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Re: Help with test results meaning?

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One thing for sure - these questions are very good ones to ask your Dr.  I

certainly hope that it is not just a GP that is working with you on these

issues.  Others will know the answers; but, I'm not even sure that a Gastro can

deal with all of them.

I don't think I see here the results of a current liver biopsy; but, realize

that if they are calling it stage 4, you must have had a biopsy.  The liver

enzyme tests are not so out of whack; but, mean virtually nothing anyway.  The

only true test of learning how damaged the liver is via biopsy.  Back in 2004,

a biopsy was done on my liver as a result of the high readings from the enzymes

etc.  It was a great shock to me to find out that I was at stage 3 bridging to

stage4.  Sometimes I wonder if needle in the biopsy actually hit the right

spot.  Having done a Hep C treatment whichfailed, just as I was about to start

another tx, the biopsy showed that I was definitely cirrhotic.

Very fortunately, all my other organs are functioning just mighty fine though. 

Some years ago I was quickly looked over by a Chinese Healer.  As he began from

the top of my head, apparently he could already see liver dysfunction.  He got

as far as my tongue and stood back.  Right away he told me that my liver was in

far more trouble than the Drs probably realized and that if I had my friend's

heart, I'd already be extremely sick.  Of course, I did not go directly to my

Dr and demand any tests.  However, I did go to a Naturpathic Dr and gave that a

bit of a ran.  Not long though because although I knew nothing about the liver,

she knew even less and only wanted me to buy or brand of supplements and herbs.

Now since 2004, I have been actively involved with my GP and my Gastro regarding

my liver.  Gawd, some days I'm just so tired of the need for the Drs.

Ahh - it's a regular west coast day outside (wind and rain), so it must be

making me a little blue.




Miracles happen and I have a copy of the doctors report on a liver biopsy done

Oct 1997!!!

Of course I get confused from technology and wording as I have trouble

remembering for very long...or when overwhelmed.

This is what the report says:

Sections of the liver biopsy reveal a needle biopsy of liver tissue. The

architecture is disrupted by dense fibrosis bands which separate the liver

parenchyma into nodules. There is mild fatty metamorphosis. Scattered

lymphocytes and plasma cells are present in he fibrous bands.


Liver Biopsy: Cirrhosis, moderately active

-Fatty metamorphosis

Gastric tissue: Mild chronic inflamation

Gallbladder: Mild chronic cholecystitis and choleithiasis.


1. I complained about gallbladder pain for over 20 yrs. In our family the

gallbladder will never show up as having stones.

So I told the Doctors that and of course they didn't believe me and all the

tests came back normal...

When I had the weightloss surgery in Oct 1997 I insisted the Dr. remove it. He

did and told me it was a perfectly healthy gallbladder. When results came back

from the lab well my goodness...it was completely full of stones!

My question is could an inflamed gallbladder have caused my liver problems?

2. I have had sepsis infections 3 times in my adult life. One time not

expected to live. Coulld that have done anything?

3. It also shows mild CHRONIC inflamation of the gastric tissue. Could that

have stressed the liver as well?

Unfortunately it doesn't say what caused it. But the fatty liver was not severe

15 yrs ago nor was the cirrhosis severe.

4. If this had been treated 15 yrs ago would I be stage 4 today?

Last week the doctor listed some of my diagnosis:

Thrombocytopenia, unspecified


Macrocytosis without anemia

Cirrhosis of the Liver



Latest CBC with differential abnormal results:
































Sedimentation rate (ESR)---27

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These are the 4 stages of liver fibrosis, the 4th stage is also called End Stage

Liver Disease also know as Cirrhosis.


(Incomplete bridging fibrosis, no nodules)


(Thin bridging fibrosis with dissecting nodules)


(Thick bridging fibrosis with dissecting nodules)


(Wide septa with regenerative hyperplastic nodules)

the web page for liver pathology can be found




To: livercirrhosissupport

Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 4:04 AM

Subject: Help with test results meaning?


Miracles happen and I have a copy of the doctors report on a liver biopsy done

Oct 1997!!!

Of course I get confused from technology and wording as I have trouble

remembering for very long...or when overwhelmed.

This is what the report says:

Sections of the liver biopsy reveal a needle biopsy of liver tissue. The

architecture is disrupted by dense fibrosis bands which separate the liver

parenchyma into nodules. There is mild fatty metamorphosis. Scattered

lymphocytes and plasma cells are present in he fibrous bands.


Liver Biopsy: Cirrhosis, moderately active

-Fatty metamorphosis

Gastric tissue: Mild chronic inflamation

Gallbladder: Mild chronic cholecystitis and choleithiasis.


1. I complained about gallbladder pain for over 20 yrs. In our family the

gallbladder will never show up as having stones.

So I told the Doctors that and of course they didn't believe me and all the

tests came back normal...

When I had the weightloss surgery in Oct 1997 I insisted the Dr. remove it. He

did and told me it was a perfectly healthy gallbladder. When results came back

from the lab well my goodness...it was completely full of stones!

My question is could an inflamed gallbladder have caused my liver problems?

2. I have had sepsis infections 3 times in my adult life. One time not

expected to live. Coulld that have done anything?

3. It also shows mild CHRONIC inflamation of the gastric tissue. Could that

have stressed the liver as well?

Unfortunately it doesn't say what caused it. But the fatty liver was not severe

15 yrs ago nor was the cirrhosis severe.

4. If this had been treated 15 yrs ago would I be stage 4 today?

Last week the doctor listed some of my diagnosis:

Thrombocytopenia, unspecified


Macrocytosis without anemia

Cirrhosis of the Liver



Latest CBC with differential abnormal results:
































Sedimentation rate (ESR)---27

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Carole, It took me forever to get a copy of my first biopsy. Dr. just

never sent it. When I threatened to sit in his office until he sent a

copy to my new gastro, then he sent it.

Like you, after I got over the shock of being told I had cirrhosis, I

wanted some answers to questions. He told me he didn't know what

caused it since I didn't drink to excess and had never taken illegal

drugs. When I asked him how long I had to live, he said 2 to 3 years.

Well, that certainly changed my life. I had just been sort of

sliding along, working to support myself, and a little entertainment,

but nothing meaningful.

