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Prednisone dosage

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When my LFT's started back up 60's to 90's and I was on 5 one day and then

2.5 the next they increased the dose to 7 for 3 months and now that LFt's are

stable 30's-40's they have dropped it back down to 5mg's every day. This

worked for me but my numbers never got really high. I'm sure it's different

for everyone.


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In a message dated 2/9/02 11:03:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, jeanfran@... writes:

Has anyone with AIH, either newly diagnosed or controlling a flare-

up, ever started with a LOW dose of pred and worked up if needed--OR has everyone started with a high dose and worked down after inflammation was under control. I have always done the latter, but I'm wondering if it isn't more healthy in the long run, to start low and work up so that one isn't getting more of that dreadful drug than need be. Any opinions or experiences? Jean

My doctor says his strategy is to begin with a high dose to get inflammation under control before more damage is done, and to reduce (slowly) as soon as possible.

Harper (AIH dx 5/00)

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I was diagnosed on 1/3/02 - The doctor started me on 40mg of prednisone for

two weeks, dropping to 30mg for two more weeks. And this week, I started on

20mg for two weeks. I go to the doctor Monday for a followup and blood work

to see its effect.

If all is well I can go back to my job teaching in Montana. My school has

been great, holding my job for me. Both my principal and my dept head have

autoimmune diseases.

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my doctor says the same thing. She said that the process of liver damage needs to be halted as best as possible - all the while knowing that it won't be "stopped" but can be slowed down. THen, she is weaning me off the prednisone if she can, but at least we are bringing the dose down.


Re: [ ] prednisone dosage

In a message dated 2/9/02 11:03:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, jeanfran@... writes:

Has anyone with AIH, either newly diagnosed or controlling a flare- up, ever started with a LOW dose of pred and worked up if needed--OR has everyone started with a high dose and worked down after inflammation was under control. I have always done the latter, but I'm wondering if it isn't more healthy in the long run, to start low and work up so that one isn't getting more of that dreadful drug than need be. Any opinions or experiences? JeanMy doctor says his strategy is to begin with a high dose to get inflammation under control before more damage is done, and to reduce (slowly) as soon as possible. Harper (AIH dx 5/00)

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In a message dated 2/9/02 5:48:57 PM Pacific Standard Time, rthornton@... writes:

My doc started me on 10mg prednisone and 50mg Imuran with the plan to move up on the Imuran if my enzymes aren't down in my two month check-

up. I started this on Dec. 26th and will check enzymes again in a few weeks to determine if I will stay at this level, or increase Imuran. This sounds like low to moderate doses from what I have seen...but I am not sure if it qualifies as "low dose", really.

From what I've seen, 10 mg Prednisone is a low starting dose. I started at 80 mg Prednisone and 100 mg Imuran (it was supposed to have been 150 mg Imuran, but the nurse made a mistake.) I had blood tests twice a week for several weeks, then once a week, every two weeks, etc. and now I'm down to every two months, at 5 mg Prednisone and 100 mg Imuran.

Harper (AIH dx 5/00)

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, I sent a message before I meant to. I intended to add that every case is different and doctors have different opinions. It's possible to have such a mild case of AIH that a doctor may decide not to prescribe any drug treatment, but to simply watch carefully.


In a message dated 2/9/02 5:48:57 PM Pacific Standard Time, rthornton@... writes:

My doc started me on 10mg prednisone and 50mg Imuran with the plan to move up on the Imuran if my enzymes aren't down in my two month check-

up. I started this on Dec. 26th and will check enzymes again in a few weeks to determine if I will stay at this level, or increase Imuran. This sounds like low to moderate doses from what I have seen...but I am not sure if it qualifies as "low dose", really.

From what I've seen, 10 mg Prednisone is a low starting dose. I started at 80 mg Prednisone and 100 mg Imuran (it was supposed to have been 150 mg Imuran, but the nurse made a mistake.) I had blood tests twice a week for several weeks, then once a week, every two weeks, etc. and now I'm down to every two months, at 5 mg Prednisone and 100 mg Imuran.

Harper (AIH dx 5/00)

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In a message dated 2/9/02 6:15:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, mtmuscldog@... writes:

If all is well I can go back to my job teaching in Montana. My school has been great, holding my job for me. Both my principal and my dept head have autoimmune diseases.



