Guest guest Posted September 20, 2000 Report Share Posted September 20, 2000 Kathi - There must be a full moon why are people brining up things that have long passed? This certinally isn't the room I joined months ago. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 22, 2000 Report Share Posted September 22, 2000 Kathi - would you also please send it to me? My e-mail address is mhe3053904@.... I would really appreciate it. Thank you, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 27, 2000 Report Share Posted September 27, 2000 Kathi - I had the nerve conduction tests done and it's not fun but you just grin and bear it . Did your Doctor tell you that this test they so with needles and like a shock thing. I had to have it done on my neck and shoulders and upper back. I didn't mind the little pricks fromthe needles it was the shock (Very mild) that I didn't care for. When she was done I wanted to belt her not because of the tests becasue she was so arrogant because I told her I wanted clean needles. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 10, 2000 Report Share Posted October 10, 2000 Kathi - my gallbladder was removed two years ago when they found my liver problems, I strongly believe that leaving a very badly diseased gallbladder there for 6years did the damage to my liver. I saw the picture oof it when they took it out. it was red, white, with stringy stuff hanging from hit. My surgeon even called me after and told me that it should have come out seven years before. But the Gastro doctor thought he knew everything and so did my primary. Kathi, if you are having probleems with your gall bladder have it taken out, I don't think I would be where I am today if they had taken it out sooner. I know it's bad but all I want to do lately is stay in bed and sleep. Take care Kathi - Hugs, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 15, 2000 Report Share Posted October 15, 2000 Hi Kathi, I don't know if you read my post but they did a bone density test on Jodi already. Her's turned out good, thank the Lord. Wouldn't you feel better knowing for sure? I don't remember if I told you but we are the same age. Have a good week, Genny/Jodi's Mom Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 17, 2000 Report Share Posted October 17, 2000 Kathi, if you have dry mouth this can cause a burning feeling in the mouth. If so there are a lot of drugs that have this side effect. Just a thought, hope it gets better. Take care, Genny/Jodi's Mom Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 12, 2000 Report Share Posted November 12, 2000 Patty, I forgot I did feel the transjugular one. My liver was so sick I felt every sample they pulled my side hurt so bad each time I begged the doc to stop and he wouldn't. I will forever remember all of the tests. gayle/trans.6-99 galye@... ^OO^ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 12, 2000 Report Share Posted November 12, 2000 > Can anybody tell me if they had Versed and what if anything they can > remember? And also what if any techniques(drugs or other) were used numbing the ribs intercostal space and > Anybody have it done by a radiologist under sedation? Or > most by the hepatologist or gastroenterologist. > > AMY Amy, I had Versed (I think it was 10 mg.?) and felt relaxed and sleepy but I remember everything. My biopsy was performed by my hep. Doctor who is the Director of liver transplants at Scripp. But I wouldn't mind next time if his Physician's assistant performed it as I trust them both. If the ribs are numbed, and they swear the liver has no pain receptors, and you have Versed--there should be no cause for anxiety or pain. I hope you overcome your dread if you should ever need to repeat the procedure. But I highly recommend having it performed by someone you know and trust. Patty O Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 12, 2000 Report Share Posted November 12, 2000 Amy..... I`ve had Versed every time I`ve had sclerotherapy done and it put me in a twilight type sleep where I was faintly aware of things going on but couldn`t remember them later... all in all a very nice drug... The biopsy I had done post transplant was done with a local but they did it more from the front and with the guidance of a radiolgist using ultrasound.... they were very careful as to not disturb my recent incisions and this made it time consuming and uncomfortable as i had to stay very still while they guided the needle.... as usual it had to be done over as the first pass didn`t snip enough tissue... i can`t say it was painful though just uncomfortable....I stayed awake and watched the procedure on the screen or at least what I could see of it.... Versed in the wrong hands could be dangerous I suspect..... Jerry You sound exactly like me. My name is Amy and when I had my first biopsy I said the exact same thing. I think I just will never have it done the way I did the first time. I said that I would never never ever have it done again. After waking up with sweats and nightmares for about two years and thinking about it for days on end and crying to anyone who would listen, I decided to stop that. I now know that chances are I probably will have to have another one in my lifetime to say the least. And, I will have to be a " big girl " about it. Hard as that is(I am born in early July, so