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Soap Opera of the Tongue

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Dear Group,

Hi, it is me, you member with the split tongue and hole in it. It is still

there and still hurts. My regular Dr. says I am doing fine, because there is

no infection, and he has Rx'd me duragesic patches. NOW I am having strange

episodes when I sleep. I am keeping my husband up at night due to my snoring

and choking/gasping for air all night long. It starts about an hour after I

go to sleep. I fall asleep during the day at the strangest times, just out

of the blue. Then I kind of snort or make a horse-blowing out noise when I

can finally breath. Tomorrow I am going to see a sleep specialist, my Dr. is

afraid that I have sleep apnea. I didn't have these symptoms before my

surgery. Can you believe it?

All of you, please consider any type of surgery very carefully. The Surgeon

said that it was imperative I have the lump removed because it looked like

cancer and he needed to do a " comprehensive biopsy " . Thank God it was not

cancer, All these little extras are very scarey and irritating. I return to

the surgeon on Thursday, and I am now feeling strong and angry enough to stand

up for myself.

Again, your support has truly gotten me thru a pretty difficult bump in the

road and I appreciate all of you.

Gentle Hugs & Prayers,

Carol M. in CA

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