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Eating Smart for Your Heart -by Drayer, MA, RD

February is American Heart Month-and with coronary heart disease still ranking

as the #1 killer among Americans, it's time that we stop and take a look at how

we can prevent this deadly disease. Although having a family history of heart

disease does increase our risk, it's important to banish the blame and take a

look at the other risk factors that are in our control:

1. Eat Smaller Meals

A study from the American Heart Association found that eating large meals raises

your risk of heart attack by about four times, up to two hours after the meal!

Portion control is key, because eating too much in one sitting puts extra stress

on the heart, especially because the blood flow is directed away from the heart

and towards the stomach for digestion, and so the heart has to work that much

harder to maintain a constant flow of blood to the rest of the body. In addition

to decreasing stress on the heart, controlling portion sizes will help you keep

your weight in check, which is another important factor for decreasing risk of

heart disease.

Research has also suggested that eating smaller meals, more frequently

throughout the day, can positively affect cholesterol levels, thereby reducing

heart disease risk. A recent study published in The British Medical Journal

found that people who ate 6 or more small meals had lower cholesterol levels

than people who ate one or two big meals each day. This supports earlier

research published in The New England Journal of Medicine which found that

" nibbling " (i.e. consuming 17 snacks per day) showed metabolic advantages as

compared to " gorging " (consuming only 3 meals/day), including lowered total and

LDL ('bad') cholesterol levels. Both " nibbling " and " gorging " diets were equal

in total calories. Portion control is simple. Keep your fish and chicken to 3

ounces, which is about the size of the palm of your hand, or a deck of cards,

and your pasta and rice to one cup-or about the size of your fist. Also, invest

in some measuring spoons and cups-this will enable you to get familiar

with the portion sizes of different foods, and you will eventually be able to

eyeball servings. And

remember -- avoid seconds, unless they're vegetables!

2. Include More Fruits, Vegetables, and Low-fat Dairy Foods, and Limit the

Sodium in Your Diet A study published in the The New England Journal of Medicine

known as DASH-Sodium (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) showed that

following a heart-healthy diet with limited amounts of sodium can greatly reduce

blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease.

The study followed two groups. One was asked to consume a DASH diet-a diet

incorporating lots of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods, and limiting

red meat, sweets, and saturated fats. In previous research, this diet was shown

to lower blood pressure levels substantially. Another was given a " typical "

American diet. Different sodium levels, including 3,300, 2,400, and 1,500 mg

were given to the individuals every four weeks. The study found that the

individuals following the DASH diet and limiting sodium to 1500 mg/day

experienced the greatest reduction in blood pressure-in fact, as compared to the

" typical " diet with 3,300 mg of sodium, the DASH diet with 1500mg of sodium led

to a decrease of 11.5 points (systolic) among individuals with high blood

pressure, and a 7.1 point decrease among individuals without high blood

pressure. For both diets, however, the greater the reduction in sodium, the

lower the blood pressure. While it's a fact that not everyone is sodium

sensitive-that is, they

experience an increase in blood pressure with high sodium intakes and a decrease

in blood pressure with low sodium intakes-it still won't hurt to cut back on

salt. Keep in mind that most of the sodium in our diet comes from processed

food-such as canned soups and sauces, cured meats, and fast foods.

3. Avoid Foods High in Saturated Fats and Trans Fats, and Consume More

Monounsaturated Fats and Omega-3 Fatty Acids Saturated fats in the diet increase

cholesterol levels even moreso than dietary cholesterol! Specifically, saturated

fats increase LDL, or the " bad " cholesterol, and decrease HDL levels, also known

