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Chronic Use of Denture Adhesive May Lead to Hypocupremia, Hyperzincemia, Neurologic Disease

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Colleagues, the following is FYI and does not necessarily reflect my own

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Excessive and Chronic Use of Denture Adhesive Cream May Lead to

Hypocupremia and Hyperzincemia and Neurologic Disease


Reference: " Denture cream: An unusual source of excess zinc, leading to

hypocupremia and neurologic disease, " Nations SP, Trivedi JR, et al,

Neurology, 2008 June 14; [Epub ahead of print]. (Address: Department of

Neurology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA.

E-mail: sharon.nations@... ).

Summary: In a study examining four patients with hypocupremia (copper

deficiency) and hyperzincemia (excess zinc), results indicate that both

hypocupremia and hyperzincemia may have resulted from chronic excessive

use of denture cream. The authors identified four patients with

hypocupremia and hyperzincemia, one of whom had previous neurological

abnormalities. All four patients were found to wear dentures and use

very large amounts of denture adhesive cream regularly. On examination,

zinc concentrations ranging from 17,000 microg/g to 34,000 microg/g were

found in Fixodent and Poli-Grip denture creams. Serum zinc levels

reduced in 3 of the 4 patients following cessation of denture cream use.

Additionally, copper supplementation and cessation of denture cream use

resulted in increased copper levels and mild neurological improvements.

No alternative sources of excessive zinc intake and no other

explanations for copper deficiency were identified, aside from excessive

and chronic use of denture cream. Thus, the authors of this study

conclude, " Denture cream contains zinc, and chronic excessive use may

result in hypocupremia and serious neurologic disease. "


ne Holden, MS, RD

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