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Re: and Shelly

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Ha, ! I know what you mean about others not understanding about the

group. I've been here for five years now. There are several people I

know that think I'm involved with some sort of online cult. They cannot

understand my level of involvement here. I don't care!

I'll give you one last gentle push. This change of physicians CAN happen

overnight, and it is to your advantage to go for it. The PT sounds smart

and sympathetic - a very good combination. I'm sure she will be most

willing to help you.

Good luck!

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] and

> You know, I tell people this is the best group ever and I don't think


> believe me. Many think this is just another " Group " .....little


> they know! I have several relatives with arthritis and think joining


> group is .............. well, let's just say they haven't signed on.

> Fortunately for them they live in large cities across the country and


> excellent rheumatoligists. Makes a body want to move....


> Once in a while I just need the good swift kick in the butt to get me


> and you guys have given me that good swift kick! I do love you guys


> that. I have known for quite a while I need to make changes in my

drs. I'm

> not good at change, but I do know I need to do this. It will take a


> visits with my PT before I am comfortable asking for recommendations,

but I

> had already thought about doing this as soon as I saw the looks she


> giving when describing my rheumy and his lack of tests, etc. I have


> from the beginning this rheumy just wasn't right and figured if he


> kill me I would put up with him. That was back when the arthritis


> all that bad.......I mean it was, but not as bad as it is now.


> The sad thing about all this is I have always thought this is how drs


> A patient is just one of the herd and you have just a few minutes with

> him/her and they know best. It must be the area I live in and the

fact I

> never seem to find a good dr. DH found a new PC dr a couple years ago


> he had Lyme Disease. DH loves this dr! And when he had to have a

> colonoscopy a few months back, this dr sent DH to another dr who he


> So good drs are starting to show up around here, just not a rheumy


> yet! LOL I don't think a rheumy will stay. One was here a couple


> years ago for about a year and left. He had partnered with my rheumy.

> Every time I had an appointment with my rheumy I watched as this new

dr kept

> ordering tests for his patients. Let me tell ya, that just amazed me!


> me thought things would be changing......sure did! The new dr left!

> Tension was bad let me tell ya.


> getting off track here as usual.....


> So ladies, your advice is good and I do appreciate it. I guess you


> say I just needed a bit of a " push " from my friends. I know none of


> will not happen over night but I will be asking my PT for advice.


> thanks guys for getting through this " fog brain " .


> Hugs


> in Ct

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Will do. I see my PT tomorrow. I'm already in trouble with her. I can't

seem to be on the computer for only 15 minutes at a time. That habit is

going to be hard to break.

A cult! That's funny! People get the weirdest ideas don't they!?

in Ct.

-----Original Message-----

From: [mailto:Matsumura_Clan@...]

Ha, ! I know what you mean about others not understanding about the

group. I've been here for five years now. There are several people I know

that think I'm involved with some sort of online cult. They cannot

understand my level of involvement here. I don't care!

I'll give you one last gentle push. This change of physicians CAN happen

overnight, and it is to your advantage to go for it. The PT sounds smart and

sympathetic - a very good combination. I'm sure she will be most willing to

help you.

Good luck!

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