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MTX questions

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i am injecting mtx weekly and also on 5 mgs prednisone a day. i need to call

mt rheumi and let her know what is up with my feet. glad you are not having

any side effects with it. it was bad for me the first 6 weeks. lots of tummy

troubles. but it has subsided all on it's own. kathy in il

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OK I began MTX in Feb and take 15 mg orally per week. I have been waiting and

waiting for it to take effect. It did seem like maybe pain levels dropped ever

so slightly- say from 7-8 on a scale of 1-10 down to a 5-6 on the same scale.

This pleased the doc, but- I am not impressed. Major swelling did go down in my

wrists after a month or 6 weeks, swelling that had been there over a year. But

now I have been flaring again in my shoulders and ankles and neck. The pain

level is up at 8 again.

Can the MTX take THIS long to be effective? Do I need a higher dose? DO I need

to switch to shots? Do I need to give up hope? The nice thing is I am having

NO negative side effects AT ALL. NONE. BUT I am having a hard time pulling out

of profound depression and hopelessness with 3 kids and housework that NEEDS to

be getting done and me not able to do anything at all.

Any ideas? My next scheduled appt with rheumy is next month.

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i feel your pain!!

I started methotrexate (am new here, assume thats what youre referring

to) about 1-1/2 months ago. Started at 4/week now up to 6/week. ive

seen no results yet either. my swellling is getting worse, now the

joints in my thunbs even hurt. I feel like i cant do anything anymore.

I love to garden, and now i have to watch that I " dont do too much "

At 26, pacing yourself is a hard thing to do- especially since i hate

leaving things unfinished. Somedays i just dont care how much needs

done. i just say the heck with it. the doctors havent said I'm

depressed, but somedays i sure feel like it.

let me know how you make out.


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i feel your pain!!

I started methotrexate (am new here, assume thats what youre referring

to) about 1-1/2 months ago. Started at 4/week now up to 6/week. ive

seen no results yet either. my swellling is getting worse, now the

joints in my thunbs even hurt. I feel like i cant do anything anymore.

I love to garden, and now i have to watch that I " dont do too much "

At 26, pacing yourself is a hard thing to do- especially since i hate

leaving things unfinished. Somedays i just dont care how much needs

done. i just say the heck with it. the doctors havent said I'm

depressed, but somedays i sure feel like it.

let me know how you make out.


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--- In , " dreamer_plus " <dreamer_plus@w...>


> OK I began MTX in Feb and take 15 mg orally per week. I have been

waiting and waiting for it to take effect. It did seem like maybe

> Can the MTX take THIS long to be effective?

I will begin taking MTX next week. My rheumy said it could take 3

months to become effective.


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Hey Dreamer,

Don't worry about your housework until the health inspector comes to shut you

down. I sit here and look around and so much has to be done. I am so tired. So

I do a little at a time. I call it Housework in small bites. Works for me.

But I don't have young children. Just two shedding cats. Try it. Do your

priorities. At your will. Don't worry about the rest. It will still be there.

Trust me. Keep your chin up.

Judith Ann

dreamer_plus <dreamer_plus@...> wrote:

OK I began MTX in Feb and take 15 mg orally per week. I have been waiting and

waiting for it to take effect. It did seem like maybe pain levels dropped ever

so slightly- say from 7-8 on a scale of 1-10 down to a 5-6 on the same scale.

This pleased the doc, but- I am not impressed. Major swelling did go down in my

wrists after a month or 6 weeks, swelling that had been there over a year. But

now I have been flaring again in my shoulders and ankles and neck. The pain

level is up at 8 again.

Can the MTX take THIS long to be effective? Do I need a higher dose? DO I need

to switch to shots? Do I need to give up hope? The nice thing is I am having

NO negative side effects AT ALL. NONE. BUT I am having a hard time pulling out

of profound depression and hopelessness with 3 kids and housework that NEEDS to

be getting done and me not able to do anything at all.

Any ideas? My next scheduled appt with rheumy is next month.

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Okay, I do know from my Rheumy that MXT is only supposed to take up to about 4-6

weeks before it starts working. My suggestion is to call your doc and tell him

and he might up the dose. Thats the best advice I can give.But, definitly giving

up hope is not the best thing that anyone could do. Just think of it this

way...if everyone was to give up hope on something, we all wouldn't be here.

