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and Shelly

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You know, I tell people this is the best group ever and I don't think they

believe me. Many think this is just another " Group " .....little do

they know! I have several relatives with arthritis and think joining this

group is .............. well, let's just say they haven't signed on.

Fortunately for them they live in large cities across the country and have

excellent rheumatoligists. Makes a body want to move....

Once in a while I just need the good swift kick in the butt to get me going

and you guys have given me that good swift kick! I do love you guys for

that. I have known for quite a while I need to make changes in my drs. I'm

not good at change, but I do know I need to do this. It will take a few

visits with my PT before I am comfortable asking for recommendations, but I

had already thought about doing this as soon as I saw the looks she was

giving when describing my rheumy and his lack of tests, etc. I have known

from the beginning this rheumy just wasn't right and figured if he didn't

kill me I would put up with him. That was back when the arthritis wasn't

all that bad.......I mean it was, but not as bad as it is now.

The sad thing about all this is I have always thought this is how drs are.

A patient is just one of the herd and you have just a few minutes with

him/her and they know best. It must be the area I live in and the fact I

never seem to find a good dr. DH found a new PC dr a couple years ago when

he had Lyme Disease. DH loves this dr! And when he had to have a

colonoscopy a few months back, this dr sent DH to another dr who he likes.

So good drs are starting to show up around here, just not a rheumy .......

yet! LOL I don't think a rheumy will stay. One was here a couple of

years ago for about a year and left. He had partnered with my rheumy.

Every time I had an appointment with my rheumy I watched as this new dr kept

ordering tests for his patients. Let me tell ya, that just amazed me! Dumb

me thought things would be changing......sure did! The new dr left!

Tension was bad let me tell ya.

getting off track here as usual.....

So ladies, your advice is good and I do appreciate it. I guess you could

say I just needed a bit of a " push " from my friends. I know none of this

will not happen over night but I will be asking my PT for advice. Again,

thanks guys for getting through this " fog brain " .


in Ct

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