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Re: - cellulitis

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Thanks, . I have a rheumatologist appt. late this afternoon- routine- to

review the blood work- but probably well timed this time. The Remicade has not

been a miracle drug for me but it has helped. Had huge rheumatoid nodules on my

elbows and hands and they are gone since taking the drug - but I am not sure

repeated infections will be worth it. Will keep in touch on the decision.

> , sorry to hear about your leg and the scare. Remicade (infliximab)

> has an association with cellulitis.





> I'll tell you where to go!


> Mayo Clinic in Rochester

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/rochester


> s Hopkins Medicine

> http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org



> Re: [ ] update - June



> > June- You and your family and are in my prayers. I have two

> beautful little kitties who are the light of my life and I remember hand

> feeding my mom's cocker baby food before we finally let him go. I can

> empathize with your situation.

> >

> > Have been offline myself. My two kitties have actually spent the

> weekend keeping me company and taking care of me. They must sense

> something wrong cause they have been right next to me all weekend-

> despite the heat. I developed of all things cellulitis at the end of

> last week- ended up in the ER with a swollen bright red right calf,

> fever and pain on Friday night ( of course). Fortunately it was not

> another blood clot ( did a miserable - have no idea how I developed the

> infection- but slowly but surely it is resolving itself. Less red, fever

> is gone, itching and pain getting better. Just have to pace myself and

> keep leg elevated. Enough.

> >

> > Hang in there. Keep us posted. We understand.

> >

> > Love and Hugs,





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I hope your leg is getting better and your kitties are taking good care of

you. Maybe your rheumy will have other options for treatment consideration

that won¹t leave you susceptible to infection and will be more effective.


> Thanks, . I have a rheumatologist appt. late this afternoon- routine- to

> review the blood work- but probably well timed this time. The Remicade has not

> been a miracle drug for me but it has helped. Had huge rheumatoid nodules on

> my elbows and hands and they are gone since taking the drug - but I am not

> sure repeated infections will be worth it. Will keep in touch on the decision.




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Thanks for your concern. I am on my tenth day of Keflex ( or whatever the

generic is LOL).Cellulitis is better but not gone, looks like I have a bright

red band around a pretty swollen ankle- during certain times of the

day....doesn't go up into the calf anymore. No shoes seem to fit in the morning

becase of edema. I am trying to take it as easy as I can. Pretty frustrating. I

am too tired to do everything that needs to be done. But then what else is new.

Can't afford to take time off until I am completely healed so just trying to

scale down my hours. I did take one full day off last week- and left a little

early the others. Problem this week- some hearings scheduled that need to be

gone to or prepared for.

Oh well.... My rheumatologist didn't have much to say- didn't take me off

Remicade. Next date scheduled is August 3. She wants the Remicade treatment

unless and until they can't start an IV and then wants to try Humira as an

alternative. Will not approve a port under any circumstance. ( I will say ER

staff didn't have too much trouble - but then they started in the larger veins

at elbow crook. One went out of place but one took.)

She reviewed my blood work. My blood work was good - except for the

cholesterol.Never a problem before. She said it wasn't horrible if I wasn't in

an at risk group. for heart disease. ( She didn't give me numbers and foolish me

I didn't think to ask. this was the day after new guidelines came out) She then

went on to ask me if I knew whether I was in a risk group for heart disease. I

must have looked at her as if she had two heads, but I was good. I didn't say

that having RA puts me at risk, doesn't it?? I am 50 and have had a DVT and 2

PEs - that also puts me at risk - doesn't it ?? DUH . What she doesn't know or

has also forgotten is that there is, however, a history of heart disease in

women in my family - and my mom is on Lipitor. I already know I will need to

watch. She wouldn't/didn't put me on any meds - said that was up to my primary.

Oddly though - she scheduled me for a gall bladder ultrasound when I told her I

was having tummy probs- especially with fatty foods. I also told her gall

bladder disease runs in the family. Hmmm....this turning 50 has been real fun so

far. I am sure my family physician will have to deal with that too. I see her

for my physical at the end of August-or early Sept. Too early to worry about it.

Just crabby I guess. Thanks for listening to me whine.


> ,

> I hope your leg is getting better and your kitties are taking good care of

> you. Maybe your rheumy will have other options for treatment consideration

> that won¹t leave you susceptible to infection and will be more effective.