He did say my cirrhosis was of the fatty tissue type, but not

necessarily from being overweight, which I certainly was. I started

trying to lose weight, on my own and then through Weight Watchers.

Did pretty well with WW.

I did some research of my own, found out that not being treated for

low thyroid or undertreated seemed to increase the chances of a person

getting cirrhosis. I had instances of both. I had also been taking

tylenol and arthritis medicine which can contribute or cause if taking

too much for years. But they said what I had been taking was within

the safe limits.

Then they found out that my grandfather had died of what they

diagnosed at that time as pernicious anemia which has very similar

symptoms, and that his son had died of too much iron in the liver,

hemochromotosis, and that his daughter was on dialysis for the same

thing. And that our mothers were sisters and our fathers were

brothers. So, they said that there was probably a genetic aspect to

both of our problems

But, I still don't know what caused it. Just know that it or

something else in that area is sure painful tonight, even though the

liver can't hurt according to doctors. My kidney doctor says kidneys

don't hurt when you have a kidney infection either, but funny thing

every time I get that pain in a certain spot in my back, I have a

kidney infection.


There are other things besides bad needles and too much alcohol which

seem to have a connection too. Can't remember them right now.

I can't remark on the blood work because I don't have the normal range

in front of me. I did notice they didn't seem to have the hemoglobin

or hematocrit on that list. Or were they normal and you just put in

the high or low ones?

Most of your questions really can't be answered. That is one of the

frustrating things about this disease. You said your cirrhosis was

moderately active. Mine is very slow in changing. I was diagnosed

about 13 years ago. remember the 2 to 3 years to live, Dr. didn't

know what he was talking about, so changed doctors. Got evaluated at

two transplant centers. I don't qualify here in AZ because of age

now, other health conditions and a shortage or donor organs. So, even

if you find a doctor who will give you some definite answers to some

questions, they might not be the right answers.

My solution has been to live with it and my other conditions, do what

matters to me most, rest in between. I have decided that I am fine,

very happy (except for the pain in my side by the liver, or maybe it

is from my kidney infections) since I moved into my own place, let God

be in control of my life. Now that is my attitude, physical condition

is another matter all together, something I drag around as I lead my

great life.

And as Gloria said you need to be seeing a specialist, even higher

than a gastro, you should be evaluated by a transplant center. I am

no longer followed by the transplant center since I don't qualify, but

have periodic endoscopies and colonoscopies to make sure I am not

breaking blood vessels. I have had bad doctors, and I get rid of

them. Right now I have mostly really great ones. I don't have time

regardless of how long before I become decompensated (start having

symptoms needing attention) to waste going to bad doctors and getting

bad advice. Praying for you. Jan

> Miracles happen and I have a copy of the doctors report on a liver biopsy done

Oct 1997!!!

> Of course I get confused from technology and wording as I have trouble

remembering for very long...or when overwhelmed.

> This is what the report says:


> Sections of the liver biopsy reveal a needle biopsy of liver tissue.  The

architecture is disrupted by dense fibrosis bands which separate the liver

parenchyma into nodules.  There is mild fatty metamorphosis.  Scattered

lymphocytes and plasma cells are present in he fibrous bands.


> Diagnosis:

> Liver Biopsy:  Cirrhosis, moderately active

> -Fatty metamorphosis


> Gastric tissue:  Mild chronic inflamation

> Gallbladder:  Mild chronic cholecystitis and choleithiasis.



> 1.  I complained about gallbladder pain for over 20 yrs. In our family the

gallbladder will never show up as having stones.

> So I told the Doctors that and of course they didn't believe me and all the

tests came back normal...

> When I had the weightloss surgery in Oct 1997 I insisted the Dr. remove it.

 He did and told me it was a perfectly healthy gallbladder.  When results came

back from the lab well my goodness...it was completely full of stones!

> My question is could an inflamed gallbladder have caused my liver problems?

> 2.  I have had sepsis infections 3 times in my adult life.  One time not

expected to live.  Coulld that have done anything?

> 3.  It also shows mild CHRONIC inflamation of the gastric tissue.  Could that

have stressed the liver as well?


> Unfortunately it doesn't say what caused it.  But the fatty liver was not

severe 15 yrs ago nor was the cirrhosis severe.

> 4.  If this had been treated 15 yrs ago would I be stage 4 today?


> Last week the doctor listed some of my diagnosis:

> Thrombocytopenia, unspecified

> Leukopenia

> Macrocytosis without anemia

> Cirrhosis of the Liver

> Hyperspenism

> Thrombocytopenia


> Latest CBC with differential abnormal results:

> WBC--------3.3

> RBC---------3.72

> MCV----------105.2

> MCH----------36.5

> MCHC--------34.7

> RDW-SD-----49.6


> MONO%------28.8

> EO%-----------1.2

> NEUT#---------1.1

> LYMPH#--------0.8

> MONO#---------0.6

> EO#--------------0.0



> Segs----------39

> Monos--------23


> ALT------------37

> AST------------50

> CHLORIDE---109

> CO2-----------36

> ANION GAP---3.1




> Protime--------13.2

> GFR-------------79.93

> GFRAA----------96.72



> Neutrophils------70

> Monocytes-------23

> Prealbumin------12

> Sedimentation rate (ESR)---27



> ------------------------------------


> Group Email:    livercirrhosissupport

> web address:

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/livercirrhosissupport/


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You certainly sound cheerful!!  Getting out on your own seems to have made all

the difference.  I'm very happy for you.




Carole, It took me forever to get a copy of my first biopsy. Dr. just

never sent it. When I threatened to sit in his office until he sent a

copy to my new gastro, then he sent it.

Like you, after I got over the shock of being told I had cirrhosis, I

wanted some answers to questions. He told me he didn't know what

caused it since I didn't drink to excess and had never taken illegal

drugs. When I asked him how long I had to live, he said 2 to 3 years.

Well, that certainly changed my life. I had just been sort of

sliding along, working to support myself, and a little entertainment,

but nothing meaningful.

He did say my cirrhosis was of the fatty tissue type, but not

necessarily from being overweight, which I certainly was. I started

trying to lose weight, on my own and then through Weight Watchers.

Did pretty well with WW.

