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RE: New to all this and depressed

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Welcome to the group, sorry why your here though. This is a

wonderful support group to help you through. I know you are going

through all types of emotions right now, we all do that. Sometimes

it is hard for family and friends to understand. It might help if

you took your hubby with you on the next visit, and let the rheumy

talk with him. You might also want to share some literature about

RA, with your friends.

It doesn't matter how old you are, it can happen to anyone. I hope

that you get control of the RA, and the MTX and Bextra kicks in for

you. I just hope that you don't hide your pain for long from your

family, they need to know what your going through. It is hard enough

to deal with the pain, and then trying to hide it, I couldn't do it.

I live in OKC, was born in Tulsa so your in my hometown, yeah! You

take care of yourself, and let us know more about you, hugs tawny

> I am 35 years old, am from a farm community in Iowa, live in Tulsa,

> OK and have always played sports and been very active. I started

> having problems with my feet in Feb. They would hurt when I would

> get out of bed for an hour or so. So I figured it was plantar

> facitis and changed my shoes. They progressively got worse and

> started swelling.


> I went to my family md, then to a podiatrist, and finally to a

> Rheumy. The blood tests are all in and it is aggressive RA, which

> is what my family doctor and podiatrist thought it was. My Rheumy

> started me on Methotrexate (10 mg), folic acid (1 mg.), and



> In the last couple of weeks, it has moved to my hands, shoulders


> knees. At night, I can barely walk, let alone do anything


> My husband just says that I am too young for this and that the

> doctor isn't doing enough. I think that he thinks I am faking it,

> so I try and act like it doesn't hurt. I make sure to not say

> anything about it around him or any of my friends. I am a care

> taker and am not one to let people take care of me. They act like


> am just whining and can not possibly be hurting that bad.


> The reality of all of it is beginning to set in and I realize from

> reading all of your posts that I will not be able to pretend it

> doesn't hurt for much longer. My rheumy says that there is joint

> damage occurring in my toes. I am becoming increasingly depressed

> about it all. The same questions everyone asks. Why me? What

> next? How will I live with this?


> You all seem so close and supportive of eachother. Thank you for

> being here to vent to, because right now I feel completely alone.

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I know exactly how you feel. I was a diehard sports nut ()played

semi-pro baseball and went into the Marines for 9 years. Now 39 I am

having to realize, life is different now.VERY different. Then we get to

add depression to it all, not to mention all those physical activities

we use to be able to bury ourselves in as " coping mechanisms " what

coping mechanisms do we use now?

It is very difficult indeed, sometimes the emotional/psychological

aspects of RA and all that comes with it is harder then the disease


Like you, I found this group about a week ago. I am absolutely amazed at

the love, understanding and support that flows through each and every

message. I wish I had found this group long ago. I told my Psychologist

at our appointment this morning that this group has helped me more

emotionally, just by reading posts, in a week then she has in 6 months,

although she is an excellent psychologist and I am very grateful for

her. I am equally grateful for this group.

Keep reading posts, even if they don't seem to apply to you and your

problems, it will help you a lot anyways.



[ ] New to all this and depressed

I am 35 years old, am from a farm community in Iowa, live in Tulsa,

OK and have always played sports and been very active. I started

having problems with my feet in Feb. They would hurt when I would

get out of bed for an hour or so. So I figured it was plantar

facitis and changed my shoes. They progressively got worse and

started swelling.

I went to my family md, then to a podiatrist, and finally to a

Rheumy. The blood tests are all in and it is aggressive RA, which

is what my family doctor and podiatrist thought it was. My Rheumy

started me on Methotrexate (10 mg), folic acid (1 mg.), and Bextra.

In the last couple of weeks, it has moved to my hands, shoulders and

knees. At night, I can barely walk, let alone do anything kinetic.

My husband just says that I am too young for this and that the

doctor isn't doing enough. I think that he thinks I am faking it,

so I try and act like it doesn't hurt. I make sure to not say

anything about it around him or any of my friends. I am a care

taker and am not one to let people take care of me. They act like I

am just whining and can not possibly be hurting that bad.

