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Starting methotrexate

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I'd like to hear people's experiences of starting oral MTX--I will be

next week. How much did you start with and how did it go? Anyone have

the experience of starting at a certain dose and needing to lower it

for awhile? Any med. I've ever been on seems like " too much " .



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Good luck, Sierra! How much MTX will you be taking? 7.5 mg per week is a

common starting point. I hope you're going to be taking folic acid, too.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Starting methotrexate

> I'd like to hear people's experiences of starting oral MTX--I will be

> next week. How much did you start with and how did it go? Anyone have

> the experience of starting at a certain dose and needing to lower it

> for awhile? Any med. I've ever been on seems like " too much " .


> Thanks!


> Sierra

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  • 1 year later...

Hi susan,

I think we are all a little different but my fatigue was bad the day

after I took the MTX and less so the rest of the week. Folic acid

supplements helped some. Has your doc prescribed them? If it were me

I'd start it on a day when you don't have to worry about working the

next day until you see how your body reacts to it. good luck!

best wishes,


> Hi, anyone and everyone who will listen. PA is a new diagnosis for

> me. I've had psoriasis,(which is very mild psoriasis) for over 20

> years. Have the flair ups when I'm stressed or in the winter.


> started having the arthritis symptoms over the past year or so. I


> a new dermatologist this week and she prescribed MTX. I am not


> alot of pain or have the sausage fingers etc, but want to stop the

> disease progresion. The side effects of this medication is very

> scary. I just don't know what to do. My insurance will not cover

> Enbrel, at this time. I'm a registered nurse, so I am very active


> on my feet 4-5 days a week. I'm not sure how long the fatigue will

> last or when you start feeling the fatigue. Does it last for hours


> days?? I need to start this medication either today or next


> My shift starts at 5:00 tomorrow morning, which means I need to get


> at 3:00 am. Will I be able to function if I take it today?? I am

> trying to get in touch with my brother who is a pharmacist, to ask


> questions about MTX, but he hasn't returned my call. If anyone out

> there, has any suggestions, or positive experiences with MTX,


> write back. Thanks, and God Bless You!!

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If you are taking MTX make sure you take folic acid. I couldn't take MTX.

I tried the pills and then the injections. It made me sick as a dog whew I

couldn't function at all. Most people don't have such a severe reaction but

it is nasty stuff. It did, however, force my insurance provider to cover

Enbrel. I had the same experience as you. I had mild P for 20 years until

the PA manifested in my hands starting as yours has. Enbrel has been a

miracle for me. You might consider telling your RD that you can't take MTX

and have him send a letter to your IP demanding Enbrel. If he won't try

someone else. Enbrel could reverse your disease and maybe put you in

remission. Especially if you are newly diagnosed. I believe Enbrel should

be the first line treatment, not the last. If I had gone on it immediately I

am sure I could have avoided the permanent joint damage in my fingers.

Above all I would advise you not to allow them to inject cortisone in your


[ ] Starting methotrexate

Hi, anyone and everyone who will listen. PA is a new diagnosis for

me. I've had psoriasis,(which is very mild psoriasis) for over 20

years. Have the flair ups when I'm stressed or in the winter. Just

started having the arthritis symptoms over the past year or so. I saw

a new dermatologist this week and she prescribed MTX. I am not having

alot of pain or have the sausage fingers etc, but want to stop the

disease progresion. The side effects of this medication is very

scary. I just don't know what to do. My insurance will not cover

Enbrel, at this time. I'm a registered nurse, so I am very active and

on my feet 4-5 days a week. I'm not sure how long the fatigue will

last or when you start feeling the fatigue. Does it last for hours or

days?? I need to start this medication either today or next weekend.

My shift starts at 5:00 tomorrow morning, which means I need to get up

at 3:00 am. Will I be able to function if I take it today?? I am

trying to get in touch with my brother who is a pharmacist, to ask him

questions about MTX, but he hasn't returned my call. If anyone out

there, has any suggestions, or positive experiences with MTX, please

write back. Thanks, and God Bless You!!

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During my first few weeks on methotrexate, the day

after the dose was difficult -- extreme fatigue and

nausea. I described it as " the hangover without the

party " . During this time, I would have energy spikes

and valleys every couple of hours for days.

Eventually, we increased my dose of folic acid and B

vitamins, and things settled down. I'd be fatigued the

day after, but fairly normal the rest of the week.

I've been on on 15 mg of MTX for over a year now, and

the day-after symptoms are hardly noticeable.

Good luck!








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-- Sister Hazel



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hiya ive been on meth for a few months now and just

recently had my injection increased to 15mg ,,,could

anyone tell me if headaches are a side effect ,,,ive

been fine until they increased my dose and have had a

constant headache since ive also had what i can only

discribe as tired eyes ive never felt anything like

this before my bloods are all normal and i take folic

acid every day execpt the day i get my injection,hope

someone can shed some light on what im feeling thanks

kelly x


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