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Re: I'm confused, can someone help?

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Hi there CasterrraMom!

You wrote:

Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment in

January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or will he

dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this


Noooo, you are definitely NOT crazy, but you do sound very overwhelmed.

Being a single Mom can be overwhelming, and when you add work and health

concerns on top of all that, it's no wonder you are crying. I have noticed I


getting that way when I am just TOO TIRED.

The best thing you can do is to try and find the time (and believe me, I

know that is hard!) to be kind to yourself -- take a bath, sleep in, get a

babysitter and make a sacred date with yourself, read positive stuff, etc. etc.

Your rheumatologist should not dismiss you or indicate that you are a

whiner. He/She should do a full work-up of lab work and x-rays so you can at


get a baseline of where you are and what is going on.

In the meantime, take some downtime when possible (and even when it seems

impossible!) and enjoy the wonderful support of this group -- there is a lot of

wisdom and empathy here.

Love and Prayers,



Philippians 4:8 (The Message):

Friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on

things that are true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious -- the

best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things

to curse.


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Hi there CasterrraMom!

You wrote:

Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment in

January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or will he

dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this


Noooo, you are definitely NOT crazy, but you do sound very overwhelmed.

Being a single Mom can be overwhelming, and when you add work and health

concerns on top of all that, it's no wonder you are crying. I have noticed I


getting that way when I am just TOO TIRED.

The best thing you can do is to try and find the time (and believe me, I

know that is hard!) to be kind to yourself -- take a bath, sleep in, get a

babysitter and make a sacred date with yourself, read positive stuff, etc. etc.

Your rheumatologist should not dismiss you or indicate that you are a

whiner. He/She should do a full work-up of lab work and x-rays so you can at


get a baseline of where you are and what is going on.

In the meantime, take some downtime when possible (and even when it seems

impossible!) and enjoy the wonderful support of this group -- there is a lot of

wisdom and empathy here.

Love and Prayers,



Philippians 4:8 (The Message):

Friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on

things that are true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious -- the

best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things

to curse.


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Sweetie, you are NOT CRAZY! You're having to handle stuff that most

healthy people find challenging. Being a single parent is a full time

job in itself, especially with the little ones. I was diagnosed with

fibro...I'm 48 now, so I guess nearly 13 years ago. (!) at that time

my kids were 16, 15, 14, and 4. I am a single mom myself, and was

recovering from a bad car wreck at the time. Call your doctor,let

them know you what you feel like & that one of the meds is making you

nauseous. In my experience, my rheumatologist never minimized what I

was dealing with.They of all people should know what we're going

through. It may take a while to get you on whatever meds work best

for you, but hang in there. We all have good days and bad days. Your

friends do not have a clue what you are going through. The arthritis

foundation has a lot of info on your particular diagnoses, maybe they

just need to be educated. You are not alone. There are a lot of good

people, and good information, here to help you.

God bless & hang in there.


--- In , " casterramom " <casterramom@y...>




> I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young children (4


> 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my general

> physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and said

> that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me on

> Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed me


> vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a horrible

> time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is


> my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so missing

> work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in the

> mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the restroom


> work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends


> I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like after

> dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move



> Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment in

> January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or will he

> dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> better.

> Thank you so much.

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Sweetie, you are NOT CRAZY! You're having to handle stuff that most

healthy people find challenging. Being a single parent is a full time

job in itself, especially with the little ones. I was diagnosed with

fibro...I'm 48 now, so I guess nearly 13 years ago. (!) at that time

my kids were 16, 15, 14, and 4. I am a single mom myself, and was

recovering from a bad car wreck at the time. Call your doctor,let

them know you what you feel like & that one of the meds is making you

nauseous. In my experience, my rheumatologist never minimized what I

was dealing with.They of all people should know what we're going

through. It may take a while to get you on whatever meds work best

for you, but hang in there. We all have good days and bad days. Your

friends do not have a clue what you are going through. The arthritis

foundation has a lot of info on your particular diagnoses, maybe they

just need to be educated. You are not alone. There are a lot of good

people, and good information, here to help you.

God bless & hang in there.




> I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young children (4


> 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my general

> physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and said

> that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me on

> Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed me


> vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a horrible

> time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is


> my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so missing

> work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in the

> mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the restroom


> work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends


> I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like after

> dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move



> Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment in

> January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or will he

> dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> better.

