat

there and bragged that she could do the myo, had just done one on a younger

woman that morning! But she would only do a hyst on me....can you believe

this? Strictly because of age...and she ASSUMED that I was not going to have

kids.... I told her. I did not tell you I was not interested in having

children....and she pooh poohed this away and held firm....my 'medical

recommendation' for you is hysterectomy. I am reporting her to the local

medical association just as soon as I have my surgery.


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That's interesting . . . where do you live? I was always offered the choice

of myomectomy. Maybe I just got to the right doctors. It's not that I don't

believe doctors refuse to do myomectomies on women passed 40, it just seems

so ludicrous. Why can't we decide what's best for our bodies? I didn't want

myomectomy because the thought of surgery and blood loss scares the hell out

of me. I'm seeking UAE treatment.

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What was their reason for not wanting to do a myomectomy? What does being 40

have to do with it? What does not having children have to do with it? Is it

a dangerous procedure?

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Robyn, I am just upset as I have a history of breast cancer in the family. I

am trying to investigate my alternatives and I am not comfortable with

anything I hear. My gynecologist who I respect, suggested that I think about

a hysterectomy. He gave me a pamphlet of risks during this procedure. It

mentioned everything from death, paralysis, to sexual dysfunction. I

supposedly have a fibroid that grew from a grape size to a grapefruit size in

11 months. My symptoms are mild lower back pain when I drive. My last

period was the only time I bled for 16 days. That is how I found out about

the growth. Should I expect it to get worse? Do these grow bigger than

grapefruits? I do not want a hysterectomy, at this point, anyway. I am

going to Boston tomorrow at Brigham and Women's Hospital for a second



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One of the doctors told me that his office would not do a myomectomy on a

40 year old woman with 3 children who had no plans to have more children,

my only option, and this is in Lansing, Pablo Quiroga, at his office was to

have a hysterectomy. My ob-gyn, who did a hysterectomy on my sister at age

25 for fibroids, Ciotti, also in Lansing, told me a year ago to wait

and see if they grew, and then if they did her recommendation would be

hysterectomy. I guess their thinking was I didn't really need my uterus

for anything, as I wouldn't be having more children. I only heard of ufe

when I called Sparrow Hospital Nurse-line to ask if fibroids could be

causing my back pain, and they referred me, thank God.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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I had a UAE on April 18, 2000...only had one period on April 27...lasted for

several days (never missed before the UAE). Since the procedure I have

spotted only a few days during the months of June and July. Experienced some

heavy duty " hot flashes " but that also seems to be lessening.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Thanks Robyn and Thanks for all the support a while ago regarding pregnancy and


Robyn M

Robyn Cline wrote:

> Robyn M.


> I know we are not supposed to post " atta girls, and congratulations " , but I

> am so happy for you and your husband. I will be thinking of you and

> praying for you throughout your pregnancy.


> Robyn C.



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  • 3 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...
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I used to do the same thing you did yesterday. I used to clean until I could

clean no more. Then depression would set in and I would wonder why do I do this

to myself? My Doc. said to stop doing things that make me hurt. I really don't

think she knew what she was saying because there are times when everything makes

me hurt. Well I stopped. I feel absolutely useless at times. My husband

works full time. Then he comes home and does laundry dishes, vacuum does dinner

everything. He is wonderful and I thank God for him. For a long time he did

not understand my problems but he does now and is so willing to help however he

can . He is so good to me . And I know I am one of the very few of us that

has it this way. I do what I can, but its not a lot. Hang in there and educate

your Hubby. It really helps a lot. With some anyway.

Have the best day you can. G. aka Mamawshay


I am in the middle (or toward the end I hope) of my worst flare up. I

have felt better (only half the truck is still there LOL) since

yesterday. Well, today I did something STUPID. I took the kids to the

mall, did 3 loads of laundry, cleaned my kids' bedroom, cleaned our

gameroom, made dinner, washed/dried the dishes, and WORST of all

cleaned out our rat cage by myself (the thing is 30 " x 18 " x 3ft tall

with 3 shelves that detach and then have to be rehooked on - we made

this last year to house our 4 rats). This is normally a 2 person job,

and requires multiple trips up and down the stairs, but I wanted it

clean and the kids were at the mall.... Of course, then I had to

bathe the rats.

NOW, I feel like 2 trucks are parked on me, I can barely make it up

the stairs, and am so stiff all over that it even hurts to breathe.

What was I thinking???

Question is: How do you guys deal with the days that you decide

you're superhuman (or obsessive <g>) and way overdo things? How do

you deal with the negative feelings that come after you do something

like this?

