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Re: oldie but goodie rejoing....

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Hi Joanne, I am glad that your back with us. You have moved around

quite a bit, so there is a town called, " Intercouse " how funny:) I

had to take a double take when that word caught my eye,lol They

always say there's no place like home. I'm glad that your settled,

and loving it.

Did the weather in AZ not help? I hear that so many move down there

for relief. Good luck with your new rheumy, hope to hear more about

you, Tawny


> Hi to One and All:


> My name is Joanne and I have severe RA, amongst many other

associated goodies with it. I joined the group while living in AZ for

10 yrs.We were hoping the weather would help..Since 2002, we moved to

FL for a year, got married, and finally last year we moved back to PA

which has always been home. We are living in Lancaster County now,

near Intercourse TRUE! and loving it, living amongst the Amish...


> I read all of your posts and sympathize with all of you suffering.

I have been on Oxycontin for 5 yrs plus Oxyir and Prednisone and have

tried them all...Humira, Enbrel, etc....Next week I go to Hershey

Med. Ctr to see a new rheumatologist...I can only hope as we all must

continue to do.


> Love and Best wishes to all.


> Joanne

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Hi Joanne. I am in PA too, I just moved from Delaware County up to

Bucks County. I have lived here since 1998, was originally from

Colorado and then lived in AZ for 4 years before coming to PA.

Welcome back to the group.



> Hi to One and All:


> My name is Joanne and I have severe RA, amongst many other

associated goodies with it. I joined the group while living in AZ

for 10 yrs.We were hoping the weather would help..Since 2002, we

moved to FL for a year, got married, and finally last year we moved

back to PA which has always been home. We are living in Lancaster

County now, near Intercourse TRUE! and loving it, living amongst

the Amish...


> I read all of your posts and sympathize with all of you suffering.

I have been on Oxycontin for 5 yrs plus Oxyir and Prednisone and

have tried them all...Humira, Enbrel, etc....Next week I go to

Hershey Med. Ctr to see a new rheumatologist...I can only hope as we

all must continue to do.


> Love and Best wishes to all.


> Joanne

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Not old, but very good! So nice to see a post to the group from you in

my mailbox, Joanne!

I will refrain from commenting on that colorful part of the country

you're now living in, LOL.

I'll need the details about the new rheumatologist ASAP.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] oldie but goodie rejoing....


> Hi to One and All:


> My name is Joanne and I have severe RA, amongst many other associated

goodies with it. I joined the group while living in AZ for 10 yrs.We

were hoping the weather would help..Since 2002, we moved to FL for a

year, got married, and finally last year we moved back to PA which has

always been home. We are living in Lancaster County now, near

Intercourse TRUE! and loving it, living amongst the Amish...


> I read all of your posts and sympathize with all of you suffering. I

have been on Oxycontin for 5 yrs plus Oxyir and Prednisone and have

tried them all...Humira, Enbrel, etc....Next week I go to Hershey Med.

Ctr to see a new rheumatologist...I can only hope as we all must

continue to do.


> Love and Best wishes to all.


> Joanne

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Hi Jennie,

Thanks for the WARM WELCOME....Bucks county is so beautiful. I was actually born

in Media, Delaware County..I must say that 10 yrs in AZ definitely felt better

on these RA joints but it sure was not green like here....

Thanks again


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Hi Tawny,

Thanks yes I do live next to Intercourse, PA and Blue Ball is down the road next

to paradise. Is that tooooo funny? Yes AZ was wonderful for better

symptoms...the humidity gets me down.

Thanks again!Stay well


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Joanee, I live in Oklahoma, and all we have it seems is humidity.

So, it doesn't help us a bit,Tawny


> Hi Tawny,

> Thanks yes I do live next to Intercourse, PA and Blue Ball is down

the road next to paradise. Is that tooooo funny? Yes AZ was wonderful

for better symptoms...the humidity gets me down.


> Thanks again!Stay well

> Joanee

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It¹s nice to have you back with us. I hope you are enjoying Intercourse.

I¹ve been though Intercourse as well as Blue Ball, a neighboring town. I

love Lancaster and have vacationed there many times. The Shady Maple

restaurant was always my favorite. I envy you living amongst the Amish and

having availability of their wonderful food, but I don¹t envy your winters.

You have to take the good with the bad. Good luck with your new rheumy.



> Hi to One and All:


> My name is Joanne and I have severe RA, amongst many other associated goodies

> with it. I joined the group while living in AZ for 10 yrs.We were hoping the

> weather would help..Since 2002, we moved to FL for a year, got married, and

> finally last year we moved back to PA which has always been home. We are

> living in Lancaster County now, near Intercourse TRUE! and loving it, living

> amongst the Amish...


