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Re: New here.......don't know what to expect.

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I find that most people think RA is the same as osteoarthritis and no big deal.

I don't tell many people anymore and I run my own small business with family as

employees so I don't have to deal with co-workers fortunately. I recommend

something like Humira, to help slow down the progression, not to just help with

the swelling.


[ ] New here.......don't know what to expect.

Hello, I am new here and am seeking support. My husband is wonderful

and I have alot of suport from him but it is mostly where I work that

doesn't seem to understand. The ladies I work with are all

about " well, I have such and such wrong with me and I still work,

blah blah blah. It's like if you have something wrong with you, they

have it worse.

Anyway, I am at the start of this journey as I see a Rheumatolgist in

two weeks. I have had my blood work done and it is being sent over to

the new dr. I wonder what is ahead of me, what kind of meds I will

have to take and what this pain is all about. How did I get it? Did I

do something wrong and not take care of myself?

I have general body pain and am currently on Vioxx. It doesn't help

much but it does take the edge off the pain. I really don't want to

turn to anything that will make me drowsy or not with it if I can

avoid it. I have been looking at articles on the web about RA. Any

other info will be appreciated. Thanks!

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I know how you feel about work. I had a talking to by my new boss about

dependability. A few weeks earlier I had a tooth infection that swelled my face

up and I didn't miss a day until I had to get the tooth fixed so I missed a few

hours. Then shortly after that I woke up one morning and couldn't use my right

hand and wrist. The pain was so bad I ended up going to emergency where they

told me I had deQuervains tendonytis, had to be in a splint for three weeks and

couldn't use my right. I worked with my hand on a pillow and typed with my

left. (I'm right handed). and my boss had the nerve to talk to me about

dependability... Well, I started to educate her about my illnesses and she

seems to have backed off a little. The same thing with my co-workers. You

can't dump too much information on them at one time. I started out with little

bits of info, like only 2% of Americans have RA and I can't believe I couldn't

believe I almost dropped my frying pan because of the pain this


Good luck with you dr visit and don't be afraid to ask questions.

BTW my maiden name is Kelley. :)


cjkelley112163 <cjkelley112163@...> wrote:

Hello, I am new here and am seeking support. My husband is wonderful

and I have alot of suport from him but it is mostly where I work that

doesn't seem to understand. The ladies I work with are all

about " well, I have such and such wrong with me and I still work,

blah blah blah. It's like if you have something wrong with you, they

have it worse.

Anyway, I am at the start of this journey as I see a Rheumatolgist in

two weeks. I have had my blood work done and it is being sent over to

the new dr. I wonder what is ahead of me, what kind of meds I will

have to take and what this pain is all about. How did I get it? Did I

do something wrong and not take care of myself?

I have general body pain and am currently on Vioxx. It doesn't help

much but it does take the edge off the pain. I really don't want to

turn to anything that will make me drowsy or not with it if I can

avoid it. I have been looking at articles on the web about RA. Any

other info will be appreciated. Thanks!

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In a message dated 18/04/2004 17:54:34 Central Standard Time,

cjkelley112163@... writes:

> The ladies I work with are all

> about " well, I have such and such wrong with me and I still work,

> blah blah blah. It's like if you have something wrong with you, they

> have it worse.


I think it will be unanimous that we all hear that and we all HATE it! I

still work, but it is a struggle most of the time, and my family (parents) just

don't get it either. The weirdest thing is I work with nurses, and they don't

seem to understand it at all for the most part. When a few of the MDs I work

with found out I had RA, they were surprised that I was able to work full

time with it. Every case is different, and each different case seems to change

on a regular basis! Come here to cope, you've got lots of good company.


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In a message dated 18/04/2004 18:26:25 Central Standard Time,

natesmom4@... writes:

> I am always tired. Sometimes I'm more tired, but always tired. There is

> never a time where I am not tired.


I have a friend who is almost 60 and developed RA in his teens. He has a

terrible case. Anyways, he says " I wake up tired, I'm tired all day, I go to


tired, and I wake up tired again " . I think that sums it up fairly well.


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Hi Cary,

I didn't know about the tiredness until I hooked up here. Nobody told me this

was part of it. Now I know why I wake up tired. I am recently diagnosed so am

just beginning to learn about this. You gals have helped so much. Thanks

Judith Ann

Birdijo@... wrote:

In a message dated 18/04/2004 18:26:25 Central Standard Time,

natesmom4@... writes:

> I am always tired. Sometimes I'm more tired, but always tired. There is

> never a time where I am not tired.


I have a friend who is almost 60 and developed RA in his teens. He has a

terrible case. Anyways, he says " I wake up tired, I'm tired all day, I go to


tired, and I wake up tired again " . I think that sums it up fairly well.


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In a message dated 19/04/2004 19:33:28 Central Standard Time,

nsaukko@... writes:

> A young coworker piped up, boy there are sure are hypochondriacs around

> here. She has missed more sick days in two years than I have in 16.

> Somedays......

> Noreen


And I suppose if you choked the young thing they'd suspend you from your job,

even tho it was self defense? Cary

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I work in a doctor's office lab, so it's a medical facility, and even there

they don't understand.