Right now I am pretty depressed about it all. Of course, I tell

myself that I should be able to do these things - I used to be able

to. And then again there's my husband who's attitude is " It's pretty

stupid to do so much without help when you know it will make you

hurt " . Of course, not like he'd help or anything...



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I used to do the same thing you did yesterday. I used to clean until I could

clean no more. Then depression would set in and I would wonder why do I do this

to myself? My Doc. said to stop doing things that make me hurt. I really don't

think she knew what she was saying because there are times when everything makes

me hurt. Well I stopped. I feel absolutely useless at times. My husband

works full time. Then he comes home and does laundry dishes, vacuum does dinner

everything. He is wonderful and I thank God for him. For a long time he did

not understand my problems but he does now and is so willing to help however he

can . He is so good to me . And I know I am one of the very few of us that

has it this way. I do what I can, but its not a lot. Hang in there and educate

your Hubby. It really helps a lot. With some anyway.

Have the best day you can. G. aka Mamawshay


I am in the middle (or toward the end I hope) of my worst flare up. I

have felt better (only half the truck is still there LOL) since

yesterday. Well, today I did something STUPID. I took the kids to the

mall, did 3 loads of laundry, cleaned my kids' bedroom, cleaned our

gameroom, made dinner, washed/dried the dishes, and WORST of all

cleaned out our rat cage by myself (the thing is 30 " x 18 " x 3ft tall

with 3 shelves that detach and then have to be rehooked on - we made

this last year to house our 4 rats). This is normally a 2 person job,

and requires multiple trips up and down the stairs, but I wanted it

clean and the kids were at the mall.... Of course, then I had to

bathe the rats.

NOW, I feel like 2 trucks are parked on me, I can barely make it up

the stairs, and am so stiff all over that it even hurts to breathe.

What was I thinking???

Question is: How do you guys deal with the days that you decide

you're superhuman (or obsessive <g>) and way overdo things? How do

you deal with the negative feelings that come after you do something

like this?

Right now I am pretty depressed about it all. Of course, I tell

myself that I should be able to do these things - I used to be able

to. And then again there's my husband who's attitude is " It's pretty

stupid to do so much without help when you know it will make you

hurt " . Of course, not like he'd help or anything...



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Dear Pamela,

If you are applying for SSD, which is Social Security Disability, and

are approved, you get Medicare 24 months after your coverage begins.

SSI, on the other hand, is what is sometimes called welfare or public

assistance, is based on your income and is not dependent on your health

for your coverage. With SSI, you would be eligible for Medicaid (in the

states that still have Medicaid...in Tennessee, they replaced Medicaid

with an HMO called Tenn Care (one of the biggest mistakes that Tennessee

ever made). It is possible that with SSD, you might also be eligible

for Medicaid...I am just not that familiar with Medicaid to know...

would suggest that you check with your local Dept. of Human Services.

Hugs and prayers,

Sharon - Memphis, TN


" ..and with his stripes, we ARE healed! " Isaiah 53:5

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I'll add my 2 cents. I get SSI in Virginia, but I got it based on

MCS, or multiple chemical sensitivity. MCS is like being allergic to

everything, everywhere. I applied once, and it took me 6 months to

get it. You can appeal to your Senator, or Congressman to speed up

the proceess. There is a person in the Southern Fibro group who knows

how to apply for SSI based on the FMS DX.

I've noticed that SSI in each state is different. My significant

other has SSI (Crohns Disease) in Pa., he has Medicare. In Virginia I

get Medicaid. I orginally applied for Medicaid before getting SSI,

but they didn't have a " code " for MCS. I bet they don't have one for

FMS. Virginia is a state that does not even recognize repetitive

stress injuries like CTS, nothing surprises me.

Because I get Medicaid, I can't go to the Free Clinic.

Just my 2 cents!



> I just wanted to add my experience. I am on SSI in New Jersey. I do


> Medicaid

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I just wanted to add my experience. I am on SSI in New Jersey. I do get

Medicaid. It is now combined with Horizon/Mercy...an HMO I guess? I don't

quite understand it, I just know it pays my medical bills, and pays for

prescription meds. I was on Welfare before that and had received Medicare.

Applying for SSI may not be easy. I was refused the first time, and got

discouraged, Then I was told by people that they usually do refuse you the

first time so keep trying. I did, and I got put on SSI.

Also I wanted to add to Pamela that getting emotional support from a

councilor, therapist, anyone, may help ease the emotional pain.


Dear Pamela,

If you are applying for SSD, which is Social Security Disability, and

are approved, you get Medicare 24 months after your coverage begins.

