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Re: Jake

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Hi Jake,

You have described what I feel on most mornings. I was diagnosed with FM about

10 years ago after

I had a mycoplasma. I saw a rheumy who prescribed NSAID's and sent me on my way.

Fast forward ten

years, my new rheumy, armed with the latest test results, diagnosed me with OA,

FM, and

non-reactive arthritis/spondyloarapthies. I have never tested positive to ANA or

RF but yet I have

the inflamation, fever and joint destruction. He prescribed injectable MTX and

that has helped

some. I also see my GP who manages my pain meds (thank goodness for him!). If

you do feel that

your rheumy is not treating you aggressive enough, get a new one. I know that if

my doc had

treated me more aggressively, I would not have the damage that occurred. Take

care. Iris

--- regatta04 <jsarzynski@...> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,


> I am (Ms.) Jake from southeast Michigan. I have had fibromyalgia &

> chronic fatigue syndrome for at least 7 years. Lately I have had

> some unusual symptoms which are not the usual FMS symptoms for me.

> For example, with rather sudden onset, I would wake in the morning

> and hardly be able to bend my hands they were so stiff and painful.

> After about an hour they would feel much better. My feet became

> inflammed and terribly painful as well. My wrists, knees and elbows

> hurt too but not as bad.


> I have almost dropped a few heavy things lately as my hands/wrists

> seem weak and hurt so. Let's see - also ran a low grade fever, and

> feel so exhausted and of course depressed.


> My internist worked me up for RA - she ran the ANA, sed rate and

> RF. She started me on Vioxx immediately and it helped really

> fast!! I got a note in the mail from her stating that the tests

> were " normal " .

> My question is can you have RA and have your results be " normal " (I

> think I need to ask for copies of the results). I have read that RF

> doesn't not show up in all patients. Clinically it sure seems like

> RA and I have had a rapid response to Vioxx. NSAIDs have never

> helped my FMS pain.


> I would love to get your input on this. And would you guys recommend

> seeing a rheumatologist anyway?

> thanks for listening, my best to each and everyone,

> Jake







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Hi Jane -

Jake is on day two with the band and for a kid who would never keep

on a hat he has done remarkably well. He has discovered that he can

throw a temper tantrum with the helmet on and it no longer hurts to

crash onto the floor! He hasn't had the sweating others have talked

about but then again we haven't ventured outside into the heat. I

though he better get used to it first. I decorated it last night

with Jungle animal stickers and a saying on the front that says " it's

a jungle out there! " It looks really cute and as soon as I download

the pictures I will put some in a folder.

Good luck with I hope he does do as well as Jake!

mom to Jake (17mos) DOCband 5/27

> Hi

> Thats good news about Jake, it is interesting that he is 17 months

> old, as my boy is hopefully being checked out in a few weeks

> time (he is 14 months)and if agreed will have a band, or helmet

> fitted. (I am in UK)

> I think it will be initially annoying for , but after a while

> he will get used to it?? also a matter for us to get used to it


> Good luck with Jake, he sounds cute!!

> Jane

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