as the " good " holesterol. Sources of saturated fats include: butter, lard,

cream, full-fat dairy products, red meat, palm oil, and coconut oil. It's best

to limit these foods much as possible. By increasing LDL cholesterol to the same

extent as saturated fats, trans fats (formed when vegetable oils undergo a

process known as " hydrogenation " ) also increase risk of heart disease. Trans

fats are found in margarine, French fries, and commercially prepared foods such

as cookies and cakes. Right now, trans fats are not required to be written on

food labels. (That will hopefully change soon). So in the meantime, look for the

words " partially hydrogenated vegetable oil " on food labels-if this listed as

one of the first ingredients on a food label, and

if the food is high in total fat, then you can count on the food being high in

trans fats. On the other hand, monounsaturated fats lower LDL levels and keep

HDL levels the same (in fact, some studies show that they increase HDL levels),

and sources of these fats include almonds, walnuts, peanuts, avocados, peanut

butter, olive oil and canola oil. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are a type of

polyunsaturated fat, also have a protective effect on the heart by preventing


clotting. Sources of omega-3's include fatty fish, such as salmon and mackerel,

as well as vegetable oils and flax seeds. (Note: Although shrimp is high in

cholesterol, it's low in saturated fat, and is free of trans fats. Thus, it can

be enjoyed even among those with high

risk of heart disease!)

4. Experiment with Soy Protein

Studies have shown that soy protein, which is found in tofu, tempeh, and

soy-based meat alternatives, can reduce LDL cholesterol levels. Specifically,

research has shown that 25 grams of soy protein per day can lower high " LDL " or

" bad " cholesterol levels by about 10%. This research is the basis of a current

food claim approved by the Food and Drug Administration--the claim states that

diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 grams of soy protein

each day may reduce the risk of heart disease. (According to the FDA, foods must

contain at least 6.25 grams of soy protein per serving to qualify for the


Researchers believe that the isoflavones in soy (which are estrogen-like

compounds) play a role in soy's cholesterol-lowering effects. Since the

isoflavones in soy may indeed act like estrogen, however, they have the

potential to promote the growth of breast tumors. The research isn't clear, so

if you have breast cancer or are at high risk for the disease, then it's best to

avoid large quantities of soy. A good way to get soy protein with its

isoflavones is to try some of the soy products in the supermarkets, such as the

vegetarian burgers and hot dogs, or a soymilk such as Silk. You can also try a

protein powder, which can be stirred into various beverages. Although soy bars

are also a good source of soy protein, many contain excess calories. Still sound

unappetizing? Head over to the local bookstore, pick up a soy cookbook, and try

some recipes!

5. Enjoy Chocolate in Moderation

Yes, Valentine's Day is around the corner, and if you can't get excited about a

loved one, get excited about chocolate. Why? Because in addition to the fact

that it tastes great, research has shown that chocolate offers us health

benefits.Chocolate contains antioxidants known as catechins, and these

substances may help to reduce the risk of heart disease by decreasing the

harmful effects of LDL, or " bad " cholesterol. Research (funded by Mars, Inc.)

suggested that the antioxidants in chocolate do help to inhibit the oxidation of

LDL particles, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Another

recent study found that the catechin content of chocolate is four times greater

than tea! According to the study, dark chocolate had the highest total catechin

content (53.5 mg per 100 g), milk chocolate contained 15.9 mg per

100 g, and black tea contained only 13.9 mg per 100 mL. In addition, a new study

from Pennsylvania State University further supported the fact that

flavonoid-rich chocolate/and or tea in moderation can be associated with reduced

risk in cardiovascular disease. Research also suggests that unlike other

saturated fats, the stearic acid in chocolate (a saturated fat) may not increase

LDL cholesterol. But don't forget, when it comes to the bottom line, fruits and

vegetables are more nutritious sources of antioxidants, and chocolate offers us

lots of

calories...so be careful if you're watching your waistline! And an extra note:

Be sure to exercise! Research shows that cardiovascular exercise increases HDL

cholesterol levels, which lowers the ratio of total cholesterol/HDL, of which

high levels is an indicator of heart disease risk. Aerobic exercise also helps

us burn extra calories and can increase our metabolism for up to 8 hours after

we stop exercising.


~ " We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a

little of each other everywhere. " ~

~ " If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the

entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. "

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