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our pets

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I just wanted to offer my condolences on the loss of your pet. I know it

feels like you lost your best friend. I'm glad you got a puppy though. It

will help you to go on at this difficult time.

Take care,

Carol Kerr

-- [ ] Our Pets

I am grieving the loss of my beloved Golden Retriever " Molly " ...my

Ray of Sunshine. I'm grateful she made it to 12, as she was dx'd with

Lyme years ago and later developed kidney disease...all too common in

dogs w/lyme...my 2nd to pass from kidney disease due to Lyme...I know

I'm rambling, sorry.

My question is, how many of you out there who have Lyme and/or co-

infections have your dogs vaccinated with the canine version of the

vaccine? Has it been successful? My newest pup has been

vaccinated...I hope it works...

I am still awaiting to hear Oxford's reply as to whether or not they

will cover IV ABX for me. I have been rebitten and test positive, so

I'm hoping it won't take 2 years to convince them like it did the

last time. I have yet to beat this monster but I will not give up

trying. It seems that I have beaten Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis and

Bartonella...but Lyme is such a b*tch to beat. If anyone knows where

I can get Claforan at a reduced rate, please let me know.

Wishing all of you strength and support,

Joan LI NY :(((

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<<<My question is, how many of you out there who have Lyme and/or

co-infections have your dogs vaccinated with the canine version of the

vaccine? Has it been successful? My newest pup has been

vaccinated...I hope it works...

First......Joan, I am so sorry about your loss.....losing a pet is like

losing a family member, its difficult to get over....only time will help the


I have two Labrador Retrievers, (mother and daughter)

One is 11 1/2 and the other is 8 years old. They are as spunky as ever.

Even the older one, runs, jumps off my dock, swims across the lake with me

and back....I've yet to have her show me she is getting old......except she

is a black lab and is turning gray (her naps are a little longer too) lol

Anyway, during their life time, I have had them only vaccinated twice for

lyme. I don't do it all the time.

......and yes I have ticks from them.

I do make it a practice to use top spot, (I split one between the two of them

and it works for about four months) I don't do what the package says. I

also put garlic powder in their food every night, and they never have had a

flea.(now you are probably saying oh come on, honest the vet will always get

out the flea comb determined to find one...and never does), I believe it is

the garlic.......and I think it helps keep the ticks away too.


My dogs are TDI dogs, we visit nursing homes and hospitals, we went into NYC

to aid the families of the victims of 9-11, as well as spending lots of time

in the lake and over their life-time have been camping and hiking with me in

the woods, and have never shown any signs of having lyme disease or any signs

of hearing problems, joint problems, or blindness.

I'm hoping its because of the things I am doing......but maybe I am just

lucky.........they are lucky.

Enjoy your new puppy.........I'm sure you have forgotten all the trouble they

can get into..........you always have to be one step ahead of them.

If you would like to come out and visit me and my old girls......you are more

than welcome.....


When our bodies & minds are out of balance.......

........we suffer!

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Hi Connie. Thank you for the kind words...

It was wonderful to hear about your 2 special girls! You are amazing...doing

things to help others when you yourself had so many health problems...

It is interesting to hear that you don't vaccinate every year...and yes, I

believe that garlic works as some sort of repellant. For some reason, my dogs

have never had fleas, but many ticks, so I didn't use the garlic...but now

you've got me thinking it would be a good idea.

I'd love to come by to say hello one day...my husband sometimes has business in


And to Carol; thanks so very much for the condolences...it meant a lot to me.

Good health to you all,

Joan LI NY

Re: [ ] Our Pets

<<<My question is, how many of you out there who have Lyme and/or

co-infections have your dogs vaccinated with the canine version of the

vaccine? Has it been successful? My newest pup has been

vaccinated...I hope it works...

First......Joan, I am so sorry about your loss.....losing a pet is like

losing a family member, its difficult to get over....only time will help the


I have two Labrador Retrievers, (mother and daughter)

One is 11 1/2 and the other is 8 years old. They are as spunky as ever.

Even the older one, runs, jumps off my dock, swims across the lake with me

and back....I've yet to have her show me she is getting old......except she

is a black lab and is turning gray (her naps are a little longer too) lol

Anyway, during their life time, I have had them only vaccinated twice for

lyme. I don't do it all the time.