I did some research of my own, found out that not being treated for

low thyroid or undertreated seemed to increase the chances of a person

getting cirrhosis. I had instances of both. I had also been taking

tylenol and arthritis medicine which can contribute or cause if taking

too much for years. But they said what I had been taking was within

the safe limits.

Then they found out that my grandfather had died of what they

diagnosed at that time as pernicious anemia which has very similar

symptoms, and that his son had died of too much iron in the liver,

hemochromotosis, and that his daughter was on dialysis for the same

thing. And that our mothers were sisters and our fathers were

brothers. So, they said that there was probably a genetic aspect to

both of our problems

But, I still don't know what caused it. Just know that it or

something else in that area is sure painful tonight, even though the

liver can't hurt according to doctors. My kidney doctor says kidneys

don't hurt when you have a kidney infection either, but funny thing

every time I get that pain in a certain spot in my back, I have a

kidney infection.


There are other things besides bad needles and too much alcohol which

seem to have a connection too. Can't remember them right now.

I can't remark on the blood work because I don't have the normal range

in front of me. I did notice they didn't seem to have the hemoglobin

or hematocrit on that list. Or were they normal and you just put in

the high or low ones?

Most of your questions really can't be answered. That is one of the

frustrating things about this disease. You said your cirrhosis was

moderately active. Mine is very slow in changing. I was diagnosed

about 13 years ago. remember the 2 to 3 years to live, Dr. didn't

know what he was talking about, so changed doctors. Got evaluated at

two transplant centers. I don't qualify here in AZ because of age

now, other health conditions and a shortage or donor organs. So, even

if you find a doctor who will give you some definite answers to some

questions, they might not be the right answers.

My solution has been to live with it and my other conditions, do what

matters to me most, rest in between. I have decided that I am fine,

very happy (except for the pain in my side by the liver, or maybe it

is from my kidney infections) since I moved into my own place, let God

be in control of my life. Now that is my attitude, physical condition

is another matter all together, something I drag around as I lead my

great life.

And as Gloria said you need to be seeing a specialist, even higher

than a gastro, you should be evaluated by a transplant center. I am

no longer followed by the transplant center since I don't qualify, but

have periodic endoscopies and colonoscopies to make sure I am not

breaking blood vessels. I have had bad doctors, and I get rid of

them. Right now I have mostly really great ones. I don't have time

regardless of how long before I become decompensated (start having

symptoms needing attention) to waste going to bad doctors and getting

bad advice. Praying for you. Jan

> Miracles happen and I have a copy of the doctors report on a liver biopsy done

Oct 1997!!!

> Of course I get confused from technology and wording as I have trouble

remembering for very long...or when overwhelmed.

> This is what the report says:


> Sections of the liver biopsy reveal a needle biopsy of liver tissue.  The

architecture is disrupted by dense fibrosis bands which separate the liver

parenchyma into nodules.  There is mild fatty metamorphosis.  Scattered

lymphocytes and plasma cells are present in he fibrous bands.


> Diagnosis:

> Liver Biopsy:  Cirrhosis, moderately active

> -Fatty metamorphosis


> Gastric tissue:  Mild chronic inflamation

> Gallbladder:  Mild chronic cholecystitis and choleithiasis.



> 1.  I complained about gallbladder pain for over 20 yrs. In our family the

gallbladder will never show up as having stones.

> So I told the Doctors that and of course they didn't believe me and all the

tests came back normal...

> When I had the weightloss surgery in Oct 1997 I insisted the Dr. remove it.

 He did and told me it was a perfectly healthy gallbladder.  When results came

back from the lab well my goodness...it was completely full of stones!

> My question is could an inflamed gallbladder have caused my liver problems?

> 2.  I have had sepsis infections 3 times in my adult life.  One time not

expected to live.  Coulld that have done anything?

> 3.  It also shows mild CHRONIC inflamation of the gastric tissue.  Could

that have stressed the liver as well?


> Unfortunately it doesn't say what caused it.  But the fatty liver was not

severe 15 yrs ago nor was the cirrhosis severe.

> 4.  If this had been treated 15 yrs ago would I be stage 4 today?


> Last week the doctor listed some of my diagnosis:

> Thrombocytopenia, unspecified

> Leukopenia

> Macrocytosis without anemia

> Cirrhosis of the Liver

> Hyperspenism

> Thrombocytopenia


> Latest CBC with differential abnormal results:

> WBC--------3.3

> RBC---------3.72

> MCV----------105.2

> MCH----------36.5

> MCHC--------34.7

> RDW-SD-----49.6


> MONO%------28.8

> EO%-----------1.2

> NEUT#---------1.1

> LYMPH#--------0.8

> MONO#---------0.6

> EO#--------------0.0



> Segs----------39

> Monos--------23


> ALT------------37

> AST------------50

> CHLORIDE---109

> CO2-----------36

> ANION GAP---3.1




> Protime--------13.2

> GFR-------------79.93

> GFRAA----------96.72



> Neutrophils------70

> Monocytes-------23

> Prealbumin------12

> Sedimentation rate (ESR)---27



> ------------------------------------


> Group Email:    livercirrhosissupport

> web address:

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/livercirrhosissupport/


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Thanks Gloria. Yes it has made a big difference. I have been wanting

to move for quite a few years now, but didn't have the money. My

mother really gave a whopper of a gift to my two brothers and me when

she died. I don't think she had any idea of the amount of her estate,

and I know I didn't. In fact, I had begged her to take me off and put

my kids in my place so I wouldn't lose my insurance and still not have

anything really to live on. My first reaction when I started

receiving insurance payments was that I couldn't spend that money, I

would rather have my mom and my dad back. But then I remembered that

they both chose not to have treatment given which would have prolonged

their lives and so knew they were where they wanted to be. Can't wait

to go meet them, and thank them. There are so many questions I should

have asked them when they were alive Wonder if they will matter when I

do have the opportunity to ask them.

