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Re: remicade/St. Louis?

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Welcome to the group, Latisha! Sorry that it took so long for you to get

a diagnosis.

Good thing you're moving since you've got a loser for a rheumatologist.

First, he should have started you on Remicade plus methotrexate (or a

reasonable substitute) rather than Remicade alone. Secondly, a large

percentage of people who try Remicade have a mediocre or no response.

For him to suggest that it works for everyone is ridiculous.

We have a couple of members in the St. Louis area. I'm hoping that they

will have a name or two for you. You didn't say when you'll be in

Missouri, but make your appointment now!

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] remicade/St. Louis?

> Hi I am new to this group. I have learned ALOT already thanks to

everyone. I am 31 years old diagnosed with RA 5 months ago after 4 years

of wondering whats wrong with me to be told I was perfectly healthy. My

rhuemy put me on Remicade. I have never tried anything else. The first 3

treatments did nothing for me. My last treatment seemed to help for

about 4 weeks and the other 4 weeks till my next treatment have been

hard. I have my next treatment tomorrow.Is anyone else taking remicade

and how long did it take to really start working. Does it seems to BAM

start working or is it gradual? My rhuemy said that it in IMPOSSIBLE for

it to not be working great and threatened to take me off of it because I

was wasting an expensive drug. Well Im moving out of state (CA) to St.

Louis MO and look forward to finding a new doc who has more compassion.

Does anyone have a great Dr in that area. Thank you in advance for you

help. Latisha

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Hi Latisha

No offense, but your rheumy sounds like a jerk. Wasting the Remicade on

you!!??????? Jeeez! Some people don't respond to one biologic but do respond


another. I have been on Remicade for I think about 2 years or so....it has

made a huge difference for me, although I think that is starting to lessen here

lately. It kinda did help almost immediately at first, although I think the

first 2 initial doses it didn't last. I've been getting it every 8 weeks up

till now. Now it seems it is only lasting about 4 weeks. Are you on anything

else with it? Does your doc dose it by weight, or by a flat dose? The new

recommendations are if it isn't working as well to increase frequency rather


dose. That's according to the reps who give inservices to hospital nurses.

I'm waiting to see what my doc says, because, YES, GINA! I finally am going

back in on Aug 5th. I am, I guess, moderately non-compliant as a patient. :>(

Can't help myself! I never could listen to authority figures!

Good luck with your move. I'm pretty sure we have people on this list in St.

Louis. I hope you find a doc who isn't so rude! Cary

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Hi Cary, thanks for the reply. No I am not taking anything else with the

remicade. I think the doc goes by weight all I know is I am on the maximun dose

of 3 viles? I move in 2 weeks and need a doc in the st. louis area so hopefully

someone will share a good doc with me. Yes my current doc is a real creep to say

the least. He also told me it was impossible to be in as much pain as I claim

and he only deals with inflammed joint not physcological disoders. Well lets

just say I almost died when he said that. My Husband is a nurse and almost

greaked out. He told me NEVER to go back but knowing that i was moving soon and

not wanting to give up on hte remicade so soon i just have kept going to him my

insurance doesnt cover any other docs here :( I am excited to find a new doctor

though and am very hopeful for the future. Thanks Latisha

Birdijo@... wrote:Hi Latisha

No offense, but your rheumy sounds like a jerk. Wasting the Remicade on

you!!??????? Jeeez! Some people don't respond to one biologic but do respond


another. I have been on Remicade for I think about 2 years or so....it has

made a huge difference for me, although I think that is starting to lessen here

lately. It kinda did help almost immediately at first, although I think the

first 2 initial doses it didn't last. I've been getting it every 8 weeks up

till now. Now it seems it is only lasting about 4 weeks. Are you on anything

else with it? Does your doc dose it by weight, or by a flat dose? The new

recommendations are if it isn't working as well to increase frequency rather


dose. That's according to the reps who give inservices to hospital nurses.

I'm waiting to see what my doc says, because, YES, GINA! I finally am going

back in on Aug 5th. I am, I guess, moderately non-compliant as a patient. :>(

Can't help myself! I never could listen to authority figures!

Good luck with your move. I'm pretty sure we have people on this list in St.

Louis. I hope you find a doc who isn't so rude! Cary

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