> Thank you so much.

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Welcome to the group!

Sorry you are having such a terrible time. Please call your physician

for help. Explain that you are having serious trouble functioning.

You are not crazy. I know it's frustrating that your friends don't


Going to see a rheumatologist a very good idea. The rheumatologist can

confirm and/or amend the diagnosis and work with you to figure out the

best treatment plan. Are you on the rheumatologist's cancellation list

so that you might be able to get in earlier?

Things can get better.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] I'm confused, can someone help?




> I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young children (4 &

> 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my general

> physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and said

> that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me on

> Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed me 15

> vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a horrible

> time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is making

> my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so missing

> work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in the

> mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the restroom at

> work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends think

> I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like after

> dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move anymore.


> Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment in

> January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or will he

> dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> better.

> Thank you so much.

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Welcome to the group!

Sorry you are having such a terrible time. Please call your physician

for help. Explain that you are having serious trouble functioning.

You are not crazy. I know it's frustrating that your friends don't


Going to see a rheumatologist a very good idea. The rheumatologist can

confirm and/or amend the diagnosis and work with you to figure out the

best treatment plan. Are you on the rheumatologist's cancellation list

so that you might be able to get in earlier?

Things can get better.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] I'm confused, can someone help?




> I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young children (4 &

> 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my general

> physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and said

> that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me on

> Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed me 15

> vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a horrible

> time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is making

> my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so missing

> work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in the

> mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the restroom at

> work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends think

> I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like after

> dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move anymore.


> Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment in

> January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or will he

> dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> better.

> Thank you so much.

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You have come to the right place for support and understanding. It

is so hard to be a single parent, and then be dropped with this type

of news. I know it's devastating right now for you.

Your friends are going to have to get educated on what your going

through, and it is hard for family and friends. That is why it's so

comforting to come here to this wonderful group, because if you need

a kind word, support, information, It's always here. I have been in

the group for awhile, and I don't know what I would have done if not

for this great group of people.

I'm glad that your doctor has put you on some meds until your

appointment with the rheumy. It is important to find a good rheumy,

one that will help you, and listen. If you find a doc that calls you

a whiner, that is when you need to find a new one.

Just take one step at a time, it will be alright. When you can get a

chance to rest, you need to. I feel bad that you have a full

responsibility, as do so many others here. There is hope, and you

just have to believe. Take care, and know you will find your home

here, Tawny

--- In , " casterramom " <casterramom@y...>




> I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young children (4


> 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my general

> physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and said

> that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me on

> Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed me


> vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a horrible

> time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is


> my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so missing

> work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in the

> mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the restroom


> work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends


> I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like after

> dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move



> Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment in

> January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or will he

> dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> better.

> Thank you so much.

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You have come to the right place for support and understanding. It

is so hard to be a single parent, and then be dropped with this type

of news. I know it's devastating right now for you.

Your friends are going to have to get educated on what your going

through, and it is hard for family and friends. That is why it's so

comforting to come here to this wonderful group, because if you need

a kind word, support, information, It's always here. I have been in

the group for awhile, and I don't know what I would have done if not

for this great group of people.

I'm glad that your doctor has put you on some meds until your

appointment with the rheumy. It is important to find a good rheumy,

one that will help you, and listen. If you find a doc that calls you

a whiner, that is when you need to find a new one.

Just take one step at a time, it will be alright. When you can get a

chance to rest, you need to. I feel bad that you have a full

responsibility, as do so many others here. There is hope, and you

just have to believe. Take care, and know you will find your home

here, Tawny



> I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young children (4


> 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my general

> physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and said

> that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me on

> Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed me


> vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a horrible

> time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is


> my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so missing

> work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in the

> mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the restroom


> work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends


> I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like after

> dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move



> Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment in

> January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or will he

> dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> better.

> Thank you so much.

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Thank you so much for understanding and being supportive. Please

pray for my daughters and me to find the path that will help. They

are such amazing wonderful girls and they deserve to have 100% of

their Momma or at least as much as I can give them.

God Bless,


> >

> >

> > I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> > divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young children


> &

> > 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my general

> > physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and


> > that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me


> > Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed me

> 15

> > vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a


> > time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is

> making

> > my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so


> > work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in


> > mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the


> at

> > work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends

> think

> > I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> > disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like


> > dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move

> anymore.