My Christmas should have been a sad one with Mom's death since the

last one, and it was hard not giving her a present, and none of my

kids were here either, but a bunch of friends came who didn't have

family around either, and it was one of the best Christmas's I have

ever had. Before Thanksgiving, I had been praying for people to share

my new home with me and at the last minute, ended up with 8 people

here for a potluck dinner. Between the two holidays, I couldn't count

the blessings I received. And the last one was amazing. Christmas

night I was sitting in my office, music room, bedroom and all of a

sudden I heard Christmas carols. Songs our church choir had sung some

of them which aren't very well known. Have you ever heard " Wind in the

Olive Trees " ? I went out to the livingroom and could hear them there

too, so knew it wasn't coming through the walls from my neighbor, and

didn't see how it could be a cd playing or a radio in a car, but

opened my door, and it was absolutely quiet out there. God had sent

the music just for me. It has just been one blessing after another.

I have asked God to bless each and every one of you on this list and

my other medical support groups, and your family and friends, so that

you can enjoy your life even though there are troubles and problems.

We are not those troubles and problems. We are what we decide to be,

and deciding to be happy really makes the troubles and problems easier

to handle and seem less. Now if they could just figure out what is

wrong with my blood and make my anemia go away, I could really start

flying. lol Jan

> Jan


> You certainly sound cheerful!!  Getting out on your own seems to have made all

the difference.  I'm very happy for you.


> Gloria




> ________________________________





> Carole, It took me forever to get a copy of my first biopsy.  Dr. just

> never sent it.  When I threatened to sit in his office until he sent a

> copy to my new gastro, then he sent it.


> Like you, after I got over the shock of being told I had cirrhosis, I

> wanted some answers to questions.  He told me he didn't know what

> caused it since I didn't drink to excess and had never taken illegal

> drugs.  When I asked him how long I had to live, he said 2 to 3 years.

> Well, that certainly changed my life.  I had just been sort of

> sliding along, working to support myself, and a little entertainment,

> but nothing meaningful.


> He did say my cirrhosis was of the fatty tissue type, but not

> necessarily from being overweight, which I certainly was.  I started

> trying to lose weight, on my own and then through Weight Watchers.

> Did pretty well with WW.


> I did some research of my own, found out that not being treated for

> low thyroid or undertreated seemed to increase the chances of a person

> getting cirrhosis.  I had instances of both.  I had also been taking

> tylenol and arthritis medicine which can contribute or cause if taking

> too much for years.  But they said what I had been taking was within

> the safe limits.


> Then they found out that my grandfather had died of what they

> diagnosed at that time as pernicious anemia which has very similar

> symptoms, and that his son had died of too much iron in the liver,

> hemochromotosis, and that his daughter was on dialysis for the same

> thing.  And that our mothers were sisters and our fathers were

> brothers.  So, they said that there was probably a genetic aspect to

> both of our problems


> But, I still don't know what caused it.  Just know that it or

> something else in that area is sure painful tonight, even though the

> liver can't hurt according to doctors.  My kidney doctor says kidneys

> don't hurt when you have a kidney infection either, but funny thing

> every time I get that pain in a certain spot in my back, I have a

> kidney infection.

> \

> There are other things besides bad needles and too much alcohol which

> seem to have a connection too.  Can't remember them right now.


> I can't remark on the blood work because I don't have the normal range

> in front of me.  I did notice they didn't seem to have the hemoglobin

> or hematocrit on that list.  Or were they normal and you just put in

> the high or low ones?


> Most of your questions really can't be answered.  That is one of the

> frustrating things about this disease.  You said your cirrhosis was

> moderately active.  Mine is very slow in changing.  I was diagnosed

> about 13 years ago.  remember the 2 to 3 years to live, Dr. didn't

> know what he was talking about, so changed doctors.  Got evaluated at

> two transplant centers.  I don't qualify here in AZ because of age

> now, other health conditions and a shortage or donor organs.  So, even

> if you find a doctor who will give you some definite answers to some

> questions, they might not be the right answers.


> My solution has been to live with it and my other conditions, do what

> matters to me most, rest in between.  I have decided that I am fine,

> very happy (except for the pain in my side by the liver, or maybe it

> is from my kidney infections) since I moved into my own place, let God

> be in control of my life.  Now that is my attitude, physical condition

> is another matter all together, something I drag around as I lead my

> great life.


> And as Gloria said you need to be seeing a specialist, even higher

> than a gastro, you should be evaluated by a transplant center.  I am

> no longer followed by the transplant center since I don't qualify, but

> have periodic endoscopies and colonoscopies to make sure I am not

> breaking blood vessels.  I have had bad doctors, and I get rid of

> them.  Right now I have mostly really great ones.  I don't have time

> regardless of how long before I become decompensated (start having

> symptoms needing attention) to waste going to bad doctors and getting

> bad advice.  Praying for you.   Jan



>> Miracles happen and I have a copy of the doctors report on a liver biopsy

done Oct 1997!!!

>> Of course I get confused from technology and wording as I have trouble

remembering for very long...or when overwhelmed.

>> This is what the report says:


>> Sections of the liver biopsy reveal a needle biopsy of liver tissue.  The

architecture is disrupted by dense fibrosis bands which separate the liver

parenchyma into nodules.  There is mild fatty metamorphosis.  Scattered

lymphocytes and plasma cells are present in he fibrous bands.


>> Diagnosis:

>> Liver Biopsy:  Cirrhosis, moderately active

>> -Fatty metamorphosis


>> Gastric tissue:  Mild chronic inflamation

>> Gallbladder:  Mild chronic cholecystitis and choleithiasis.



>> 1.  I complained about gallbladder pain for over 20 yrs. In our family the

gallbladder will never show up as having stones.

>> So I told the Doctors that and of course they didn't believe me and all the

tests came back normal...

>> When I had the weightloss surgery in Oct 1997 I insisted the Dr. remove it.

 He did and told me it was a perfectly healthy gallbladder.  When results came

back from the lab well my goodness...it was completely full of stones!

>> My question is could an inflamed gallbladder have caused my liver problems?

>> 2.  I have had sepsis infections 3 times in my adult life.  One time not

expected to live.  Coulld that have done anything?

>> 3.  It also shows mild CHRONIC inflamation of the gastric tissue.  Could that

have stressed the liver as well?


>> Unfortunately it doesn't say what caused it.  But the fatty liver was not

severe 15 yrs ago nor was the cirrhosis severe.

>> 4.  If this had been treated 15 yrs ago would I be stage 4 today?