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as soon as I get a flare up my Doctor always puts my prednisolone up straight away. I think it is so that it gets the inflamation under control and then slowly decrease as soon as things are under better control. This is how I see it but I am probably wrong. Jeanette UK AIH 1998 Cirhosis 2001

jeanfranus <jeanfran@...> wrote: Has anyone with AIH, either newly diagnosed or controlling a flare-up, ever started with a LOW dose of pred and worked up if needed--OR has everyone started with a high dose and worked down after inflammation was under control. I have always done the latter, but I'm wondering if it isn't more healthy in the long run, to start low and work up so that one isn't getting more of that dreadful drug than need be. Any opinions or experiences? Jean

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In a message dated 2/9/02 9:00:40 PM Pacific Standard Time, tdcc2000@... writes:

Harper, you are certainly fortunate to be on such low doses. I am really envious! Congrats!


It took me a year or more to get down to that 5 mg Prednisone dose.


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In my case it was always high then tapered slowly. The Dr. tried one

time to give me a dose pack, and that was a real joke.

The principle is that when we have a 'flare-up' the body needs to bring in

the troops to fight it then when the battle is under control then they can

retreat slowly. If they retreat too fast, the insurgency can flare-up again.

Kinda like leaving support troops in Afganistan and supporting the interium

government. If we just blasted them and left the taliban troops would

re-emerge, by waiting out the residual factions we can hope for stability.

If we started slowly we may have prolonged the process and the inflamation

won't stop anway till be bomb it then we need to assure that it is stable

not just hiding temporarily.

Unfortunately with AIH we have the little factions resurfacing over & over.

Probably also why some Dr.'s like maintaining some people on 5-10 mg.

forever. These are your UN peacekeepers.

Oh well... Did I make any sense?

Patty -Miami


[ ] prednisone dosage

Has anyone with AIH, either newly diagnosed or controlling a flare-

up, ever started with a LOW dose of pred and worked up if needed--OR

has everyone started with a high dose and worked down after

inflammation was under control. I have always done the latter, but

I'm wondering if it isn't more healthy in the long run, to start low

and work up so that one isn't getting more of that dreadful drug than

need be. Any opinions or experiences? Jean

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Hi Patty,

I enjoyed your analogy!!!! Perhaps you have a calling in political science! It has always been said that if women ruled the world, we would have a very strong, powerful relationship with the world and may end the political discourse.


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You truly are fortunate indeed for the school to hold your job. Are you involved with the union? That is what has saved my job! We have a closed shop and that is wonderful to make sure the school does not send me and my job packing. However, this year has been the very best for me in many years....I believe that is since the finally dx me with AIH and started me on meds! THis is good!

But last year I was out 2 1/2 months with spinal stenosis. The doctor wanted to do gall bladder surgery and the liver biopsy, but I did not want to do it because it would have meant I would have been out for another 2-3 weeks, so I put it off. Probably should have had it done looking back, but I didn't and it is working out. I just felt fortunate that I was feeling good enough to keep teaching this year.


Re: [ ] Re: prednisone dosage

I was diagnosed on 1/3/02 - The doctor started me on 40mg of prednisone for two weeks, dropping to 30mg for two more weeks. And this week, I started on 20mg for two weeks. I go to the doctor Monday for a followup and blood work to see its effect. If all is well I can go back to my job teaching in Montana. My school has been great, holding my job for me. Both my principal and my dept head have autoimmune diseases.

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Harper, you are certainly fortunate to be on such low doses. I am really envious! Congrats!


