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Yeast Free Diet

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I am working with a client (obese with metabolic syndrome) who was put on a

yeast free diet by his naturopath. He has been diagnosed with dysbiotic flora

(Rhodotorula mucilaginosa 1+). His stool bacteria cultures show zero

bifidobacter and lactobacillus spp.

He has been advised to follow this diet very strictly and that it can take

months. He is on blend of probiotics that she has prescribed.

So over the last month he has lost 12 pounds, has no energy, unable to exercise,

unable to sleep and has muscle cramps. The only carbohydrates allowed are 1

serivng of fruit a day (if mixed in a protein shake), 1 cup of beans and what he

gets from non-starchy vegetables. She said he could have up to 1 cup brown rice

per day, rice cakes and unsweetened yogurt. I helped build a plan that would

get him close to 135 gm protein, I professionally don't think it is healthy for

him ot be in a state of ketosis for months.

I have informationon yeast free diets, including the chapter from the Institute

of Functional Medicine.

So, I would love to hear feedback from those of you who have experience with

these diets. I am quite concerned about his cramping, and asked him to get his

electrolytes checked.

Judy Simon MS,RD,CD,CHES

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