SSI, on the other hand, is what is sometimes called welfare or public

assistance, is based on your income and is not dependent on your health

for your coverage. With SSI, you would be eligible for Medicaid (in the

states that still have Medicaid...in Tennessee, they replaced Medicaid

with an HMO called Tenn Care (one of the biggest mistakes that Tennessee

ever made). It is possible that with SSD, you might also be eligible

for Medicaid...I am just not that familiar with Medicaid to know...

would suggest that you check with your local Dept. of Human Services.

Hugs and prayers,

Sharon - Memphis, TN


" ..and with his stripes, we ARE healed! " Isaiah 53:5

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I just wanted to add my experience. I am on SSI in New Jersey. I do get

Medicaid. It is now combined with Horizon/Mercy...an HMO I guess? I don't

quite understand it, I just know it pays my medical bills, and pays for

prescription meds. I was on Welfare before that and had received Medicare.

Applying for SSI may not be easy. I was refused the first time, and got

discouraged, Then I was told by people that they usually do refuse you the

first time so keep trying. I did, and I got put on SSI.

Also I wanted to add to Pamela that getting emotional support from a

councilor, therapist, anyone, may help ease the emotional pain.


Dear Pamela,

If you are applying for SSD, which is Social Security Disability, and

are approved, you get Medicare 24 months after your coverage begins.

SSI, on the other hand, is what is sometimes called welfare or public

assistance, is based on your income and is not dependent on your health

for your coverage. With SSI, you would be eligible for Medicaid (in the

states that still have Medicaid...in Tennessee, they replaced Medicaid

with an HMO called Tenn Care (one of the biggest mistakes that Tennessee

ever made). It is possible that with SSD, you might also be eligible

for Medicaid...I am just not that familiar with Medicaid to know...

would suggest that you check with your local Dept. of Human Services.

Hugs and prayers,

Sharon - Memphis, TN


" ..and with his stripes, we ARE healed! " Isaiah 53:5

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  • 3 years later...

You may want to read the chapters on seizures and the one on drug nutrient

interactions from our book Pediatric Nutrition in Chronic Diseases and

Developmental Disorders. You can find it in a med library or from Oxford


Press. Chapters are written by an MD or Pharmacist and Nutritionist. They

may want to get a second opinion too. Some use the ketogenic diet along with

reduced medication, but the neurologist is essential to make that


Good luck to them.

S. Ekvall Ph.D., RD. Prof UC.

**************************************Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest



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Thanks, however, the problem now is more the constipation rather then the

Sz. I see your point that if medications could be reduced maybe the

constipation will improve as well, but right now the urgency is relieve

constipation so child might start to eat and drink better as she is losing

wt and borderline dehydrated.


Merav Levi-, RD, MS, CDN

Clinical Dietitian

8235 134th Street

Kew Gardens, NY 11435

----Original Message Follows----

From: ekvallr@...

Reply-To: rd-usa

To: rd-usa

Subject: Re: (unknown)

Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 12:02:20 EST

You may want to read the chapters on seizures and the one on drug nutrient

interactions from our book Pediatric Nutrition in Chronic Diseases and

Developmental Disorders. You can find it in a med library or from Oxford


Press. Chapters are written by an MD or Pharmacist and Nutritionist. They

may want to get a second opinion too. Some use the ketogenic diet along


reduced medication, but the neurologist is essential to make that


Good luck to them.

S. Ekvall Ph.D., RD. Prof UC.

**************************************Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest



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  • 2 months later...


I get these all the time and delete them as spam.


Marjorie Geiser, RD, NSCA-CPT

Author of " Just Jump: The No-Fear Business Startup Guide for Health & Fitness

Professionals "



mariud@... wrote:


> Did anybody else get this email? I think it's a scam like the last

> one. Just wondering if anybody else received the same thing.


> Mari............


> Good day,

> I am . I saw your contact on www.eatright.org. Anyway, I

> am an English speaking man from Cotonou . I will be coming over to the

> US,Jupiter, FL precisely, from 16th of March to 19th of April with my

> wife. She speaks English as well.


> While we will be in the US, we will want to learn eating healthy,

> keeping fit, and staying well and ways to stay fit and healthy and

> also weight control, we were told that a dietetics professional can

> help us find our way through health and nutrition claims and design a

> personalized nutrition program. I will want to know if you can provide

> your services between these dates. Do you offer Individual Counseling?

> Please let me know.


> I will also appreciate if I can get a price quotation ie ( individual

> counseling ), as we want to make advance payments before our visit so

> we can be rest assured as my wife will be doing a lot of shopping and

> sightseeing as this is her first visit to the US. An early response

> will be appreciated. Hope to hear from you soon.



