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bariatric surgeries

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The surgery most talked about today is the " gastric bypass " . In this

surgery, also called a Roux-En-Y (Carni , Al Roker) or Fobi Pouch

(Randy ), the stomach is made into a " pouch " holding

approximately 1 ounce. The pyloric valve is done away with. There are

proximal, medial, and distal gastric bypasses, each limiting more and

more absorption respectively. Folks who have a gastric bypass often

experience a phenomenon known as " dumping " when carbs are eaten as the

carbs are " dumped " 'as is' from the new pouch as no digestive process

has happened in the pouch. " Dumping " can consist of vomiting, the

shakes, weakness and sweating, and/or diarrhea.

In the " duodenal switch " the left side of the stomach is removed and the

stomach becomes banana shaped, holding anywhere from 4 - 6 ounces. Your

stomach is still a fully functional stomach as the pyloric valve is left

in place. The " switch " part is creating one limb for food

transportation and one limb for bile and other chemicals to be

transported to an area of " common channel " where both limbs meet and

digestion occurs. The length of common channel is usually between 80

and 100 cms, though some surgeons go down to 50 cms. The less common

channel equals the less absorption. If problems arise, though the

stomach cannot be returned to it's regular size, the common channel can

be lengthened to stop or limit the degree of malabsorption.

I've got friends with gastric bypasses (Roux-En-Y's, and Fobi Pouches -

named after the surgeon who originated that surgery), Lap Bands, and

Duodenal Switches, most of whom are having great success. Some surgeons

are still doing outdated bariatric surgeries such as the VBG and BPD

(the BPD is the first half only of the bileopancreatic diversion with

left side partial gastrectomy and duodenal switch commonly called the DS

or BPD/DS - which is the surgery I'm having.) The Lap Band has been

done a great deal more in Europe and Austrailia with the US lagging

behind. The DS or BPD/DS is being used in Europe to " cure " Type 2

diabetes in non-obese people (with a much closer to normal absorption

rate) as the " switch " part of the surgery is where the effect on

diabetes happens.

It is wonderful that we now have different types of bariatric surgery to

choose from for each person's specific needs. The " one size fits all "

notion is most often a false notion.

Toni & I are both embarking on a HUGE journey! It is so exciting, but I

must admit I've had a little nervousness lately. I have been looking

into this as you all know for over 2 years now...and suddenly it's just

11 days away!

It really steams me when people (such as good ol' Dr. Phil) say that any

of these surgeries are " taking the easy way out. " EXCUSE ME?????

Though I suppose there are some folks for whom bariatric surgery is a

means to serve their vanity, most folks I know realize these surgeries

are TOOLS, not cures or magic pills. Most folks I know want very much

to become healthier! These surgeries give us some help, but we still

have to do the hard work of changing many things in our lives. I would

never consider any surgery as " taking the easy way out. " Lord knows if

we could get the weight down WITHOUT surgery most of us would have done

so by now.

I'm also interested to see if a major weight loss and healthier eating

has any effect on RA and other immune system disorders, other than the

obvious - less stress on the joints. Remember Tina who won " Survivor -

Austrailia " ? She says her RA was never better than when she was eating

less on the show.

Well, I could jabber on about this forever! Toni, keep us posted! I'll

keep you all posted, too!

Love & hugs always...


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