The reality of all of it is beginning to set in and I realize from

reading all of your posts that I will not be able to pretend it

doesn't hurt for much longer. My rheumy says that there is joint

damage occurring in my toes. I am becoming increasingly depressed

about it all. The same questions everyone asks. Why me? What

next? How will I live with this?

You all seem so close and supportive of eachother. Thank you for

being here to vent to, because right now I feel completely alone.

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We are all here for you, you are not alone. I take Humira injections (since

January) every other week and they seem to be helping. I also take ultraset and

naproxen. I started the same way as you and it seemed to go very quickly after

that. I think I have had symptoms for years, though, especially extreme

fatigue. I take Provigil for that. It does help but I am still always tired,

just not as tired as before, if that makes any sense. I am 47 years old and

have known for about 2 years. I've been through all of the other drugs to get

to Humira. I was given it after my 3rd cortisone injection in my right knee in

a year. I live in Illinois, near St. Louis.


[ ] New to all this and depressed

I am 35 years old, am from a farm community in Iowa, live in Tulsa,

OK and have always played sports and been very active. I started

having problems with my feet in Feb. They would hurt when I would

get out of bed for an hour or so. So I figured it was plantar

facitis and changed my shoes. They progressively got worse and

started swelling.

I went to my family md, then to a podiatrist, and finally to a

Rheumy. The blood tests are all in and it is aggressive RA, which

is what my family doctor and podiatrist thought it was. My Rheumy

started me on Methotrexate (10 mg), folic acid (1 mg.), and Bextra.

In the last couple of weeks, it has moved to my hands, shoulders and

knees. At night, I can barely walk, let alone do anything kinetic.

My husband just says that I am too young for this and that the

doctor isn't doing enough. I think that he thinks I am faking it,

so I try and act like it doesn't hurt. I make sure to not say

anything about it around him or any of my friends. I am a care

taker and am not one to let people take care of me. They act like I

am just whining and can not possibly be hurting that bad.

The reality of all of it is beginning to set in and I realize from

reading all of your posts that I will not be able to pretend it

doesn't hurt for much longer. My rheumy says that there is joint

damage occurring in my toes. I am becoming increasingly depressed

about it all. The same questions everyone asks. Why me? What

next? How will I live with this?

You all seem so close and supportive of eachother. Thank you for

being here to vent to, because right now I feel completely alone.

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Hello my new friend, I am so very sorry for all thepain youhave been throuh

and are still haveing.I don't remeber the groups rules. but I do know that God

cares for us and wants to meet our need. Quite time with Him and a friend or

two that will stand, God Bless You and please keep me posted...Kathy

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Sorry I am so slow to reply to this message. I am sure you know by

now this is a very loving and supportive group. But I wanted to

reply because I am concerned why your rheumy is seeing joint damage

and not treating your RA more agressively. I have the benefit of

seeing my mother with RA for the past 20 years before I got it last

year. Rheumatologists vary quite a lot in their treatment of RA.

But I firmly believe (and most good rheumy's do to) that the only way

to treat it is agressively with medication. As you have already

learned, pretending to be okay will only cause you to have joint

damage. Joint damage is irreversible, and you want to keep it from

getting worse. If you keep trying to ignore it (or pretend you are

okay, it will only get worse. My mom has severe joint damage,

meaning no joints left in her feet and hands. Trust me, do what you

can to avoid this painful and disabling result of RA (or slow down

the progression of it as much as possible). Your rheumy could give

you a higher dose of MTX (I am on 17.5mgs a week, I think the max is

25mgs a week) or try one of the new biological drugs. If your rheumy

is not willing to do this - find one that is. Your health depends on

it. Even when everything is done medically to reduce the progression

of RA, we still all get flare ups and being a part of this group can

help you deal with that a lot. But if your RA is not being treated

agressively enough, the love and support of this board, your family

and friends will not be enough.I

I wish you all the best in treating this. I know it is hard. I hate

being on so many drugs, but I also know it is the only way I will

avoid being disabled like my mother is.


> I am 35 years old, am from a farm community in Iowa, live in Tulsa,

> OK and have always played sports and been very active. I started

> having problems with my feet in Feb. They would hurt when I would

> get out of bed for an hour or so. So I figured it was plantar

> facitis and changed my shoes. They progressively got worse and

> started swelling.