.....and yes I have ticks from them.

I do make it a practice to use top spot, (I split one between the two of them

and it works for about four months) I don't do what the package says. I

also put garlic powder in their food every night, and they never have had a

flea.(now you are probably saying oh come on, honest the vet will always get

out the flea comb determined to find one...and never does), I believe it is

the garlic.......and I think it helps keep the ticks away too.


My dogs are TDI dogs, we visit nursing homes and hospitals, we went into NYC

to aid the families of the victims of 9-11, as well as spending lots of time

in the lake and over their life-time have been camping and hiking with me in

the woods, and have never shown any signs of having lyme disease or any signs

of hearing problems, joint problems, or blindness.

I'm hoping its because of the things I am doing......but maybe I am just

lucky.........they are lucky.

Enjoy your new puppy.........I'm sure you have forgotten all the trouble they

can get into..........you always have to be one step ahead of them.

If you would like to come out and visit me and my old girls......you are more

than welcome.....


When our bodies & minds are out of balance.......

.......we suffer!

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  • 9 months later...
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a, had cancer of the throat and she was not expected to last very

long. When we take her to the vets, she just walks in like she owns the place

and the two vets that performed her surgery always come out to see their

" miracle " and she gives them both lots of kisses. I have been making beef stew

with lots of veggies and mixing it with a half cup of dry dog food. I tried

hamburger with rice, which most dogs love, but she wouldn't touch it. is

very spoiled and temperamental. My friends think I should write a story about

her because of her personality, she is too funny and throws temper tantrums when

not pleased with us. If we give her the wrong cookie, she takes it into the hall

and throws it. Have you tried the hamburger/rice for Jawsie? Our previous dog

was an American cocker spaniel who lived to be 17yrs old and when she went, we

both said we would never go through that again, no more animals. Give Jawsie a

hug from me and I think Jawsie has decided to stick around and keep you company

for a longer time. How is ? is he enjoying your new home?



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You¹re such a loving mommy. My Jawsie doesn¹t like hamburger and rice

either, but loves chicken & rice. I hope you write that story. I¹d love to

read it if you do. We got more tests done because Jawsie wasn¹t getting

worse as the vet predicted. It turns out that her thyroid is way out of

wack so they put her on thyroid meds. I¹m hoping this helps, but she is so

weak and has lost so much muscle mass.

is doing great. We are loving our new house and having fun exploring

our new state. We¹re in the land of boating, and there are so many nice

places to go sit and watch boats, dolphins, pelicans and alligators. We

actually saw a stingray jump about 5 feet out of the water when a boat got

to close. Best of all is swimming in the warm gulf. We went yesterday and

the water temp was 79!!! It makes me feel so much better.


> a, had cancer of the throat and she was not expected to last very

> long. When we take her to the vets, she just walks in like she owns the place

> and the two vets that performed her surgery always come out to see their

> " miracle " and she gives them both lots of kisses. I have been making beef stew

> with lots of veggies and mixing it with a half cup of dry dog food. I tried

> hamburger with rice, which most dogs love, but she wouldn't touch it. is

> very spoiled and temperamental. My friends think I should write a story about

> her because of her personality, she is too funny and throws temper tantrums

> when not pleased with us. If we give her the wrong cookie, she takes it into

> the hall and throws it. Have you tried the hamburger/rice for Jawsie? Our

> previous dog was an American cocker spaniel who lived to be 17yrs old and when

> she went, we both said we would never go through that again, no more animals.

> Give Jawsie a hug from me and I think Jawsie has decided to stick around and

> keep you company for a longer time. How is ? is he enjoying your new

> home?


> Hugs

> June

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I hope Jawsie's problems are thyroid related. It's easy to treat, and she'll be

feeling better soon.

I lost a collie to cancer almost 4 years ago now, and despite the fact that I

still have 2 other collies and a sassy cat, I miss her every day.

My animals are definately family to me.


Re: [ ] our pets

You¹re such a loving mommy. My Jawsie doesn¹t like hamburger and rice

either, but loves chicken & rice. I hope you write that story. I¹d love to

read it if you do. We got more tests done because Jawsie wasn¹t getting

worse as the vet predicted. It turns out that her thyroid is way out of

wack so they put her on thyroid meds. I¹m hoping this helps, but she is so

weak and has lost so much muscle mass.

is doing great. We are loving our new house and having fun exploring

our new state. We¹re in the land of boating, and there are so many nice

places to go sit and watch boats, dolphins, pelicans and alligators. We

actually saw a stingray jump about 5 feet out of the water when a boat got

to close. Best of all is swimming in the warm gulf. We went yesterday and

the water temp was 79!!! It makes me feel so much better.


