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Re: Always Tired

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Have you had a thorough physical exam by your primary care physician,

and have you told the doc about this feeling of tiredness and needing

so much sleep? Sounds like a problem he (she) needs to know

about...are you on any medications that have drowsiness as a side

effect? and do you take a good general vitamen/mineral supplement?


sallypimentel wrote:

I am always tired!!!! Have had both hips replaced and arthritis in

both knees, hip replacements successful and have been working full

time. I find I need to sleep at least 9 to 10 hours at night and

then I'm still dragging during the day. Do all joint replacemnt

people get so tired? Is this part of arthritis? Any information or

suggestions most appreciated.


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I echo Marilyn's suggestion, and make sure the exam

includes blood tests for anemia, a frequent cause of

chronic fatigue.

--- Marilyn <mwelton@...> wrote:

> Have you had a thorough physical exam by your

> primary care physician,

> and have you told the doc about this feeling of

> tiredness and needing so

> much sleep? Sounds like a problem he (she) needs to

> know about...are

> you on any medications that have drowsiness as a

> side effect? and do

> you take a good general vitamen/mineral supplement?

> Marilyn


> sallypimentel wrote:


> > I am always tired!!!! Have had both hips replaced

> and arthritis in

> > both knees, hip replacements successful and have

> been working full

> > time. I find I need to sleep at least 9 to 10

> hours at night and

> > then I'm still dragging during the day. Do all

> joint replacemnt

> > people get so tired? Is this part of arthritis?

> Any information or

> > suggestions most appreciated.

> > Sally

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> I am always tired!!!! Have had both hips replaced and arthritis in

> both knees, hip replacements successful and have been working full

> time. I find I need to sleep at least 9 to 10 hours at night and

> then I'm still dragging during the day. Do all joint replacemnt

> people get so tired? Is this part of arthritis? Any information


> suggestions most appreciated.

> Sally

One more consideration is the effect of the 'assault' (or 'insult') to

you body caused by the surgery itself. Even with all else doing well,

it takes time to recover, and the recovery takes energy, leaving you

less for daily living. I am 9 weeks out now, and still not back to

the energy level I had before the surgery. Part of the problem is that

I don't sleep nearly as well since the surgery, but even allowing for

that, I find I need a lot more sleep than I used to.

I have managed to stop all the pain medication, and perhaps going back

on it may give me better sleep, better healing and therefore more


I will have to think about that quite a bit before I start the

medication again.

I have found that some of the meds make me sleepy, while others (the

ones I used only in the mornings) keep me awake.


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  • 5 weeks later...
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In a message dated 19/04/2004 17:37:02 Central Standard Time,

mich.lynch@... writes:


> OK. So is there *anything* you can do about being so bleeping tired all the

> time? Other than sleeping 14 hours a day? Or do I just learn to chase

> after my very energetic 3 and 5 year olds on half to one-quarter power? Diet

> Coke just isn't cutting it.


> Michele, also very new


Hi Michele-

For me, when the Remicade cools the jets on my joint pain, it also lessens my

fatigue somewhat. It doesn't ever go away, but it does get a little better.

I can get by on 10 hours sleep instead of 14! I do know that I have always

loved coffee and iced tea, but there just isn't enough caffeine on the planet

to get rid of that fatigue. I just get tired and twitchy, and maybe kinda

bitchy! My poem for the day..............Cary

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For me, Enbrel helps with the fatigue. Also, I'm retired and can and do

sleep late every day unless I have an early appointment. I remember how

3 and 5 year olds will not allow this, LOL. I was lucky that RA didn't

strike me until I was 60. I do sympathize with you. Is there anyone who

can take care of the kids occasionally so that you can have a break? Or

can you take them to daycare once a week? I really don't know how you

young mothers manage with RA. Good luck. Sue

On Monday, April 19, 2004, at 06:18 PM, Michele Lynch wrote:

> OK. So is there *anything* you can do about being so bleeping tired

> all the time? Other than sleeping 14 hours a day? Or do I just learn

> to chase after my very energetic 3 and 5 year olds on half to

> one-quarter power? Diet Coke just isn't cutting it.

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Provigil helps a lot but it's difficult to get your insurance to pay for it.


Re: [ ] New here.......don't know what to expect.


> Hi Cary,

> I didn't know about the tiredness until I hooked up here. Nobody told me

this was part of it. Now I know why I wake up tired. I am recently diagnosed

so am just beginning to learn about this. You gals have helped so much. Thanks

> Judith Ann


> Birdijo@... wrote:

> In a message dated 18/04/2004 18:26:25 Central Standard Time,

> natesmom4@... writes:



> > I am always tired. Sometimes I'm more tired, but always tired. There is

> > never a time where I am not tired.

> >


> I have a friend who is almost 60 and developed RA in his teens. He has a

> terrible case. Anyways, he says " I wake up tired, I'm tired all day, I go

to bed

> tired, and I wake up tired again " . I think that sums it up fairly well.

> Cary




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