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Cloned meat

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Okay, so the FDA says that cloned meat is safe.

I heard on the today show that this cloned meat doesn't need to be


I could have sworn that I had heard some time ago that it needed to be


This is troubling to me. Anyone else disturbed?

Jen Zingaro RD

CNY Dialysis Center

910 Erie Blvd.

Syracuse, NY 13210


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Disturbed is an understatement!

This is enough reason (for me) to adopt a vegetarian

diet once again!

It makes me angry that the government can determine

(TWEAK) our food supply and then not allow the

individual to make a conscious choice on what he/she

decides to eat!

Dani N Little, MS, RD, CD

University of Washington Medical Center

Seattle, WA.

--- Jen Zingaro wrote:

> Okay, so the FDA says that cloned meat is safe.

> I heard on the today show that this cloned meat

> doesn't need to be

> labeled.


> I could have sworn that I had heard some time ago

> that it needed to be

> labeled.

> This is troubling to me. Anyone else disturbed?



> Jen Zingaro RD

> CNY Dialysis Center

> 910 Erie Blvd.

> Syracuse, NY 13210

> (315)410-8040


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Jen Zingaro wrote:

> Okay, so the FDA says that cloned meat is safe.

> I heard on the today show that this cloned meat doesn't need to be

> labeled.


> I could have sworn that I had heard some time ago that it needed to be

> labeled.

> This is troubling to me. Anyone else disturbed?

Deeply. But we may not be the only ones. See:

USDA Recommends That Food From Clones Stay Off the Market



By Rick Weiss

Washington Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, January 16, 2008; A03

The U.S. Department of Agriculture yesterday asked U.S. farmers to keep

their cloned animals off the market indefinitely even as Food and Drug

Administration officials announced that food from cloned livestock is

safe to eat.

Bruce I. Knight, the USDA's undersecretary for marketing and regulatory

programs, requested an ongoing " voluntary moratorium " to buy time for

" an acceptance process " that Knight said consumers in the United States

and abroad will need, " given the emotional nature of this issue. "

Yet even as the two agencies sought a unified message -- that food from

clones is safe for people but perhaps dangerous to U.S. markets and

trade relations -- evidence surfaced suggesting that Americans and

others are probably already eating meat from the offspring of clones.

Executives from the nation's major cattle cloning companies conceded

yesterday that they have not been able to keep track of how many

offspring of clones have entered the food supply, despite a years-old

request by the FDA to keep them off the market pending completion of the

agency's safety report.

At least one Kansas cattle producer also disclosed yesterday that he has

openly sold semen from prize-winning clones to many U.S. meat producers

in the past few years, and that he is certain he is not alone.

" This is a fairy tale that this technology is not being used and is not

already in the food chain, " said Coover, a Galesburg cattleman

and veterinarian who has a specialty cattle semen business. " Anyone who

tells you otherwise either doesn't know what they're talking about, or

they're not being honest. "

Yesterday's awkwardly meshed announcements by FDA and USDA officials,

made at a joint news conference in Washington, reflected continuing

divisions among U.S. regulatory agencies on how to deal with the issue

of food from clones.

F. Sundlof, director of FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied

Nutrition, spoke from his perspective as the person who oversaw that

agency's six-year review of the safety of milk and meat from clones and

their offspring. He released the results of that 968-page " final risk

analysis, " saying " meat and milk from cattle, swine and goat clones are

as safe as food we eat every day. "

That conclusion amounted to handing the cloned-food hot potato to the

USDA's Knight, whose agency has the responsibility of getting those

products accepted on the market.

Recent surveys indicate that the agency has a challenge. Last year, 22

percent of Americans who responded to a major survey said they had a

favorable impression of food from clones.

That was up from 16 percent a year earlier. Nonetheless, about 50

percent have an unfavorable impression, said le " Dani " Schor of

the International Food Information Council Foundation, an

industry-funded interest group that has conducted the survey of 1,000

Americans annually since 2004.

At issue are clones of beef cattle, dairy cows, pigs and goats, as well

as their offspring, which farmers in the United States and a few other

countries are starting to raise in an effort to produce more

consistently high-quality milk and meat.

In recent weeks, as it became clear that the FDA was ready to release

its positive safety report, officials there began encountering

resistance from other agencies that would have to deal with the

consequences of food from clones entering the U.S. food supply.

Some of them, including the USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service and the

Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, have been struggling for years

to persuade countries in Europe and other parts of the world to accept

gene-altered crops from the United States. The last thing those agencies

needed, insiders said, was a new U.S. product that nobody wants.

The USDA's request that farmers keep their clones out of the food chain,

probably for a few more years, " is simply allowing the time for an

orderly transition to occur, " Knight said, adding that the department is

already having conversations with U.S. trading partners and trying to

smooth the way to acceptance.

Some U.S. consumer groups have expressed concern for the cloned animals,

which often have health problems, and have suggested that the American

public may be as tough a sell as the wary consumers in the European

Union and Japan.

" Despite the fact that cloned animals suffer high mortality rates and

those who survive are often plagued with birth defects and diseases, the

FDA did not give adequate consideration to the welfare of these animals

or their surrogate mothers in its deliberations, " said Wayne Pacelle,

chief executive of the Humane Society of the United States.

Some U.S. groups have demanded that food from clones be labeled to give

consumers the " right to choose. "

But Greenwood, president of the Biotechnology Industry

Organization, whose members include the nation's biggest farm-animal

cloning companies, rejected that idea, as has the FDA. He said cloning

is simply a way to make offspring. Other methods of farm animal

procreation, such as in vitro fertilization and artificial insemination,

are not listed on food labels.

He and other industry representatives specifically rejected proposals to

label food from conventionally conceived offspring of clones.

While the now-expired FDA moratorium sought to keep both clones and

their offspring off the market, the new USDA moratorium requests only

that clones themselves be withheld, so the offspring might make it to

store shelves within a few years.

But imagine the labels that would appear if certain rules were in place,

Greenwood said:

" 'This steak's father was a clone.' 'This steak's grandfather was a

clone.' 'This steak's great-grandmother was a clone.'

" At what point does it become absurd? "

Staff researcher Madonna Lebling contributed to this report.


ne Holden, MS, RD

" Ask the Parkinson Dietitian " http://www.parkinson.org/

" Eat well, stay well with Parkinson's disease "

" Parkinson's disease: Guidelines for Medical Nutrition Therapy "


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