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Hey Becky,

Don't worry about how you look in the newspaper photo, I'll bet those

daycare kids of yours think you are the most beautiful person in the

world besides their mommies!


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Thank you, they are very sweet to me, even when I'm having a bad day. We do

have fun. Today I painted up a 7 year old with my make up. He looked like a

cross between an Indian and a jungle boy! We put him in the dog cage and took

pictures like he was in a zoo. I'm making a slide show to e-mail his mom. We

have fun a lot of the time. It's easy to just sit but changing diapers and

cooking and doing the active stuff is hard. That's why my teenagers help me.

They know how to show a good time and they take them outside to play so I don't

have to go in the heat! The little ones tell me I'm going to babysit their

babies someday if I'm not too old! I try to put on makeup every day and try to

fix my hair. Most of the time I put it up in a clip, quick and easy. I also

wear cologne or scented lotion so they don't remember a stinky old babysitter

when they grow up!


[ ] Becky

Hey Becky,

Don't worry about how you look in the newspaper photo, I'll bet those

daycare kids of yours think you are the most beautiful person in the

world besides their mommies!


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I thought you looked just beautiful in the photo-with that great smile the kids

must be crazy about you.

nonny46 <nonny46@...> wrote:

Hey Becky,

Don't worry about how you look in the newspaper photo, I'll bet those

daycare kids of yours think you are the most beautiful person in the

world besides their mommies!


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Thank you, that was nice of you to say that. I needed that.


Re: [ ] Becky


I thought you looked just beautiful in the photo-with that great smile the

kids must be crazy about you.

nonny46 <nonny46@...> wrote:

Hey Becky,

Don't worry about how you look in the newspaper photo, I'll bet those

daycare kids of yours think you are the most beautiful person in the

world besides their mommies!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Dear Becky,

I am so sorry that you have had such a hard time with your mom. Sometimes, we

have to realize that

we can't " fix " our family members and that it will take resources that we don't

possess. When we

are ill or our children are ill, we have to reach a point where we back off and

let the

professionals take care of them. My Mom now lives in a retirement home that can

take care of her

when she is ill. It also has levels of care that will accommodate her as her


deteriorates. I do worry because she has moved back to where she was born and I

am now 6 hours

away. I miss who my mom used to be. I was always scared that I would end up like

my mom. When I

was fifteen and she had a breakdown, I had to grow up and take care of my

siblings. It was a very

difficult time in my life and since then I have felt that I am responsible for

her. I am fortunate

to have two sisters who have taken their turn.

Please, do not punish yourself with guilt but rest easy knowing that you have

cared for her and

are now caring enough to let the right people help her. Take care of yourself.


--- natesmom4@... wrote:

> My mother is a problem too. She is 83 and has heart problems but she can

still go to play bingo

> and the gambling boats every day, then complain she has no money. She talks

about wanting to

> die all the time. She was like that when I was little. She is supposed to be

taking Paxil but

> won't take it, supposed to go to a psychiatrist, but won't. Now she is

accusing me of telling

> the doctor that she can't drive and that is why the doctor said she can't.

She had been a

> problem for as long as I can remember and just today I finally decided that

there is nothing

> more I can do. She can drive, she can do whatever she wants. I quit arguing

with her, told her

> I will no longer try to help her and she can do whatever she wants as long as

my name is not on

> her car. I just hung up on the phone on her and that is it. Her sisters keep

telling me how

> mentally sick she is and I know that and told them I know that. I have power

of attorney over

> her and I think I will just call the doctors and tell them that since I cannot

control her, they

> must make a decision as to what to do with her and where to put her, then I

will get a court

> order and it will be done. She is making our family suffer too much and my

son is 21 and is

> very ill right now and I can't help her but I need to focus on him now. I'm

sure the stress of

> it all isn't helping my RA either. It's strange, but I feel like a weight has

just lifted off

> of my shoulders after this morning. I guess I'm being hard hearted but my

children and husband

> have suffered enough over her too.