I am a Cancer) I am very emotional and a big baby. I have to not think about it until that time comes and when it does I will have it under some IV sedation and some Versed(a wonderful drug that makes you not remember the whole thing). How does that sound?? Can anybody tell me if they had Versed and what if anything they can remember? And also what if any techniques(drugs or other) were used others besides the normal punch biopsy eg... numbing the ribs intercostal space and then opening you up like a sardine can and slam in and then a hunk of lovely liver comes out. Anybody have it done by a radiologist under sedation? Or most by the hepatologist or gastroenterologist. AMY Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 12, 2000 Report Share Posted November 12, 2000 Hey, I just had a needle biopsy. It was nothing. To say I was scared is an understatement. I had to take my therapist with me. I'm a big baby when it comes to anyone touching my body. They gave me something to relax me but I can't remember what it was. I will try to find out. It took 1min at the most to do the actual biopsy. They numbed a small area. That probably hurt the most. Put a needle (?) into me using ultrasound to pinpoint where they wanted to go. I have a tiny hole (O). I had to lay still for a while to watch for complications. It was scheduled at 9 am and I was out the door by 12 complete with lunch (bluk) I will not be afraid the next time. Debbie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 13, 2000 Report Share Posted November 13, 2000 Debbie That describes almost to a tee what my last biopsy was like.... except I knew what to expect so I had no trepidation........Laid down (just had to take my shirt off) a little Lidocaine,scoped my rib cage, marked an area, slid in the needle, snap!----- and it was over. I had to lie on the bed for a couple 21/2 hours and they said adios. I went in at 9:00 and was out by 12:00---- no lunch though....hmmmm. Jerry Hey, I just had a needle biopsy. It was nothing. To say I was scared is an understatement. I had to take my therapist with me. I'm a big baby when it comes to anyone touching my body. They gave me something to relax me but I can't remember what it was. I will try to find out. It took 1min at the most to do the actual biopsy. They numbed a small area. That probably hurt the most. Put a needle (?) into me using ultrasound to pinpoint where they wanted to go. I have a tiny hole (O). I had to lay still for a while to watch for complications. It was scheduled at 9 am and I was out the door by 12 complete with lunch (bluk) I will not be afraid the next time. Debbie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 13, 2000 Report Share Posted November 13, 2000 Hi Amy, I just had my liver biopsy last week. Mine was done by the radiologyst. He was very good and talked me through it. I did ok untell the last numbing shot. My liver was so swolen I am sure it was worse than it should have been. I am very bad when it comes to needles as well. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 13, 2000 Report Share Posted November 13, 2000 I go for my biopsy Thursday Amy, and though I'm not scared of the procedure, I am very scared of the outcome, I have lots of needles in me at various times due to Lupus as well as possible AIH, and the best way to deal with the fear is just bring your mind somewhere else, and if your awake, think your on the outside looking in, like an episode of ER. Thats what I will do Thursday. Good luck. Christi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 13, 2000 Report Share Posted November 13, 2000 No fooling hes my total fantasy heheheheheh Christi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 13, 2000 Report Share Posted November 13, 2000 Christi That would be easy if Cloony was at the other end of the needle Heidi > egroups >From: christibro33@... >Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 14:34:42 EST >Reply- egroups >Subject: Re: [ ] kathi > >I go for my biopsy Thursday Amy, and though I'm not scared of the procedure, >I am very scared of the outcome, I have lots of needles in me at various >times due to Lupus as well as possible AIH, and the best way to deal with the >fear is just bring your mind somewhere else, and if your awake, think your on >the outside looking in, like an episode of ER. Thats what I will do Thursday. >Good luck. > >Christi > ><< msg2.html >> ------------------------------------------------------------ How do you spell EMAIL? You @ - The world's easiest free Email address Get your free email at: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 4, 2004 Report Share Posted July 4, 2004 Oh Kathi, I'm so glad you got to have all your kiddles with you. (My son is 28 too!) I just cannot imagine you are pig-headed...just a little strong-willed probably! : ) My eldest graduates from rehab on Monday and has worked so hard to get her life going on a better track. My youngest and I are driving up to her graduation. Ah, my little Emmy...her head is in the " in love " zone which of course can be lovely, but also complicated. What scares me is her not wanting to know some hard answers about things in her fellow's life cause she doesn't want her " happiness to get messed up " - her words. I know she has to work through these things, but I PRAY she doesn't