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Another Day

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I woke up out of my drug induced sleep and am groggy and bent over.

The body is aching horribly in the middle back and I feel as though

I am somewhere else.

I fed the cats and let the dogs out. I need to brush my teeth but

decided to check my email as hubby and his buddy are passed out in

the livingroom and one of them is in my chair...grrrrr

I hate this morning after feeling of whooshiness. Good work isn't

that. I won't be alert for another couple hours but I wanted to get

some rest last night so I took my sleeping pill.

Shirley, I am really interested in what your doctor says about your

enbrel shots - I can't get a remicade infusion if I go in there with

a cold.

Rick - about 3 years ago now - when I was on prednisone - I was

trying to sandwich a quilt on the floor...all of a sudden I couldn't

breathe. I had a horrific time. I went to the doctor and they sent

me to a heart specilist. He did the stress tests on my heart and

said it was strong but that my lungs were horrible. I then was sent

to a pulmonologist...he sent me to the hospital for the breathing

tests and I failed...but I dont have astma - although they at first

tried to say it was. It wasn't - if your weather station puts up

the grass count/pollen count/mold count watch how you are feeling

when each is high.

For me when the mold is high...I can't do anything. It takes away

my ability to breathe - there is nothing that can done about it

except to realise it and know what the problem is and also to know

it is seasonal and will go away.

I don't know if this is your problem but the doctor I went to was

very knoweledgable ...he didn't want me labeled asmatic unless I was

because that in itself causes problems when you go to the hospital -

he searched and found that it was the mold that caused my

problems...I use a saline nose drop during those times.

They help a lot.

Reference: handicap stickers - My Mom got a letter from her doctor

which she took to the motorvehicle department and received hers -

piece of cake

My back is starting to scream at me - I need to buy a very

comfortable computer chair - would be nice.

God bless,


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