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Total Hip Replacement

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Arthritis Foundation

Total hip replacement animation:



University of Washington Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine

" What is Hip Replacement? A Review of Total Hip Arthroplasty, Hip

Resurfacing, and Minimally-invasive Hip Surgery " :


University of Iowa Virtual Hospital

" Total Hip Replacement: A Guide for Patients " :


National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

" Questions and Answers about Hip Replacement " :


I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Germaine,

I was scared before my first THR in '93,and I was

REALLY scared before having that same THR revised on 6/28/05.But

really,the discomfort you'll have after surgery will seem like a

cakewalk when you compare it to the pain and discomfort you've been

living with for so long. Don't let the restrictions scare you from

doing this,most are temporary.Yes,there will be some things you just

will not be able to do so you can protect your hip,but the majority

of your life will be restored to you.

After my first THR and the initial healing period,I was back to

working on my feet in a muffler shop in three months.Then,I moved to

the country and was cleaning stalls,fixing our barn,slinging hay

bales and stuff like that,just like nothing ever happened,and it

felt WONDERFUL!! There was no pain until recently(April)when my

first operation finally wore out and a revision was in

order.Now,because of the work they had to do this time,I may be more

restricted in what I do than last time,but it will still be better

than living in constant pain.

Give it some very serious thought and remember that the benefits

will FAR outweigh the temporary setbacks you will put up

with.Honestly,don't be too fearful,it'll be OK.


> Hi everyone! I am new to the board and still have questions! I am

> really concerned about having my LTHR done.I have babied my left


> soooo much that I do still have better days than others. The pain

> happens when I go up and down stairs and normal walking.Which I


> do much shopping or go anywhere that requires alot of


> I'm ready for the pain.Does anyone know of anything else that can


> done when I've already had hip arthroscopy done? That didn't


> Like I've said before I have hip Displasia and arthritis.I can't


> because of the pain and I just wish there was another option!!!!I


> I'm just asking for a miracle.Like I said if I sit around don't do

> much It's not to bad.I do want to get my life back activity wise


> live again!!!!I just don't like the restrictions I'll have.But no


> would be wonderful!!!!I live in Wisconsin and am wondering if any

> other Doctor has less restrictions after I'm healed and walking


> again. Thanks! Germaine

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The post-op restrictions you'll probably have for a short time after

surgery will be nothing compared with the restrictions you are

currently living under. And I quote from your post:

" ...I don't do much shopping or go anywhere that requires a lot of

walking...unless I'm ready for the pain...I can't work because of the

pain...if I sit around don't do much It's not too bad... "

Listen to yourself. Is this any kind of life? If necessary, stop

reading these boards and fixating on things like post-op restrictions

and instead go out and find yourself a surgeon who has fixed lots of

hips like yours and whom you trust. Many so-called restrictions for

the short term and are likely to be lifted once you are, as you put

it, " healed and walking around again. " Different surgeons may give

you slightly differing views on restrictions and by all means, ask

what these will be and how long they will last. You deserve to know

up front.

I have some precautions that I follow even now many years post-op but

they are common sense things to reduce the likelihood of dislocation

and infection and are no big deal and not at all limiting. I truly

do have my life back, can pick up that $100 bill from the floor, walk

miles pain-free and without a cane or pain, shop til I drop, tie my

shoes, blah, blah, blah.

Obviously babying your hip won't make it better. And the miracle


that you're looking for is right under your nose - it's called a hip

replacement and thousands of people have them every year and they

really do work.

I know. I've had two of them, got my life back, and, aside from

conducting my life in such a way that increases the likelihood that


hips might outlive me, I make few concessions to my bionic state. It

can happen to you too.

> Hi everyone! I am new to the board and still have questions! I am

> really concerned about having my LTHR done.I have babied my left


> soooo much that I do still have better days than others. The pain

> happens when I go up and down stairs and normal walking.Which I


> do much shopping or go anywhere that requires alot of


> I'm ready for the pain.Does anyone know of anything else that can


> done when I've already had hip arthroscopy done? That didn't work!!!

> Like I've said before I have hip Displasia and arthritis.I can't


> because of the pain and I just wish there was another option!!!!I


> I'm just asking for a miracle.Like I said if I sit around don't do

> much It's not to bad.I do want to get my life back activity wise


> live again!!!!I just don't like the restrictions I'll have.But no


> would be wonderful!!!!I live in Wisconsin and am wondering if any

> other Doctor has less restrictions after I'm healed and walking


> again. Thanks! Germaine

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I agree with everyone on this. Get it done. Restrictions are not

always for life. My doc told me they were. On my last visit he said

I was strong enough and not to worry about dislocation. So the only

restrictions I follow are the no running, jumping and kicking. Short

sprints are fine. Just no marathons. Jumping isn't good for the

knees either and I really have no disire to kick!

You will get your life back. Life is too short to be in pain.


> > Hi everyone! I am new to the board and still have questions! I am

> > really concerned about having my LTHR done.I have babied my left

> hip

> > soooo much that I do still have better days than others. The pain

> > happens when I go up and down stairs and normal walking.Which I

> don't

> > do much shopping or go anywhere that requires alot of

> walking.Unless

> > I'm ready for the pain.Does anyone know of anything else that can

> be

> > done when I've already had hip arthroscopy done? That didn't


> > Like I've said before I have hip Displasia and arthritis.I can't

> work

> > because of the pain and I just wish there was another option!!!!I

> know

> > I'm just asking for a miracle.Like I said if I sit around don't


> > much It's not to bad.I do want to get my life back activity wise

> and

> > live again!!!!I just don't like the restrictions I'll have.But no

> pain

> > would be wonderful!!!!I live in Wisconsin and am wondering if any

> > other Doctor has less restrictions after I'm healed and walking

> around

> > again. Thanks! Germaine

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