One coworker was asking my why I wasn't wearing my contacts anymore. I said

my eyes are too dry and I can't stand them. Then I told her with being

almost menopausal, have RA, and being on both blood pressure meds and

prozac, and since all of those dry your eyes, I finally gave up.

A young coworker piped up, boy there are sure are hypochondriacs around

here. She has missed more sick days in two years than I have in 16.



Re: [ ] New here.......don't know what to expect.

> I know how you feel about work. I had a talking to by my new boss about

dependability. A few weeks earlier I had a tooth infection that swelled my

face up and I didn't miss a day until I had to get the tooth fixed so I

missed a few hours. Then shortly after that I woke up one morning and

couldn't use my right hand and wrist. The pain was so bad I ended up going

to emergency where they told me I had deQuervains tendonytis, had to be in a

splint for three weeks and couldn't use my right. I worked with my hand on

a pillow and typed with my left. (I'm right handed). and my boss had the

nerve to talk to me about dependability... Well, I started to educate her

about my illnesses and she seems to have backed off a little. The same

thing with my co-workers. You can't dump too much information on them at

one time. I started out with little bits of info, like only 2% of Americans

have RA and I can't believe I couldn't believe I almost dropped my frying

pan because of the pain this

> weekend.


> Good luck with you dr visit and don't be afraid to ask questions.


> BTW my maiden name is Kelley. :)


> Peggy


> cjkelley112163 <cjkelley112163@...> wrote:

> Hello, I am new here and am seeking support. My husband is wonderful

> and I have alot of suport from him but it is mostly where I work that

> doesn't seem to understand. The ladies I work with are all

> about " well, I have such and such wrong with me and I still work,

> blah blah blah. It's like if you have something wrong with you, they

> have it worse.


> Anyway, I am at the start of this journey as I see a Rheumatolgist in

> two weeks. I have had my blood work done and it is being sent over to

> the new dr. I wonder what is ahead of me, what kind of meds I will

> have to take and what this pain is all about. How did I get it? Did I

> do something wrong and not take care of myself?


> I have general body pain and am currently on Vioxx. It doesn't help

> much but it does take the edge off the pain. I really don't want to

> turn to anything that will make me drowsy or not with it if I can

> avoid it. I have been looking at articles on the web about RA. Any

> other info will be appreciated. Thanks!






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" And I suppose if you choked the young thing they'd suspend you from your job,

even tho it was self defense? Cary "

I'm still looking for that way to get away with it.


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Just tell her that she will remember what she said 20-30 years from now when she

has medical issues and will feel guilty for her attitude - what goes around

comes around. Sorry, guess that isn't nice but I'm not feeling nice tonight. I

took my 8th grader to Dillard's Department store to buy her a graduation dress.

We had to make a few other stops in the mall and each time I pulled to the

nearest entrance, parked in handicapped, and walked the few steps to the store.

Dillards was our last stop. I pulled in a small chair in the dressing room that

was sitting right outside the dressing room so I could sit while she tried on

dresses. I got up once to find her a different size and when I went back to

give her the dress, all of the clothes were taken away and put back on the

racks. She was the only one in the dressing room and a smart-mouth little #$%

told me when I asked her what happened to the clothes that " someone left them on

the chair that wasn't supposed to be there and she put them away " . I told her I

put the chair there, they were my daughters potential purchases, that I needed

to sit because I have medical problems and if I sat on the floor I could not get

up. She proceeded to yell at me for putting a chair " where it didn't belong "

and took it and moved it out of the dressing room. I told her I needed to help

my daughter and had to sit in there and she yelled at me again. Well, she found

out I could yell louder! I just flipped out and she treated me worse than

anyone has ever treated me before! I was in shock and demanded to see the

manager. I spewed a few things such as " I will contact the Office for Civil

Rights for discrimination against a handicapped person, quoting a violation of

ADA and Section 504, etc " . They probably had no idea what I meant but I knew

the right words and things started hopping. To make matters worse, or I should

say more embarrassing, our state representative's wife and daughters were there

at that point (they are friends of ours) and they heard it all. I was so

humiliated. I sent my daughter to the car so she would not be further

embarrassed. The hateful sales clerk had her group of friends giggling and they

appeared to be potential shoplifters (this store is not in a great area and has

a high rate of theft). I told the manager that she would have to remove my

credit transaction from the register so the girl did not have the potential to

use my credit card information. She did that immediately. I am a former

mystery shopper for the company that mystery shops this store so I told them I

knew the mystery shoppers to report to. It was quite a scene and one I would

not care to repeat but my adrenaline was really shooting. Tomorrow should be

interesting to see what action they take. I am going to file an ADA complaint

about it. I still can't believe she took my chair away! The manager said there

was no rule about a chair in the dressing room. I told them I would also

contact the local news station about it and give them lots of publicity. Guess

they found out this chubby little old woman had some life still in her!


Re: [ ] New here.......don't know what to expect.