>> Last week the doctor listed some of my diagnosis:

>> Thrombocytopenia, unspecified

>> Leukopenia

>> Macrocytosis without anemia

>> Cirrhosis of the Liver

>> Hyperspenism

>> Thrombocytopenia


>> Latest CBC with differential abnormal results:

>> WBC--------3.3

>> RBC---------3.72

>> MCV----------105.2

>> MCH----------36.5

>> MCHC--------34.7

>> RDW-SD-----49.6

>> PLATELETS--96.0

>> MONO%------28.8

>> EO%-----------1.2

>> NEUT#---------1.1

>> LYMPH#--------0.8

>> MONO#---------0.6

>> EO#--------------0.0



>> Segs----------39

>> Monos--------23


>> ALT------------37

>> AST------------50

>> CHLORIDE---109

>> CO2-----------36

>> ANION GAP---3.1




>> Protime--------13.2

>> GFR-------------79.93

>> GFRAA----------96.72



>> Neutrophils------70

>> Monocytes-------23

>> Prealbumin------12

>> Sedimentation rate (ESR)---27



>> ------------------------------------


>> Group Email:    livercirrhosissupport

>> web address:

>> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/livercirrhosissupport/


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Has the Dr thoroughly tested you for iron??  My Dad usually had high iron most

of his life.  In fact, it's thought that there is 2 reasons for high iron. 

One is hereditary - those whose ancestors came from northern Europe or those

with Hep C.

Anyway, myDad seemed to be shrinking into himself more and more.  Well, he is

86.  However, the local Gastro had him tested for iron.  His was sooo low that

they had to infuse him several times a week.  He got to be so funny.  One day

I was there and so was my youngest brother.  Both of us were shocked when the

old man came out from his bedroom with no cane or anything.  But, he was

pointing at the ball cap he had put on and walked over to me.  Apparently, I

gave him the hat at some time that I forget; but, he hasn't.  LOL  I swear

that he's going to keep on going to another decade!! 

Jan, about the only thing that I did right in my life was get life insurance

about 25 yrs ago.  So, my son will get that money.  In Canada that money is

tax free!!  Also, we are able to take about to 1/2 out of it before I die.  I

told Shon that as far as I was concerned, it is his money.  So we are going to

take about $7500 out and even do 1 or 2 fun things as well as his wants some new


Sounds like your parents planned ahead as well.  They likely worked hard to put

away a lot of money for their kids, so it would seem rude not to use some for

your needs.  I would guess that you have not been able to enjoy any money that

hadto go for day to day living.  Now you are able to spread your wings and be

happy no matter what you keep for your kids.

I'm not a believer that our parents should feel that they have to leave money or

materials things to their kids.  I say that they have the right to enjoy the

fruits of their labor.  Right now I'm aware that my mother is spending the

little they have to help 3 of us while she's still alive.  It makes me feel

horrible, so Shon and I are going to give her a couple of grand when the

insurance money comes in.




Thanks Gloria. Yes it has made a big difference. I have been wanting

to move for quite a few years now, but didn't have the money. My

mother really gave a whopper of a gift to my two brothers and me when

she died. I don't think she had any idea of the amount of her estate,

and I know I didn't. In fact, I had begged her to take me off and put

my kids in my place so I wouldn't lose my insurance and still not have

anything really to live on. My first reaction when I started

receiving insurance payments was that I couldn't spend that money, I

would rather have my mom and my dad back. But then I remembered that

they both chose not to have treatment given which would have prolonged

their lives and so knew they were where they wanted to be. Can't wait

to go meet them, and thank them. There are so many questions I should

have asked them when they were alive Wonder if they will matter when I

do have the opportunity to ask them.

My Christmas should have been a sad one with Mom's death since the

last one, and it was hard not giving her a present, and none of my

kids were here either, but a bunch of friends came who didn't have

family around either, and it was one of the best Christmas's I have

ever had. Before Thanksgiving, I had been praying for people to share

my new home with me and at the last minute, ended up with 8 people

here for a potluck dinner. Between the two holidays, I couldn't count

the blessings I received. And the last one was amazing. Christmas

night I was sitting in my office, music room, bedroom and all of a

sudden I heard Christmas carols. Songs our church choir had sung some

of them which aren't very well known. Have you ever heard " Wind in the

Olive Trees " ? I went out to the livingroom and could hear them there

too, so knew it wasn't coming through the walls from my neighbor, and

didn't see how it could be a cd playing or a radio in a car, but

opened my door, and it was absolutely quiet out there. God had sent

the music just for me. It has just been one blessing after another.

I have asked God to bless each and every one of you on this list and

my other medical support groups, and your family and friends, so that

you can enjoy your life even though there are troubles and problems.

We are not those troubles and problems. We are what we decide to be,

and deciding to be happy really makes the troubles and problems easier

to handle and seem less. Now if they could just figure out what is

wrong with my blood and make my anemia go away, I could really start

flying. lol Jan

> Jan


> You certainly sound cheerful!!  Getting out on your own seems to have made

all the difference.  I'm very happy for you.


> Gloria




> ________________________________





> Carole, It took me forever to get a copy of my first biopsy.  Dr. just

> never sent it.  When I threatened to sit in his office until he sent a

> copy to my new gastro, then he sent it.


> Like you, after I got over the shock of being told I had cirrhosis, I

> wanted some answers to questions.  He told me he didn't know what

> caused it since I didn't drink to excess and had never taken illegal

> drugs.  When I asked him how long I had to live, he said 2 to 3 years.

> Well, that certainly changed my life.  I had just been sort of

> sliding along, working to support myself, and a little entertainment,

> but nothing meaningful.


> He did say my cirrhosis was of the fatty tissue type, but not

> necessarily from being overweight, which I certainly was.  I started

> trying to lose weight, on my own and then through Weight Watchers.

> Did pretty well with WW.


> I did some research of my own, found out that not being treated for

> low thyroid or undertreated seemed to increase the chances of a person

> getting cirrhosis.  I had instances of both.  I had also been taking

> tylenol and arthritis medicine which can contribute or cause if taking

> too much for years.  But they said what I had been taking was within

> the safe limits.