Re: [ ] Re: prednisone dosage

In a message dated 2/9/02 5:48:57 PM Pacific Standard Time, rthornton@... writes:

My doc started me on 10mg prednisone and 50mg Imuran with the plan to move up on the Imuran if my enzymes aren't down in my two month check- up. I started this on Dec. 26th and will check enzymes again in a few weeks to determine if I will stay at this level, or increase Imuran. This sounds like low to moderate doses from what I have seen...but I am not sure if it qualifies as "low dose", really. From what I've seen, 10 mg Prednisone is a low starting dose. I started at 80 mg Prednisone and 100 mg Imuran (it was supposed to have been 150 mg Imuran, but the nurse made a mistake.) I had blood tests twice a week for several weeks, then once a week, every two weeks, etc. and now I'm down to every two months, at 5 mg Prednisone and 100 mg Imuran. Harper (AIH dx 5/00)

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Thanks, Harper. That is exactly what I thought, from what I have

read and heard, as well. I think my case is mild and early

detected...so the doc feels starting low and building up from there

may make some sense. I feel comfortable, mostly, with this....but do

wonder if bombarding with initially higher doses doesn't make some

sense, too. We'll see what the blood test shows in a few weeks. I

am actualy feeling pretty good, by right side even stopped " hurting " .

> , I sent a message before I meant to. I intended to add

that every

> case is different and doctors have different opinions. It's

possible to have

> such a mild case of AIH that a doctor may decide not to prescribe

any drug

> treatment, but to simply watch carefully.

> Harper


> In a message dated 2/9/02 5:48:57 PM Pacific Standard Time,


> writes:



> > My doc started me on 10mg prednisone and 50mg Imuran with the

plan to

> > move up on the Imuran if my enzymes aren't down in my two month


> > up. I started this on Dec. 26th and will check enzymes again in


> > few weeks to determine if I will stay at this level, or increase

> > Imuran. This sounds like low to moderate doses from what I have

> > seen...but I am not sure if it qualifies as " low dose " , really.

> >

> >


> From what I've seen, 10 mg Prednisone is a low starting dose. I

started at

> 80 mg Prednisone and 100 mg Imuran (it was supposed to have been

150 mg

> Imuran, but the nurse made a mistake.) I had blood tests twice a

week for

> several weeks, then once a week, every two weeks, etc. and now I'm

down to

> every two months, at 5 mg Prednisone and 100 mg Imuran.

> Harper (AIH dx 5/00)

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In a message dated 2/10/02 6:16:02 AM Pacific Standard Time, rthornton@... writes:

Thanks, Harper. That is exactly what I thought, from what I have read and heard, as well. I think my case is mild and early detected...so the doc feels starting low and building up from there may make some sense. I feel comfortable, mostly, with this....but do wonder if bombarding with initially higher doses doesn't make some sense, too. We'll see what the blood test shows in a few weeks. I am actualy feeling pretty good, by right side even stopped "hurting".

Your doctor is more likely to be a good judge of this than any of us are -- but it's a good idea to ask, if something seems questionable.

For general purposes, I think you should find out whether you are correct in believing that your case is "mild and early detected." When I was diagnosed, I knew nothing about liver disease, nothing at all. I assumed I was only mildly ill, largely because that was my view of myself -- I think of myself as really tough! And, I didn't specifically ask. Months later I learned that I had been in quite bad shape. If I'd known, I would have been better able to make realistic decisions and plans, especially regarding my job and insurance. Also, I wouldn't have felt guilty about not handling well what I thought of as a minor, short-term illness.


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In a message dated 2/10/02 11:41:33 AM Pacific Standard Time, tdcc2000@... writes:

It would have been nice if the doctor had told me the real story of AIH at the oneset. I believe that honesty between the Team Members in a disease like AIH is the best policy...or for any illness for that matter.


I guess they don't want us to imagine symptoms or to go berserk with worry. However, I find this attitude extremely patronizing and untruthful. If, for example, I knew I had six months to live, I'd most certainly want to know and to plan. Equally, if I knew I might develop Prednisone side effects, I could better plan around them.

Not so long ago, not long ago at all, cancer patients, even terminal patients, weren't told their diagnosis. The doctor would tell the family but not the patient, and the family would go to great lengths to hide the truth from the patient. Just a few years ago, the Emperor of Japan died of cancer, believing he had a temporary, easily treatable problem. Amazing, isn't it!


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short-term illness.

Harper....that was what I thought I had when I was initially dx. The doctor gave me the impression that I would only be on the prednisone for 6-8 weeks. He told me that I would be able to live a normal life with no changes.

Then, when I started reading about the illness and when the nurses kept telling me that my body was totally compromised with the meds, I began to wonder at what I had been told.

