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Re: Hi Cary

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In a message dated 25/06/2004 22:58:53 Central Standard Time,

tawnyokc@... writes:

> Cary, how are things going your way?

Hiya Tawny!

Nice of you to ask! Actually, things are so-so. I need to go see the

rheumy. The remicade is only lasting me 4 weeks instead of 8 weeks. I'm


low grade fevers most of the time, and having pain all the time. Not

excruciating, but everything is a big effort. And as we all are so familiar

with, the

fatigue. It's making it really hard to go to work, and I confess lately I have

actually been grumpy at times! It sounds weird, but I am rarely grouchy for

some reason, so it is obvious something isn't right when I am grumpy or snippy

with anyone. I am dreading the Dr. appt., cuz I'm sure there will be a med

change or addition, and if it is something that will make me sick like

methotrexate can, I'm not sure how I'll keep working full time. Anyways, I'm


worried and trying not to think about it-something I know you are familiar

with!!!!!! heehee On the plus side, I am buying a house with my long time

boyfriend and moving probably in August. Kinda nervous but happy about that.

Thanks again for asking, Tawny. I hope you are feeling a little better. You've

really been having a tough year. Cary

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Cary, Sorry to hear that the Remicade isn't lasting the 8 weeks, I

have heard that from others taking it. I'm sorry to hear that your

having pain and fatigue, we all know about that. What causes the low

grade fever? I know how you dread a change in your meds, but I

really think it would be in your best interest for you to make an

appointment. Have you thought of going on Enbrel and Humira?

I can imagine how hard it is for you to work, please see the rheumy.

That is great news that you will be buying a house, that is cool.

I went to the rheumy last week, and it was really a nice visit. He

was very upset that I'm still in so much pain and swelling. He put

me on Hydrocodone(Vicodin) for the pain. If that don't work he is

going to try Oxycontin patches

Also, the rise in blood pressure and pulse rate he believes is my

pain. So, he wants me to watch it for a couple of weeks, and see if

it don't go down. If not I will have to go for testing, and probably

blood pressure meds. He did take me off the Prednisone, so that is a

plus to me. Also, he put me back down to bi-weekly injections of

Humira, instead of the weekly injections. Since it's not really

doing any better there is no use taking so much of it.

Also, there is new RA damage, but I kind of thought that with so much

pain. I am just praying that things will get better, and the rest of

the year gets better. Hope you have a great weekend, and pain free

meds ahead, hugs Tawny

> In a message dated 25/06/2004 22:58:53 Central Standard Time,

> tawnyokc@s... writes:



> > Cary, how are things going your way?


> Hiya Tawny!

> Nice of you to ask! Actually, things are so-so. I need to go see


> rheumy. The remicade is only lasting me 4 weeks instead of 8

weeks. I'm running

> low grade fevers most of the time, and having pain all the time.


> excruciating, but everything is a big effort. And as we all are so

familiar with, the

> fatigue. It's making it really hard to go to work, and I confess

lately I have

> actually been grumpy at times! It sounds weird, but I am rarely

grouchy for

> some reason, so it is obvious something isn't right when I am

grumpy or snippy

> with anyone. I am dreading the Dr. appt., cuz I'm sure there will

be a med

> change or addition, and if it is something that will make me sick


> methotrexate can, I'm not sure how I'll keep working full time.

Anyways, I'm pretty

> worried and trying not to think about it-something I know you are


> with!!!!!! heehee On the plus side, I am buying a house with my

long time

> boyfriend and moving probably in August. Kinda nervous but happy

about that.

> Thanks again for asking, Tawny. I hope you are feeling a little

better. You've

> really been having a tough year. Cary




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Sue, I was on 10mg of Prednisone, so he told me to just go ahead and

stop it, Tawny


> > He did take me off the Prednisone, so that is a

> > plus to me.

> >

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Did he tell you to stop abruptly, or is he having you taper off of it?

I'm sorry that you are still having so much pain. Sue

On Saturday, June 26, 2004, at 03:20 PM, Tawny wrote:

> He did take me off the Prednisone, so that is a

> plus to me.


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Thanks, Tawny. A decrease in pain and prednisone could help your blood

pressure a lot. Thanks a lot for the concern. It's really thoughtful of you.


hope you enjoy a decent, relatively (at least) pain-free weekend. Cary

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Hi, Tawn

Just a quick note to say you sound so much better. Is it not amazing to come out

the other side of something like cancer scare and unbelievable pain. I feel

relief for you. Good going.

I know my codeine helps, so I assume your vicodin does. At least it takes the

edge off so I can work. But not too much, cuz then I get sleepy.

God Bless, Dana

[ ] Re: Hi Cary

Cary, Sorry to hear that the Remicade isn't lasting the 8 weeks, I

have heard that from others taking it. I'm sorry to hear that your

having pain and fatigue, we all know about that. What causes the low

grade fever? I know how you dread a change in your meds, but I

really think it would be in your best interest for you to make an

appointment. Have you thought of going on Enbrel and Humira?

I can imagine how hard it is for you to work, please see the rheumy.

That is great news that you will be buying a house, that is cool.