> --

> Mari Gross-Lau, MS,RD,LD

> Registered Dietitian

> ACSM Health Fitness Instructor


> One on One Nutrition and Fitness,

> Inc

> www.thefitnessdietitian.com




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I just got that e-mail and even replied to him, thinking it was legit!

Thanks for the heads up!

" Marjorie Geiser, RD, NSCA-CPT " wrote:


I get these all the time and delete them as spam.


Marjorie Geiser, RD, NSCA-CPT

Author of " Just Jump: The No-Fear Business Startup Guide for Health & Fitness

Professionals "



mariud@... wrote:


> Did anybody else get this email? I think it's a scam like the last

> one. Just wondering if anybody else received the same thing.


> Mari............


> Good day,

> I am . I saw your contact on www.eatright.org. Anyway, I

> am an English speaking man from Cotonou . I will be coming over to the

> US,Jupiter, FL precisely, from 16th of March to 19th of April with my

> wife. She speaks English as well.


> While we will be in the US, we will want to learn eating healthy,

> keeping fit, and staying well and ways to stay fit and healthy and

> also weight control, we were told that a dietetics professional can

> help us find our way through health and nutrition claims and design a

> personalized nutrition program. I will want to know if you can provide

> your services between these dates. Do you offer Individual Counseling?

> Please let me know.


> I will also appreciate if I can get a price quotation ie ( individual

> counseling ), as we want to make advance payments before our visit so

> we can be rest assured as my wife will be doing a lot of shopping and

> sightseeing as this is her first visit to the US. An early response

> will be appreciated. Hope to hear from you soon.



> --

> Mari Gross-Lau, MS,RD,LD

> Registered Dietitian

> ACSM Health Fitness Instructor


> One on One Nutrition and Fitness,

> Inc

> www.thefitnessdietitian.com




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Question--How do you all know this is spam, and he isn't legit just shopping for

prices? What do you mean by " scam like the last one " ? Not doubting you all,

just want to be educated myself!


Diane Preves, M.S., R.D.

N.E.W. LIFE (Nutrition, Exercise, Wellness for LIFE)


e-mail: newlife4health@...


Did anybody else get this email? I think it's a scam like the last one. Just

wondering if anybody else received the same thing.


Good day,

I am . I saw your contact on www.eatright.org. Anyway, I am an

English speaking man from Cotonou . I will be coming over to the US,Jupiter, FL

precisely, from 16th of March to 19th of April with my wife. She speaks English

as well.

While we will be in the US, we will want to learn eating healthy, keeping fit,

and staying well and ways to stay fit and healthy and also weight control, we

were told that a dietetics professional can help us find our way through health

and nutrition claims and design a personalized nutrition program. I will want to

know if you can provide your services between these dates. Do you offer

Individual Counseling? Please let me know.

I will also appreciate if I can get a price quotation ie ( individual

counseling ), as we want to make advance payments before our visit so we can be

rest assured as my wife will be doing a lot of shopping and sightseeing as this

is her first visit to the US. An early response will be appreciated. Hope to

hear from you soon.


Mari Gross-Lau, MS,RD,LD

Registered Dietitian

ACSM Health Fitness Instructor

One on One Nutrition and Fitness,



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One way to handle this, if anyone is interested but not quite sure whether it is

a scam or not, is to set up a P.O. Box or public address. All banks in Africa

issue international bank drafts or money orders so he can mail his advance

payment in your business name to the P.O. Box number or the public address.

This way you do not have to exchange any personal information that could be used

for something else.

Ann Marie Dawson


Did anybody else get this email? I think it's a scam like the last one. Just

wondering if anybody else received the same thing.

Mari........ ....

Good day,

I am . I saw your contact on www.eatright. org. Anyway, I am an

English speaking man from Cotonou . I will be coming over to the US,Jupiter, FL

precisely, from 16th of March to 19th of April with my wife. She speaks English

as well.

While we will be in the US, we will want to learn eating healthy, keeping fit,

and staying well and ways to stay fit and healthy and also weight control, we

were told that a dietetics professional can help us find our way through health

and nutrition claims and design a personalized nutrition program. I will want to

know if you can provide your services between these dates. Do you offer

Individual Counseling? Please let me know.

I will also appreciate if I can get a price quotation ie ( individual counseling

), as we want to make advance payments before our visit so we can be rest

assured as my wife will be doing a lot of shopping and sightseeing as this is

her first visit to the US. An early response will be appreciated. Hope to hear

from you soon.


Mari Gross-Lau, MS,RD,LD

Registered Dietitian

ACSM Health Fitness Instructor

One on One Nutrition and Fitness,


www.thefitnessdieti tian.com

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