Hope is the only thing that holds everyone together, so don't give up. If it

makes you feel any better, I am 22 and have RA and I am still trying to be Kid

and play, but there are times that it is so hard, But i never give up hope that

one day I can be like you and have children and a house to clean. Life is about

learing from the bad and making it better, but also making you a stronger

person. Just do the best you can one day at a time. Remember that if your kids

see you sad and upset it affects them too. I know, b/c i still am a kid. Just

keep your chin up and just try to remember that it will get

better, but it might be taking longer than you planned.

Jillian in IL

dreamer_plus <dreamer_plus@...> wrote:

OK I began MTX in Feb and take 15 mg orally per week. I have been waiting and

waiting for it to take effect. It did seem like maybe pain levels dropped ever

so slightly- say from 7-8 on a scale of 1-10 down to a 5-6 on the same scale.

This pleased the doc, but- I am not impressed. Major swelling did go down in my

wrists after a month or 6 weeks, swelling that had been there over a year. But

now I have been flaring again in my shoulders and ankles and neck. The pain

level is up at 8 again.

Can the MTX take THIS long to be effective? Do I need a higher dose? DO I need

to switch to shots? Do I need to give up hope? The nice thing is I am having

NO negative side effects AT ALL. NONE. BUT I am having a hard time pulling out

of profound depression and hopelessness with 3 kids and housework that NEEDS to

be getting done and me not able to do anything at all.

Any ideas? My next scheduled appt with rheumy is next month.

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Can I ask what is wrong with your feet? I was also on MTX and

Prednisone (still on 25mg Prednisone) My feet both have numb places

on the inside toward the heel (same place on both feet) can't figure

out what is causing it. Have ruled out Diabitis and pinched nerve. I

do have a compression of the spinal cord in the cervical spine, but

the Dr. says it isn't enough of a compression to be causing the numb

feet. In the past few weeks, the right foot numb place has more then

tripled in size,was the size of a half-dollar, now about the size of

a baseball. Scheduled for an EMG nerve conductive test to see if

that might me it.

Any one else have this type of problem from the RA or medications?

> i am injecting mtx weekly and also on 5 mgs prednisone a day. i

need to call

> mt rheumi and let her know what is up with my feet. glad you are

not having

> any side effects with it. it was bad for me the first 6 weeks.

lots of tummy

> troubles. but it has subsided all on it's own. kathy in il




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i have alot of damage to my feet. also had tarsal tunnel decompression on

both feet, but the left one still gives me trouble. i have plantar fascitis.


of pain, swelling. have to keep them elevated whenever i can. good luck with

your tests. kathy in il

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I would ask for injections and an increase in the dosage.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] MTX questions

> OK I began MTX in Feb and take 15 mg orally per week. I have been

waiting and waiting for it to take effect. It did seem like maybe pain

levels dropped ever so slightly- say from 7-8 on a scale of 1-10 down to

a 5-6 on the same scale. This pleased the doc, but- I am not impressed.

Major swelling did go down in my wrists after a month or 6 weeks,

swelling that had been there over a year. But now I have been flaring

again in my shoulders and ankles and neck. The pain level is up at 8


> Can the MTX take THIS long to be effective? Do I need a higher dose?

DO I need to switch to shots? Do I need to give up hope? The nice

thing is I am having NO negative side effects AT ALL. NONE. BUT I am

having a hard time pulling out of profound depression and hopelessness

with 3 kids and housework that NEEDS to be getting done and me not able

to do anything at all.

> Any ideas? My next scheduled appt with rheumy is next month.

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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest

Hi Kami,

Pick a day that allows you some down time, time to get drowsy while you get

used to it. I just stuck with Thursdays. Didn't need it ruining my weekends.

Again, everyone does something different, what works best for them. For me,

i split mine up during the day. I tried taking 4 at once and that just about

did me in. Its much better for me to do 2 at a time with a little food.

Once I'm at 4 I feel the fuzzies coming on, I swear I become cognitively

impaired. The day after , I'm fine and raring to go! Good Luck! It will



To those who believe, no explanation is necessary; to those who dont, no

explanation is possible

In a message dated 5/7/2008 1:01:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

kamilleon@... writes:

Back from the rheumy with my prescription for MTX...

MTX 10 mg once a week for 4 weeks - Labwork

MTX 20 mg once a week for 4 weeks -Labwork...Return visit

Prescription Folic Acid daily.