I went to the rheumy last week, and it was really a nice visit. He

was very upset that I'm still in so much pain and swelling. He put

me on Hydrocodone(Vicodin) for the pain. If that don't work he is

going to try Oxycontin patches

Also, the rise in blood pressure and pulse rate he believes is my

pain. So, he wants me to watch it for a couple of weeks, and see if

it don't go down. If not I will have to go for testing, and probably

blood pressure meds. He did take me off the Prednisone, so that is a

plus to me. Also, he put me back down to bi-weekly injections of

Humira, instead of the weekly injections. Since it's not really

doing any better there is no use taking so much of it.

Also, there is new RA damage, but I kind of thought that with so much

pain. I am just praying that things will get better, and the rest of

the year gets better. Hope you have a great weekend, and pain free

meds ahead, hugs Tawny

> In a message dated 25/06/2004 22:58:53 Central Standard Time,

> tawnyokc@s... writes:



> > Cary, how are things going your way?


> Hiya Tawny!

> Nice of you to ask! Actually, things are so-so. I need to go see


> rheumy. The remicade is only lasting me 4 weeks instead of 8

weeks. I'm running

> low grade fevers most of the time, and having pain all the time.


> excruciating, but everything is a big effort. And as we all are so

familiar with, the

> fatigue. It's making it really hard to go to work, and I confess

lately I have

> actually been grumpy at times! It sounds weird, but I am rarely

grouchy for

> some reason, so it is obvious something isn't right when I am

grumpy or snippy

> with anyone. I am dreading the Dr. appt., cuz I'm sure there will

be a med

> change or addition, and if it is something that will make me sick


> methotrexate can, I'm not sure how I'll keep working full time.

Anyways, I'm pretty

> worried and trying not to think about it-something I know you are


> with!!!!!! heehee On the plus side, I am buying a house with my

long time

> boyfriend and moving probably in August. Kinda nervous but happy

about that.

> Thanks again for asking, Tawny. I hope you are feeling a little

better. You've

> really been having a tough year. Cary




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Hi Dana, Yes, That scare didn't help a bit, I am feeling a little

better. The Vicodin does help, and I'm just so glad there is some

relief. What is strange, I don't get sleepy. I am like wide awake

after taking it, but when I do go to sleep, I'm a log,lol

I'm so glad that there are pain meds for people with chronic pain, it

helps make our life a little better. You take care, and have a good

weekend, Tawny

> > In a message dated 25/06/2004 22:58:53 Central Standard Time,

> > tawnyokc@s... writes:

> >

> >

> > > Cary, how are things going your way?

> >

> > Hiya Tawny!

> > Nice of you to ask! Actually, things are so-so. I need to go


> the

> > rheumy. The remicade is only lasting me 4 weeks instead of 8

> weeks. I'm running

> > low grade fevers most of the time, and having pain all the


> Not

> > excruciating, but everything is a big effort. And as we all

are so

> familiar with, the

> > fatigue. It's making it really hard to go to work, and I


> lately I have

> > actually been grumpy at times! It sounds weird, but I am


> grouchy for

> > some reason, so it is obvious something isn't right when I am

> grumpy or snippy

> > with anyone. I am dreading the Dr. appt., cuz I'm sure there


> be a med

> > change or addition, and if it is something that will make me


> like

> > methotrexate can, I'm not sure how I'll keep working full


> Anyways, I'm pretty

> > worried and trying not to think about it-something I know you


> familiar

> > with!!!!!! heehee On the plus side, I am buying a house with


> long time

> > boyfriend and moving probably in August. Kinda nervous but


> about that.

> > Thanks again for asking, Tawny. I hope you are feeling a


> better. You've

> > really been having a tough year. Cary

> >

> >

> >

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Sorry the Remicade is pooping out on you, Cary. I'll be interested to

hear what you and rheumatologist decide on. Try not to worry. Maybe

Enbrel or Humira?

Moving! The best of luck to you. That sounds both stressful and

exciting. Ask a, LOL. Is your son OK with it?

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


Re: [ ] Hi Cary

> In a message dated 25/06/2004 22:58:53 Central Standard Time,

> tawnyokc@... writes:



> > Cary, how are things going your way?


> Hiya Tawny!

> Nice of you to ask! Actually, things are so-so. I need to go see the

> rheumy. The remicade is only lasting me 4 weeks instead of 8 weeks.

I'm running

> low grade fevers most of the time, and having pain all the time. Not

> excruciating, but everything is a big effort. And as we all are so

familiar with, the

> fatigue. It's making it really hard to go to work, and I confess

lately I have

> actually been grumpy at times! It sounds weird, but I am rarely

grouchy for

> some reason, so it is obvious something isn't right when I am grumpy

or snippy

> with anyone. I am dreading the Dr. appt., cuz I'm sure there will be

a med

> change or addition, and if it is something that will make me sick like

> methotrexate can, I'm not sure how I'll keep working full time.

Anyways, I'm pretty

> worried and trying not to think about it-something I know you are


> with!!!!!! heehee On the plus side, I am buying a house with my

long time

> boyfriend and moving probably in August. Kinda nervous but happy

about that.