It would have been nice if the doctor had told me the real story of AIH at the oneset. I believe that honesty between the Team Members in a disease like AIH is the best policy...or for any illness for that matter.


Re: [ ] Re: prednisone dosage

In a message dated 2/10/02 6:16:02 AM Pacific Standard Time, rthornton@... writes:

Thanks, Harper. That is exactly what I thought, from what I have read and heard, as well. I think my case is mild and early detected...so the doc feels starting low and building up from there may make some sense. I feel comfortable, mostly, with this....but do wonder if bombarding with initially higher doses doesn't make some sense, too. We'll see what the blood test shows in a few weeks. I am actualy feeling pretty good, by right side even stopped "hurting". Your doctor is more likely to be a good judge of this than any of us are -- but it's a good idea to ask, if something seems questionable. For general purposes, I think you should find out whether you are correct in believing that your case is "mild and early detected." When I was diagnosed, I knew nothing about liver disease, nothing at all. I assumed I was only mildly ill, largely because that was my view of myself -- I think of myself as really tough! And, I didn't specifically ask. Months later I learned that I had been in quite bad shape. If I'd known, I would have been better able to make realistic decisions and plans, especially regarding my job and insurance. Also, I wouldn't have felt guilty about not handling well what I thought of as a minor, short-term illness. Harper

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My docs have been very frank with me! They keep stressing that they

can't stop this disease...it is progressive. Success is simply the

slow down of this progression. I think I am comfortable with that

fact at this point. I know it is serious, and it isn't going to go

away! Scary, but I feel better if I accept that. I will keep asking

questions..of my docs and of you guys, too! I am trying, now, to

find a good balance between what to worry about and what not to. I

don't want to run to the doctor with every tiny ache and pain...some

are just normal parts of life! BUT I don't want to ignore something

that may need to be addressed. I am finding this balance difficult

right now...but I hope I will improve with this over time. (I am

having pins and needles in arms and legs. I also have a " peripheral

neuropathy " (just means nerve problem, basically) in my right leg

that I have had for years, but no doc has found the cause...I am more

worried about it since my AIH dx for some reason. It comes and

goes...aching, numbness and sensitive patches of skin...only in one

leg, though). So far, AIH is my only diagnosis...no other problems

on blood tests, etc.

The " early detected " comes from the fact that I have no cirrhosis and

my liver enzymes seem to have been elevated only for a couple of

years (based on past blood tests and giving blood)...but of course,

that can't be know with certainty...just seems likely. Using the

term " mild " is even less precise. My enzymes have never been very

high...but I know this doesn't always correlate with severity. I did

have moderate to high inflammation at biopsy...so that isn't

particularly mild. I guess this is a keep watching and hope for the

best disease...but it is likely there for good!

Thanks for all the great info and support!

> short-term illness.


> Harper....that was what I thought I had when I was initially dx.

The doctor gave me the impression that I would only be on the

prednisone for 6-8 weeks. He told me that I would be able to live a

normal life with no changes.


> Then, when I started reading about the illness and when the nurses

kept telling me that my body was totally compromised with the meds, I

began to wonder at what I had been told.


> It would have been nice if the doctor had told me the real story of

AIH at the oneset. I believe that honesty between the Team Members

in a disease like AIH is the best policy...or for any illness for

that matter.

> debby

> Re: [ ] Re: prednisone dosage



> In a message dated 2/10/02 6:16:02 AM Pacific Standard Time,

rthornton@u... writes:




> Thanks, Harper. That is exactly what I thought, from what I


> read and heard, as well. I think my case is mild and early

> detected...so the doc feels starting low and building up from


> may make some sense. I feel comfortable, mostly, with

this....but do

> wonder if bombarding with initially higher doses doesn't make


> sense, too. We'll see what the blood test shows in a few

weeks. I

> am actualy feeling pretty good, by right side even

stopped " hurting " .