> Then they found out that my grandfather had died of what they

> diagnosed at that time as pernicious anemia which has very similar

> symptoms, and that his son had died of too much iron in the liver,

> hemochromotosis, and that his daughter was on dialysis for the same

> thing.  And that our mothers were sisters and our fathers were

> brothers.  So, they said that there was probably a genetic aspect to

> both of our problems


> But, I still don't know what caused it.  Just know that it or

> something else in that area is sure painful tonight, even though the

> liver can't hurt according to doctors.  My kidney doctor says kidneys

> don't hurt when you have a kidney infection either, but funny thing

> every time I get that pain in a certain spot in my back, I have a

> kidney infection.

> \

> There are other things besides bad needles and too much alcohol which

> seem to have a connection too.  Can't remember them right now.


> I can't remark on the blood work because I don't have the normal range

> in front of me.  I did notice they didn't seem to have the hemoglobin

> or hematocrit on that list.  Or were they normal and you just put in

> the high or low ones?


> Most of your questions really can't be answered.  That is one of the

> frustrating things about this disease.  You said your cirrhosis was

> moderately active.  Mine is very slow in changing.  I was diagnosed

> about 13 years ago.  remember the 2 to 3 years to live, Dr. didn't

> know what he was talking about, so changed doctors.  Got evaluated at

> two transplant centers.  I don't qualify here in AZ because of age

> now, other health conditions and a shortage or donor organs.  So, even

> if you find a doctor who will give you some definite answers to some

> questions, they might not be the right answers.


> My solution has been to live with it and my other conditions, do what

> matters to me most, rest in between.  I have decided that I am fine,

> very happy (except for the pain in my side by the liver, or maybe it

> is from my kidney infections) since I moved into my own place, let God

> be in control of my life.  Now that is my attitude, physical condition

> is another matter all together, something I drag around as I lead my

> great life.


> And as Gloria said you need to be seeing a specialist, even higher

> than a gastro, you should be evaluated by a transplant center.  I am

> no longer followed by the transplant center since I don't qualify, but

> have periodic endoscopies and colonoscopies to make sure I am not

> breaking blood vessels.  I have had bad doctors, and I get rid of

> them.  Right now I have mostly really great ones.  I don't have time

> regardless of how long before I become decompensated (start having

> symptoms needing attention) to waste going to bad doctors and getting

> bad advice.  Praying for you.   Jan



>> Miracles happen and I have a copy of the doctors report on a liver biopsy

done Oct 1997!!!

>> Of course I get confused from technology and wording as I have trouble

remembering for very long...or when overwhelmed.

>> This is what the report says:


>> Sections of the liver biopsy reveal a needle biopsy of liver tissue.  The

architecture is disrupted by dense fibrosis bands which separate the liver

parenchyma into nodules.  There is mild fatty metamorphosis.  Scattered

lymphocytes and plasma cells are present in he fibrous bands.


>> Diagnosis:

>> Liver Biopsy:  Cirrhosis, moderately active

>> -Fatty metamorphosis


>> Gastric tissue:  Mild chronic inflamation

>> Gallbladder:  Mild chronic cholecystitis and choleithiasis.



>> 1.  I complained about gallbladder pain for over 20 yrs. In our family the

gallbladder will never show up as having stones.

>> So I told the Doctors that and of course they didn't believe me and all the

tests came back normal...

>> When I had the weightloss surgery in Oct 1997 I insisted the Dr. remove it.

 He did and told me it was a perfectly healthy gallbladder.  When results came

back from the lab well my goodness...it was completely full of stones!

>> My question is could an inflamed gallbladder have caused my liver problems?

>> 2.  I have had sepsis infections 3 times in my adult life.  One time not

expected to live.  Coulld that have done anything?

>> 3.  It also shows mild CHRONIC inflamation of the gastric tissue.  Could

that have stressed the liver as well?


>> Unfortunately it doesn't say what caused it.  But the fatty liver was not

severe 15 yrs ago nor was the cirrhosis severe.

>> 4.  If this had been treated 15 yrs ago would I be stage 4 today?


>> Last week the doctor listed some of my diagnosis:

>> Thrombocytopenia, unspecified

>> Leukopenia

>> Macrocytosis without anemia

>> Cirrhosis of the Liver

>> Hyperspenism

>> Thrombocytopenia


>> Latest CBC with differential abnormal results:

>> WBC--------3.3

>> RBC---------3.72

>> MCV----------105.2

>> MCH----------36.5

>> MCHC--------34.7

>> RDW-SD-----49.6

>> PLATELETS--96.0

>> MONO%------28.8

>> EO%-----------1.2

>> NEUT#---------1.1

>> LYMPH#--------0.8

>> MONO#---------0.6

>> EO#--------------0.0



>> Segs----------39

>> Monos--------23


>> ALT------------37

>> AST------------50

>> CHLORIDE---109

>> CO2-----------36

>> ANION GAP---3.1




>> Protime--------13.2

>> GFR-------------79.93

>> GFRAA----------96.72



>> Neutrophils------70

>> Monocytes-------23

>> Prealbumin------12

>> Sedimentation rate (ESR)---27



>> ------------------------------------


>> Group Email:    livercirrhosissupport

>> web address:

>> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/livercirrhosissupport/


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Share on other sites

I do plan to get life insurance, and pay for it out of the money

created by investing the money I don't need to live on. There really

isn't anything I really want or need right now. So, if I can live on

the major part of the inheritance invested with a guaranteed income

every year, then I would love to be able to increase what I have and

pass it on to my kids. My parents didn't save up this money, they

invested it in funds, insurance, and land. My father was a farmer.

20 years ago, the story would have been different, but I can't travel

and enjoy it, get all tired out, and hurt like crazy, just from going

75 miles round trip to get my epo shots. The things I really want to

do, I arrange so I can do them by having them staggered through out

the week and month. My iron blood work is fine, but my hemo is still

giving me iron infusions monthly. They don't do any good. This is

the second time he is doing it. My nephro wants him to do a bone

marrow, and while I sure don't look forward to the pain of one, at

least we could hopefully rule out some causes. Now he is onto doing

more extensive blood work which should show some of what is going on

in the marrow, why he didn't do that a year ago I don't know. and

then he is going to pressure my gastro to do an endoscopy and a

colonoscopy which gastro said I didn't need because it had only been a

year since I had them. The liver transplant team sent a note to the

gastro asking him to do them twice yearly, but he says that is too

often. Somewhere, I must be bleeding, know I bruise a lot on the

outside, but they say that isn't enough to cause my low hemoglobin.

