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Re: Anyone with SSDI experience/knowledge? Hey Rick

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My husband was in Marines in Nam and is on disability. I am not sure but our VA

rep might have helped with the social security as well as VA benies. I know he

got 30% service connected first and then to get 50% it only took a letter from

me. Then to get 70% again, it was just a letter from me- and again to get 100%.

- same thing. I simply wrote a letter and said what I lived with with him. He

eventually wound up with social security AND VA benies.

(he was a Marine in Nam, 3 years in Nam, 11? years as a Marine total?) Semper


- In , " Rick " <rhow176@c...> wrote:

> Wow Becky, that attorney sounded like a real #% & *.

> Actually I do have a question as to how I should present my RA

> diagnosis. I was told just last September that I had RA, but while

> gathering historical medical information for the rheumy, I discovered in

> my military medical record they made an entry in May 1991, a year before

> they medically discharged me after 9 years of USMC service. The entry

> made by the Medical Officer was that he thought I had " Rheumatoid

> Arthritis and DJD " and recommended a full evaluation. The evaluation

> never happened and I was never told about the entry. Also the VA

> (Veterans Administration) Clinic had me tested specifically for RA twice

> and my RA factor came back positive both times, once in 2001 and again

> in 2002. Again, I was never told nor treated for the RA. Now, 13 years

> later and years of suffering and 5 years unable to work, I find out all

> this. How should I present this to the judge without sounding like I'm

> whining? I do have the supporting documentation form my military records

> and the VA records. My family Dr. thinks the bulk of the rest of my

> medical problems are the result of so many years of untreated RA. What

> do you think about this and the best way to present it.

> That's a good idea about letters from kids, family and friends. I had

> thought of that but figured the judge would think they were biased and

> not really consider them, but I guess with all the diagnosis and

> medications the letters would support the medical reports and vice versa

> (it seems to me).

> Rick


> Rick

> www.whosyomama.com

> Re: [ ] Anyone with SSDI experience/knowledge?


> You may include anything in the file yourself. It doesn't just have to

> be from a doctor. I had my three other children write letters for the

> file in their own words of what their brother is like, what he has done,

> what they see in their own eyes. That made a big impact. It was in

> their handwriting, with their names and ages on notebook paper. You

> should put everything also in writing yourself, include your meds,

> anything and everything you think of will be considered by the judge.

> It's not like a judge in a courtroom. Just a small room with you and

> the judge and your attorney if you have one. Just be sincere. In my

> son's case I gave him his normal medication, which makes him very tired.

> He looks very tired and could barely stay away, as is normal for him.

> The lawyer only wanted to be there with him. The judge asked my son a

> few things and he was very honest. Such as he told the judge that he is

> ver! y tired, that he burns his hands because he can't feel them, that

> he can't get along with people, that he has a bad temper, that he

> doesn't have many friends because of how he is. You might want to

> include the Spoons theory in your notes and say that explain how you

> live each day. I would wear the minimum of jewelry, only the basics.

> Dress average, not sweats or shorts but just something very basic.

> Something very comfortable for you. If you have swollen fingers, show

> him your hands. Anything any friends, family members, co-workers, etc.

> can write for you would also be considered. I took in a printout form

> the pharmacy of my son's prescriptions from the past year. That in

> itself made a big impact and you take more meds than he does. Be sure

> to take a copy of all of your medical records in case yours are not all

> in there. If you use a wheelchair regularly, go in with your wheel

> chair, or your cane, or whatever you u! se. When we went into public

> aid to get my son's medical card (b efore he got SSI) that was a battle.

> He has foot drop and when he stood up (after sleeping with his head down

> on the table waiting) he tripped and fell. It was obvious it was not

> planned as he was very embarrassed. The lawyer we had was a jerk and

> yelled at my son for sleeping on the table before his SSI hearing and

> said not to be theatrical. I told him my son is not being theatrical,

> that is how he is. The sleep disorder is severe. He told me he never

> saw him sleep while in his office. I told him to check his memory, my

> son spent 5 minutes in his office the two times we were in there. He

> slept in the car the several hours I met with him in the office! The

> lawyer didn't like me at all at I kept throwing things right back at him

> and intimidated him very much. Have you had your congressman or US

> senator and asked them to do an inquiry? I have been told that carries

> a lot of influence to have that in your file. & n! bsp; In my son's case

> it was right on top of the file as our lawyer looked at their file

> before we went in. Please let me know if you have any specific

> questions. I'll try to think of more things to let you know.


> Becky


> [ ] Anyone with SSDI experience/knowledge?



> Becky or anyone else, I have my hearing in 24 days. Any helpful

> suggestions? I have RA, inflammatory arthritis, Osteoarthritis,

> Osteoporosis, Osteopenia (bone density loss), Steroid dependent

> Asthma related to RA (possibly Vasculitis), numb feet, Major

> Depression reoccurrence, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, High blood

> pressure and accelerated heart rate (from the steroid dependence)

> and severe sleepapnia. My Rheumy is an arrogant idiot, I absolutely

> hate him, I've been trying to change to another but couldn't get an

> appointment for months out. He doesn't listen and when he asks how I

> am or my pain levels, I tell him and he contradicts me telling

> me " Well, my other patients...blah blah "


> Any suggestions on what I should highlight, bring to attention, etc

> at my hearing would be GREATLY appreciated. Oh..and I have an

> average of 20+ Dr. appointments a month with 14 prescriptions









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oh don't get me wrong, it is a 3 ring circus over at the VA. He had neuropsych

tsts in dec but we got the results a week ago. they changed his dx totally.