> Your doctor is more likely to be a good judge of this than any of

us are -- but it's a good idea to ask, if something seems


> For general purposes, I think you should find out whether you are

correct in believing that your case is " mild and early detected. "

When I was diagnosed, I knew nothing about liver disease, nothing at

all. I assumed I was only mildly ill, largely because that was my

view of myself -- I think of myself as really tough! And, I didn't

specifically ask. Months later I learned that I had been in quite

bad shape. If I'd known, I would have been better able to make

realistic decisions and plans, especially regarding my job and

insurance. Also, I wouldn't have felt guilty about not handling well

what I thought of as a minor, short-term illness.

> Harper


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi all... a couple of weeks ago I posted that I was new to the board

and I thank you for your warm welcome.

I have no insurance - will hopefully have some in a few months - but

I am sole support for three beautiful girls and I have a very

stressful job. I was in remission one year ago and now have a great

respect for this disease - it has reared its ugly head and with a

vengance. I had no idea that RA could be this bad - when I got

diagnosed a few years ago, it wasn't this bad - some fatigue, sore

throats, joint pain, etc - nothing like this. Wow! I am a sales

rep for a chemical company - so my job is not only very stressful,

but very physical - I am looking for another, it takes time to


I cannot afford any drugs...I have tried to qualify and I am over

the income (ha ha...how come we are struggling if we are doing so

well? - let the bean counters try supporting three children on one


So here is my dilemma. Prior to going into remission, I was placed

on prednisone when I was having a hard time. I am now having

trouble even washing my hair because of pain. I have very little

money so I went to Mexico to get Prednisone - I thought I still had

my old bottle with the dosage, but I do not. All I can remember is

that I start with a large dose, like 6 and then work down. Is there

anyone that can help me. I am moving at the end of this month, just

to complicate issues - my rent went up $140 a month so staying is

just not an option.

I really need some temporary help. . . please. . I just need to make

it through this month.

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Guest guest


] I am on predisone and it really is very inexpensive. It only cost a

few dollars. I am a single mom so I know a few dollars can be a few too

many. I know how hard it is to make ends meet. But call your pharmacy and

ask them what it will cost you, I think you will be surprised. I know I

only paid five dollars for a bottle of 120, 1 mg. That will last me a

month. Hope this is helpful.

Lynn (MeMom)

lisaplumeria wrote:

> Hi all... a couple of weeks ago I posted that I was new to the board

> and I thank you for your warm welcome.


> I have no insurance - will hopefully have some in a few months - but

> I am sole support for three beautiful girls and I have a very

> stressful job. I was in remission one year ago and now have a great

> respect for this disease - it has reared its ugly head and with a

> vengance. I had no idea that RA could be this bad - when I got

> diagnosed a few years ago, it wasn't this bad - some fatigue, sore

> throats, joint pain, etc - nothing like this. Wow! I am a sales

> rep for a chemical company - so my job is not only very stressful,

> but very physical - I am looking for another, it takes time to

> change.


> I cannot afford any drugs...I have tried to qualify and I am over

> the income (ha ha...how come we are struggling if we are doing so

> well? - let the bean counters try supporting three children on one

> income)


> So here is my dilemma. Prior to going into remission, I was placed

> on prednisone when I was having a hard time. I am now having

> trouble even washing my hair because of pain. I have very little

> money so I went to Mexico to get Prednisone - I thought I still had

> my old bottle with the dosage, but I do not. All I can remember is

> that I start with a large dose, like 6 and then work down. Is there

> anyone that can help me. I am moving at the end of this month, just

> to complicate issues - my rent went up $140 a month so staying is

> just not an option.


> I really need some temporary help. . . please. . I just need to make

> it through this month.





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Guest guest

Hi Lynn, I like the Me Mom! That is cute!

I got it from Mexico - which is really close and really cheap. I

have epilpsy too - I save $176 a month by going down there to get

THE exact same drug - can you believe it! So it was cheap - the

only thing is - I don't want to go on a maintenance dose - I just

want to go on a quick blast of the prednisone but can't remember

what it was. I think it starts with 6 for so many days and then

cuts back - So if anyone knows of the formula, I would be so

appreciative. And yes, a few dollars do make such a difference.

in California


> > Hi all... a couple of weeks ago I posted that I was new to the


> > and I thank you for your warm welcome.