> >

> > Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment


> > January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or will


> > dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> > better.

> > Thank you so much.

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Thank you so much for understanding and being supportive. Please

pray for my daughters and me to find the path that will help. They

are such amazing wonderful girls and they deserve to have 100% of

their Momma or at least as much as I can give them.

God Bless,


> >

> >

> > I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> > divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young children


> &

> > 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my general

> > physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and


> > that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me


> > Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed me

> 15

> > vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a


> > time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is

> making

> > my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so


> > work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in


> > mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the


> at

> > work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends

> think

> > I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> > disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like


> > dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move

> anymore.

> >

> > Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment


> > January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or will


> > dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> > better.

> > Thank you so much.

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I'll tell you came to the right place I have learned a lot from

everyone here. I have RA and fibro and have been under a rheumy's

care for about 6 months I am still adjusting to all my meds but you

have good days great days and bad days you just go as well as you

can I know what you mean about work I cann't be off work either we

have to have the money I work with 2-3 years olds monday through

friday also have a 9 year old at home Just rest as much as you can

and be sure to talk to the rheumy as soon as you get in feel free

to whine here it does help alot



--- In , " casterramom " <casterramom@y...>




> I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young children

(4 &

> 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my general

> physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and


> that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me on

> Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed me


> vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a


> time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is


> my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so


> work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in the

> mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the restroom


> work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends


> I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like


> dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move



> Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment in

> January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or will


> dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> better.

> Thank you so much.

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I'll tell you came to the right place I have learned a lot from

everyone here. I have RA and fibro and have been under a rheumy's

care for about 6 months I am still adjusting to all my meds but you

have good days great days and bad days you just go as well as you

can I know what you mean about work I cann't be off work either we

have to have the money I work with 2-3 years olds monday through

friday also have a 9 year old at home Just rest as much as you can

and be sure to talk to the rheumy as soon as you get in feel free

to whine here it does help alot





> I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young children

(4 &

> 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my general

> physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and


> that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me on

> Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed me


> vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a


> time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is


> my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so


> work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in the

> mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the restroom


> work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends


> I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like


> dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move



> Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment in

> January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or will


> dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> better.

> Thank you so much.

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You sure have your hands full. Can you call the doctor and ask to be

put on the cancellation list so that you can be seen sooner? Have you

told your GP that the meds aren't helping? Maybe she can try

something else until you can be seen. I have RA and FM and remember

well how difficult it was to try to be a good mom when your body is in

so much pain.

Hopefully your doctors will be able to help you feel better. Try to

make time for you. Stress causes me to flare, so I try to eliminate

as much as I can. Don't sweat the small stuff. It's more important

to get some relaxation. Laying in bed reading to your kids is a great

way to relax, but also have some quality time with them.

You would be amazed at how much help your kids can be. There is

nothing wrong with teaching them to help with housework. I made it a

game. I was in bad shape when my kids were young and they had to

learn to help. If you absolutely need to lay down for a while, maybe

you could set a timer and teach your kids that you need to rest until

the timer goes off. Start with just 5 minutes and increase it as they

learn what to expect. Try to completely relax during this time. I

rarely could nap, but at least I got rest and it gave me my second


I haven't hear of Cymbala. I took an antidepressant called trazadone,

which helped me a lot with my sleep problems. Antidepressants have

been very helpful relieving pain of FM.

Sometimes they take time to work, so I hope yours kick in soon.


On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 19:18:34 -0000, casterramom <casterramom@...> wrote:



> I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young children (4 &

> 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my general

> physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and said

> that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me on

> Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed me 15

> vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a horrible

> time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is making

> my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so missing

> work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in the

> mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the restroom at

> work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends think

> I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like after

> dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move anymore.


> Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment in

> January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or will he

> dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> better.

> Thank you so much.




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You sure have your hands full. Can you call the doctor and ask to be

put on the cancellation list so that you can be seen sooner? Have you

told your GP that the meds aren't helping? Maybe she can try

something else until you can be seen. I have RA and FM and remember

well how difficult it was to try to be a good mom when your body is in

so much pain.

Hopefully your doctors will be able to help you feel better. Try to

make time for you. Stress causes me to flare, so I try to eliminate

as much as I can. Don't sweat the small stuff. It's more important

to get some relaxation. Laying in bed reading to your kids is a great

way to relax, but also have some quality time with them.

