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Re: my most recent embarresing moment :)

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You showed great ingenuity in fixing your skirt! I'm still giggling,

as it reminded me of a similar situation when I was in high school.

My grandmother would never allow me to wear pants, and when I was a

senior, my class took a trip to Disneyland. My best girlfriend

sneaked me a pair of her slacks, never mind the fact that she was a

size 8 and I was a size 14. When I stepped into the first ride,

there was a loud " RIP " , and the only thing I could find to fix them

was one of the little mini staplers. They held together (it was the

rear seam) until the next ride, when the staples ripped out, and INTO

my crack! I came home with my skirt on, and one very sore rear end,

and also had to find a way to pay Norma back for the ruined slacks.

Thanks for the chuckle,


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, You really put a smile on my face. I know that at the time it

wasn't funny, but wow what a time. I hope that the presentation went

well, I'm sure it did with your great attitude.

I am not having much pain right now, so that is a good thing. It's

just problems here at the homefront that I have to deal with, you

know how it is. Thanks so much for sharing your moment, and thinking

about us all, hugs Tawny

--- In , " McKinnon L " <nmckinno@s...>


> I hope I can bring some laughter into someone's day today by

telling you of my most recent embarressing moment: (I've been

laughing about it since it happened) (I seem to have a problem with



> Throughout this semester, (I'm a student) I have spent a great

deal oftime preparing a group project to present to all of my

professors and peers (usually about 50-75 people are there) As I am

someone who loves to please people, this presentation was a big

deal. I wanted to show all of my professors and peers that I am a

capable person and will be a good/knowlegeable therapist. So this

presentation was last Friday. I was in a classroom getting ready and

practicing before the presenation. I needed to fix something in my

presentation so I bent down to put my disc in the computer when I

heard this 'RRRIIIIPPP'. I stood up and asked my group member who

was standing behind me if she could see the rip in my skirt. She

said no. I felt the back of my skirt for the rip. Instead of

feeling the seam, I felt cheeks. Of course, I was wondering how she

could not see the rip in my skirt if I was feeling cheeks. I started

to walk toward my bag to see if I had any safetly pins etc when she

told me that she could definately see skin.

> So I ran around for a few minutes trying to find safetly pins, or

call some classmates to bring pins/needle & thread. We couldn't find

anyone/anything. So I had someone who was out in the hallway run and

find me a stapler. So, the biggest presentation of the year, (the

2nd biggest presentation of my college career) was delivered with

staples in my skirt. This was actually a good thing (believe it or

not) because I was laughing too hard before the presentation to be

too stressed out. (at least this time I wasn't climbing up on a

table when my skirt ripped - like when I was in HS)

> (Oh, and when I went out after the presentation to relax with a

frient, I ripped my skirt even farther)there's nothing like standing

in a bar with a skirt that is ripped almost up to the waistband :) -

glad i didn't take off my jacket like my friend wanted me too!


> Jan,

> Are you actually moving to AZ in June?? Having lived there and

having moved in the summer can I recommend that you do NOT move in

the summer? Even if you hire movers to do all of the work, the heat

will really wear on you. All of those little trips in and out of the

house and all of the moving and unpacking etc is really tough to deal

with. (and I lived there when I was younger and healthy!)



> I'm glad you " hit " the door and hope that you are now planning on

walking through it. You can do it!!


> Tawny,

> I'm sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time right now.

You have always offered so much support and encouragement to anyone

here who needs it. Let me know if there is anything I can do for

you. (Email me privately if you wish)


> Hugs to everyone.

> McK in VA

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, I think I'd stick to pants from now on.,


[ ] my most recent embarresing moment :)

I hope I can bring some laughter into someone's day today by telling you of my

most recent embarressing moment: (I've been laughing about it since it happened)

(I seem to have a problem with skirts)

Throughout this semester, (I'm a student) I have spent a great deal oftime

preparing a group project to present to all of my professors and peers (usually

about 50-75 people are there) As I am someone who loves to please people, this

presentation was a big deal. I wanted to show all of my professors and peers

that I am a capable person and will be a good/knowlegeable therapist. So this

presentation was last Friday. I was in a classroom getting ready and practicing

before the presenation. I needed to fix something in my presentation so I bent

down to put my disc in the computer when I heard this 'RRRIIIIPPP'. I stood up

and asked my group member who was standing behind me if she could see the rip in

my skirt. She said no. I felt the back of my skirt for the rip. Instead of

feeling the seam, I felt cheeks. Of course, I was wondering how she could not

see the rip in my skirt if I was feeling cheeks. I started to walk toward my

bag to see if I had any safetly pins etc when she told me that she could

definately see skin.