The new thing is that my marrow might not be making new blood. If I

had a choice, I would change doctors, but already put up with the

other hemo for 2 years waiting for him to get permission for me to

have these shots, changed doctors and got them right away and now they

aren't working. I spent most of my childhood anemic, so when it was

normal, that was rather unusual. They never tried to figure out what

caused it, just gave me those terrible little green triangular pills.

After a while of taking them I refused to take any more. Then I left

home and my blood was fine except when I was pregnant. I had added

more variety of vegetables into my diet. My dad only ate corn and

baked beans. Not too much for the blood to work with there.

Other parts of my family do have high iron, my father's brother died

of hemochromotosis, and his daughter is on dialysis for it. And yes,

my ancestors were all from Norway, so we fit the northern Euopean


Whether or not insurance is tax free here depends on the type of

insurance/fund it is and probably somewhat which state you live in. I

am going to have to deal with two states since my mother lived in MN

and I live in Arizona. The larger part of her insurance/investment

was tax free, but I think it was her retirement account which we had

to pay taxes on before it could be disbursed. I have talked to a

number of people and feel confident I know what to do with more than

half the money. It has to be safe so I have a guaranteed income, and

so far everybody says the first guy I talked to has the best deal. It

is through a credit union and all the big companies say they can't

beat it. The rest of it will be diversified if I don't buy a house.

But I have a lease until Sept. so won't be able to do that until then

and prices might go up by then. Even with a BA in Business

management, it is still overwhelming to try to figure it all out. One

thing I do know is that you find an expert to help you. Guess I

should have concentrated more on business finance than marketing.

Well, it is after 1 AM here and have to get up before 7 so better stop

this chapter in my book. Thanks for your concern, it is appreciated.


> Has the Dr thoroughly tested you for iron??  My Dad usually had high iron most

of his life.  In fact, it's thought that there is 2 reasons for high iron.  One

is hereditary - those whose ancestors came from northern Europe or those with

Hep C.


> Anyway, myDad seemed to be shrinking into himself more and more.  Well, he is

86.  However, the local Gastro had him tested for iron.  His was sooo low that

they had to infuse him several times a week.  He got to be so funny.  One day I

was there and so was my youngest brother.  Both of us were shocked when the old

man came out from his bedroom with no cane or anything.  But, he was pointing at

the ball cap he had put on and walked over to me.  Apparently, I gave him the

hat at some time that I forget; but, he hasn't.  LOL  I swear that he's going to

keep on going to another decade!!



> Jan, about the only thing that I did right in my life was get life insurance

about 25 yrs ago.  So, my son will get that money.  In Canada that money is tax

free!!  Also, we are able to take about to 1/2 out of it before I die.  I told

Shon that as far as I was concerned, it is his money.  So we are going to take

about $7500 out and even do 1 or 2 fun things as well as his wants some new



> Sounds like your parents planned ahead as well.  They likely worked hard to

put away a lot of money for their kids, so it would seem rude not to use some

for your needs.  I would guess that you have not been able to enjoy any money

that hadto go for day to day living.  Now you are able to spread your wings and

be happy no matter what you keep for your kids.


> I'm not a believer that our parents should feel that they have to leave money

or materials things to their kids.  I say that they have the right to enjoy the

fruits of their labor.  Right now I'm aware that my mother is spending the

little they have to help 3 of us while she's still alive.  It makes me feel

horrible, so Shon and I are going to give her a couple of grand when the

insurance money comes in.


> Gloria




> ________________________________





> Thanks Gloria.  Yes it has made a big difference.  I have been wanting

> to move for quite a few years now, but didn't have the money.  My

> mother really gave a whopper of a gift to my two brothers and me when

> she died.  I don't think she had any idea of the amount of her estate,

> and I know I didn't.  In fact, I had begged her to take me off and put

> my kids in my place so I wouldn't lose my insurance and still not have

> anything really to live on.  My first reaction when I started

> receiving insurance payments was that I couldn't spend that money, I

> would rather have my mom and my dad back.  But then I remembered that

> they both chose not to have treatment given which would have prolonged

> their lives and so knew they were where they wanted to be.  Can't wait

> to go meet them, and thank them.  There are so many questions I should

> have asked them when they were alive Wonder if they will matter when I

> do have the opportunity to ask them.


> My Christmas should have been a sad one with Mom's death since the

> last one, and it was hard not giving her a present, and none of my

> kids were here either, but a bunch of friends came who didn't have

> family around either, and it was one of the best Christmas's I have

> ever had.  Before Thanksgiving, I had been praying for people to share

> my new home with me and at the last minute, ended up with 8 people

> here for a potluck dinner.  Between the two holidays, I couldn't count

> the blessings I received.  And the last one was amazing.  Christmas

> night I was sitting in my office, music room, bedroom and all of a

> sudden I heard Christmas carols.  Songs our church choir had sung some

> of them which aren't very well known. Have you ever heard " Wind in the

> Olive Trees " ?  I went out to the livingroom and could hear them there

> too, so knew it wasn't coming through the walls from my neighbor, and

> didn't see how it could be a cd playing or a radio in a car, but

> opened my door, and it was absolutely quiet out there.  God had sent

> the music just for me.  It has just been one blessing after another.

> I have asked God to bless each and every one of  you on this list and

> my other medical support groups, and your family and friends, so that

> you can enjoy your life even though there are troubles and problems.

> We are not those troubles and problems.  We are what we decide to be,

> and deciding to be happy really makes the troubles and problems easier

> to handle and seem less.  Now if they could just figure out what is

> wrong with my blood and make my anemia go away, I could really start

> flying.   lol   Jan



>> Jan


>> You certainly sound cheerful!!  Getting out on your own seems to have made

all the difference.  I'm very happy for you.


>> Gloria




>> ________________________________





>> Carole, It took me forever to get a copy of my first biopsy.  Dr. just

>> never sent it.  When I threatened to sit in his office until he sent a

>> copy to my new gastro, then he sent it.


>> Like you, after I got over the shock of being told I had cirrhosis, I

>> wanted some answers to questions.  He told me he didn't know what

>> caused it since I didn't drink to excess and had never taken illegal

>> drugs.  When I asked him how long I had to live, he said 2 to 3 years.

