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Right now I am experiencing a great deal of anger, grief, frustration

and fear, especially fear.

It now seems that all the agony and research not to mention putting

up with the actual & I suspect intentional abuse at the hands of

doctors may be all for nothing. I woke up early this morning, crying

my eyes out! Why? Because I have an appointment with a gyn next

Monday to get my weird symptoms checked out. If this keeps up, I will

not be able to go thru with the appointment! Last Dec I went thru the

aborted D & C fm Hell. I still have nightmares and thoughts of

suicide over this incident. At least if I were dead, I would no

longer have to put up with fibroids!

I have scanned thru the archives of this board looking for any posts

on uterine infections following UAE. Of course I didn't find too much

and what I did find was not comforting. But as one member has kindly

pointed pointed out, this is not the embo board. And of course I ran

across some of my old posts right after UAE. What a sap I was!

I'm sorry I'm coming across as such a B..ch, but I have to save my

one remaining valium tablet until Monday and it's really too early in

the afternoon to open the Jack s...I'm just having a hard time

dealing with the fact that all my research, pain, agony, not to

mention considerable personal expense may have been all for nothing.

Worst of all, the thought of having some gyn poking around down there

& hearing the dreaded H word is absolutely sending me over the edge.


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Dear Liz,

You are not sounding like a B**** at all! You sound like a woman who is

totally fed up with all the pain, misery, confusion and frustration the

fibroids (and doctors) are causing you!! I totally sympathize with you.

I am fighting tooth and nail to keep my uterus, even though the doctors in

my town seem to think a hysterectomy (at age 28!!!!!) is the " easiest and

safest " way to go. I am on my period right now (which will last at least 7

more days). I am having heavy bleeding, cramps, clotting, etc. As if that

isn't enough, this morning my mother in law walks in and says " You look

terrible! You look about as good as I feel! I feel tired, but you look

worse than that! " Gee, thanks!!!! Try bleeding to death every month and

we'll see how you feel, woman!!!! GRRRR!!!!!!

I don't know exactly what happened with your D & C in December, but it sounds

like it was very traumatic. I am very sorry! Please know you are in my





> Right now I am experiencing a great deal of anger, grief, frustration

> and fear, especially fear.


> It now seems that all the agony and research not to mention putting

> up with the actual & I suspect intentional abuse at the hands of

> doctors may be all for nothing. I woke up early this morning, crying

> my eyes out! Why? Because I have an appointment with a gyn next

> Monday to get my weird symptoms checked out. If this keeps up, I will

> not be able to go thru with the appointment! Last Dec I went thru the

> aborted D & C fm Hell. I still have nightmares and thoughts of

> suicide over this incident. At least if I were dead, I would no

> longer have to put up with fibroids!


> I have scanned thru the archives of this board looking for any posts

> on uterine infections following UAE. Of course I didn't find too much

> and what I did find was not comforting. But as one member has kindly

> pointed pointed out, this is not the embo board. And of course I ran

> across some of my old posts right after UAE. What a sap I was!


> I'm sorry I'm coming across as such a B..ch, but I have to save my

> one remaining valium tablet until Monday and it's really too early in

> the afternoon to open the Jack s...I'm just having a hard time

> dealing with the fact that all my research, pain, agony, not to

> mention considerable personal expense may have been all for nothing.

> Worst of all, the thought of having some gyn poking around down there

> & hearing the dreaded H word is absolutely sending me over the edge.


> Liz








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I'm not sure this is of any help, but let me give you a bit of my

experience post-UAE.

I had a very smelly, nasty discharge that had me changing pads every couple

of hours. I did not have any pain and if I had a fever I didn't know it.

This was about two weeks or so after the procedure.

Well, I didn't figure out what was going on until I was unable to urinate.

It seems the fibroid (about the size of a grapefruit) had " died " and my

body was trying to expel it. In fact, the dead thing was part way through

by cervix.

I was given antibiotics and know this is the part you don't want to hear

but I then had a D & C to get rid of the dying fibroid. I was completely

knocked out for the procedure and had very, very minimal pain - much less

than when my fibroids were affecting my periods.

Since then I have had no problems with my two very small remaining fibroids

(knock on wood). I'm not saying the fibroid is dying but it's a

possibility. And I have to say getting rid of the thing solved my back

problems, my bloated stomach, constipation, frequent urination, etc.