You would be amazed at how much help your kids can be. There is

nothing wrong with teaching them to help with housework. I made it a

game. I was in bad shape when my kids were young and they had to

learn to help. If you absolutely need to lay down for a while, maybe

you could set a timer and teach your kids that you need to rest until

the timer goes off. Start with just 5 minutes and increase it as they

learn what to expect. Try to completely relax during this time. I

rarely could nap, but at least I got rest and it gave me my second


I haven't hear of Cymbala. I took an antidepressant called trazadone,

which helped me a lot with my sleep problems. Antidepressants have

been very helpful relieving pain of FM.

Sometimes they take time to work, so I hope yours kick in soon.


On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 19:18:34 -0000, casterramom <casterramom@...> wrote:



> I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young children (4 &

> 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my general

> physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and said

> that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me on

> Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed me 15

> vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a horrible

> time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is making

> my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so missing

> work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in the

> mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the restroom at

> work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends think

> I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like after

> dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move anymore.


> Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment in

> January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or will he

> dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> better.

> Thank you so much.




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Thank you so much for all the support! Yes, I am on the cancellation list and

am hoping to get an early phone call. Work is getting more and more difficult

to handle and general housework is so overwhelming. I know the Lord is with me,

without question, but I wish He could grant me a little more strength....my

reserves are all used up!

God Bless,


Sage Benoist <Mom2Harley@...> wrote:

Ack... you poor thing..... The rheumatologist is just the thing and she will not

think you're whining. I wish I could share my rheumy with everyone... she is

just spectacular re: communication, listening skills responsiveness...

I had active Lyme for a year, probably Lyme for another and an ankle and foot 4

times the normal size for 18 months before I got a diagnosis. In my case,

definitely RA, possibly Fibro. Now I am 59, and while we've had osteoA in the

family a lot we haven't had RA that I know of and it is a whole different ball

game for sure. While I was still trying to deal with the pain from my

" undiognosed disease " they tried Celebrex once, and Bextra once..... the Bextra

did help my level 9 pain for one week... then nothing. The Celebrex did -0-; I

have friends who have been very nauseous from it however.

My daughter is.... a year older than you now!!! (oy) I was a single parent for

many years and it's a HUGE challenge all by itself.. honey I don't know how you

are doing it, but you are. Anyway you could get the rheumatology appointment

sooner? I've found that plain Pepcid AC is the best for me for nausea and it

isn't contraindicated with anything.

It helps to have a little journal where you note pain levels and any details

about how you're feeling, so you won't forget to discuss at Rheum.

appointment...... a GOOD doctor, especially a rheumatologist, won't pooh-pooh

anything you say. Dr. Silversmith (my treasure) says that Rheumatology is an

inexact science and a journey of discovery .. and she really likes it when her

patients participate.

Best of luck.. and feel free to vent all you need to here.. I've only been on

this list a short month and WOW... what a wonderful bunch of people!!!

Carla B. in Rhode Island

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Thank you so much for all the support! Yes, I am on the cancellation list and

am hoping to get an early phone call. Work is getting more and more difficult

to handle and general housework is so overwhelming. I know the Lord is with me,

without question, but I wish He could grant me a little more strength....my

reserves are all used up!

God Bless,


Sage Benoist <Mom2Harley@...> wrote:

Ack... you poor thing..... The rheumatologist is just the thing and she will not

think you're whining. I wish I could share my rheumy with everyone... she is

just spectacular re: communication, listening skills responsiveness...

I had active Lyme for a year, probably Lyme for another and an ankle and foot 4

times the normal size for 18 months before I got a diagnosis. In my case,

definitely RA, possibly Fibro. Now I am 59, and while we've had osteoA in the

family a lot we haven't had RA that I know of and it is a whole different ball

game for sure. While I was still trying to deal with the pain from my

" undiognosed disease " they tried Celebrex once, and Bextra once..... the Bextra

did help my level 9 pain for one week... then nothing. The Celebrex did -0-; I

have friends who have been very nauseous from it however.

My daughter is.... a year older than you now!!! (oy) I was a single parent for

many years and it's a HUGE challenge all by itself.. honey I don't know how you

are doing it, but you are. Anyway you could get the rheumatology appointment

sooner? I've found that plain Pepcid AC is the best for me for nausea and it

isn't contraindicated with anything.

