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Re: Another new one!

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tracie, i have heard you and others talk of insomnia... my doctor has put me on

nortriptalyne (sp) and one soma at night and i sleep like a baby for most of the

nights... sometime the pain wakes me... but much better since i take the meds...


[ ] Another new one!


I just wanted to introduce myself and since I had insomnia again

with these new meds and all this pain I thought now was a good time

to try. I have what they think finally is my diagnosis of RA along

with Sjogren's syndrome, IBS, and fibromyalgia. Whew. What a

cocktail. Is the pain forever? I am married, 38 and the mother of

three children ages 4, 10 and 13. My doctor just told me to quit

working which has me bummed but also relieved. The last six months

were heck and I was barely holding on anyway. Well, sorry if I was

whining or long winded.

Nice to meet you all.


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Welcome to the group, Tracie! Sorry about your diagnoses and pain.

What meds are you taking? Have you told your physician about your


No, the pain does not have to be forever.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Another new one!




> Hi,


> I just wanted to introduce myself and since I had insomnia again

> with these new meds and all this pain I thought now was a good time

> to try. I have what they think finally is my diagnosis of RA along

> with Sjogren's syndrome, IBS, and fibromyalgia. Whew. What a

> cocktail. Is the pain forever? I am married, 38 and the mother of

> three children ages 4, 10 and 13. My doctor just told me to quit

> working which has me bummed but also relieved. The last six months

> were heck and I was barely holding on anyway. Well, sorry if I was

> whining or long winded.


> Nice to meet you all.


> Tracie

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Hi , Larry, Nea and all other newbies!!

I, too am new to this group and have been busy reading all of the

posts, advice and recipies. It is so wonderful to realize that I am

not alone in this!!

I am recently diagnosed with RA and Lupus. I was told by a

chiropractor a couple of years ago that I had FM, and then about 4

months ago I started having INCREDIBLE amounts of pain. At the same

time, I had some blood tests following surgery that had a positive

ANA result.

At the time, the dr. told me that it was normal for that to be high

after my type of surgery, and come back in a month to get retested.

If it was still positive, then they would send me to a rheumy. The

next day I called and made an appointment with a rhuemy. Good thing

I did - as it takes 6-8 weeks to get an initial appointment.

A few weeks away from the appointment, I was in so much pain, I

couldn't even hold a folder of papers in my hands without it hurting

me. I went to the GP and did blood tests for Lymes, 5th disease,

ANA, thyroid, and a bunch of other things I can't remember. And I

got some Vicoden.

The thyroid was high, so went to an endocrinolgist. No thyroid

problems he said. In the parking lot, I broke down in tears to my

husband saying, " the next person who tells me they don't know what's

wrong with me, I am going to stand up on their desk and start

screaming. "

The 1st appt with the rheumy I was armed with the blood test

results. She first said, hypothyroid, and " non-specific connective

tissue disease " . I started on plaquenil and prednisone. The

prednisone helped for a while, but then I developed SEVERE

photosensitivity and broke out into a terrible rash wherever I was

exposed to the sun.

Back to the rheumy - Now she says... " You're a lupus lady " . Stop the

plaquenil, ramp down on the prednisone and start Imuran. Needless to

say - none of it was helping with the pain. At this point I was

still working 50 hours a week at a very stressful job managing

millions of dollars.

Next visit , Oct 7th was told - you have RA with lupus

characterisitics. Stop the Imuran and start injecting Humira. At

that point she wanted me to take time off of work, but being the over

achiever that I am - I said no and toughed it out for two more weeks

at which point I was in so much pain - I have no idea how I managed

to even get out of bed, much less to work.

I now am going into my 5th week off of work. Rheumy has me out for 8

weeks then will re-evaluate to see if I can go back to work. I just

had my 4th injection of Humira this morning, and I am wondering when

I will begin to get some releif from all the pain. I am still

popping the Vicoden (maybe one a day) - less than I was taking while

working. I don't have to tell you guys where it hurts....EVERYWHERE!!

It's like someone is stabbing a fork into the back of my hand and

then dragging it down to my fingers thru all the joints and tendons.

Ice picks in my knees, hips, ankles and even toes. (Don't even get

me started about the fatigue).

You all are right about people not really understanding about what we

are going thru. I don't think it's that they don't want to

understand, I just think that they can't if they are not experiencing

this. My dear husband is doing his best to understand and be

compassionate - he opens every bottle or can, cuts up all veggies or

meat to be cooked, and is definitely in charge of browning ground

beef - which is very painful with all the stirring.

My new goals are to take a shower, get dressed and cook dinner. And

on somedays that can be quite the battle. I have been lurking for a

couple of weeks now and wanted to thank you all for the articles and

posts. You have helped me a great deal. Sorry this is so long, but

I am working on opening up to others and to allow myself to be helped

and supported.

Thanks again!!


--- In , " tracierae143 " <tracierae@u...>




> Hi,


> I just wanted to introduce myself and since I had insomnia again

> with these new meds and all this pain I thought now was a good time

> to try. I have what they think finally is my diagnosis of RA along

> with Sjogren's syndrome, IBS, and fibromyalgia. Whew. What a

> cocktail. Is the pain forever? I am married, 38 and the mother of

> three children ages 4, 10 and 13. My doctor just told me to quit

> working which has me bummed but also relieved. The last six months

> were heck and I was barely holding on anyway. Well, sorry if I was

> whining or long winded.


> Nice to meet you all.


> Tracie

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It seems some days that just getting through the things we have to do

regardless of how hard they are, can sort of zap the quality of our

lives. On the hardest days, if I can get my focus off of me and onto

something else- a book, a movie, a conversation with my daughter, but

especially prayer and meditation, it seems to make it a little more

bearable. Hang in there, we are pulling for you.