> I went to my family md, then to a podiatrist, and finally to a

> Rheumy. The blood tests are all in and it is aggressive RA, which

> is what my family doctor and podiatrist thought it was. My Rheumy

> started me on Methotrexate (10 mg), folic acid (1 mg.), and



> In the last couple of weeks, it has moved to my hands, shoulders


> knees. At night, I can barely walk, let alone do anything


> My husband just says that I am too young for this and that the

> doctor isn't doing enough. I think that he thinks I am faking it,

> so I try and act like it doesn't hurt. I make sure to not say

> anything about it around him or any of my friends. I am a care

> taker and am not one to let people take care of me. They act like


> am just whining and can not possibly be hurting that bad.


> The reality of all of it is beginning to set in and I realize from

> reading all of your posts that I will not be able to pretend it

> doesn't hurt for much longer. My rheumy says that there is joint

> damage occurring in my toes. I am becoming increasingly depressed

> about it all. The same questions everyone asks. Why me? What

> next? How will I live with this?


> You all seem so close and supportive of eachother. Thank you for

> being here to vent to, because right now I feel completely alone.

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This is excellent advice, Jen!

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Re: New to all this and depressed

> Sorry I am so slow to reply to this message. I am sure you know by

> now this is a very loving and supportive group. But I wanted to

> reply because I am concerned why your rheumy is seeing joint damage

> and not treating your RA more agressively. I have the benefit of

> seeing my mother with RA for the past 20 years before I got it last

> year. Rheumatologists vary quite a lot in their treatment of RA.

> But I firmly believe (and most good rheumy's do to) that the only way

> to treat it is agressively with medication. As you have already

> learned, pretending to be okay will only cause you to have joint

> damage. Joint damage is irreversible, and you want to keep it from

> getting worse. If you keep trying to ignore it (or pretend you are

> okay, it will only get worse. My mom has severe joint damage,

> meaning no joints left in her feet and hands. Trust me, do what you

> can to avoid this painful and disabling result of RA (or slow down

> the progression of it as much as possible). Your rheumy could give

> you a higher dose of MTX (I am on 17.5mgs a week, I think the max is

> 25mgs a week) or try one of the new biological drugs. If your rheumy

> is not willing to do this - find one that is. Your health depends on

> it. Even when everything is done medically to reduce the progression

> of RA, we still all get flare ups and being a part of this group can

> help you deal with that a lot. But if your RA is not being treated

> agressively enough, the love and support of this board, your family

> and friends will not be enough.I


> I wish you all the best in treating this. I know it is hard. I hate

> being on so many drugs, but I also know it is the only way I will

> avoid being disabled like my mother is.


> Jen



> > I am 35 years old, am from a farm community in Iowa, live in Tulsa,

> > OK and have always played sports and been very active. I started

> > having problems with my feet in Feb. They would hurt when I would

> > get out of bed for an hour or so. So I figured it was plantar

> > facitis and changed my shoes. They progressively got worse and

> > started swelling.

> >

> > I went to my family md, then to a podiatrist, and finally to a

> > Rheumy. The blood tests are all in and it is aggressive RA, which

> > is what my family doctor and podiatrist thought it was. My Rheumy

> > started me on Methotrexate (10 mg), folic acid (1 mg.), and

> Bextra.

> >

> > In the last couple of weeks, it has moved to my hands, shoulders

> and

> > knees. At night, I can barely walk, let alone do anything

> kinetic.

> > My husband just says that I am too young for this and that the

> > doctor isn't doing enough. I think that he thinks I am faking it,

> > so I try and act like it doesn't hurt. I make sure to not say

> > anything about it around him or any of my friends. I am a care

> > taker and am not one to let people take care of me. They act like

> I

> > am just whining and can not possibly be hurting that bad.

> >

> > The reality of all of it is beginning to set in and I realize from

> > reading all of your posts that I will not be able to pretend it

> > doesn't hurt for much longer. My rheumy says that there is joint

> > damage occurring in my toes. I am becoming increasingly depressed

> > about it all. The same questions everyone asks. Why me? What

> > next? How will I live with this?

> >

> > You all seem so close and supportive of eachother. Thank you for

> > being here to vent to, because right now I feel completely alone.

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