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Re: SS Physical - Carol M

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Dear Carol M,

It just isn't fair, is it? These illnesses already cause enough stress in our

lives without the

SSDI contributing. I have been trying for over a year to get disability and the

last turndown came

along with the information that I couldn't go before a judge before the eight

month wait. In the

meantime, my life is falling apart. The SSI decision was that I may not make as

much money as I

did as a graphic designer but that I could go back to being a florist. I wrote

back to them saying

that a florist is required to stand for many hours and use wirecutters and that

I could not do

that due to the inflammation and pain in my hands, ankles, and knees. They have

sent me for a

psychological exam that came back that I wasn't depressed. Yes, I am, but due to

medication, I am

not depressed clinically.

I think that the biggest mistake that I have made is not complaining more to my

docs and not

making sure of what they were putting in my records. At least my doc is a

believer now as more and

more symptoms and effects are becoming apparent to him.

I am really sorry that you are being put through the ringer but hopefully, the

effort will pay off

for you. It is so hard to find the energy to make it through each day especially

with adding

additional stress. I have begun taking vitamins and they are helping with the

fatigue. I hope that

your dr prescribes meds for your pain; if he doesn't...find another. I had to

get rid of my rheumy

because his office will not prescribe pain meds. I asked him why and he replied

that malpractice

insurance was too high and there were too many lawyers in Dallas. Can you

believe that! I asked

him why he was a dr if he was not going to meet all of his patients' needs.

I wish you great luck. Please keep us posted on what happens. If you have any

information that

would help me to have before I see the judge, I would appreciate it. Iris...49,

turning 50 this

year (yeah!) spondyloarapathies, OA, SI Dysfunction, Reynauds, TMJ...taking

Methotrexate which I

thought didn't work until I decided not to take it anymore and found out that it

did work when my

symptoms increased fourfold.

--- Dandcmayer@... wrote:

> Dear Group,

> I have been a mess stressing about my SSDI physical exam by their Dr. My

> exam was scheduled for yesterday at 5:30....but they called to reschedule in


> morning. I had to get a ride and get ready so it took me awhile. Then from

> rushing around, I took all my medication , but forgot my list of medication

> (usualy they just copy the list instead of me writing it out). Well, I had to

> write all of the 12+ list of medications - it took me forever- and by the time


> was done my wrist & hand was more red & swollen than usual ( 2 fingers would

> not bend). The Dr. was very nice, he said that I had " severe swelling in my

> hands ; feet; ankles; knees & shoulders caused by advanced arthritis " . He

> also asked me to walk - but he asked me to do this barefoot???? I do not walk

> well without shoes and had to struggle to get my shoes back on to be able to


> this part of the exam. I guess I feel strange about this. The Dr. verbally

> confirmed what my Dr. says- which I guess is unusual. My sister was with me


> an observer. But I think I actually expected him to argue that NOTHING was

> wrong and I could go back to my other life before RA. Funny how our minds

> work? I still have a psychological exam on Friday because I take


> medication. Very frustrating - the whole thing! Through all of this, I still

> have not received any LTD payments - they keep putting me off by needing

> additional records. I just feel bummed about everything. Everything is a


> and sometimes I just don't have it .......my body is doing enough of that as


> is. Sorry about the grumpiness.

> Gentle Hugs & Prayers for all,

> Carol M. in CA




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