> I read all of your posts and sympathize with all of you suffering. I have been

> on Oxycontin for 5 yrs plus Oxyir and Prednisone and have tried them

> all...Humira, Enbrel, etc....Next week I go to Hershey Med. Ctr to see a new

> rheumatologist...I can only hope as we all must continue to do.


> Love and Best wishes to all.


> Joanne





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Hi a,

It is always so good to hear from you...how are you feeling now that you are in

Florida? I have forgotten exactly where you are.....I hope you feel better now

that the move is over.

I can't help but think of you often as we both have suffered for approximately

the same time with RA and it sure doesn't get any easier does it? I am about to

start the Prosorba column for 12 weeks as I am desperate for relief of the pain

and crippling...just hope it works..

So tell me about your new house and beautiful surroundings...I miss Florida all

but the healthcare but the rest was beautiful...

Hope to hear from you again

Best wishes,


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I¹m not feeling any better to tell you the truth, but I guess nothing will

make the pain from damage already done any better except more surgery. I¹m

not ready for surgery, so I¹m muddling by. I love Florida and am very happy

to never have to deal with ice and snow again. When my pool is built, I¹m

sure I¹ll feel a lot better than I do now. My house is a typical Floridian

stucco house with a nice lanai which soon will have a nice pool attached to

it. My husband is having fun planting palms, oranges, grapefruits, bananas

and all the other beautiful tropical plants. The Gulf is 89 degrees and the

sunsets are awesome. I¹m in Naples, which is on the west coast. So far I

haven¹t had enough experience with the medical care to draw any conclusions.

There seems to be more alternative practitioners here.

Good luck with the Prosorba. I hope it helps. Please let us know how it




> Hi a,

> It is always so good to hear from you...how are you feeling now that you are

> in Florida? I have forgotten exactly where you are.....I hope you feel better

> now that the move is over.


> I can't help but think of you often as we both have suffered for approximately

> the same time with RA and it sure doesn't get any easier does it? I am about

> to start the Prosorba column for 12 weeks as I am desperate for relief of the

> pain and crippling...just hope it works..


> So tell me about your new house and beautiful surroundings...I miss Florida

> all but the healthcare but the rest was beautiful...

> Hope to hear from you again


> Best wishes,


> Joanne




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a, I am so very happy to hear that you are enjoying your new home and

soon...our new pool...but I am deeply sorry to hear about your suffering. We

have been fighting this disease, I believe for about the same time..I got it in

January 1984 and for many, many years, I did OK, however the last 4 or 5 have

been so terribly difficult with the pain, more joint involvement and crippling

and loss of use as in my hands..I am down to 30% strength and use in my hands so

therefore I am unable to do many things...and even some days that includes

tending to my own daily needs...It makes me so sad, frustrated and scared...But

I am sure that I do not need to tell you a about the losses!!!!!As far as

surgrery, I have had only 2 and that was 2 fusions on my left foot. The first,

on the hindfoot was great but what patient are not generally told is that a

fusion puts added pressure on the other sections of the foot, and in this case I

then needed a 2nd fusion on the mid-foot.. I was not 2 months out of the 2nd

surgery and the pressure exerted now on the front of the foot caused all 4 toes

to dislocate and I am literally walking on the ends of my toes...LIKE MARBLES...

and so painful....but never a will I return for another surgery like that.

In fact, the first foot started with these surgeries because the posterior

tibial tendon spontaneously ruptured, requiring fusion. Now the right foot post.

tibial tendon has also ruptured as well as 4 tendons in my wrists, fingers and

hands but NO WAY.will I have surgery.... I intend to live with it as long as

possible. I will plan surgery on at least one hand to gain more use and strength

and also my left shoulder that is now drooping. I appears to have dropped out of

the socket?????and is hanging low....WOW WHAT A MESS I AM NOW THAT I THINK OF


Looks like Prosorba Column will take place soon. Medicare has approved it


Sorry this was sooooooooo long

Please take care of yourself a...you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Always Joanne

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In a message dated 28/07/2004 10:38:43 Central Standard Time,

a54@... writes:

> I hope you are enjoying Intercourse.


OMG............I was laughing so hard when I read this sentence, a!!!


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Good! Laughter is the best medicine :)

People that live in Intercourse must really get some strange comments LOL!


> In a message dated 28/07/2004 10:38:43 Central Standard Time,

> a54@... writes:



>> > I hope you are enjoying Intercourse.

>> >


> OMG............I was laughing so hard when I read this sentence, a!!!

> Cary




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LMAO----I was rolling too :)

Re: [ ] oldie but goodie rejoing....

> In a message dated 28/07/2004 10:38:43 Central Standard Time,

> a54@... writes:



> > I hope you are enjoying Intercourse.

> >


> OMG............I was laughing so hard when I read this sentence, a!!!

> Cary




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