> Thanks again for asking, Tawny. I hope you are feeling a little

better. You've

> really been having a tough year. Cary

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In a message dated 27/06/2004 08:37:55 Central Standard Time,

Matsumura_Clan@... writes:

> Ask a, LOL. Is your son OK with it?


Thank goodness I don't have to move as far as a did!!!! My son is

thrilled-he's already driving his friends past the new house! It's pretty cute

behavior for a 17 year old boy-I was surprised by it. We have known Jeff (the

domestic partner, as the loan papers call him!) since Jay (the boy!) was 3 years

old. Jeff was a sports coach for years, and kids always like him-I'm sure

you've known that kind of guy. So Jay has liked Jeff for years, and says it


be totally cool to live with him. We've also had many conversations on how

ideally people marry before living together and marry only once, etcetc.....but

that his mother hasn't been so good at the marriage thing and is a little gun

shy so we're doing things differently. Jay just laughs about it-he says he's

just glad it's Jeff this time cuz he knows it will work out. I actually have

a pretty amazing kid....wise beyond his years emotionally, totally dork

otherwise! heehee

I'll let you all know what the rheumy says. Cary

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No, Cary, I don't know any guys like Jeff, LOL. Sounds like an ideal

situation all the way around though. So glad to hear that Jay is all for

it. I have a 17-year-old boy, too, and we've had to discuss/deal with

some of these issues.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


Re: [ ] Hi Cary

> In a message dated 27/06/2004 08:37:55 Central Standard Time,

> Matsumura_Clan@... writes:



> > Ask a, LOL. Is your son OK with it?

> >


> Thank goodness I don't have to move as far as a did!!!! My son is

> thrilled-he's already driving his friends past the new house! It's

pretty cute

> behavior for a 17 year old boy-I was surprised by it. We have known

Jeff (the

> domestic partner, as the loan papers call him!) since Jay (the boy!)

was 3 years

> old. Jeff was a sports coach for years, and kids always like him-I'm


> you've known that kind of guy. So Jay has liked Jeff for years, and

says it will

> be totally cool to live with him. We've also had many conversations

on how

> ideally people marry before living together and marry only once,


> that his mother hasn't been so good at the marriage thing and is a

little gun

> shy so we're doing things differently. Jay just laughs about it-he

says he's

> just glad it's Jeff this time cuz he knows it will work out. I

actually have

> a pretty amazing kid....wise beyond his years emotionally, totally


> otherwise! heehee


> I'll let you all know what the rheumy says. Cary

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Moving??? That is a very BAD word LOL! I¹m still having nightmares. I

think I¹m cardboard-a-phobic. My pack rat ways definitely bit me. I just

don¹t know what I was thinking when I put some of the things in the attic.

Did I REALLY think someone would every want it? Did I really think I¹d find

it up there if they DID want it? No, you DON¹T have to save every school

paper, report cards are enough. No you DON¹T have to save every pretty

picture. And the clothes you MAY fit into one day??? HAHAHAHA! They will

be moth eaten before that happens, so make someone happy at your local

Goodwill. But I have to say that moving is the ultimate way to clean your

house. I¹ve learned a lot and think twice before saving anything.

Good luck to you Cary. I hope your move is an easy one. Our move was

complicated because we moved so far away with only 6 weeks to move due to

job promises.

I wish you were feeling better. I hope your doc has answers for you.


> Sorry the Remicade is pooping out on you, Cary. I'll be interested to

> hear what you and rheumatologist decide on. Try not to worry. Maybe

> Enbrel or Humira?


> Moving! The best of luck to you. That sounds both stressful and

> exciting. Ask a, LOL. Is your son OK with it?





> I'll tell you where to go!


> Mayo Clinic in Rochester

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/rochester


> s Hopkins Medicine

> http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org



> Re: [ ] Hi Cary



>> > In a message dated 25/06/2004 22:58:53 Central Standard Time,

>> > tawnyokc@... writes:

>> >

>> >

>>> > > Cary, how are things going your way?

>> >

>> > Hiya Tawny!

>> > Nice of you to ask! Actually, things are so-so. I need to go see the

>> > rheumy. The remicade is only lasting me 4 weeks instead of 8 weeks.

> I'm running

>> > low grade fevers most of the time, and having pain all the time. Not

>> > excruciating, but everything is a big effort. And as we all are so

> familiar with, the

>> > fatigue. It's making it really hard to go to work, and I confess

> lately I have

>> > actually been grumpy at times! It sounds weird, but I am rarely

> grouchy for

>> > some reason, so it is obvious something isn't right when I am grumpy

> or snippy

>> > with anyone. I am dreading the Dr. appt., cuz I'm sure there will be

> a med

>> > change or addition, and if it is something that will make me sick like

>> > methotrexate can, I'm not sure how I'll keep working full time.

> Anyways, I'm pretty

>> > worried and trying not to think about it-something I know you are

> familiar

>> > with!!!!!! heehee On the plus side, I am buying a house with my

> long time

>> > boyfriend and moving probably in August. Kinda nervous but happy

> about that.

>> > Thanks again for asking, Tawny. I hope you are feeling a little

> better. You've

>> > really been having a tough year. Cary




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