>> Well, that certainly changed my life.  I had just been sort of

>> sliding along, working to support myself, and a little entertainment,

>> but nothing meaningful.


>> He did say my cirrhosis was of the fatty tissue type, but not

>> necessarily from being overweight, which I certainly was.  I started

>> trying to lose weight, on my own and then through Weight Watchers.

>> Did pretty well with WW.


>> I did some research of my own, found out that not being treated for

>> low thyroid or undertreated seemed to increase the chances of a person

>> getting cirrhosis.  I had instances of both.  I had also been taking

>> tylenol and arthritis medicine which can contribute or cause if taking

>> too much for years.  But they said what I had been taking was within

>> the safe limits.


>> Then they found out that my grandfather had died of what they

>> diagnosed at that time as pernicious anemia which has very similar

>> symptoms, and that his son had died of too much iron in the liver,

>> hemochromotosis, and that his daughter was on dialysis for the same

>> thing.  And that our mothers were sisters and our fathers were

>> brothers.  So, they said that there was probably a genetic aspect to

>> both of our problems


>> But, I still don't know what caused it.  Just know that it or

>> something else in that area is sure painful tonight, even though the

>> liver can't hurt according to doctors.  My kidney doctor says kidneys

>> don't hurt when you have a kidney infection either, but funny thing

>> every time I get that pain in a certain spot in my back, I have a

>> kidney infection.

>> \

>> There are other things besides bad needles and too much alcohol which

>> seem to have a connection too.  Can't remember them right now.


>> I can't remark on the blood work because I don't have the normal range

>> in front of me.  I did notice they didn't seem to have the hemoglobin

>> or hematocrit on that list.  Or were they normal and you just put in

>> the high or low ones?


>> Most of your questions really can't be answered.  That is one of the

>> frustrating things about this disease.  You said your cirrhosis was

>> moderately active.  Mine is very slow in changing.  I was diagnosed

>> about 13 years ago.  remember the 2 to 3 years to live, Dr. didn't

>> know what he was talking about, so changed doctors.  Got evaluated at

>> two transplant centers.  I don't qualify here in AZ because of age

>> now, other health conditions and a shortage or donor organs.  So, even

>> if you find a doctor who will give you some definite answers to some

>> questions, they might not be the right answers.


>> My solution has been to live with it and my other conditions, do what

>> matters to me most, rest in between.  I have decided that I am fine,

>> very happy (except for the pain in my side by the liver, or maybe it

>> is from my kidney infections) since I moved into my own place, let God

>> be in control of my life.  Now that is my attitude, physical condition

>> is another matter all together, something I drag around as I lead my

>> great life.


>> And as Gloria said you need to be seeing a specialist, even higher

>> than a gastro, you should be evaluated by a transplant center.  I am

>> no longer followed by the transplant center since I don't qualify, but

>> have periodic endoscopies and colonoscopies to make sure I am not

>> breaking blood vessels.  I have had bad doctors, and I get rid of

>> them.  Right now I have mostly really great ones.  I don't have time

>> regardless of how long before I become decompensated (start having

>> symptoms needing attention) to waste going to bad doctors and getting

>> bad advice.  Praying for you.   Jan



>>> Miracles happen and I have a copy of the doctors report on a liver biopsy

done Oct 1997!!!

>>> Of course I get confused from technology and wording as I have trouble

remembering for very long...or when overwhelmed.

>>> This is what the report says:


>>> Sections of the liver biopsy reveal a needle biopsy of liver tissue.  The

architecture is disrupted by dense fibrosis bands which separate the liver

parenchyma into nodules.  There is mild fatty metamorphosis.  Scattered

lymphocytes and plasma cells are present in he fibrous bands.


>>> Diagnosis:

>>> Liver Biopsy:  Cirrhosis, moderately active

>>> -Fatty metamorphosis


>>> Gastric tissue:  Mild chronic inflamation

>>> Gallbladder:  Mild chronic cholecystitis and choleithiasis.



>>> 1.  I complained about gallbladder pain for over 20 yrs. In our family the

gallbladder will never show up as having stones.

>>> So I told the Doctors that and of course they didn't believe me and all the

tests came back normal...

>>> When I had the weightloss surgery in Oct 1997 I insisted the Dr. remove it.

 He did and told me it was a perfectly healthy gallbladder.  When results came

back from the lab well my goodness...it was completely full of stones!

>>> My question is could an inflamed gallbladder have caused my liver problems?

>>> 2.  I have had sepsis infections 3 times in my adult life.  One time not

expected to live.  Coulld that have done anything?

>>> 3.  It also shows mild CHRONIC inflamation of the gastric tissue.  Could

that have stressed the liver as well?


>>> Unfortunately it doesn't say what caused it.  But the fatty liver was not

severe 15 yrs ago nor was the cirrhosis severe.

>>> 4.  If this had been treated 15 yrs ago would I be stage 4 today?


>>> Last week the doctor listed some of my diagnosis:

>>> Thrombocytopenia, unspecified

>>> Leukopenia

>>> Macrocytosis without anemia

>>> Cirrhosis of the Liver

>>> Hyperspenism

>>> Thrombocytopenia


>>> Latest CBC with differential abnormal results:

>>> WBC--------3.3

>>> RBC---------3.72

>>> MCV----------105.2

>>> MCH----------36.5

>>> MCHC--------34.7

>>> RDW-SD-----49.6

>>> PLATELETS--96.0

>>> MONO%------28.8

>>> EO%-----------1.2

>>> NEUT#---------1.1

>>> LYMPH#--------0.8

>>> MONO#---------0.6

>>> EO#--------------0.0



>>> Segs----------39

>>> Monos--------23


>>> ALT------------37

>>> AST------------50

>>> CHLORIDE---109

>>> CO2-----------36

>>> ANION GAP---3.1




>>> Protime--------13.2

>>> GFR-------------79.93

>>> GFRAA----------96.72



>>> Neutrophils------70

>>> Monocytes-------23

>>> Prealbumin------12

>>> Sedimentation rate (ESR)---27



>>> ------------------------------------


>>> Group Email:    livercirrhosissupport

>>> web address:

>>> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/livercirrhosissupport/


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