So I ran around for a few minutes trying to find safetly pins, or call some

classmates to bring pins/needle & thread. We couldn't find anyone/anything. So

I had someone who was out in the hallway run and find me a stapler. So, the

biggest presentation of the year, (the 2nd biggest presentation of my college

career) was delivered with staples in my skirt. This was actually a good thing

(believe it or not) because I was laughing too hard before the presentation to

be too stressed out. (at least this time I wasn't climbing up on a table when

my skirt ripped - like when I was in HS)

(Oh, and when I went out after the presentation to relax with a frient, I

ripped my skirt even farther)there's nothing like standing in a bar with a skirt

that is ripped almost up to the waistband :) - glad i didn't take off my jacket

like my friend wanted me too!


Are you actually moving to AZ in June?? Having lived there and having moved

in the summer can I recommend that you do NOT move in the summer? Even if you

hire movers to do all of the work, the heat will really wear on you. All of

those little trips in and out of the house and all of the moving and unpacking

etc is really tough to deal with. (and I lived there when I was younger and


I'm glad you " hit " the door and hope that you are now planning on walking

through it. You can do it!!


I'm sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time right now. You have

always offered so much support and encouragement to anyone here who needs it.

Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. (Email me privately if you


Hugs to everyone.

McK in VA

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LOL, !

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] my most recent embarresing moment :)

> I hope I can bring some laughter into someone's day today by telling

you of my most recent embarressing moment: (I've been laughing about it

since it happened) (I seem to have a problem with skirts)


> Throughout this semester, (I'm a student) I have spent a great deal

oftime preparing a group project to present to all of my professors and

peers (usually about 50-75 people are there) As I am someone who loves

to please people, this presentation was a big deal. I wanted to show

all of my professors and peers that I am a capable person and will be a

good/knowlegeable therapist. So this presentation was last Friday. I

was in a classroom getting ready and practicing before the presenation.

I needed to fix something in my presentation so I bent down to put my

disc in the computer when I heard this 'RRRIIIIPPP'. I stood up and

asked my group member who was standing behind me if she could see the

rip in my skirt. She said no. I felt the back of my skirt for the rip.

Instead of feeling the seam, I felt cheeks. Of course, I was wondering

how she could not see the rip in my skirt if I was feeling cheeks. I

started to walk toward my bag to see if I had any safetly pins etc when

she told me that she could definately see skin.

> So I ran around for a few minutes trying to find safetly pins, or call

some classmates to bring pins/needle & thread. We couldn't find

anyone/anything. So I had someone who was out in the hallway run and

find me a stapler. So, the biggest presentation of the year, (the 2nd

biggest presentation of my college career) was delivered with staples in

my skirt. This was actually a good thing (believe it or not) because I

was laughing too hard before the presentation to be too stressed out.

(at least this time I wasn't climbing up on a table when my skirt

ripped - like when I was in HS)

> (Oh, and when I went out after the presentation to relax with a

frient, I ripped my skirt even farther)there's nothing like standing in

a bar with a skirt that is ripped almost up to the waistband :) - glad i

didn't take off my jacket like my friend wanted me too!


> Jan,

> Are you actually moving to AZ in June?? Having lived there and having

moved in the summer can I recommend that you do NOT move in the summer?

Even if you hire movers to do all of the work, the heat will really wear

on you. All of those little trips in and out of the house and all of

the moving and unpacking etc is really tough to deal with. (and I lived

there when I was younger and healthy!)



> I'm glad you " hit " the door and hope that you are now planning on

walking through it. You can do it!!


> Tawny,

> I'm sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time right now. You

have always offered so much support and encouragement to anyone here who

needs it. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. (Email

me privately if you wish)


> Hugs to everyone.

> McK in VA

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Ha! Ha! Thank you for a good chuckle! Very glad that you had a

wonderful attitude about it- Hey! Stuff happens in life. I

recently had my 'shining' moment also.