I havent decided yet what day to take the MTX..... When do you take yours?


*~ Kami ~*

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**************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family

favorites at AOL Food.


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I'm afraid of going off plaquenil for a while due to a change in health

coverage. Should be interesting. Maybe no more meds for a while!

To those who believe, no explanation is necessary; to those who dont, no

explanation is possible

In a message dated 5/7/2008 1:18:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

kamilleon@... writes:

Thank you, Heidi! :-)

My doctor could not believe how swollen my finger joints were after being

off the Plaquenil a week. I know the MTX wont work that quickly but the fact it

DID work makes me relieved!

*~ Kami ~*

Re: [ ] MTX Questions

Hi Kami,

Pick a day that allows you some down time, time to get drowsy while you get

used to it. I just stuck with Thursdays. Didn't need it ruining my weekends.

Again, everyone does something different, what works best for them. For me,

i split mine up during the day. I tried taking 4 at once and that just about

did me in. Its much better for me to do 2 at a time with a little food.

Once I'm at 4 I feel the fuzzies coming on, I swear I become cognitively

impaired. The day after , I'm fine and raring to go! Good Luck! It will



To those who believe, no explanation is necessary; to those who dont, no

explanation is possible

In a message dated 5/7/2008 1:01:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

_kamilleon@..._ (mailto:kamilleon@...) writes:

Back from the rheumy with my prescription for MTX...

MTX 10 mg once a week for 4 weeks - Labwork

MTX 20 mg once a week for 4 weeks -Labwork...Return visit

Prescription Folic Acid daily.

I havent decided yet what day to take the MTX..... When do you take yours?


*~ Kami ~*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

************************<WBR>**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new

favorites at AOL Food.


(http://food.aol.com/dinner-tonight?NCID=aolfod00030000000001) )

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

**************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family

favorites at AOL Food.


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I take mine on Sat mornings because for me I don't get any nausea that way.

If I take it at night the next day I feel icky, but this works for me.

In a message dated 5/7/2008 12:01:13 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

kamilleon@... writes:

I havent decided yet what day to take the MTX..... When do you take yours?


**************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family

favorites at AOL Food.


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Thank you, Heidi! :-)

My doctor could not believe how swollen my finger joints were after being off

the Plaquenil a week. I know the MTX wont work that quickly but the fact it DID

work makes me relieved!

*~ Kami ~*

Re: [ ] MTX Questions

Hi Kami,

Pick a day that allows you some down time, time to get drowsy while you get

used to it. I just stuck with Thursdays. Didn't need it ruining my weekends.

Again, everyone does something different, what works best for them. For me,

i split mine up during the day. I tried taking 4 at once and that just about

did me in. Its much better for me to do 2 at a time with a little food.

Once I'm at 4 I feel the fuzzies coming on, I swear I become cognitively

impaired. The day after , I'm fine and raring to go! Good Luck! It will help.


To those who believe, no explanation is necessary; to those who dont, no

explanation is possible

In a message dated 5/7/2008 1:01:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

kamilleon@... writes:

Back from the rheumy with my prescription for MTX...

MTX 10 mg once a week for 4 weeks - Labwork

MTX 20 mg once a week for 4 weeks -Labwork...Return visit

Prescription Folic Acid daily.

I havent decided yet what day to take the MTX..... When do you take yours?


*~ Kami ~*

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I take MTX on Friday (6) with breakfast. I have never had any side effects at

all. I'm one of the lucky ones.


[ ] MTX Questions

Back from the rheumy with my prescription for MTX...

MTX 10 mg once a week for 4 weeks - Labwork

MTX 20 mg once a week for 4 weeks -Labwork...Return visit

Prescription Folic Acid daily.

I havent decided yet what day to take the MTX..... When do you take yours? AM?


*~ Kami ~*

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I take 15 mg every Friday night – just before bed. I sleep through

any side effects and wake up feeling pretty good on Saturday. I

started doing this right in the beginning because I was not sure of

how it would make me feel, and I wanted to make sure I could be home

the next day – just in case.



> Back from the rheumy with my prescription for MTX...


> MTX 10 mg once a week for 4 weeks - Labwork


> MTX 20 mg once a week for 4 weeks -Labwork...Return visit


> Prescription Folic Acid daily.


> I havent decided yet what day to take the MTX..... When do you take

yours? AM? PM?



> *~ Kami ~*






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