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Becky's newsarticle

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That sweet photographer must have taken 50 pictures. He kept having me angled

different ways and finally put me behind a toy and kept moving me a little here

and there. I guess he knew how to hide and cover it all. My stomach area is

huge, I look 9 months pregnant. My face is very full too. Even in my thin days

I had big cheeks, could never find my cheek bones to put blush on. I called him

and thanked him for going out of his way to make the picture look a little

better than it probably would have. By the way, he was a Hungarian! I didn't

notice that but my mom say his name and said he must have family that grew up

with her family! It's kind of funny, I guess around here the older people still

refer to the Hungarians, the Italians, whatever. Where I live now is where my

dad grew up, just across the hill from our house. This area was called

Hinesville and I have no idea why because it was ville. Only Italians

lived in the area and were " allowed " in the area. They had their own bars,

neighborhood grocery stores, etc. Quite a different way of life and doing

things back then. They were bootleggers and all of the really old homes around

here have tunnels where they used to sneak out the bootleg! We have an old

still in our woods. My dad used to tell me stories about the federal agents

flying over in hot air balloons looking for the stills. Most of the tunnels are

caved in but a few of them still exist. Quite a colorful history we have here!


Re: [ ] Becky's newsarticle

> What a small world! My mother's Hungarian family came to East St.

Louis around 1915 and her and her siblings were born there! What was

the family name for your family members? Maybe we're related! My dad's

side is Italian so it appears we have lots of relatives here. In high

school I think my son has at least 5 cousins (far removed) in his class!


> Too bad I didn't have a green dress on, I could have looked like a

bloated toad! At least he put me behind a toy and angled it so you

couldn't see how heavy I was, except for my face.


> Becky

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Thank you all for such nice comments. I had just been crying the morning before

that picture was taken (not knowing about the picture or the interview yet) that

I hated how I looked, hated my body, hated asking my husband to be my socks on

for me (I was really sore that morning). It really depressed me to be on the

front page of a paper that covered so many counties. Getting so many nice

comments from all of you really picked me up!


[ ] Becky's newsarticle

Becky, you are a very pretty lady and I enjoyed reading the news article.



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