> Becky

> Re: [ ] Re: Family Support - Or Lack Thereof - Snowdrift



> Dear S,


> Is your mom elderly? My mom doesn't like to listen either. If I say

anything she just gets

> silent

> but I still listen to her list. She recently thought she was going to have a

spinal tap

> because

> her white cell count has been low for years. She was telling us all that it

was cancer and had

> herself convinced. It turned out to be from infection of a tooth and the

meds she takes. I had

> told her that was probably the case but it was like she wanted it to be

cancer. I know that

> this

> sounds strange, but my mom has wanted to die since my father died

twenty-five years ago and

> when

> she told me that they decided not to do the procedure, she actually sounded

disappointed. So,

> yes,

> when you say that mental health problems might be involved, it is possible.

My mother is

> bipolar

> and suffers from depression and I have to not get upset about the things

that she says because

> they are not said to hurt me it is just that she feels that way. I learned a

long time ago

> that I

> couldn't change things for her no matter how hard I tried so now I just try

to provide

> sympathy.

> Relationships are so complicated, aren't they? If your family doesn't

understand, that's ok

> because you have all of us here who do. Take care. Iris


> --- snowdrift52003 <snowdrift52003@...> wrote:


> >

> > > Hi Kim,

> > >

> > > I don't think that you are being selfish by asking this time for a

> > little sympathy and reassurance

> > > from your family. It is like the male partners in our lives...we

> > don't want them to fix it, we

> > > just want them to listen.

> >

> > I told my mom of my RA diagnosis in January. Since then, she has not

> > referred to it once--not to ask me how I'm feeling or how my meds are

> > working or anything. The reason for this is that she, too, has RA,

> > but has chosen to not see a doctor, to hide in her home, and not deal

> > with it. She is getting sicker and more disabled, but will never talk

> > about it. The whole thing makes me angry and sad. She was a good mom

> > to me--she just cannot deal with this. Might be a mental health issue

> > complicating matters...

> >

> > S

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Thank you, I have released it all now. I have done what I can, I have never

been able to change her and it took me 47 years to realize that I cannot change

her. She's in a retirement apartment but not one where they can take care of

her. She has a call button for help but has to be self sufficient to live

there. It's time for the next level up, whatever that may be. Sometimes when I

get upset with my 21 year old, I tell him I'm kicking him out to live with

grandma! Those two would drive each other crazy! If I had the money I would

buy them a little house and they could take care of each other. But,

realistically, he will never be able to move away from us. He has his own

little apartment in our house and that will be the best that he will be able to

do. No room for her, though.


Re: [ ] Re: Family Support - Or Lack Thereof - Snowdrift



> Dear S,


> Is your mom elderly? My mom doesn't like to listen either. If I say

anything she just gets

> silent

> but I still listen to her list. She recently thought she was going to have

a spinal tap

> because

> her white cell count has been low for years. She was telling us all that

it was cancer and had

> herself convinced. It turned out to be from infection of a tooth and the

meds she takes. I had

> told her that was probably the case but it was like she wanted it to be

cancer. I know that

> this

> sounds strange, but my mom has wanted to die since my father died

twenty-five years ago and

> when

> she told me that they decided not to do the procedure, she actually

sounded disappointed. So,

> yes,

> when you say that mental health problems might be involved, it is

possible. My mother is

> bipolar

> and suffers from depression and I have to not get upset about the things

that she says because

> they are not said to hurt me it is just that she feels that way. I learned

a long time ago

> that I

> couldn't change things for her no matter how hard I tried so now I just

try to provide

> sympathy.

> Relationships are so complicated, aren't they? If your family doesn't

understand, that's ok

> because you have all of us here who do. Take care. Iris


> --- snowdrift52003 <snowdrift52003@...> wrote:


> >

> > > Hi Kim,

> > >

> > > I don't think that you are being selfish by asking this time for a

> > little sympathy and reassurance

> > > from your family. It is like the male partners in our lives...we

> > don't want them to fix it, we

> > > just want them to listen.

> >

> > I told my mom of my RA diagnosis in January. Since then, she has not

> > referred to it once--not to ask me how I'm feeling or how my meds are

> > working or anything. The reason for this is that she, too, has RA,

> > but has chosen to not see a doctor, to hide in her home, and not deal

> > with it. She is getting sicker and more disabled, but will never talk

> > about it. The whole thing makes me angry and sad. She was a good mom

> > to me--she just cannot deal with this. Might be a mental health issue

> > complicating matters...

> >

> > S

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 4 weeks later...

It just doesn't seem fair. I don't understand why you have to pay him anything.

Is there any chance that will change or you can ask for a different judge?


