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List Linking Smoking to Diseases Expands

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List Linking Smoking to Diseases Expands

By NANCY ZUCKERBROD, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - The list of diseases linked to smoking just got longer.

Surgeon General Carmona released his first official assessment of

smoking Thursday. The surgeon general's report concluded that smoking causes

a number of diseases not previously attributed to smoking.

They include: acute myeloid leukemia and cancers of the cervix, kidney,

pancreas and stomach; abdominal aortic aneurysm, cataracts, periodontitis

and pneumonia.

The report said current evidence is not conclusive enough to say smoking

causes colorectal cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer or erectile


The evidence suggests smoking may not cause breast cancer in women overall

but that some women may increase their risk of getting breast cancer by

smoking, depending on genetics, the report said.

Diseases previously linked to smoking include cancer of the bladder,

esophagus, larynx, lung, mouth, throat. Smoking also has been linked to

chronic lung disease, chronic heart and cardiovascular disease as well as

reproductive problems.

About 440,000 Americans die of smoking-related diseases each year. The

report said more than 12 million people have died from smoking-related

diseases in the 40 years since the first surgeon general's report on smoking

and health was released in 1964.

That first report linked smoking to lung and larynx cancer and chronic

bronchitis. Subsequent reports, like the one released Thursday, have

expanded the list of diseases linked to smoking.

The report says treating smoking-related diseases costs the nation $75

billion annually. The loss of productivity from smoking is estimated to be

$82 billion annually.

On average, the surgeon general says, smokers die 13 to 14 years before


The number of people who smoke has dropped from about 42 percent in 1965 to

about 22 percent in 2002, the last year for which such data is available,

according to the surgeon general.

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Oh My God! Right On, ! I was just thinking of this big time! You must be psychic! What a trip! Thank you for this information. Ivy son <dianaroars@...> wrote:

Morning,I quit smoking over 2 years ago - I'm not someone who vibes thosestill smoking - all in one's own time ... maybe this will push youalong a bit towards quitting or help someone you love. I know for me Ifeel like a 100% different woman! Totally new skin , new vitality, andI think my aura's even brighter! :)!Live Longer!http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040528/D82RA6GG0.htmlLove,=====(`'·.¸(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) ¸.·'´)«´¨ Love, ** ¨`»(¸.·'´(¸.·'´ `'·.¸)`' ·.¸)¸.·´( `·.¸`·.¸ )¸.·)´(.·´`*.*.TRUTHIf we all worked on the assumptionthat what is accepted as true were really true,there would be little hope of advance.- Orville http://alternativehopeforhepc.comhttp://alternativehope.royalbodycare.com (membership discount pkgs.)***Free

Audio Tape & Info Pak - Call: 877 367-9875***The Q2 Energy Spa - http://alternativehopeQ2energy.com

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Hey Ivy!

Are you still smoking?

Just an FYI if you are or if someone close is

quitting - I went to this awesome hypnotist = it worked!

And the day I quit went directly to my friend the accupunturist

and worked with her 3 days straight in a row. It was amazing -

I mean I 100% quit - didn't go through weight gain - bla de bla

and I had been a smoker for 28 long years. I only tried quitting

once years before (with the patches) and it worked for a few weeks

then I was off to the races. Interesting how not drinking, smoking

or doing drugs these days how I deal with emotions , especially anger.

No shopping - no fixing - ... meditation really helps and EXERCISE!

Enjoy your day / holiday!



(`'·.¸(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) ¸.·'´)

«´¨ Love,

** ¨`»

(¸.·'´(¸.·'´ `'·.¸)`' ·.¸)


( `·.¸

`·.¸ )






If we all worked on the assumption

that what is accepted as true were really true,

there would be little hope of advance.

- Orville


http://alternativehope.royalbodycare.com (membership discount pkgs.)

***Free Audio Tape & Info Pak - Call: 877 367-9875***

The Q2 Energy Spa - http://alternativehopeQ2energy.com

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Yes. I confess that I am still smoking. Like you in the past, I quit, but it only lasted for a few weeks. I'd love to go the route you did, but I bet a hypnotist is expensive? And then, how do you know you have a good one? Then the acupuncture is a GREAT idea. I do know an acupuncturist that is wonderful in Cupertino. I could probably get a referral from my doctor and my insurance might cover it. I wonder is hypnotism would be covered? I think I'll call around. As always, you've given my some new inspirations, ! Thank You! Love, Ivy son <dianaroars@...> wrote:

Hey Ivy!Are you still smoking?Just an FYI if you are or if someone close isquitting - I went to this awesome hypnotist = it worked!And the day I quit went directly to my friend the accupunturistand worked with her 3 days straight in a row. It was amazing -I mean I 100% quit - didn't go through weight gain - bla de blaand I had been a smoker for 28 long years. I only tried quittingonce years before (with the patches) and it worked for a few weeksthen I was off to the races. Interesting how not drinking, smokingor doing drugs these days how I deal with emotions , especially anger.No shopping - no fixing - ... meditation really helps and EXERCISE!Enjoy your day / holiday!Love,=====(`'·.¸(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) ¸.·'´)«´¨ Love, ** ¨`»(¸.·'´(¸.·'´ `'·.¸)`' ·.¸)¸.·´( `·.¸`·.¸

)¸.·)´(.·´`*.*.TRUTHIf we all worked on the assumptionthat what is accepted as true were really true,there would be little hope of advance.- Orville http://alternativehopeforhepc.comhttp://alternativehope.royalbodycare.com (membership discount pkgs.)***Free Audio Tape & Info Pak - Call: 877 367-9875***The Q2 Energy Spa - http://alternativehopeQ2energy.com

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