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My diet

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Thank you Carole I would love your recipes. I have the Yeast cookbook but

still can't have many of their items do to a low oxalate diet and acid free

diet, basically no fruits. I got so fed up I've blown the whole diet since

Saturday thru today. Tomorrow I will start again at ground zero since I lost

my progress I'm sure.

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Carole: I would like the recipe for Porrige & the wholeflour bread! can you

explain what kind of flour is in it! i'm glad your doing good, i have

problems with breakfast foods.don't know what to eat! Have a good day.


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Yes Carol I would love those recipies. I've been using tortias for my

bread. I also make home made pita bread without yeast. Myra

My diet

From: " Carole " <flutepastels@...>


Firstly, a short history - I had a burst fallopian tube two years ago (don't

know if it was an infection or if I was pregnant because despite consulting

my GP after having bled for three weeks - they did not do a test)

Consequently I was left with the devastation in my pelvis that an explosion

like that leaves. Basically they tried to suppress ovarian function with

hormones (pseudo-menopause) and gave me far too many courses of antibiotics

over the last two years..

When I first was diagnosed by the homeopath, I was so sick I was willing to

try anything! My consultant was advocating a complete pelvic clearance and I

felt that at 33 and with a confirmed family history of osteoporosis, that

there had to be something else that was worth a try. Everything that was

said to me by the homeopath made lots of sense (Nothing the traditional

medical profession said had!)

I came off every medication I was on and because I was quite ill, didn't

much feel like eating. I cut out all refined sugar. (Out went all the

cook-in sauces.) At first I just made stir-fries or pasta. Then I found I

could make a white sauce with corn meal and a little mustard powder. As the

Nystatin killed off the 'baddies' my appetite returned and I started getting

more inventive. I think that most things are okay as long as it is made from

fresh but I obviously avoid cheese, mushrooms, bread, - all the yeasty

things. A typical day is porridge, lunch is soup made with yeast free stock

cubes and loads of veg and herbs, and dinner might be some grilled chicken

and veg. I am lucky I love veg. (I could easily live without meat!) I drink

loads of water (mostly bottled but our tap water in the North of Scotland is

really nice) and herbal teas. (no caffeine allowed and that includes most

soft drinks and no alcohol!) I snack on Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower etc) My

Mum lives locally and has been a god send! She loves cooking and found

recipes for soda bread! (Wholemeal flour) and buttermilk pancakes made with

unbleached flour. I eat bio yoghurts by the van load! Recently I tried to

reintroduce a 'no-no' into my diet but my pain and bloating returned so I

shan't do that again soon. Basically I have found that if I make everything

from scratch and it doesn't include any of the 'no-no' list, then I can eat

it. It really doesn't take that much longer and when you use lots of herbs

too, things can taste really nice again..

Has anyone any recipes to share? Does anyone want the soda bread or

buttermilk pancakes recipe. (It's not the same without maple syrup but it's

better than nowt!)



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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest


With 10 packets of equal you are getting a very

dangerous amount of Aspartame. Aspartame can screw-up

your nervous system and cause permanent damage.


--- <juancarloscruz@...> wrote:




> HELLO ALL: Well, I am taking levothyroxin coz i

> suffer from hypothyroidism

> so that helps me burn a little xtra calories like

> 300 xtra calories than if

> i didn't take levothyroxin.

> Well this week i walked 4 times, I think i will

> stick with a 4 times/week

> 45 minute walking routine till i lose about 5 lbs

> which would take me about

> 2 weeks provided i dieted strict with/out snacks



> Ok, here is my diet:


> breakfast: coffee



> breakfast: a plate of fruits 300 calories




> lunch: 600 calories

> 1 1/2 cups boiled rice

> 8 oz of chicken

> vegetables


> dinner: 600 calories

> 10 tablespoons crem of wheat

> 2 cups of 2% milk

> 10 packets of equal diet sugar

> salt

> 1 cup of water

> all cooked


> And a lot of coffee (lol!)