[ ] Re: Off-topic posts - To everyone

And all of this is

> happening while I'm trying to get my divorce finalized and get


> child support that I have to pay my ex reduced since I had to

take a


> HAVE RA and be able to pick my daughter up at a reasonable time


> her school. Forget that I supported us while my ex went through

> graduate school and he just happened to pick a low paying career


> that doesn't matter and so I have to pay all my daugthers


> including the $850 average per month (it's $945 in the school


> less in the summer) preschool and her clothes and my insurance


> payments and drug co-payments and our health insurance premiums


> everything myself and after all that I have to pay him money

too. I

> do not make a ton of money! He just makes nearly nothing. And


> doesn't have any disease to deal with but that doesn't matter

> either.


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It's actually not a judge that says I have to pay this. Each state

has it's own child support calculation - usually performed by a

computer program. I live in PA and the way it works here they take

your combined income less taxes and estimate an amount that should

be spent on raising the child. Then they determine what percentage

of the total income you each make, I make about 60% of our combined

parental income and he makes 40%. So I am 60% responsible for

providing that amount that the calculation said we should be

spending on raising her (housing costs, food, clothing, etc.).

Since I have her 50% of the time, then I end up paying 10% of that

calculated amount (not 10% of my income, just 10% of the amount we

should spend to raise her) to my ex to cover his expenses when he

has her. So basically, he has her 50% of the time but is only

responsible for 40% of the cost to raise her. He gets money from me

to cover the other 10%. Confused yet?

Then it gets more complicated by daycare costs. It is also income

based so I am responsible to pay 60% of the daycare. But we aren't

going to each write a check to them every month, so I just pay it

directly. His portion of the cost is $340 per month. The child

support computer says I should pay him child support of $403 but

since I pay $340 to the daycare on his behalf, that leaves $63 to

pay to him directly.

Of course, then when I start getting bonuses at work I end up making

65% of our combined income, but also the computer will estimate we

should be spending more to raise her since there is more income. So

my $63 will go up to $175 per month starting in December. If he

also gets a bonus at work then it will be a little less.

Since it is income based, they don't take into consideration

expenses. If I want to live in a place that has a back yard and

feels like a home for my daughter, fine, and if he wants to live in

a dump to save money, fine too. If I have medical costs for myself,

too bad. If they relate to her care, then we would have to share it

based on the percentage of incomes, but she is healthy. The costs I

have are mine. I do get credit for paying her health insurance

premiums but I work for a great company and it's only $22 per month

for both her and I.

If I had fought it and got custody of her 65% of the time, then I

wouldn't have to pay him anything and he'd have to pay his own share

fo the daycare cost. But that would be putting money above our

daughter's needs (it really is best for her to be with each of us

1/2 time)... and I didn't do that.


> It just doesn't seem fair. I don't understand why you have to pay

him anything. Is there any chance that will change or you can ask

for a different judge?


> Becky

> [ ] Becky



Up until now

> I've had to pay him an extra $155 a month for child support (It


> actually $540 up until June, but the extra was spousal support


> it was temporary). I had to take a small cut in pay when I


> jobs, so the child support for the rest of this year will only


> $63 but we'll just see how big of a stink his attorney makes


> that next week. Then at the end of this year my bonuses kick in


> it will go up to $175 per month. Not a ton of money but her


> and other expenses eat up everything I have. And I will have to


> him this money until she is 18 unless he figures out and gets

> motivated to actually put his graduate degree to work. It's his

> choice to do that or not do that, the court won't force him to.

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Oh my, what a complicated situation! You are so kind by doing what you feel is

best for your child. Little girl's need their daddies if they are good daddies.

My heart goes out to you.


[ ] Becky



Up until now

> I've had to pay him an extra $155 a month for child support (It


> actually $540 up until June, but the extra was spousal support


> it was temporary). I had to take a small cut in pay when I


> jobs, so the child support for the rest of this year will only


> $63 but we'll just see how big of a stink his attorney makes


> that next week. Then at the end of this year my bonuses kick in


> it will go up to $175 per month. Not a ton of money but her


> and other expenses eat up everything I have. And I will have to


> him this money until she is 18 unless he figures out and gets

> motivated to actually put his graduate degree to work. It's his

> choice to do that or not do that, the court won't force him to.

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