Hope that helped a little.


At 06:12 PM 9/20/2000 -0000, you wrote:


>Right now I am experiencing a great deal of anger, grief, frustration

>and fear, especially fear.


>It now seems that all the agony and research not to mention putting

>up with the actual & I suspect intentional abuse at the hands of

>doctors may be all for nothing. I woke up early this morning, crying

>my eyes out! Why? Because I have an appointment with a gyn next

>Monday to get my weird symptoms checked out. If this keeps up, I will

>not be able to go thru with the appointment! Last Dec I went thru the

>aborted D & C fm Hell. I still have nightmares and thoughts of

>suicide over this incident. At least if I were dead, I would no

>longer have to put up with fibroids!


>I have scanned thru the archives of this board looking for any posts

>on uterine infections following UAE. Of course I didn't find too much

>and what I did find was not comforting. But as one member has kindly

>pointed pointed out, this is not the embo board. And of course I ran

>across some of my old posts right after UAE. What a sap I was!


>I'm sorry I'm coming across as such a B..ch, but I have to save my

>one remaining valium tablet until Monday and it's really too early in

>the afternoon to open the Jack s...I'm just having a hard time

>dealing with the fact that all my research, pain, agony, not to

>mention considerable personal expense may have been all for nothing.

>Worst of all, the thought of having some gyn poking around down there

> & hearing the dreaded H word is absolutely sending me over the edge.











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Aren't mother-inlaws wonderful?!? It took me 28 years and a serious

medical condition to come to terms with mine, Even now she distrusts

me because I look like a Chink!

28 is entirely too young, in my opinion, to undergo hysterectomy

unless you have cancer. There again, that's just my opinion. Perhaps

it is time for you to travel to another town, or state for that

matter to get a second opinion. Sounds like you have done quite a bit

of suffering yourself.

Thanks again for the support.


> Dear Liz,


> You are not sounding like a B**** at all! You sound like a woman

who is

> totally fed up with all the pain, misery, confusion and frustration


> fibroids (and doctors) are causing you!! I totally sympathize with



> I am fighting tooth and nail to keep my uterus, even though the

doctors in

> my town seem to think a hysterectomy (at age 28!!!!!) is

the " easiest and

> safest " way to go. I am on my period right now (which will last at

least 7

> more days). I am having heavy bleeding, cramps, clotting, etc. As

if that

> isn't enough, this morning my mother in law walks in and says " You


> terrible! You look about as good as I feel! I feel tired, but you


> worse than that! " Gee, thanks!!!! Try bleeding to death every month


> we'll see how you feel, woman!!!! GRRRR!!!!!!


> I don't know exactly what happened with your D & C in December, but

it sounds

> like it was very traumatic. I am very sorry! Please know you are

in my

> thoughts!


> Jen

> Anger



> >

> > Right now I am experiencing a great deal of anger, grief,


> > and fear, especially fear.

> >

> > It now seems that all the agony and research not to mention


> > up with the actual & I suspect intentional abuse at the hands of

> > doctors may be all for nothing. I woke up early this morning,


> > my eyes out! Why? Because I have an appointment with a gyn next

> > Monday to get my weird symptoms checked out. If this keeps up, I


> > not be able to go thru with the appointment! Last Dec I went thru


> > aborted D & C fm Hell. I still have nightmares and thoughts of

> > suicide over this incident. At least if I were dead, I would no

> > longer have to put up with fibroids!

> >

> > I have scanned thru the archives of this board looking for any


> > on uterine infections following UAE. Of course I didn't find too


> > and what I did find was not comforting. But as one member has


> > pointed pointed out, this is not the embo board. And of course I


> > across some of my old posts right after UAE. What a sap I was!

> >

> > I'm sorry I'm coming across as such a B..ch, but I have to save my

> > one remaining valium tablet until Monday and it's really too

early in

> > the afternoon to open the Jack s...I'm just having a hard


> > dealing with the fact that all my research, pain, agony, not to

> > mention considerable personal expense may have been all for


> > Worst of all, the thought of having some gyn poking around down


> > & hearing the dreaded H word is absolutely sending me over the


> >

> > Liz

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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