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Hi- My name is Jill and I am 41 years old living in Nashville, TN. On

Friday I saw my Dcotor for the first time for issues I have been


She did bloodwork and we are waiting for the results back before she

sends me off to a Rheumy. She says so far she is pretty sure that I

have some sort of Connective Tissue Disease and some form of

Arthritis. Perhaps Fibro.

We are in the beginnings of wait and see, I guess.

I have a history of endometriosis, and Irritible Bowel Syndrome.

Over the last few months I have been exhausted and just couldnt shake

it. I went to an ortho surgeon about knee pain that appeared out of

nowhere. ( My previous pcp sent me to this guy.) He looked at me,

asked me to describe the problems and within one sentence interupted

me and said, " I know what your problem is. You have the womens

disease. " My back went up a bit. He wiound up saying its something

that happens to women in their 40's. Our hips spread form having

babies, and then our knee's go out of whack when we put on weight. He

told me to tell him the truth on how much weight I had put on

recently, and when I said 10 pounds, he laughed and said " now tell me

the truth! " . MY husband stood up and said, she is telling the truth.

(DH is 290 pounds and 6'3). ANyway- knee doc sent me to PT. It helped

some but its still pretty bad. Then I started with pains in my neck

then in my shoulders. Then in my ankles, and my feet. Then my wrist

and my thumbs and my back. I was hobbling around like an 80 year old

woman and I was afraid to go to the doctor.(My doctor was a witch

doctor who was an idiot. I have a lump in my armpit that has been

there since June and he said it was fatty tissue without even touching


Anyway- I switched PCP's and went to my new one on Friday. She

started me on 60 mgs of Prednisone for 5 days and Celebrex twice a day

and I feel so much better already.

I have been doing a lot of reading and based on my symptoms, it looks

like a toss up between RA and Fibro. Scary either way.

Looking forward to learning more about what is going on inside my

body- and talking to people who understand how bad I feel even though

I look ok.

Thanks for having a place for me to go to.


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