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Re: Digest Number 3992

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a, I am sorry that I gave the impression that I am " slipping into

depression " . Thank God, I do not have that particular disease and I feel


for those who must deal with it. I guess I was also horrified that you felt

you had to point out the danger of self-pity when I felt this was a safe place

to let it all hang out when I was so miserable. I misunderstood what was

acceptable for this support group and I think it is better that I not



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Depression is very common for people that have RA and other chronic


The self pity I was talking about was my own. I¹m sorry, maybe I phrased

it wrong.

The cave you spoke about being in is one of places I go to all to

frequently. This is a

very acceptable place to express your feelings and I¹m sorry I didn¹t

express myself

the way I intended. One problem with email is that it is so easy to write

one thing

and mean another.


This is definitely a safe place to let it all hang out.

> a, I am sorry that I gave the impression that I am " slipping into

> depression " . Thank God, I do not have that particular disease and I feel

> compassion

> for those who must deal with it. I guess I was also horrified that you felt

> you had to point out the danger of self-pity when I felt this was a safe place

> to let it all hang out when I was so miserable. I misunderstood what was

> acceptable for this support group and I think it is better that I not

> participate

> further.




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  • 1 year later...
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I haven't responded for months but this site is such a support. I was diagnosed last Christmas time with AIH/ RA and PBC. I was put on 6mp and imuran and prednisone. Also a weekly shot of Embrel. Well things looked pretty good except my WBC was 2.1 so the doc decreased my 6mp to half dose and that wasn't working to raise the WBC so I have been off 6mp for several months. Well my total protein is 9.5,alk phos is 156. Direct bili is.22, Alt.sgpt is 40. I had a flare of RA so I am back on 10 mg of prednisone.

I fx my right wrist on Good Friday and am still in therapy. I have developed a lymph edema. I am so bummed. Any thoughts on what to ask my doc to do next????? I see the GI doc tomorrow and my rheumatologist later in the week.

I look forward to any answers or advise from someone. Thanks, Jackie from MN

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In a message dated 8/19/2005 12:20:26 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,



, You and Dana both have wonderful sites....and I am glad they are not

toll sites or I would be in deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep doodoo!! lol. There are

some things I still don't understand.

The sites don't always agree. Is the UK different from the US?

There is no listing for Phenols....are they the same as salicyclates?

Carob doesn't seem to be a problematic food for any as far as I can

see...but it drives the kids as wild or wilder than chocolate. Is that because


are similar?? What other foods would be related? They are not allergic to

either per their tests (blood Elise)

Also my kids are not allergic to turkey but we have yet to find a form of

turkey that they can handle. We have tried organic and everything else....I

have heard that the color of the feathers....like chickens makes a difference

in the meat, also...or is this just a myth. We are really struggling at

times. Their diet is so limited as it is....we are just starting


that is also not an easy venture for us....they are making inroads but the

price is very dear some days. (deep sigh)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Carob is high in B vitamins and is related to the legume family

(beans and peas and peanuts).


Kathy E.

On Aug 20, 2005, at 1:26 PM, HISSPECIALTOUCH@... wrote:

> Carob doesn't seem to be a problematic food for any as far as I can

> see...but it drives the kids as wild or wilder than chocolate. Is

> that because they

> are similar?? What other foods would be related?

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> The sites don't always agree. Is the UK different from the US?

For some things, UK is different than US.

> There is no listing for Phenols....are they the same as salicyclates?

Phenols is a broad category and includes lots of things, one of which

is salicylates.

> Carob doesn't seem to be a problematic food for any as far as I can

> see...but it drives the kids as wild or wilder than chocolate. Is

that because they

> are similar?? What other foods would be related?

Leguminosae: Pea or Pulse Family (Legumes) -- peas, beans, lentils,

peanuts/ground nuts, alfalfa, carob, soybeans, garbanzos/chickpeas,

fenugreek, guar


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We make waffles with 6 eggs per 8 waffles (need a stick blender for this).

Usually kefir-soaked oat or spelt and buckwheat flour, served with raw butter

and honey. She'll eat waffles any time, any place.

Also, I make a lot of gently cooked custard and puddingy things, including milk

drinks gently heated with whole eggs or yolks to give them body. I'd rather

make something a little sweet or cocoa-y with an egg or egg and a half in it

than have her turn down the protein entirely. We also make gelato and custard

ice cream with raw milk.


Mini sourdough pizzas

Cold chunked cooked chicken/meat with dipping sauce (molasses-based bbq,


Hummus/veggies (probably good with coconut oil)

Coconut cookies (frozen raw coconut mixed w/ beaten egg, sometimes nut butter,

baked at 350)

Kefir/juice popsicles (cherry, blueberry, prune, etc.) egg can also be blended

into these, or custard can be frozen

Fondue (cheese and veggies)

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Sent with Wireless Sync from Verizon Wireless

---- Original Message ----

From: " " < >

Date: 4/3/08 6:07 am

" " < >

Subj: Digest Number 3992



jQ1) Miracles Happen - Hearing Is Restored

Messages In This Digest (3 Messages)


(#1a) ci batteries From: ChatterboxLS@...


(#1b) Re: ci batteries From: Carol


(#2a) Re: Using disability as an excuse From: Altha Reinecke



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nBHNsawN2bXNnBHN0aW1lAzEyMDcyMTcyNDc-) ci batteries

Posted by: " ChatterboxLS@... " (mailto:ChatterboxLS@...?Subject=

Re%3Aci%20batteries) ChatterboxLS@...  

(chatterboxls) chatterboxls

Wed Apr 2, 2008 5:40 am (PDT)

just curious as to where's a good place to get the cheapest batteries for

rubys bte? - she still has some of what came with her 'initial pack' from when

she first got her implant (p675), but was wanting to see where's the cheapest

place to get more of them (i've got some websites/links, but the search's so

exhaustive, i thought asking might be faster & more helpful - thanks ahead

of time!


.... keep smilin'

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Spike, Lori, , Brittan, Kiara, Ruby, Karleigh & 'Baby'

~ Isaiah 46:11 ~

" What I've said, that will I bring about & what I've planned, that will I

do. "


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