> a, had cancer of the throat and she was not expected to last very

> long. When we take her to the vets, she just walks in like she owns the


> and the two vets that performed her surgery always come out to see their

> " miracle " and she gives them both lots of kisses. I have been making beef


> with lots of veggies and mixing it with a half cup of dry dog food. I tried

> hamburger with rice, which most dogs love, but she wouldn't touch it.


> very spoiled and temperamental. My friends think I should write a story


> her because of her personality, she is too funny and throws temper tantrums

> when not pleased with us. If we give her the wrong cookie, she takes it into

> the hall and throws it. Have you tried the hamburger/rice for Jawsie? Our

> previous dog was an American cocker spaniel who lived to be 17yrs old and


> she went, we both said we would never go through that again, no more


> Give Jawsie a hug from me and I think Jawsie has decided to stick around and

> keep you company for a longer time. How is ? is he enjoying your new

> home?


> Hugs

> June

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a, I am so sorry about Jawsie, I hope the thryroid med helps, and

she gets stronger. I will keep her in my prayers, Tawny

> You¹re such a loving mommy. My Jawsie doesn¹t like hamburger and


> either, but loves chicken & rice. I hope you write that story.

I¹d love to

> read it if you do. We got more tests done because Jawsie wasn¹t


> worse as the vet predicted. It turns out that her thyroid is way

out of

> wack so they put her on thyroid meds. I¹m hoping this helps, but

she is so

> weak and has lost so much muscle mass.

> is doing great. We are loving our new house and having fun


> our new state. We¹re in the land of boating, and there are so many


> places to go sit and watch boats, dolphins, pelicans and

alligators. We

> actually saw a stingray jump about 5 feet out of the water when a

boat got

> to close. Best of all is swimming in the warm gulf. We went

yesterday and

> the water temp was 79!!! It makes me feel so much better.

> a




> > a, had cancer of the throat and she was not expected to

last very

> > long. When we take her to the vets, she just walks in like she

owns the place

> > and the two vets that performed her surgery always come out to

see their

> > " miracle " and she gives them both lots of kisses. I have been

making beef stew

> > with lots of veggies and mixing it with a half cup of dry dog

food. I tried

> > hamburger with rice, which most dogs love, but she wouldn't touch

it. is

> > very spoiled and temperamental. My friends think I should write a

story about

> > her because of her personality, she is too funny and throws

temper tantrums

> > when not pleased with us. If we give her the wrong cookie, she

takes it into

> > the hall and throws it. Have you tried the hamburger/rice for

Jawsie? Our

> > previous dog was an American cocker spaniel who lived to be 17yrs

old and when

> > she went, we both said we would never go through that again, no

more animals.

> > Give Jawsie a hug from me and I think Jawsie has decided to stick

around and

> > keep you company for a longer time. How is ? is he enjoying

your new

> > home?

> >

> > Hugs

> > June






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I hope so too Noreen. These critters creep into your heart and just don¹t

ever leave, even

years after they are gone. My dogs are my family too. Jawsie doesn¹t even

know she is a dog LOL!

I¹m blessed to have had so many great years with her.


> a,

> I hope Jawsie's problems are thyroid related. It's easy to treat, and she'll

> be feeling better soon.


> I lost a collie to cancer almost 4 years ago now, and despite the fact that I

> still have 2 other collies and a sassy cat, I miss her every day.


> My animals are definately family to me.


> Noreen

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June and a- I love the pet stories. I understand the food critic. My

persian, Clancy, does not " voice " an opinion- he demonstrates. He paws the

ground where the treat is - as if he were burying it in his litter box. He and

my other kitty make me laugh- and keep my bp down.