- In , " Sage Benoist " <Mom2Harley@c...>



> " My new goals are to take a shower, get dressed and cook dinner.


> on somedays that can be quite the battle. I have been lurking for


> couple of weeks now and wanted to thank you all for the articles


> posts. You have helped me a great deal. Sorry this is so long,


> I am working on opening up to others and to allow myself to be


> and supported.


> Thanks again!!

> Stacey "



> Hey Stacey, it is Hard to open up .. ask for help, share pain. You

doing Good!! :-) Now of course to get the pain down it

possible. I had Lyme disease (maybe I still do) but I'm opting for

treating the RA that they think it gave me ( " it " the Lyme....) and

possible FM... now, I've just finished 2 years of people not being

sure what was going on with me.. I definitely had lyme 2 years ago..

and the first flair up of that was drop dead painful.. my right knee

swelled so much I couldn't get in the car to be taken to the

doctor...... but it responded to Doxycycline, that time........ and

sort of went away.


> I won't go through the whole saga right now.. but I've spent

vacations in the bathroom with ice packs and seen so many doctors

that I could have screamed... the RA diagnosis was in a way a

relief because it was a diagnosis. But then of course I started

learning more about the disease ....:-( I haven't taken any time

off work, which my rheumatologist says is incomprehensible; but I

hurt most of the time and just sort of turn into a bowl full of

exhausted jelly on weakends and nights. My husband is very

supportive too.. but now that we're on the right track (I hope) I

think he's expecting a cure too fast --


> Welcome to this group.. I'm a couple weeks new here and I'm so glad

I found it.... :-) Carla in Rhode Island



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Thanks for the info and sorry it took me so long to reply. I have

not been feeling well and have been running to appointments it seems

like since I was diagnosed. Had to give up my job which was so

hard. Thanks for the info though. I started Methotrexate today

along with the Prednisone and folic acid. I am just beginning.



> tracie, i have heard you and others talk of insomnia... my doctor

has put me on nortriptalyne (sp) and one soma at night and i sleep

like a baby for most of the nights... sometime the pain wakes me...

but much better since i take the meds...


> rae

> [ ] Another new one!





> Hi,


> I just wanted to introduce myself and since I had insomnia again

> with these new meds and all this pain I thought now was a good


> to try. I have what they think finally is my diagnosis of RA


> with Sjogren's syndrome, IBS, and fibromyalgia. Whew. What a

> cocktail. Is the pain forever? I am married, 38 and the mother


> three children ages 4, 10 and 13. My doctor just told me to


> working which has me bummed but also relieved. The last six


> were heck and I was barely holding on anyway. Well, sorry if I


> whining or long winded.


> Nice to meet you all.


> Tracie










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Thanks for the support. Insomnia is a bit better. Started new

meds today. Methotrexate and folic acid in addition to my

Prednisone. Take care. Tracie

> Welcome to the group, Tracie! Sorry about your diagnoses and pain.


> What meds are you taking? Have you told your physician about your

> insomnia?


> No, the pain does not have to be forever.





> I'll tell you where to go!


> Mayo Clinic in Rochester

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/rochester


> s Hopkins Medicine

> http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org



> [ ] Another new one!



> >

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I just wanted to introduce myself and since I had insomnia again

> > with these new meds and all this pain I thought now was a good


> > to try. I have what they think finally is my diagnosis of RA


> > with Sjogren's syndrome, IBS, and fibromyalgia. Whew. What a

> > cocktail. Is the pain forever? I am married, 38 and the mother


> > three children ages 4, 10 and 13. My doctor just told me to quit

> > working which has me bummed but also relieved. The last six


> > were heck and I was barely holding on anyway. Well, sorry if I


> > whining or long winded.

> >

> > Nice to meet you all.

> >

> > Tracie

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Hi Tracie,

I am a newbie too. I am in Michigan but older than you :( hehehehe. Going to

be a granny in April. I am 46 and was just diagnosed with Sjogren's but already

had the RA and Fibromyalgia. I feel so bad for you to have younger children and

have the over-whelming fatigue. I live on a small farm and take care of the

furry and feathery kind of children. Not quite the importance of the human kind

LOL. I pray that you will feel better soon but for now delegate, delegate,

delegate!!! You'd be surprised how great a little one can dust lol!! I

remember when my daughter was younger we designated Friday night as clean house

night and we would get it all done in a few hours, assigned jobs and then have a

pizza party and movie after. After that all it took was me doing the laundry

and the pick-up during the week. Along with everyone who did their own chores

every day. But now my bird and dog can't empty the dishwasher :( SHUCKS!!!

Be well and I hope you feel better soon!


tracierae143 <tracierae@...> wrote:


Thanks for the info and sorry it took me so long to reply. I have

not been feeling well and have been running to appointments it seems

like since I was diagnosed. Had to give up my job which was so

hard. Thanks for the info though. I started Methotrexate today

along with the Prednisone and folic acid. I am just beginning.



> tracie, i have heard you and others talk of insomnia... my doctor

has put me on nortriptalyne (sp) and one soma at night and i sleep

like a baby for most of the nights... sometime the pain wakes me...

but much better since i take the meds...


> rae

> [ ] Another new one!





> Hi,


> I just wanted to introduce myself and since I had insomnia again

> with these new meds and all this pain I thought now was a good


> to try. I have what they think finally is my diagnosis of RA


> with Sjogren's syndrome, IBS, and fibromyalgia. Whew. What a

> cocktail. Is the pain forever? I am married, 38 and the mother


> three children ages 4, 10 and 13. My doctor just told me to


> working which has me bummed but also relieved. The last six


> were heck and I was barely holding on anyway. Well, sorry if I


> whining or long winded.


> Nice to meet you all.


> Tracie










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