I was feeling frisky that afternoon. So I went outside to start

preping for my landscaping. I was working in the front yard and

hubby and kids were playing in the fenced backyard. I had worked my

way to a corner bed and the kids could see me through the fence. I

was walking back to the front (out of their view), while pushing our

extremely large trashcan with it's extremely big hinged lid open

while carrying a rake. Son yells to me and I turn my head to smile

at him. Somehow, I stepped on the trashcan lid. Chain reaction.

Trashcan flys down, I go down, hand holding rake in a nice grip rams

into the ground. I somehow ended up IN our big trashcan- rolling

around. Hand is agony! For a few minutes all I could do was lay in

the trashcan with 1 leg and the other foot protruding, crying. I

got control of myself and climbed out the thing. Stand up- I have a

very large fat hand, cuts all over my arms and legs from all the

sticker bushes I had just tossed in the can, some big bumps forming

on both arms and legs where I hit the can while flying in and alot

of purple finger paint all over my hair, face and shirt from paper

plates I had tossed in the can before yardwork from where the kids

had been doing some Art & Crafts. I look over and there are 3 of my

neighbors just standing across the street- staring at me with their

mouths open. All that I could do was start laughing while trying to

wipe off the tears. I laughed all the way into the house and when I

explained to hubby what had happened- his first response was " I wish

that I could have seen that! " . I still chuckle (even 3 weeks later

and still have a fat hand and bruises)- could not have done that one

if I had wanted to. For some reason my neighors are avoiding

me. ;) D.

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" purple finger paint all over my hair, face and shirt "

" For some reason my neighors are avoiding me. "

I think I see the connection here.

Hope you are OK, but funny story.


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In a message dated 02/04/2004 09:11:03 Central Standard Time,

edalfrey@... writes:

> I somehow ended up IN our big trashcan- rolling

> around.

Oh My Goodness!!!!!!!!!!!! Your poor neighbors-probably didn't know whether

to help, laugh, or go hide and pretend they didn't see you! I'm glad you're

okay, and thanks for the story!!!!!! Cary

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, you're right. If you had TRIED to accomplish such a feat,

you never could have. That is an amazing story! I bet you wish you had

it on video, don't you? heheehe

Thanks for giving me a good laugh. I'm glad that you could laugh at

yourself, as I was able to laugh at myself over my recent pond

adventure. Laughter is good for the soul, and the body as well. It

makes the brain release endorphins or something, which probably helps

even RA. Sue

On Friday, April 2, 2004, at 12:30 AM, D. wrote:

> Ha! Ha! Thank you for a good chuckle! Very glad that you had a

> wonderful attitude about it- Hey! Stuff happens in life. I

> recently had my 'shining' moment also.

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Sorry you were hurt, but what a funny story, !

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Re: my most recent embarresing moment :)

> Ha! Ha! Thank you for a good chuckle! Very glad that you had a

> wonderful attitude about it- Hey! Stuff happens in life. I

> recently had my 'shining' moment also.


> I was feeling frisky that afternoon. So I went outside to start

> preping for my landscaping. I was working in the front yard and

> hubby and kids were playing in the fenced backyard. I had worked my

> way to a corner bed and the kids could see me through the fence. I

> was walking back to the front (out of their view), while pushing our

> extremely large trashcan with it's extremely big hinged lid open

> while carrying a rake. Son yells to me and I turn my head to smile

> at him. Somehow, I stepped on the trashcan lid. Chain reaction.

> Trashcan flys down, I go down, hand holding rake in a nice grip rams

> into the ground. I somehow ended up IN our big trashcan- rolling

> around. Hand is agony! For a few minutes all I could do was lay in

> the trashcan with 1 leg and the other foot protruding, crying. I

> got control of myself and climbed out the thing. Stand up- I have a

> very large fat hand, cuts all over my arms and legs from all the

> sticker bushes I had just tossed in the can, some big bumps forming

> on both arms and legs where I hit the can while flying in and alot

> of purple finger paint all over my hair, face and shirt from paper

> plates I had tossed in the can before yardwork from where the kids

> had been doing some Art & Crafts. I look over and there are 3 of my

> neighbors just standing across the street- staring at me with their

> mouths open. All that I could do was start laughing while trying to

> wipe off the tears. I laughed all the way into the house and when I

> explained to hubby what had happened- his first response was " I wish

> that I could have seen that! " . I still chuckle (even 3 weeks later

> and still have a fat hand and bruises)- could not have done that one

> if I had wanted to. For some reason my neighors are avoiding

> me. ;) D.

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