Hugs, K

> a, had cancer of the throat and she was not expected to last very

> long. When we take her to the vets, she just walks in like she owns the place

> and the two vets that performed her surgery always come out to see their

> " miracle " and she gives them both lots of kisses. I have been making beef stew

> with lots of veggies and mixing it with a half cup of dry dog food. I tried

> hamburger with rice, which most dogs love, but she wouldn't touch it. is

> very spoiled and temperamental. My friends think I should write a story about

> her because of her personality, she is too funny and throws temper tantrums


> not pleased with us. If we give her the wrong cookie, she takes it into the


> and throws it. Have you tried the hamburger/rice for Jawsie? Our previous dog

> was an American cocker spaniel who lived to be 17yrs old and when she went, we

> both said we would never go through that again, no more animals. Give Jawsie a

> hug from me and I think Jawsie has decided to stick around and keep you


> for a longer time. How is ? is he enjoying your new home?


> Hugs

> June



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Does pawing the ground mean approval or rejection of the treat?

Our furry friends are such great company.


> June and a- I love the pet stories. I understand the food critic. My

> persian, Clancy, does not " voice " an opinion- he demonstrates. He paws the

> ground where the treat is - as if he were burying it in his litter box. He and

> my other kitty make me laugh- and keep my bp down.


> Hugs, K

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a -Eating it means approval...LOL. Pawing the ground as if burying it in his

litter box - is rejection. We think it is Clancy's way of saying - that it more

closely resembles well uh ...waste material...not fit for his consumption. A

real little food critic and character.. they do make us laugh.

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Animal Lovers,

I have to Feral cats that I raised since they were 3 weeks old and abandoned

by their mother. They are now 1 year old and both neutered females. They are

so funny they keep me loved and entertained all day long. When I first

learned about my husbands' illness I had a few bouts of crying and both cats


to get up on my shoulder or behind me in the chair an paw at my head like they

were petting me (just like I do to them). Pretty sweet don't you think?

Gentle Hugs,

Carol M. in CA

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Its funny how are animals know when we are upset. I have a 2 year old cat and a

6 month old bunny, and when they play together, they never cease to make me

laugh. They are always there when you need them (animals that is). I work in an

animals hospital and that job always brings a smile to my face. The animals

there are always happy when you give them cookies.

Jillian in IL

Dandcmayer@... wrote:

Animal Lovers,

I have to Feral cats that I raised since they were 3 weeks old and abandoned

by their mother. They are now 1 year old and both neutered females. They are

so funny they keep me loved and entertained all day long. When I first

learned about my husbands' illness I had a few bouts of crying and both cats


to get up on my shoulder or behind me in the chair an paw at my head like they

were petting me (just like I do to them). Pretty sweet don't you think?

Gentle Hugs,

Carol M. in CA

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LOL! We had a cat that like to bat her food around before eating it, so I

wasn¹t quite sure.


> a -Eating it means approval...LOL. Pawing the ground as if burying it in

> his litter box - is rejection. We think it is Clancy's way of saying - that it

> more closely resembles well uh ...waste material...not fit for his

> consumption. A real little food critic and character.. they do make us laugh.




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Hi a,

I wanted to let you know that I am having my teeth out next Thursday. I


to go to my own dentist. My son was concerned that if I went to the U. of P.


anything went wrong I would be so far from home. I would have had to take the


down there. Also I am chicken when it comes to dentist and I didn't want to

have to

wait to have the work done little by little. My dentist is doing it all in one

day. He doesn't put you to sleep or anything. But he assured me there will be


pain. So I have to go get the vitamin K checked. It is only a little better


it was after the second surgery. So all this time taking the Vitamin K didn't

help. But then I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't taken it. So


I have to take it twice a day to try and get it were it should be. They feel


the whipple I just don't absorb it anymore. I find myself wondering whatever I


not absorbing. Anyway I wanted to let you know. Oh I get my new teeth the day


work is done. I have never had nice teeth so a part of me is looking forward to

being able to smile without thinking about my terrible teeth. Long story about



How are you doing? I hope you are happy in your new home. You were missed when


were gone. Hope you are well and I think of you often.

Lynn MeMom

a wrote:

> LOL! We had a cat that like to bat her food around before eating it, so I

> wasn¹t quite sure.

> a


> > a -Eating it means approval...LOL. Pawing the ground as if burying it in

> > his litter box - is rejection. We think it is Clancy's way of saying - that


> > more closely resembles well uh ...waste material...not fit for his

> > consumption. A real little food critic and character.. they do make us


> >

> >

> >



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