It helps to have a little journal where you note pain levels and any details

about how you're feeling, so you won't forget to discuss at Rheum.

appointment...... a GOOD doctor, especially a rheumatologist, won't pooh-pooh

anything you say. Dr. Silversmith (my treasure) says that Rheumatology is an

inexact science and a journey of discovery .. and she really likes it when her

patients participate.

Best of luck.. and feel free to vent all you need to here.. I've only been on

this list a short month and WOW... what a wonderful bunch of people!!!

Carla B. in Rhode Island

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WIll be keeping you and your girls in my prayers. I only have one

left at home now, she's 17 and has been more of a blessing than I can

tell you. She doesn't remember me " healthy " at all; after the fibro I

was diagnosed with RA, then psoriasis, then something they

call " overlap syndrome " I guess because of the lupus symptoms I have.

I know that all of us single moms battle with feeling guilty, and

it's especially hard for those of us with a chronic illness. Try to

take it one day at a time, and sometimes it's one minute at a time!

It sounds like you are doing a good job and it's obvious that you are

crazy about your babies. If you can afford a little " splurge " take

them to see " Polar Express. " I took the grandbabies and it was just

magical. And take some time for yourself- you deserve it. Feel free

to email me any time you need to talk or whatever, OK?

God bless.


> > >

> > >

> > > I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> > > divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young


> (4

> > &

> > > 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my


> > > physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and

> said

> > > that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me

> on

> > > Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed


> > 15

> > > vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a

> horrible

> > > time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is

> > making

> > > my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so

> missing

> > > work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in

> the

> > > mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the

> restroom

> > at

> > > work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends

> > think

> > > I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> > > disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like

> after

> > > dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move

> > anymore.

> > >

> > > Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment

> in

> > > January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or


> he

> > > dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> > > better.

> > > Thank you so much.

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WIll be keeping you and your girls in my prayers. I only have one

left at home now, she's 17 and has been more of a blessing than I can

tell you. She doesn't remember me " healthy " at all; after the fibro I

was diagnosed with RA, then psoriasis, then something they

call " overlap syndrome " I guess because of the lupus symptoms I have.

I know that all of us single moms battle with feeling guilty, and

it's especially hard for those of us with a chronic illness. Try to

take it one day at a time, and sometimes it's one minute at a time!

It sounds like you are doing a good job and it's obvious that you are

crazy about your babies. If you can afford a little " splurge " take

them to see " Polar Express. " I took the grandbabies and it was just

magical. And take some time for yourself- you deserve it. Feel free

to email me any time you need to talk or whatever, OK?

God bless.


> > >

> > >

> > > I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> > > divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young


> (4

> > &

> > > 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my


> > > physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and

> said

> > > that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me

> on

> > > Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed


> > 15

> > > vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a

> horrible

> > > time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is

> > making

> > > my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so

> missing

> > > work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in

> the

> > > mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the

> restroom

> > at

> > > work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends

> > think

> > > I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> > > disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like

> after

> > > dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move

> > anymore.

> > >

> > > Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment

> in

> > > January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or


> he

> > > dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> > > better.

> > > Thank you so much.

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Thank you so very much. I am crazy about my girls. They are everything to me.

I guess I'm just overwhelmed. See, not to overload you or make you feel sorry

for us or anything, but it's been a rough year and a half. Last April, I was

diagnosed with beginning stages of uterine cancer and I had to have a total

hysterectomy. Then June 13th last year my husband tried to kill me because the

girls and I were leaving him. He ended up rupturing 2 discs in my back and I

had back surgery. Then in November, my youngest daughter (she's now 4) was

raped by a 15 year old neighborhood boy, while we were outside in the garden.

She had ran in to go to the bathroom and when I went to check on her about 15

minutes later, he had come in the house and hurt her. I've felt tremendous

guilt over all this and then started getting sicker and sicker. They finally

diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and then I tested positive for RA. I'm still

trying to get through all this pain and my girls have done an

amazing job. They are positive, well adjusted and very loving. I've said

all this, just to tell you thank you. Please continue to pray for us and pray

for me to be the best Mom ever. My girls deserve only the best.

Thank you,

In God's Love,


JANE <janeatregis@...> wrote:


WIll be keeping you and your girls in my prayers. I only have one

left at home now, she's 17 and has been more of a blessing than I can

tell you. She doesn't remember me " healthy " at all; after the fibro I

was diagnosed with RA, then psoriasis, then something they

call " overlap syndrome " I guess because of the lupus symptoms I have.