" And I suppose if you choked the young thing they'd suspend you from your job,

even tho it was self defense? Cary "

I'm still looking for that way to get away with it.


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Good for you Becky. I always found the atmosphere in Dillards a little less than

yuk> Go get em.

Judith Ann

natesmom4@... wrote:

Just tell her that she will remember what she said 20-30 years from now when she

has medical issues and will feel guilty for her attitude - what goes around

comes around. Sorry, guess that isn't nice but I'm not feeling nice tonight. I

took my 8th grader to Dillard's Department store to buy her a graduation dress.

We had to make a few other stops in the mall and each time I pulled to the

nearest entrance, parked in handicapped, and walked the few steps to the store.

Dillards was our last stop. I pulled in a small chair in the dressing room that

was sitting right outside the dressing room so I could sit while she tried on

dresses. I got up once to find her a different size and when I went back to

give her the dress, all of the clothes were taken away and put back on the

racks. She was the only one in the dressing room and a smart-mouth little #$%

told me when I asked her what happened to the clothes that " someone left them on

the chair that wasn't supposed to be there and she

put them away " . I told her I put the chair there, they were my daughters

potential purchases, that I needed to sit because I have medical problems and if

I sat on the floor I could not get up. She proceeded to yell at me for putting

a chair " where it didn't belong " and took it and moved it out of the dressing

room. I told her I needed to help my daughter and had to sit in there and she

yelled at me again. Well, she found out I could yell louder! I just flipped

out and she treated me worse than anyone has ever treated me before! I was in

shock and demanded to see the manager. I spewed a few things such as " I will

contact the Office for Civil Rights for discrimination against a handicapped

person, quoting a violation of ADA and Section 504, etc " . They probably had no

idea what I meant but I knew the right words and things started hopping. To

make matters worse, or I should say more embarrassing, our state

representative's wife and daughters were there at that point (they are

friends of ours) and they heard it all. I was so humiliated. I sent my

daughter to the car so she would not be further embarrassed. The hateful sales

clerk had her group of friends giggling and they appeared to be potential

shoplifters (this store is not in a great area and has a high rate of theft). I

told the manager that she would have to remove my credit transaction from the

register so the girl did not have the potential to use my credit card

information. She did that immediately. I am a former mystery shopper for the

company that mystery shops this store so I told them I knew the mystery shoppers

to report to. It was quite a scene and one I would not care to repeat but my

adrenaline was really shooting. Tomorrow should be interesting to see what

action they take. I am going to file an ADA complaint about it. I still can't

believe she took my chair away! The manager said there was no rule about a

chair in the dressing room. I told them I would also contact the

local news station about it and give them lots of publicity. Guess they found

out this chubby little old woman had some life still in her!


Re: [ ] New here.......don't know what to expect.

" And I suppose if you choked the young thing they'd suspend you from your job,

even tho it was self defense? Cary "

I'm still looking for that way to get away with it.


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I got a call from the store manager today and she was very apologetic. Now that

I am calmed down I realize the clerk was only one person and not representative

of the whole store. She will probably no longer have her job as they are taking

it very seriously. I'm sure having a state representative's family witness it

all probably made it more credible on my part. Only in my



Re: [ ] New here.......don't know what to expect.

Alright Becky! Good for you. I hope the clerk gets fired.


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Hi, I would like to welcome you to the group. It is very hard for

people to understand, they just don't seem to get it. When I first

found out that I had RA, I would try to explain, but some people just

don't listen. You just have to do the best you can, and not worry

about them. It might help to get some literature from your doctor's

office on RA, maybe that might help.

I will keep you in my prayers, let us know about your visit to the

rheumatologist, best wishes, Tawny

> Hello, I am new here and am seeking support. My husband is


> and I have alot of suport from him but it is mostly where I work


> doesn't seem to understand. The ladies I work with are all

> about " well, I have such and such wrong with me and I still work,

> blah blah blah. It's like if you have something wrong with you,


> have it worse.


> Anyway, I am at the start of this journey as I see a Rheumatolgist


> two weeks. I have had my blood work done and it is being sent over


> the new dr. I wonder what is ahead of me, what kind of meds I will

> have to take and what this pain is all about. How did I get it? Did


> do something wrong and not take care of myself?


> I have general body pain and am currently on Vioxx. It doesn't help

> much but it does take the edge off the pain. I really don't want to

> turn to anything that will make me drowsy or not with it if I can

> avoid it. I have been looking at articles on the web about RA. Any

> other info will be appreciated. Thanks!

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Noreen, that job is definitely bad for your health!

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


Re: [ ] New here.......don't know what to expect.

> Coworkers,,grr.

> I work in a doctor's office lab, so it's a medical facility, and even


> they don't understand.

> One coworker was asking my why I wasn't wearing my contacts anymore. I


> my eyes are too dry and I can't stand them. Then I told her with being

> almost menopausal, have RA, and being on both blood pressure meds and

> prozac, and since all of those dry your eyes, I finally gave up.

> A young coworker piped up, boy there are sure are hypochondriacs


> here. She has missed more sick days in two years than I have in 16.

> Somedays......

> Noreen

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