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Wording: Small (mini?) Laboratory (Lab?) Service ?

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Dear Colleagues,

The medical report, translated literally from Hebrew, reads:

Small Laboratory Service:

Blood + bilirubin, without nitrites or leukocytes

What should be the correct professional wording (I don't think 'mini-lab

services' fits the bill either. Or does it?)?

Many thanks in advance for your input,

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Minilab/mini-lab services sounds fine to me.

I'd say:

Blood + bilirubin, no nitrites or leukocytes.


> Dear Colleagues,


> The medical report, translated literally from Hebrew, reads:


> Small Laboratory Service:

> Blood + bilirubin, without nitrites or leukocytes


> What should be the correct professional wording (I don't think 'mini-lab

> services' fits the bill either. Or does it?)?


> Many thanks in advance for your input,





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Mini Med Lab

(so as not to confuse with photo dev lab)

https://www.google.com/search?client=gmail & rls=gm & q=Small%20Laboratory%20Service\

#hl=en & client=gmail & rls=gm & sclient=psy-ab & q=Mini+Medical+Laboratory+Service & oq=M\

ini+Medical+Laboratory+Service & aq=f & aqi= & aql= & gs_l=serp.3...102404l105118l2l1088\

59l8l8l0l0l0l0l145l783l5j3l8l0.frgbld. & psj=1 & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf\

..osb & fp=49e91e21499bfe9d & biw=1153 & bih=585

Augustine LINGUIST &

Communications Lead


Tel / Voice : +33 1 34 93 03 00

Follow me @Augustin

> **



> Minilab/mini-lab services sounds fine to me.


> I'd say:

> Blood + bilirubin, no nitrites or leukocytes.







> > Dear Colleagues,

> >

> > The medical report, translated literally from Hebrew, reads:

> >

> > Small Laboratory Service:

> > Blood + bilirubin, without nitrites or leukocytes

> >

> > What should be the correct professional wording (I don't think 'mini-lab

> > services' fits the bill either. Or does it?)?

> >

> > Many thanks in advance for your input,

> >

> >

> >

> >




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Hi ,

I don't think we have enough to go on to be sure. Can you find out a bit more

about the lab in the source language? Could it be referring to a basic/limited

panel of tests rather than a small lab?

Best wishes,



Helen Genevier


> Dear Colleagues,


> The medical report, translated literally from Hebrew, reads:


> Small Laboratory Service:

> Blood + bilirubin, without nitrites or leukocytes


> What should be the correct professional wording (I don't think 'mini-lab

services' fits the bill either. Or does it?)?


> Many thanks in advance for your input,




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Hi Helen,

It's appears as part of a section in a Summary of Illness compiled by the

hospital in question on the patient's discharge.

Here it is in context:

Auxiliary Examinations:

Chest X-Ray: Normal

ECG: Normal sinus rate, IRBBB, without acute ischemia.

Lab tests: Sodium 130, white blood cell count 14.7, neutrophils 80%, hemoglobin

10.1, CRP 26.9

Mini-Lab Services: Blood + bilirubin, no nitrites or leukocytes

Many thanks,

> >

> > Dear Colleagues,

> >

> > The medical report, translated literally from Hebrew, reads:

> >

> > Small Laboratory Service:

> > Blood + bilirubin, without nitrites or leukocytes

> >

> > What should be the correct professional wording (I don't think 'mini-lab

services' fits the bill either. Or does it?)?

> >

> > Many thanks in advance for your input,

> >

> >

> >


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Morning ,

It looks like the results of a urine dipstick test for the presence of blood,

bilirubin, nitrite or leukocytes in urine. Maybe the " mini " bit means point of

care testing.

http://lifeinthefastlane.com/education/investigations-tests/urinalysis/ (see the

" Show Dipstick Urinalysis chart " link)


Best wishes,



Helen Genevier

> > >

> > > Dear Colleagues,

> > >

> > > The medical report, translated literally from Hebrew, reads:

> > >

> > > Small Laboratory Service:

> > > Blood + bilirubin, without nitrites or leukocytes

> > >

> > > What should be the correct professional wording (I don't think 'mini-lab

services' fits the bill either. Or does it?)?

> > >

> > > Many thanks in advance for your input,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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Morning Helen,

Point-of-Care Testing sounds just right, in context.

Thanks very much, and have a good day,

> > > >

> > > > Dear Colleagues,

> > > >

> > > > The medical report, translated literally from Hebrew, reads:

> > > >

> > > > Small Laboratory Service:

> > > > Blood + bilirubin, without nitrites or leukocytes

> > > >

> > > > What should be the correct professional wording (I don't think 'mini-lab

services' fits the bill either. Or does it?)?

> > > >

> > > > Many thanks in advance for your input,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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