> Total calories taken: 1500

> total calories burned: BMR: 1300

> activites: 1000


> Total calories burned: 2300-1500: 800 calories

> deficit









> MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print

> your photos:

> http://photos.msn.com/support/worldwide.aspx




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Where is your protein??

You ONLY had protein in middle of the day. You really do need to

incorporate a little more protein from what I can see.

In general, you really are not eating enough. Your body shuts down

when you don't feed it enough. I'm sure you've heard of " starvation "


My suggestion would be to try eating smaller meals, similar to eating

6 snacks a day. This starts your metabolism to increase but you

aren't eating a whole lot of food thus your metabolism will stay high

with the constant input of food. Granted, this is hard to do when

you work, but it can be done. When you think of your 6 meals, think

to include:




water ( of course )

Ron's right. GET AWAY FROM ASPARTAME. Try other sweeteners such as

Stevia, or Splenda. If it's only with oatmeal that you do this, try

mashing up fruit in it, OR put some yogurt in it.

BE AWARE: Protein does NOT always mean a piece of meat, don't forget

yogurt and beans/rice combo's.

WARNING: I'm not a dietician. This is just my opinion/suggestion.




> HELLO ALL: Well, I am taking levothyroxin coz i suffer from


> so that helps me burn a little xtra calories like 300 xtra calories

than if

> i didn't take levothyroxin.

> Well this week i walked 4 times, I think i will stick with a 4


> 45 minute walking routine till i lose about 5 lbs which would take

me about

> 2 weeks provided i dieted strict with/out snacks



> Ok, here is my diet:


> breakfast: coffee



> breakfast: a plate of fruits 300 calories




> lunch: 600 calories

> 1 1/2 cups boiled rice

> 8 oz of chicken

> vegetables


> dinner: 600 calories

> 10 tablespoons crem of wheat

> 2 cups of 2% milk

> 10 packets of equal diet sugar

> salt

> 1 cup of water

> all cooked


> And a lot of coffee (lol!)



> Total calories taken: 1500

> total calories burned: BMR: 1300

> activites: 1000


> Total calories burned: 2300-1500: 800 calories deficit







> _________________________________________________________________

> MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

> http://photos.msn.com/support/worldwide.aspx

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My concern is: are you more concerned about how you look, than how you feel?

Watching the amount of food you eat AND what kind of food you eat is

appropriate, but don't fixate on the amount of calories the medication will

'burn' for you. I think you need more protein in your meals as well.


> Total calories taken: 1500

> total calories burned: BMR: 1300

> activites: 1000


> Total calories burned: 2300-1500: 800 calories deficit






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Guest guest

I just thought this may interest you:

Dangers :: Deficiencies :: Substitutes

Pregnancy :: Medic Alert :: Methods

Heart Attack & Stroke


Artificial Sweeteners and Fat Substitutes

There are many inherent dangers that exist with the

repeated use of artificial sweeteners and fat

substitutes. Our bodies NEED real sugar and fat.

I am always researching information on artificial fats

and sweeteners. If you have anything you'd like to add

or information that you think pertains to this topic,

please e-mail me at fakestuff@...

Artificial Sweeteners


We all know what it is... Pink packets of " Sweet 'n

Low " that sit on restaurant tables that we may have

put in our coffee or tea at one time or another.

Around for more than 100 years it is the oldest

artificial sweetener, in 1977 the FDA required that

all food containing Saccharin contain a warning label:

" Use of this product may be hazardous to your health.

This product contains saccharin, which has been

determined to cause cancer in laboratory animals. "

In a study conducted by the National Cancer Institute

during 1978 and 1979, it was concluded that heavy

users of Saccharin, and products containing it such as

diet soda, could be at an increased risk of developing

bladder cancer. " Heavy use " was defined as " two or

more 8-ounce servings of a diet drink per day, " or

" six or more servings of [packets of] sugar substitute

per day. "

Saccharin, used long-term, does not promote good

health, but if you must use an artificial sweetener

(for example, if you are a diabetic), please choose

Saccharin products over popular Aspartame-containing

ones (see below!).