> a




> > Thanks, . I have a rheumatologist appt. late this afternoon- routine- to

> > review the blood work- but probably well timed this time. The Remicade has


> > been a miracle drug for me but it has helped. Had huge rheumatoid nodules on

> > my elbows and hands and they are gone since taking the drug - but I am not

> > sure repeated infections will be worth it. Will keep in touch on the


> >

> >

> >





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, you're just a spring chicken, lol. I will turn 65 next month,

and I wonder how much fun it will be to be a Medicare patient.

It sounds as if your rheumy covered all of the bases. I hope your gall

bladder is all right. Sue

On Monday, July 19, 2004, at 03:55 PM, k.j.choate@... wrote:

> I also told her gall bladder disease runs in the family.

> Hmmm....this turning 50 has been real fun so far. I am sure my family

> physician will have to deal with that too. I see her for my physical

> at the end of August-or early Sept. Too early to worry about it.

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, there is so much in here that I wish to comment on.

First and foremost, please don't get the Remicade on August 3 if your

cellulitis isn't completely gone by then.

I wouldn't get the port. It's just not worth the infection risk,

especially if you have alternatives like Humira or Enbrel to try.

That your rheumatologist isn't on top of your heart disease risks is

VERY troubling.

In her favor, I'm glad she's checking out your gallbladder. Not that I

like the idea that you might face more surgery, but it would be nice to

know why you're having stomach problems.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


Re: [ ] - cellulitis

> Thanks for your concern. I am on my tenth day of Keflex ( or whatever

the generic is LOL).Cellulitis is better but not gone, looks like I have

a bright red band around a pretty swollen ankle- during certain times of

the day....doesn't go up into the calf anymore. No shoes seem to fit in

the morning becase of edema. I am trying to take it as easy as I can.

Pretty frustrating. I am too tired to do everything that needs to be

done. But then what else is new. Can't afford to take time off until I

am completely healed so just trying to scale down my hours. I did take

one full day off last week- and left a little early the others. Problem

this week- some hearings scheduled that need to be gone to or prepared



> Oh well.... My rheumatologist didn't have much to say- didn't take me

off Remicade. Next date scheduled is August 3. She wants the Remicade

treatment unless and until they can't start an IV and then wants to try

Humira as an alternative. Will not approve a port under any

circumstance. ( I will say ER staff didn't have too much trouble - but

then they started in the larger veins at elbow crook. One went out of

place but one took.)


> She reviewed my blood work. My blood work was good - except for the

cholesterol.Never a problem before. She said it wasn't horrible if I

wasn't in an at risk group. for heart disease. ( She didn't give me

numbers and foolish me I didn't think to ask. this was the day after new

guidelines came out) She then went on to ask me if I knew whether I was

in a risk group for heart disease. I must have looked at her as if she

had two heads, but I was good. I didn't say that having RA puts me at

risk, doesn't it?? I am 50 and have had a DVT and 2 PEs - that also puts

me at risk - doesn't it ?? DUH . What she doesn't know or has also

forgotten is that there is, however, a history of heart disease in women

in my family - and my mom is on Lipitor. I already know I will need to

watch. She wouldn't/didn't put me on any meds - said that was up to my

primary. Oddly though - she scheduled me for a gall bladder ultrasound

when I told her I was having tummy probs- especially with fatty foods.

I also told her gall bladder disease runs in the family. Hmmm....this

turning 50 has been real fun so far. I am sure my family physician will

have to deal with that too. I see her for my physical at the end of

August-or early Sept. Too early to worry about it.


> Just crabby I guess. Thanks for listening to me whine.


> Hugs,

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I know Covenant won't do Remicade unless I have been off the anti biotics and

the infection is resolved. Even if they would- I do know enough to put off.

They have been pushing for the port. I am not in favor of it. Doc sent me home

with humira information and that is the back up plan if IVs continue to be


What I found/find " funny " - is the specialization. It is always a guessing

game as to who I should ask about what. (For ex., The night I went into ER - I

didn't call anyone - knew it felt wrong- and a lot like DVT - didn't want to

lose any time if that was what it was - so I just went ).Doctor (RH) barely

commented on cellulitis - I am guessing that she figured it was under control -

my primary on top of it. Which I think is true - but I think RA/prednisone

-large part of reason for cellulitis. Her only (my rheumatologist) comment was

10 mgs. too much per day. I agree- find a drug that makes me able to walk as

well at a lower dose - and I have no problem with gradually cutting to nothing.

