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Auto-Immune Fatigue/Progressive Fibro?/T3

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After reading Sharon Anne's ontroduction, I was searching the web for

information on whether fibro is progressive or not. I recall reading something

when I was first diagnosed that said it was, and in my case, it certainly has


I couldn't find anything stating that it was progressive, nor that it was

not progressive - mostly, articles say we need to know much more about fibro.

But as I was searching, I came across a site that linked fibro to what one

doctor calls " auto-immune fatigue syndrome " , which he believes differs from

CFIDS, and is a common problem with people with arthritis, fibro and thyroid

problems - which he links together.

This is the first I've read of what he refers to as AIFS - has anyone else

heard about this? I've been telling my doctor for the past several years that I

feel as thought my thyroid isn't workiong well - I've had thyroid problems in

the past, so know what it feels like. He'll do the routine tests, and they all

come up OK.

Yet one article I read about the link says that " reverse T3 " and the

inability of the body to properly dispense thyroid can't be tested. He says

that meds used to treat T3 deficiencies can be helpful. I'd be very interested

in any information anyone has about this also.

Please understand, I'm interested in what anyone has to say about this, and

am open to ALL viewpoints - just so there is no " fighting " - only a good

discussion! All opinions are respected - or at least your right to your



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I'm a lover, not a fighter! I'd certainly be interesting in learning

more about this too. As I first set out on the road to find out what

was wrong with me, one of the rheumys said you ONLY have fibro,

that's all, and when I asked her " then why do I have all these LUMPS,

she said " everyone has those " --that I shouldn't worry about it.

That's when I started worrying! So Dercum's and fibro are so much

alike they could be kissing cousins except for the lipomas, and now

the thyroid problems. And Dercum's is definitely progressive (if you

can call this progress!)


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I'm definitely a lover too, and much prefer laughter to fighting any day.

I'm going to check the web to see if I can find out anything more about this

auto-immune fatigue syndrome, as well as whether fibro is progressive.

My depression group has a Dr. in it, who is unfortunately disabled, and so

she spends much of her time on the comuter keeping up with what's happening in

medicine. I'm going to ask for her help - she's very good at finding things for


Can you describe lipomas for me more? The reason I ask is that I have what

I would normally consider skin tags several places on my body, but they aren't

" floppy " - they're just there. I've never mentioned it to my Dr., but now I'm


I'll let you know what I find if you'll let me know about Dercum's!!! lolol


[ ] Re: Auto-Immune Fatigue/Progressive Fibro?/T3


I'm a lover, not a fighter! I'd certainly be interesting in learning

more about this too. As I first set out on the road to find out what

was wrong with me, one of the rheumys said you ONLY have fibro,

that's all, and when I asked her " then why do I have all these LUMPS,

she said " everyone has those " --that I shouldn't worry about it.

That's when I started worrying! So Dercum's and fibro are so much

alike they could be kissing cousins except for the lipomas, and now

the thyroid problems. And Dercum's is definitely progressive (if you

can call this progress!)


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