(after 10 years and 7 other docs or so) in Feb they called and said report for

an emergency angio or bypass not here but 3 hours away. he did, they never

diddo anything and we still do not know why- we do not know why they said come

for it, nor why they did not do it, but they kept him a week, and never ran a

single test while he was there. They did brain scans in Jan, follow up on agent

orange tumors, but we still do not know results of those.

- In , " Rick " <rhow176@c...> wrote:

> Well the VA there must be very different from the VA here. Glad to hear

> he eventually got 100% Service connected. As far as the VA here, well I

> had mentioned the 2 RA tests they did that came back positive and they

> didn't tell me about it or treat me for it. The reason they took those

> tests in the first place was as part of my disability evaluation for an

> increase. Even though they tested for it and it acme back positive (both

> times) they denied my claim.BOTH TIMES and still neglected to inform me

> or treat me. I eventually got the increase on appeal, fortunately. The

> VA Dr. I have now is pretty good, I actually like him. He is actually a

> retired VA Dr. but still works there part time to help out. Since he has

> retired he can be a little more upfront and honest. He told me to submit

> for Service connection disability for the rheumatoid arthritis and all

> the other medical problems that resulted from the RA. He even made a

> copy of the entry on my original record so that when I apply, they will

> se it first thing. Whether I get approved on the Soc Sec Disability or

> not, I will be applying for 100% from the VA as well.

> I guess, after reading your post, I will be including letters to the VA

> from my wife and so forth just like for the SSA.


> Rick

> www.whosyomama.com

> Re: [ ] Anyone with SSDI experience/knowledge?

> >

> > You may include anything in the file yourself. It doesn't just have

> to

> > be from a doctor. I had my three other children write letters for the

> > file in their own words of what their brother is like, what he has

> done,

> > what they see in their own eyes. That made a big impact. It was in

> > their handwriting, with their names and ages on notebook paper. You

> > should put everything also in writing yourself, include your meds,

> > anything and everything you think of will be considered by the judge.

> > It's not like a judge in a courtroom. Just a small room with you and

> > the judge and your attorney if you have one. Just be sincere. In my

> > son's case I gave him his normal medication, which makes him very

> tired.

> > He looks very tired and could barely stay away, as is normal for him.

> > The lawyer only wanted to be there with him. The judge asked my son a

> > few things and he was very honest. Such as he told the judge that he

> is

> > ver! y tired, that he burns his hands because he can't feel them, that

> > he can't get along with people, that he has a bad temper, that he

> > doesn't have many friends because of how he is. You might want to

> > include the Spoons theory in your notes and say that explain how you

> > live each day. I would wear the minimum of jewelry, only the basics.

> > Dress average, not sweats or shorts but just something very basic.

> > Something very comfortable for you. If you have swollen fingers, show

> > him your hands. Anything any friends, family members, co-workers,

> etc.

> > can write for you would also be considered. I took in a printout form

> > the pharmacy of my son's prescriptions from the past year. That in

> > itself made a big impact and you take more meds than he does. Be sure

> > to take a copy of all of your medical records in case yours are not

> all

> > in there. If you use a wheelchair regularly, go in with your wheel

> > chair, or your cane, or whatever you u! se. When we went into public

> > aid to get my son's medical card (b efore he got SSI) that was a

> battle.

> > He has foot drop and when he stood up (after sleeping with his head

> down

> > on the table waiting) he tripped and fell. It was obvious it was not

> > planned as he was very embarrassed. The lawyer we had was a jerk and

> > yelled at my son for sleeping on the table before his SSI hearing and

> > said not to be theatrical. I told him my son is not being theatrical,

> > that is how he is. The sleep disorder is severe. He told me he never

> > saw him sleep while in his office. I told him to check his memory, my

> > son spent 5 minutes in his office the two times we were in there. He

> > slept in the car the several hours I met with him in the office! The

> > lawyer didn't like me at all at I kept throwing things right back at

> him

> > and intimidated him very much. Have you had your congressman or US

> > senator and asked them to do an inquiry? I have been told that

> carries

> > a lot of influence to have that in your file. & n! bsp; In my son's case

> > it was right on top of the file as our lawyer looked at their file

> > before we went in. Please let me know if you have any specific

> > questions. I'll try to think of more things to let you know.

> >

> > Becky

> >

> > [ ] Anyone with SSDI experience/knowledge?

> >

> >

> > Becky or anyone else, I have my hearing in 24 days. Any helpful

> > suggestions? I have RA, inflammatory arthritis, Osteoarthritis,

> > Osteoporosis, Osteopenia (bone density loss), Steroid dependent

> > Asthma related to RA (possibly Vasculitis), numb feet, Major

> > Depression reoccurrence, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, High blood

> > pressure and accelerated heart rate (from the steroid dependence)

> > and severe sleepapnia. My Rheumy is an arrogant idiot, I absolutely


> > hate him, I've been trying to change to another but couldn't get an

> > appointment for months out. He doesn't listen and when he asks how I


> > am or my pain levels, I tell him and he contradicts me telling

> > me " Well, my other patients...blah blah "

> >

> > Any suggestions on what I should highlight, bring to attention, etc

> > at my hearing would be GREATLY appreciated. Oh..and I have an

> > average of 20+ Dr. appointments a month with 14 prescriptions

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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