> >

> > I have no insurance - will hopefully have some in a few months -


> > I am sole support for three beautiful girls and I have a very

> > stressful job. I was in remission one year ago and now have a


> > respect for this disease - it has reared its ugly head and with a

> > vengance. I had no idea that RA could be this bad - when I got

> > diagnosed a few years ago, it wasn't this bad - some fatigue,


> > throats, joint pain, etc - nothing like this. Wow! I am a sales

> > rep for a chemical company - so my job is not only very


> > but very physical - I am looking for another, it takes time to

> > change.

> >

> > I cannot afford any drugs...I have tried to qualify and I am over

> > the income (ha ha...how come we are struggling if we are doing so

> > well? - let the bean counters try supporting three children on


> > income)

> >

> > So here is my dilemma. Prior to going into remission, I was


> > on prednisone when I was having a hard time. I am now having

> > trouble even washing my hair because of pain. I have very


> > money so I went to Mexico to get Prednisone - I thought I still


> > my old bottle with the dosage, but I do not. All I can remember


> > that I start with a large dose, like 6 and then work down. Is


> > anyone that can help me. I am moving at the end of this month,


> > to complicate issues - my rent went up $140 a month so staying is

> > just not an option.

> >

> > I really need some temporary help. . . please. . I just need to


> > it through this month.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest


I maybe wrong but I think everyone is different and we may have all

started at a different level. You would probably do best calling your

doctor. Predison is a great drug but much caution must be taken with this

drug. It can be dangerous, I would call my doctor if I was you.

The MeMom comes from my little granddaughter. She did it all on her

own and I love it. I am hoping her sister follows through with the MeMom.

Hope this helps you with the predisone.


lisaplumeria wrote:

> Hi Lynn, I like the Me Mom! That is cute!


> I got it from Mexico - which is really close and really cheap. I

> have epilpsy too - I save $176 a month by going down there to get

> THE exact same drug - can you believe it! So it was cheap - the

> only thing is - I don't want to go on a maintenance dose - I just

> want to go on a quick blast of the prednisone but can't remember

> what it was. I think it starts with 6 for so many days and then

> cuts back - So if anyone knows of the formula, I would be so

> appreciative. And yes, a few dollars do make such a difference.

> in California



> >

> > > Hi all... a couple of weeks ago I posted that I was new to the

> board

> > > and I thank you for your warm welcome.

> > >

> > > I have no insurance - will hopefully have some in a few months -

> but

> > > I am sole support for three beautiful girls and I have a very

> > > stressful job. I was in remission one year ago and now have a

> great

> > > respect for this disease - it has reared its ugly head and with a

> > > vengance. I had no idea that RA could be this bad - when I got

> > > diagnosed a few years ago, it wasn't this bad - some fatigue,

> sore

> > > throats, joint pain, etc - nothing like this. Wow! I am a sales

> > > rep for a chemical company - so my job is not only very

> stressful,

> > > but very physical - I am looking for another, it takes time to

> > > change.

> > >

> > > I cannot afford any drugs...I have tried to qualify and I am over

> > > the income (ha ha...how come we are struggling if we are doing so

> > > well? - let the bean counters try supporting three children on

> one

> > > income)

> > >

> > > So here is my dilemma. Prior to going into remission, I was

> placed

> > > on prednisone when I was having a hard time. I am now having

> > > trouble even washing my hair because of pain. I have very

> little

> > > money so I went to Mexico to get Prednisone - I thought I still

> had

> > > my old bottle with the dosage, but I do not. All I can remember

> is

> > > that I start with a large dose, like 6 and then work down. Is

> there

> > > anyone that can help me. I am moving at the end of this month,

> just

> > > to complicate issues - my rent went up $140 a month so staying is

> > > just not an option.

> > >

> > > I really need some temporary help. . . please. . I just need to

> make

> > > it through this month.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Could you call your doctor and get a prescription, and then just not

fill it since you already have the prednisone? I say that because

some people are on 20 or more mgs daily and some of us have never

been on that much. My biggest concern for you is how fast you

wean. That can be very dangerous if you wean too fast, deadly I

think, and you really need a doctor to monitor your progress off of

it. I started around 5mgs daily just over a year 1/2 ago, and went

as high as 7.5 until I had the right relief. I started weaning some

time around February I think, and I probably won't be off it until

the fall or winter. We are weaning so slowly because going too fast

can make the RA worse and cause a major setback in the disease


I am sure your doctor would understand that you can't start any

other new meds right now, and he doesn't have to know you didn't

fill the prednisone prescription. If you can't afford the dr appt.,

maybe he can talk to you over the phone and order the prednisone for

temporary relief. Or worst case, request a copy of your medical

record for the doctor and at least see how much you took last time

and for how long.


