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Hello to my RA-Support Family....

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As you can see by the number of posts I've made today and yesterday...I am

cleaning out some of my files. I arrived back from AZ late Saturday night and

drove to Hemet (around a 2 - 3 hour dr) Sunday to visit a 94 year old lady in a

senior complex. She is really pretty spry and has her own apartment but no

longer drives since she gave up her car three years ago. My friend that I went

with and I had planned to swing over to Indio (another 2 hour dr) to visit

someone else from there but the lady was so happy to have visitors, she insisted

on taking us out to dinner where we talked and talked. Besides, being spry, her

mind was sharp as a tack and the visit was really enjoyed. Didn't arrive back

again in San Diego until late. Started my whole routine over again...taking

Richie to school and picking him up. Paid bills and ran errands that hadn't

been done because of the 4 days away from home. I am paying for this now but It

is not that bad and I have the feeling the flair is just

a small one. Thank goodness, my friend 's nearly 16 year old daughter

helps me nearly every day (including when I was gone) to get things organized,

packed, and cleaned in anticipation of the big move. The house closes on the

12th and I will have two more days to move out. So far, things have been moving

smoothly and the termite inspector, appraisal, buyer inspection, repair on the

shower stall and wall in the garage (to be done tomorrow morning), termite

gassing (subterranean), all papers so far to be signed and etc. have gone

without a hitch. Almost everything has been packed that is not essential and

moved into storage. This weekend will see quite a bit more go as well as next

week. On top of it all, my daughter Jeanna, who was discharged from the Army in

September announced to me two days ago, all her household things she had in

storage on the base (Ft Irwin) are going to be delivered to my house on Friday

morning. Thanks a lot kiddo. She is living in Yuma now and

told me " Well, I didn't have enough money to rent a storage room so had to have

it go to you. " She was told this.... " Well, if you don't get it out of here

before I turn the keys over to the new owners, it will be left and they can

dispose of it anyway they want to because I'm not putting out any more money for

you. " I think she might be back in town this weekend.....doesn't want to see

that happen. So far, it looks like Richie and I will be staying with the same

girlfriend and her husband that I stayed with during the flooding and the fires

until he finishes school in mid-June. It looks like there is a 50/50 chance he

may go to his mothers after school but somehow I don't think she will take him

as she may have a job next week and she sure doesn't like putting money out on

babysitters for him. I was in Phoenix last week for three days and started the

ball rolling on my new home and it is supposed to be ready the last of May. I

will have to go no mail after the 13th because I

will not have regular access to a computer until mine is set on line in AZ in

June. I am excited about this move even with some trepidations. I feel 100%

better in AZ even though the heat does get quite high there, however, the way

everything is air-conditioned, if I do go out, I will not get over heated.

Well, here I am again writing a book....maybe.... a chapter anyway....so will

close for now. Just wanted to let you know how things are going in my neck of

the woods. I will try to post more often now that the work around here is almost

all but finished. Take care all and reserve some of that in the form of TLC for

yourself. You deserve it.

Jan =^..^=

~ " We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a

little of each other everywhere. " ~

~ " If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the

entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. "

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You know you will be missed until you get settled.:-( I always look forward

to your recipe postings.

Had to chuckle about your daughter. My DD has been married for 10 years,

lived with her husband for 2 years before that and you know I am still

trying to get her " junk " out of this house!!! LOL I think our kids will

always feel comfortable with keeping their " memmories " in our homes. I

have found that having a grandchild is an excellent way for getting rid of

DD's stuff. As our granddaughter gets older, I just give the items to her!

LOL She then takes the items home. Hehehehe There is a method to my

madness!! LOL


in Ct.

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