She prescribed pred. I didn't ask for it. OH well.

Rheumatologist commented on cholesterol- but won't discuss what to do with it -

like meds to treat. She told me to talk to my primary about that.( Again, no

problem. I am doing the egg beater -no red meat- looooow fat thing on my own.

Have watched my mom enough to know what is at least acceptable. Actually have

not been really good about low fats lately so - probably a wake up call ). I

mentioned the stomach problems in passing- and said I was going to discuss gall

bladder issues with my primary too because that also (along with higher

cholesterol) ran in the family. My rheumatologist jumped on that and scheduled

gall bladder ultra sound rather than having me talk to my primary. Just wasn't

sure why a rheumatologist would schedule a gall bladder ultra sound...Oh well my

primary will have results prior to my physical...and won't get clipped for

ordering that test if other tests are needed ( ain't managed care and PPO

great??) so it will work out. It is just an interesting balancing act knowing

who does what......

> , there is so much in here that I wish to comment on.


> First and foremost, please don't get the Remicade on August 3 if your

> cellulitis isn't completely gone by then.


> I wouldn't get the port. It's just not worth the infection risk,

> especially if you have alternatives like Humira or Enbrel to try.


> That your rheumatologist isn't on top of your heart disease risks is

> VERY troubling.


> In her favor, I'm glad she's checking out your gallbladder. Not that I

> like the idea that you might face more surgery, but it would be nice to

> know why you're having stomach problems.





> I'll tell you where to go!


> Mayo Clinic in Rochester

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/rochester


> s Hopkins Medicine

> http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org



> Re: [ ] - cellulitis



> > Thanks for your concern. I am on my tenth day of Keflex ( or whatever

> the generic is LOL).Cellulitis is better but not gone, looks like I have

> a bright red band around a pretty swollen ankle- during certain times of

> the day....doesn't go up into the calf anymore. No shoes seem to fit in

> the morning becase of edema. I am trying to take it as easy as I can.

> Pretty frustrating. I am too tired to do everything that needs to be

> done. But then what else is new. Can't afford to take time off until I

> am completely healed so just trying to scale down my hours. I did take

> one full day off last week- and left a little early the others. Problem

> this week- some hearings scheduled that need to be gone to or prepared

> for.

> >

> > Oh well.... My rheumatologist didn't have much to say- didn't take me

> off Remicade. Next date scheduled is August 3. She wants the Remicade

> treatment unless and until they can't start an IV and then wants to try

> Humira as an alternative. Will not approve a port under any

> circumstance. ( I will say ER staff didn't have too much trouble - but

> then they started in the larger veins at elbow crook. One went out of

> place but one took.)

> >

> > She reviewed my blood work. My blood work was good - except for the

> cholesterol.Never a problem before. She said it wasn't horrible if I

> wasn't in an at risk group. for heart disease. ( She didn't give me

> numbers and foolish me I didn't think to ask. this was the day after new

> guidelines came out) She then went on to ask me if I knew whether I was

> in a risk group for heart disease. I must have looked at her as if she

> had two heads, but I was good. I didn't say that having RA puts me at

> risk, doesn't it?? I am 50 and have had a DVT and 2 PEs - that also puts

> me at risk - doesn't it ?? DUH . What she doesn't know or has also

> forgotten is that there is, however, a history of heart disease in women

> in my family - and my mom is on Lipitor. I already know I will need to

> watch. She wouldn't/didn't put me on any meds - said that was up to my

> primary. Oddly though - she scheduled me for a gall bladder ultrasound

> when I told her I was having tummy probs- especially with fatty foods.

> I also told her gall bladder disease runs in the family. Hmmm....this

> turning 50 has been real fun so far. I am sure my family physician will

> have to deal with that too. I see her for my physical at the end of

> August-or early Sept. Too early to worry about it.

> >

> > Just crabby I guess. Thanks for listening to me whine.

> >

> > Hugs,





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