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I'm new to this. I have other conditions that are preventing me from working.

The fibro and cfs symptoms I have are only icing on the cake.

What do you do about your life?

It's so hard to get disability. And such a long process. I'm in the middle of

it, but I'm told I won't get it; I'm educated and only 40.

I don't know what to do about, well, survival.

My family is not very understanding, and although they are helping me pay rent

now, they are cutting me off in a month or so. Even so, it's not enough.

Everything is falling apart--overdue bills and stuff. I'm single, and with

health problems, it seems twice as hard to meet someone, so i expect to be

single, well, indefinitely.

It's difficult (read: next to impossible) for me to live with other ppl because

of my health problems (its complicated, but pls just take my word on this.) And

I can't afford to live on my own. The added stress isn't helping.

Where do I go from here?

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