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IS IT POSSIBLE????.................--THX ....PAULA

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Hi a,

thanks for the links, they have been a big help...so far its not a

good day... so fatigued... I wish there was a magic pill to take the

tiredness and fatigue away....

I got lucky yesterday, My in-laws went out and paid for and brought

me my meds, so im good for a few weeks in that aspect... hubby is

not working at the moment so things are really rough around

here....we are awaiting to here if hes gonna get unemployement...

gotta get some money coming in so I can get back to the RA DOC..as

he wont give test results over the phone....lol

im just so depressed and feeling out of it, I guess the out of it

feeling is what they refer to as a brain fog... not fun at all...and

so tired, not sleepy like, but just dont feel like doing anything,

and its all the time..... im sleeping about 9-10 hrs a nite, and

doesnt seem to be enough....and with 2 noisy boys in the house,

napping is almost out of the question,...lol

well i guess thats enough rambling for now.....i may just be back

later on...lol

> Hi . I have both RA and FM. Secondary FM is very common in


> that have rheumatic diseases. I feel that the FM causes me more

pain and

> fatigue than the RA. I had RA for many years and never realized

that I had

> both until a few years ago. Sleep disorder is a major problem for


> with FM. Antidepressants are commonly prescribed for FM. They

can help

> with pain and fatigue. Severity of FM varies with different

people. It is

> not life threatening. Muscle pain and fatigue are the major

concerns with

> FM. I have a webpage with FM information:


> http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/Fibromyalgia.html


> I also self diagnosed myself with FM by reading about it, and then

it was

> confirmed by my rheumatologist.

> The rib pain can be arthritis in the joints of your rib cage. It

is called

> Costochondritis:



http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/Rheumatoid Arthritis.html



> Hope this helps.

> a



> >

> > Good Morning,

> >

> > Is it possible, to have Both FMS and AS ???

> >

> > the RA Doc i found here in Ohio, has mentioned that he thinks I


> > either under-diagnosed, mis-diagnosed, or maybe something new


> > on....

> >

> > so hes testing for FMS... now most of you that know me , know I


> > daignosed with AS back in 99... from my cdn docs...

> >

> > but it seems the more I read , up on FMS, the more makes


> > but it still seems that I could still have the AS as well... but


> > also noticed that some of the symptoms over lap... as well...if


> > makes any sense...

> >

> > Does anyone, have both??? does anyone, have any tips or advise???

> >

> > what about any good websites to research the 2 in comparison????

> >

> > the only meds this doc has me on.. at the moment, are 10 mg of

> > prednisone, and 150 mg of indomethecin a day... plus either

eleve or

> > darvocet for pain, on occasion,, the past few days, ive been


> > quite a few for pain....

> >

> > and IM soooooooo fatigued its not funny....and the more fatigued


> > get the less I sleep , you would think its more....

> >

> > pain wise, I get alot of chest pain... well thats what the doc


> > it, it feelsmore in the ribs then the chest...so go figure..

lots of

> > back, shoulder and neck pain, and of course hip pain....

> >

> > how dangerous of a disease is FMS??? I seem to be really worried

> > about what hes gonna say the next time I go in to see him.....

> >

> > sorry if im rambling, the darvocet tends to make me do that...lol

> >

> > any help or advise would be great!!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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