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Thanks June: It is much appreciated, I feel very lucky, Autumn my

daughter just bought a house about a mile from where I live, so she

is very close. It is funny the way things change as your kids grow

up, I was asways very close to my son, then he went to school,and

moved to Dallas, met his significant other and now I very rarely see

him. Autumn was always closer to her dad growing up and she and I

did'nt see things alike. When she went away to school, we became

alot closer and even more so when she came home. Once they grow up

and you don't have to be MOM it is so much nicer to be best

friends.....and that is what she has become, my best friend. Having

her so close I will be able to have hands on my grandbaby, and we

have already discussed the no day care, with grandma and grandpa so

close there is no reason for day care.....lol....thanks again and I

did'nt mean to get so long winded there.....hugs Kathi in OK

> Congratulations Kathi, as a Grandma to 4 grandsons, I can tell you

from experience, there is nothing in the whole world that can make

me feel warm all over then hugs from these amazing boys. I guess,

actually they are men since their ages are 19, 22, 24 and 26 but to

me they will always be my babies and they are still the light of my

life since the day they were born. I am very fortunate they all live

within an hour of our house so have been able to have a close

relationship with each one.


> Hugs

> June



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You and Autumn are blessed to have such a wonderful relationship.

It will only get better when the grandbaby arrives. My mom and I had a


relationship when I was younger, but now we are like glue. I¹m so lucky to

have her. I wish all moms and daughters had relationships like

that. Is Autumn going to find out if it¹s a girl or boy?


> Thanks June: It is much appreciated, I feel very lucky, Autumn my

> daughter just bought a house about a mile from where I live, so she

> is very close. It is funny the way things change as your kids grow

> up, I was asways very close to my son, then he went to school,and

> moved to Dallas, met his significant other and now I very rarely see

> him. Autumn was always closer to her dad growing up and she and I

> did'nt see things alike. When she went away to school, we became

> alot closer and even more so when she came home. Once they grow up

> and you don't have to be MOM it is so much nicer to be best

> friends.....and that is what she has become, my best friend. Having

> her so close I will be able to have hands on my grandbaby, and we

> have already discussed the no day care, with grandma and grandpa so

> close there is no reason for day care.....lol....thanks again and I

> did'nt mean to get so long winded there.....hugs Kathi in OK

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Lynn:That was so cute about not picking favorites...but your

grandson being such a joy....I loved all my kids...but in different

ways, they are all so different.....I would't change any of them for

anything.....is'nt it funny haw they come up with their own names

for people.....my 10 year old at 8 months started calling my mom

SHOOSHOO and has never changed that she is shooshoo and that is all

there is to it......so funny the way they do that.....hope you are

feeling a little better and thanks ....Kathi in OK


> > Thanks June: It is much appreciated, I feel very lucky, Autumn my

> > daughter just bought a house about a mile from where I live, so


> > is very close. It is funny the way things change as your kids


> > up, I was asways very close to my son, then he went to school,and

> > moved to Dallas, met his significant other and now I very rarely


> > him. Autumn was always closer to her dad growing up and she and I

> > did'nt see things alike. When she went away to school, we became

> > alot closer and even more so when she came home. Once they grow


> > and you don't have to be MOM it is so much nicer to be best

> > friends.....and that is what she has become, my best friend.


> > her so close I will be able to have hands on my grandbaby, and we

> > have already discussed the no day care, with grandma and grandpa


> > close there is no reason for day care.....lol....thanks again

and I

> > did'nt mean to get so long winded there.....hugs Kathi in OK

> >

> > --- In , " June Dixon " <juner24@r...>


> > > Congratulations Kathi, as a Grandma to 4 grandsons, I can tell


> > from experience, there is nothing in the whole world that can


> > me feel warm all over then hugs from these amazing boys. I guess,

> > actually they are men since their ages are 19, 22, 24 and 26 but


> > me they will always be my babies and they are still the light of


> > life since the day they were born. I am very fortunate they all


> > within an hour of our house so have been able to have a close

> > relationship with each one.

> > >

> > > Hugs

> > > June

> > >

> > >

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  • 1 month later...
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Way to go, June! Yes, I would very much like to receive a copy of your ideas. By

bringing more

" personal " knowledge instead of " faceless " , you remind these copayors that there

are real people

behind the claims. Perhaps this will help change people's ideas about medication

to treat pain vs.

drug addiction. With all that we go through, we shouldn't have to beg to be

treated! Hugs to you.


--- June Dixon <juner24@...> wrote:

> Hi all, as most of you know, I gave a presentation to about 25 copayors last

Wed. These are the

> movers and shakers that make decisions as to what, how and when, patients are

allowed access to

> the new biologics. My talk was 25 mins, and I included pictures of before,

after and during my

> days with RA. At the end they were allowed 20 mins for questions and answers

but somehow this

> went on for about 45 mins. One copayor said " I will never look at a claim in

the same way " .

> Anther said, 'I don't think I will come to any more of your talks, you made me

cry and men are

> not supposed to cry " . I did get a standing applause, so I came away with the

feeling that my

> message was not in vain.


> On the weekend, I and others, did a 2 day workshop teaching them how to become

more efficient

> advocates(we had people from all over Canada, which included patients,GP's and


> People think advocators are a group who jump up and down, talking a mile a

minute to get their

> point across.We spent a couple of hours teaching patients how to lobby

politicians and this, for

> some reason. got them all excited LOL. I will be drafting up some of the

items I brought to the

> table, later this week. If anyone would like a copy, let me know your email

address and I will

> be happy to send it to you.


> On the whole, I came away with a very satisfied feeling. You were all very

much in my thoughts

> as I told them the truth of what it is like for people who live with chronic



> I am very tired at the moment and the pain seems to hover at 10. There were

times I had almost

> made up my mind to stop these speaking sessions but if I only reach and

educate at least one

> health care provider, then I have a hard time not doing it. I feel that I am

speaking for all

> of you.


> Still waiting for an appt with a neurologist to see what options are available

to me, then I can

> decide which joint is causing me the most grief, my ankle or my knee, some

choice LOL


> Hugs

> June



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