get hurt terribly. I do like him, which makes it harder to have to question some things about him. But, they are not small issues. As of nearly a month ago I was down 55 pounds...will weigh and let you know after my July 12 appt. Em took " before " photos, and we'll take some at the 3 month annversary next week. I will try to post a couple of each. Em is also going to help me get my measurments so I can compare to pre-op. I saw my rheumy last week and he was so happy with how I'm doing. As it turns out, I did have rhabdomyelosis (I thought they were just watching for it) but the hospital has such aggressive protocol re: that condition for obese surgical patients, that they nipped the problem in the bud, thank God. My rheumy is checking the muscle enzymes, plus all the Ra/Psa stuff. I wish I could find my StarTrek transporter and just come give you a big ol' squishy Oregon hug! ((((((((((((((((Kathi)))))))))))))) Take sweet care of you! Love Always & Forever... Tess Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 8, 2004 Report Share Posted July 8, 2004 Hi Kathi, Congratulations! I hope that you are doing just as well. Things have not been good here in Florida. My computer went down for about 2 weeks and I have lost all my information. I have also lost about another 50 lbs and had a serious reaction wth the pain medication and my knee. The knee surgeon is suggesting that I get nerve blocks for the severe knee pain, but it would not improve any movement of that knee. It is hard to believe that it has all most been 2 years that this nightmare began. I miss you ALL so much and try to write when I can. We do have WONDERFUL news that happened on 7-4-04: got engaged to be married on 7-16-05!!!!!!! We are all so happy for her! It will be a busy time next year at this time next year. Vickie gets married, graduates and and go to Proms!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta get myself better ASAP! Iris, I miss you so much and I wrote to our Carol and never heard back. I pray that all is wel with her. Kathi, sweetie, I have given up looking for my snazzy looking heels...............The way I am now, I thank God if I can get any kind of shoe on my foot!!!! What a difference a little time makes!!!!! Love you, my Friend! Gentle, tender, angel hugs................. Debs in FL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 15, 2004 Report Share Posted July 15, 2004 Kathi...It isn't an awful name but I can't stop thinking about that cat! The name is Cecily (cat) Eva (dog). I am glad that you got a chuckle. I will let you know if I succeeded in talking her out of that name. Hugs to you. Iris --- Kathi <iamladybird@...> wrote: > She has decided to name the child the same name that she named > her cat (the > ugliest cat know to mankind) and the second name after the baby's > father's dog. > > > .......OK what is this name???? I have to admit to having a good > laugh when I read this. I have stopped asking the names, as I must > make a face, because I always get OH mom...still having a good > chuckle...Kathi in Ok > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 15, 2004 Report Share Posted July 15, 2004 Had to laugh at this one. A coworker is having twins and her husband wants to name one after the dog and the other after the cat. Noreen > <html><body> > > > <tt> > Kathi...It isn't an awful name but I can't stop thinking about that cat! The name is Cecily (cat)<BR> > Eva (dog). I am glad that you got a chuckle. I will let you know if I succeeded in talking her out<BR> > of that name. Hugs to you. Iris<BR> > <BR> > --- Kathi & lt;iamladybird@... & gt; wrote:<BR> > & gt; She has decided to name the child the same name that she named<BR> > & gt; her cat (the<BR> > & gt; ugliest cat know to mankind) and the second name after the baby's <BR> > & gt; father's dog.<BR> > & gt; <BR> > & gt; <BR> > & gt; .......OK what is this name???? & nbsp; I have to admit to having a good <BR> > & gt; laugh when I read this. I have stopped asking the names, as I must <BR> > & gt; make a face, because I always get OH mom...still having a good <BR> > & gt; chuckle...Kathi in Ok<BR> > & gt; <BR> > & gt; <BR> > & gt; <BR> > & gt; <BR> > & gt; Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2004 Report Share Posted July 16, 2004 Iris: I still think your verbage was a hoot......hugs Kathi in OK > > She has decided to name the child the same name that she named > > her cat (the > > ugliest cat know to mankind) and the second name after the baby's > > father's dog. > > > > > > .......OK what is this name???? I have to admit to having a good > > laugh when I read this. I have stopped asking the names, as I must > > make a face, because I always get OH mom...still having a good > > chuckle...Kathi in Ok > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2004 Report Share Posted July 18, 2004 Kathi, Sorry I took your message the wrong way. I would much rather be friends than fighting! Although, I do think being able to discuss these things rationally, and respecting each other's opinions is very important. We're all different, and may react different to various meds, may have read differing opinions in articles, have had our doctors tell us different things, and so on. I will always respect anyone's right to their opinion. Just may have a different one