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Re: DE>EN Tumorart and Tumorentität

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Hi Margaret,


I wonder if it could be a typo for " TumorIDentität " ? Tumor identity certainly

does exist.


Good luck!




To: medical_translation

Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:11 AM

Subject: Re: DE>EN Tumorart and Tumorentität

It does sound odd. I have never heard of a 'tumour entity'.A wild stab in the

dark: does it refer to the location of the tumour?> I have been asked to

translate a TOC and the titles of tables from DE to> EN (without access to the

article/paper/book in question!! stupid I> know, but....)>> It looked simple and

straightforward in fact, but table headings include:>> 1. Demographie – Alter

bei Einschluss, nach Geschlecht, Tumorart und> Tomorentität>> 3. Demographie

– Altersverteilung bei Einschluss in Kategorien <65,>  >=65, nach Tumorart>

4. Demographie – Altersverteilung bei Einschluss in Kategorien <65,>  >=65,

nach Tumorentität> 5. Demographie – Body-Mass-Index bei Einschluss, nach

Geschlecht, Alter,> Tomorart und Tumorentität>> What is the DE distinguishing

in the two words " Tumorart " (which I would> normally translate as " type of

tumour " and " Tumorentität " ?>> Note: I am not at all convinced that BE speakers

would ever talk of a>

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Keep the suggestions coming!!

Thank you all, so far - I think " size " is a possibility (and could be

defended linguistically from the Latin??), or perhaps 'stage'. And thank

you for confirming the non-use of tumour entity.

Wouldn't 'tumour identity' mean the same as type, in the end? And the

author would have made about a dozen typos in that case......

Based on your ideas I've sent a message to the agency asking for

clarification from the client. We'll see how he responds.


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