> >

> > > Hi all... a couple of weeks ago I posted that I was new to the

> board

> > > and I thank you for your warm welcome.

> > >

> > > I have no insurance - will hopefully have some in a few

months -

> but

> > > I am sole support for three beautiful girls and I have a very

> > > stressful job. I was in remission one year ago and now have a

> great

> > > respect for this disease - it has reared its ugly head and

with a

> > > vengance. I had no idea that RA could be this bad - when I got

> > > diagnosed a few years ago, it wasn't this bad - some fatigue,

> sore

> > > throats, joint pain, etc - nothing like this. Wow! I am a


> > > rep for a chemical company - so my job is not only very

> stressful,

> > > but very physical - I am looking for another, it takes time to

> > > change.

> > >

> > > I cannot afford any drugs...I have tried to qualify and I am


> > > the income (ha ha...how come we are struggling if we are doing


> > > well? - let the bean counters try supporting three children on

> one

> > > income)

> > >

> > > So here is my dilemma. Prior to going into remission, I was

> placed

> > > on prednisone when I was having a hard time. I am now having

> > > trouble even washing my hair because of pain. I have very

> little

> > > money so I went to Mexico to get Prednisone - I thought I


> had

> > > my old bottle with the dosage, but I do not. All I can


> is

> > > that I start with a large dose, like 6 and then work down. Is

> there

> > > anyone that can help me. I am moving at the end of this


> just

> > > to complicate issues - my rent went up $140 a month so staying


> > > just not an option.

> > >

> > > I really need some temporary help. . . please. . I just need


> make

> > > it through this month.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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  • 4 months later...

19.1 kgs is 42 pounds

to figure out dose...

1-2mg Prednisone per kg

so she would get 20 mg on the low end of the dose and up to almost 40mg on

the high end of the dose scale.

Either is considered acceptable. Some docs start with the lowest while

others use the highest. I tend to like the lower dose but that is just my


God Bless


Fran A Bulone

Mom to ph 5 yrs old

Waxhaw, NC

Owner & Moderator Group

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Hi Tracey -

My son is 35 pounds and the doc told us to give him 30 mg. I too

thought it was too high of a dosage. We first had the liquid form

but my husband and I tasted it and it was nasty. I learned from

here about the pill form. The pills are 5 mg's each and he had to

take six. The first time he spit one out so he got 25 mg's in him

and the fever went away in about 3-5 hours. The fever came back

again 2 weeks later so then I gave him 4 mg's and the fever went

away. The fever came back 1 week later and I gave him the 4 again

and fever was gone. I was concerned about giving him so much every

week. I spoke to the doc and he wants us to give the full 30 mg

with each episode for the next few months to see if it changes

anything. We have been fever free for 2 weeks since Friday. So its

all a guessing game which I don't like about this. I gave him the

pills with yogurt and that went down great. I hope that helps you.

Mom to Blake (4)


> Hi,

> I have a question. Maddie doctor gave us a bottle of Prednisone to

try for

> future fevers. She's had one fever since her tonsillectomy in


> I read that someone's son on here is taking 30mg and he weighs 72


> Maddie only weighs 42 pounds and the doctor told us to give her 2

pills that

> are 20mgs each. So 40mgs for 42 pounds. Does anyone know if this

is right?

> We asked for the pill form because she will throw up if it's nasty

tasting and

> we've learned from this site that it is. Also he gave us 20 pills

at one time,

> enough to last us 10 fevers he said. He was initally only going to

give us one

> dose at a time but then said he felt comfortable giving us more if


> understood only to give it to her during what we are sure if a


> and not any closer than once a month. But now I'm worried about

the dosage.

> Any thoughts?


> Tracey

> mom to Maddie, age 5

> & Brent, age 9

> League City, TX

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