myself. But I never mean to criticize anyone, and I absolutely hate conflict and controversy. But have no problem with people expressing their opinions, as long as we all realize that we all have a right to our own opinion, and that we are all different, and that our experience may not be the same as others. It's waht makes this group so valuable and interesting! Of course, I'd much rather laugh my way through pain than anything else. And I just happen to have a few new " funnies " friends have sent me. My depression support group has a very lively sense of humor, and we tease each other mercilessly - and often, I'm just about falling off my chair laughing. It really helps me forget the pain. (We do get very serious when anyone writes in with a problem - it's a great group in more ways than one. I'm very fortunate to have found both the best depression support group AND the best Arthritis/fibro group!) Right now, somehow the group got on the subject of " tooting " , and my husband, who knows the group leader very well, wrote her that I can toot musically and they are now planning on my making a CD for their new company " Tooter Tunes " . She shared this with the group, and the whole group has gotten into the act, from hamsters who can toot, to dancing kitties and so on. We've all been laughing so much that no one is writing about being depressed! And by the way, I can NOT toot musically! lolol Dix [ ] RE: ..Thank you... Oxy > > > > > > > > > > > > > : First may I say thank you for your posts on narcotics, I > > > only > > > > > wish the stigma and misunderstanding would some how self > resolve. > > > > > Then I would like to say I am sorry, I was'nt trying to imply > > > anyone > > > > > should take anything only citing experience. I don't take any > med > > > > > before I have researched it throughly. Having scleroderma > they are > > > > > always trying to give me something, I think they feel they > must DO > > > > > something, and as there are no proven therapies they feel > > > helpless. > > > > > Judi is in the same kinda of situation, I believe. But, if > > > something > > > > > works, and for me oxy does, I have a half a life back, I will > > > > > continue to take it. It took alot of convincing for me to try > it, > > > and > > > > > then I was so embarrassed because I could have felt so much > > > better if > > > > > I had tried it to start off with. In IMHO there are alot more > > > scary > > > > > drugs, and steroids would be my NO.1 choice to NOT take, along > > > with > > > > > several others. I have gone off and on my oxy without any > > > withdrawal > > > > > problems, and I have been to a few pain clinics, their drug > of > > > > > choice was methadone, which ....I....could'nt tolerate. We > each > > > react > > > > > to drugs differently, so I would never knock anything that > works > > > for > > > > > some one else. It seems the stigma will never go away, and the > > > > > narcotics will always have a bad rap, it is to bad these > articles > > > > > don't compare them with other choices. And of course the > bottom > > > > > line ...all drugs are bad for you, you are putting a chemical > in > > > your > > > > > body that was never suppose to be there, of course the > wonderful > > > > > diseases were'nt suppose to either.....thank you for trying to > > > keep > > > > > us all educated......hugs Kathi in OK > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2005 Report Share Posted July 22, 2005 Hiya, Kathi, Welcome in and congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I LOVE your doctor because he/she seems to understand the concept that the amount of hearing in your " good " ear can be a huge help to you when you get your " bad " ear implanted. While, theoretically, it has been said that the ear that hears the most- and most recently, is the better choice, real life seems to be contradicting that premise big time! I had my worse ear implanted and thank G-d everyday, as the little hearing (10% with hearing aid) has helped me immensely. I would have lost my mind in the early days if not for that. (no comments from the peanut gallery that I have already lost my mind!! ) I know you will hear from others, who also feel this way. So - go ahead with confidence that you are doing the right thing. And get ready for an amazing journey. If you are like me and still marvel at fax machines and e-mail - you will have your socks knocked off by this technology that is going to allow you to hear! Good luck and keep us updated! Jackie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2005 Report Share Posted July 22, 2005 Hi, Kathi, If you weren't nervous about your surgery the doctor would be concerned. It is absolutely normal to have a healthy fear of the unknown. Honestly, though, you won't feel a thing, and afterwards, most people have relatively uneventful recoveries. I have had over 10 different surgeries over the years and I can tell you that the CI was one of the least difficult to recover from. The benefits are amazing! Spend the next few days until surgery taking care of things at home so you can relax for a week or even two and have others wait on you as you recover. Just remember to move slowly the first few days. ) Jackie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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