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Re: seeking friends- from a newbie (kinda long)

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Hi - my name is paula and was recently diagnosed with RA, tho I

think that I may have been having 'symptoms' for about a year and a

half before my first (and only) major flare......in Feb/Mar of this

year. I was fortunate enough to have a family physician who after

my second visit took the time to listen to me, and ordered the RA

blood work which confirmed his suspicions. Never, in my wildest

dreams, did I think that this is what was causing my pain - even tho

I had a cousin who had this horrible disease, and another that has


My Rheumy put me on mtx almost immediately and did injections in my

joints that were swollen and painful. She avoids giving prednisone

to her patients as long as she can as she believes that the pred.

causes SO many serious side affects. After so many of my joints

flared, and after about 8 injections, she finally

relented......mostly because I had gotten to the point where I could

no longer walk. It has been about 3 weeks now and I am finally

feeling 'almost' human again. I tried all the cox-2's and none of

them work for me - so I take Naprosyn, MTX, Folic Acid, pred. (which

I am weaning off of already), two Enbrel injections a week, and

Vicodin ES. She also gave me flexeril so I could sleep at night,

but I only take it when my legs are giving me grief. My main

problem with the pred. is that I have gained almost 10 lbs. since I

started taking it - I guess it counteracts the lack of appetite of

the mtx - and my feet swell like balloons. Guess I can live with

that for the next 2 months tho, as long as it helps me get around

until all the other stuff " kicks in " .

I haven't had a chance to read all the posts yet - but am looking

forward to it. Glad I found this group - seems like everyone here

is nice, and there's LOTS of information that I've already digested,

just reading *some* of the posts.

Looking forward to reading more...............

paula (cadysgram has been my nic FOREVER - well at least since the

birth of my granddaughter Cady, 10 & 1/2 years ago, hence the name.

BTW - I'm 55 yrs. old, have 2 grown daughters and 2 g'kids - Cady

and a boy, y, age 7. Been married to the same man for 35 yrs. -

just celebrated our anniversary May 31, with a party given by our

children and my sister.............first time I've been able

to 'entertain' since Christmas!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!)

> Howdy:


> My name is Dave Francis. I am a California native (one of the few

> left!!)

> I recently was diagnosed as having rheumatoid arthritis .. and am

> experiencing hesitancy in going on the DMARD's that the

> rheumatologists are suggesting going onto, instead of the


> and pain killer maintenance that I am now on.

> Anyone else out there facing this same problem?


> Dave F.

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