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Re: Re: Remicade - Latisha

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Hi Latisha, Your Rhuemy is a jerk! If I had a 100 dollars for every doc over the

past 30 years

that said I needed to see a mental health doc then I would be rich! For many

years the only signs

of anything being wrong was a swollen ankle, fatigue and TMJ pain. Then in the

20's the back began

to hurt. I saw a chiropractor because there were days that I could just scream.

In the 30's things

began to show in my joints. In the 40's the doc started calling it FM and osteo.

Now the rhuemy

calls it reactive arthritis, seronegative spondoloyarapathies, FM, osteo,

Reynauds, sacrolitis,

radiopathy, etc. The point of this is that I have extreme fatigue, swollen and

feverish joints in

my hands, ankles and knees. I also have pain in the hips, feet and shoulders and

the bone scans

and mri's are showing lots of damage. The only test that I have that is off is

the C Reactive

Protein. I can't help but feel that if my docs had taken what I told them

seriously and prescribed

MTX sooner, I wouldn't be in this shape. A lot of them are scientists and

believe in hard proof

where they should give equal value to what the patient is telling them. My last

rheumy prescribed

Enbrel but I couldn't afford it without insurance and the drug company wouldn't

help because I

didn't have the diagnosis of RA.

Immune System diseases cluster in families and it is quite common to have more

than one at a time.

I think that the article that sent us explains why the disease is still

active even though a

remission appears to be ongoing. Just another little trick!

I am sorry that you have to suffer a fool like your doc. I know that you feel

bad enough without

having to put up with that. Never, never, never question yourself by thinking

that he might have a

point. You are not mental...only in pain! I hope that your new doc will be

everything that you

deserve. Take care of yourself. Iris

--- Latisha Vallone <latishavallone@...> wrote:

> Hi all I was diagnosed 5 months ago with RA i am on remicade. I still hurt. I

have gone to my

> Rhuemy in total pain he looks at my hands and squeezes them then tells me it

is impossible to

> hurt and be in as much pain as i claim. is it possible to not show signs like

that. A mri showed

> damage in my hands. my inflammation level by blood test is low. it does not

make sense that i

> hurt so much. My crp 5 months ago was .039 I hurt alot more now and my crp

before my remicade

> treatment the other day .4 . The morning my hubby drew the blood i was having

a good day not

> really any stiffness. Since my remicade I feel horrible and my whole body

aches. My dr. says

> that he only deals with inflammation not mental issues.(a real jerk he is)

When we move to St.

> louis i will be getting a new dr. So now i wonder if something else is wrong

with me? What do

> you all think. Thanks Latisha



> ette,


> Since my RA symptoms started I have had periods with pain and no

> inflamation. I have no idea why that is, but I think you can have

> swelling inside the joint, or the joint is otherwise being attacked,

> and not always have enough to show outward swelling. Sometimes I go

> to my rheumy complaining of a joint that hurts, and it doesn't look

> swollen to me. Then he'll push on it and I'll scream out in pain

> (resisting the urge to smack him really hard). Of course, his

> response when I do that is always to push on it a couple more times.

> If I am watching him do it, it always seems squishy when he pushes.

> So I think in those cases it's swollen, just not that much.


> Jennie



> > Sue,

> >

> > I also am having trouble opening bottles of water - I used a rubber

> opener.

> > I am glad to hear that the enbrel has made such a difference. I

> wonder why

> > you still have pain if the inflammation is better. Is there much

> difference

> > in enbrel and humira?

> >

> > I am really thinking it's time I give it a try.

> >

> > Thanks again,

> > ette





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Dear Latisha, you are most welcome! We are a big family and I believe it is not

only the diseases

that we share that have brought us together, but we also make wonderful friends.

Keep us up to date on your move and the new doc. Take care. Iris

> Dear Iris,

> Thank you so much. So much that I cried :) a good cry. I have been so greatly

blessed in the

> last several days since i joind this group.It is so amazing to me that

everyone else is saying

> the same words that i feel inside but just cant express or get someone to

listen to or have

> someone listen yet get that blank stare but actually understands me and what i

feel. I have felt

> so alone and stressed the past 5 months but i have found much encouragment and

hope with all of

> you here. Thanks to EVERYONE. Latisha


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