I know that all of us single moms battle with feeling guilty, and

it's especially hard for those of us with a chronic illness. Try to

take it one day at a time, and sometimes it's one minute at a time!

It sounds like you are doing a good job and it's obvious that you are

crazy about your babies. If you can afford a little " splurge " take

them to see " Polar Express. " I took the grandbabies and it was just

magical. And take some time for yourself- you deserve it. Feel free

to email me any time you need to talk or whatever, OK?

God bless.


> > >

> > >

> > > I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> > > divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young


> (4

> > &

> > > 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my


> > > physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and

> said

> > > that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me

> on

> > > Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed


> > 15

> > > vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a

> horrible

> > > time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is

> > making

> > > my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so

> missing

> > > work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in

> the

> > > mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the

> restroom

> > at

> > > work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends

> > think

> > > I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> > > disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like

> after

> > > dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move

> > anymore.

> > >

> > > Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment

> in

> > > January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or


> he

> > > dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> > > better.

> > > Thank you so much.

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Thank you so very much. I am crazy about my girls. They are everything to me.

I guess I'm just overwhelmed. See, not to overload you or make you feel sorry

for us or anything, but it's been a rough year and a half. Last April, I was

diagnosed with beginning stages of uterine cancer and I had to have a total

hysterectomy. Then June 13th last year my husband tried to kill me because the

girls and I were leaving him. He ended up rupturing 2 discs in my back and I

had back surgery. Then in November, my youngest daughter (she's now 4) was

raped by a 15 year old neighborhood boy, while we were outside in the garden.

She had ran in to go to the bathroom and when I went to check on her about 15

minutes later, he had come in the house and hurt her. I've felt tremendous

guilt over all this and then started getting sicker and sicker. They finally

diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and then I tested positive for RA. I'm still

trying to get through all this pain and my girls have done an

amazing job. They are positive, well adjusted and very loving. I've said

all this, just to tell you thank you. Please continue to pray for us and pray

for me to be the best Mom ever. My girls deserve only the best.

Thank you,

In God's Love,


JANE <janeatregis@...> wrote:


WIll be keeping you and your girls in my prayers. I only have one

left at home now, she's 17 and has been more of a blessing than I can

tell you. She doesn't remember me " healthy " at all; after the fibro I

was diagnosed with RA, then psoriasis, then something they

call " overlap syndrome " I guess because of the lupus symptoms I have.

I know that all of us single moms battle with feeling guilty, and

it's especially hard for those of us with a chronic illness. Try to

take it one day at a time, and sometimes it's one minute at a time!

It sounds like you are doing a good job and it's obvious that you are

crazy about your babies. If you can afford a little " splurge " take

them to see " Polar Express. " I took the grandbabies and it was just

magical. And take some time for yourself- you deserve it. Feel free

to email me any time you need to talk or whatever, OK?

God bless.


> > >

> > >

> > > I am very new to this and am hoping to get some help. I am a

> > > divorced 33 yr old woman. I am a single mom to 2 young


> (4

> > &

> > > 6 years old). I have just recently been diagnosed by my


> > > physician as having fibromyalgia. She also ran some tests and

> said

> > > that I am positive for rheumatoid arthritis. She has placed me

> on

> > > Cymbala for depression and Celebrex for pain. She has allowed


> > 15

> > > vicodin per month. They don't work anyway. I am having a

> horrible

> > > time functioning and the Celebrex is making me nauseaus and is

> > making

> > > my headaches even worse. I am the sole supporter of us, so

> missing

> > > work is not an option. I am so tired and achy, I am crying in

> the

> > > mornings and evenings and have actually had to cry in the

> restroom

> > at

> > > work, but put up a smile for everyone else to see. My friends

> > think

> > > I am being " overly emotional " and I'm feeling very weak and

> > > disappointed with myself. I love my daughters, but feel like

> after

> > > dinner, dishes, bath, cuddling and books, that I can't move

> > anymore.

> > >

> > > Am I crazy?? Will this ever get better? I have an appointment

> in

> > > January with a Arthritis doctor. Is this a good thing, or


> he

> > > dismiss me as being a whiner?? Please help me understand this

> > > better.

> > > Thank you so much.

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