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Welcome to the group

I'm sorry that you are having such a hard time!! I too have never been married

and feel as if I never will. I too also suffer from depression, but try to

carry on with life anyway. I don't post too often but read the posts every day

(unless Ihave too much work to do) and this is an excellent place for company

and jokes. There are many people here who are always willingto listen and

answer question. It is a great group.

Have you looked into taking classes over the internet or by correspondence so

that you don't have to travel across campus too often?

Gotta get back to work and stop procrastinating. email me directly if you'd

like to talk.

Good luck getting it all figured out

McK in VA

From: Fiusha rachmariedan0582@...

I wish I was up and at 'em today but today just isn't a good day. I'm not

feeling good at all. Just a lazy Saturday. I'm not married and never have been

married. I would like to be one day if I could ever find the right guy. It's

hard finding a man of substance who's willing to have the patience of Job to

take care of a sick woman.

I don't have kids either. Being on this Cytoxan could possibly make me sterile

but the doctor said based on my age I still may have a chance to have kids. I

have a little niece who's almost 2 years old. That's all the kid I need. She's

too much already.

At the university here I was an English major, Journalism minor. I went to

technical college and majored in Computer Information Systems. I plan on going

back to school once my condition improves. Come to find out I've got a

herniated disk and that makes walking around in my house difficult enough, let

alone walking across campus.

I don't like talking about myself too much because it's just so depressing to

me, it seems. I never have anything good to say about what I do because

everything's pretty much in the toilet now. Waiting for disability to go

through ... or not go through. As you can see I suffer from depression also.

The medicine helps but life is still depressing.

It's good that you like to make people laugh because I could sure use a smile.

I'm here hoping to make friends ... find someone who can see past this dark

cloud I hold in front of me and see that I'm truly a nice person. Just having a

hard time right now, you know? But tell me more about you, Judi. It's always

interesting hearing what's going on in other's lives ... I can kind of get away

from my problems for a little while. Anything you feel like sharing ... just go

right on ahead. I'm a great listener.


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