As of May 9th, 2000 Saccharin was removed from the

National Toxicology Report on Carcinogens as a

possible cancer-causing chemical. You can

this at the following links.

Link: Saccharin Dropped From Cancer List

Link: Consumer Groups Oppose Removing Saccharin From

Cancer List


Known in the world as Nutrasweet or Equal, Aspartame

is the most popular artificial sweetener used. It is

also known to potentially cause cancer and be

responsible for a wide variety of behavioral changes

in humans. It can cause seizures and even death. (Feb.

1994 Department of Health and Human Services Report.)

It is considered one of the most dangerous additives

in food today. Of the allergic reactions to food that

are reported to the FDA, it accounts for the reason in

75% of the cases.

Aspartame, is made up of three parts. Aspartic Acid

(40%) -- considered an " excitotoxin " that " excite or

stimulate the neural cells to death " ; Phenylalanine

(50%) -- which can build up in the brain; and Methanol

(10%) -- wood alcohol which is a deadly poison.



Side effects can include everything from minor to

severe. The more use of Aspartame and the longer the

person consumes it increase the risks. Here are some

of the side effects, and diseases that can be caused

by, triggered or made worse by the use of Aspartame:

Headaches/migraines, dizziness, nausea, weight gain,

muscle spasms, depression, fatigue, insomnia, heart

palpitations, vision and hearing problems, anxiety

attacks, vertigo, memory loss and joint pain,

Emotional Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus,

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Brain Tumors, Brain Cancer,

Diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease,

Epilepsy, Birth Defects, Mental Retardation and


Aspartame can often be found in: diet sodas, ice-teas,

coffee drinks, breath mints, cereals, sugar-free gums,

jello, frozen yogurt, wine coolers, multivitamins and

children's vitamins, milks drinks, laxatives and many

more products. It can also be in products that are NOT

promoted as " sugar-free " .

COFFEE : directly related to pancreatic cancer and

heart attack... it eats away the villi of the small


--- <juancarloscruz@...> wrote:

> Ok, here is my diet:


> breakfast: coffee



> breakfast: a plate of fruits 300 calories




> lunch: 600 calories

> 1 1/2 cups boiled rice

> 8 oz of chicken

> vegetables


> dinner: 600 calories

> 10 tablespoons crem of wheat

> 2 cups of 2% milk

> 10 packets of equal diet sugar

> salt

> 1 cup of water

> all cooked


> And a lot of coffee (lol!)


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Guest guest

well the thing is that i dont have a lot of money in my budget to buy

splenda and splenda doesnt taste too sweet and stuff

juan carlos

From: Geng <molokai_duo@...>



Subject: Re: my diet

Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 14:15:27 -0700 (PDT)

I just thought this may interest you:

Dangers :: Deficiencies :: Substitutes

Pregnancy :: Medic Alert :: Methods

Heart Attack & Stroke


Artificial Sweeteners and Fat Substitutes

There are many inherent dangers that exist with the

repeated use of artificial sweeteners and fat

substitutes. Our bodies NEED real sugar and fat.

I am always researching information on artificial fats

and sweeteners. If you have anything you'd like to add

or information that you think pertains to this topic,

please e-mail me at fakestuff@...

Artificial Sweeteners


We all know what it is... Pink packets of " Sweet 'n

Low " that sit on restaurant tables that we may have

put in our coffee or tea at one time or another.

Around for more than 100 years it is the oldest

artificial sweetener, in 1977 the FDA required that

all food containing Saccharin contain a warning label:

" Use of this product may be hazardous to your health.

This product contains saccharin, which has been

determined to cause cancer in laboratory animals. "

In a study conducted by the National Cancer Institute

during 1978 and 1979, it was concluded that heavy

users of Saccharin, and products containing it such as

diet soda, could be at an increased risk of developing

bladder cancer. " Heavy use " was defined as " two or

more 8-ounce servings of a diet drink per day, " or

" six or more servings of [packets of] sugar substitute

per day. "

Saccharin, used long-term, does not promote good

health, but if you must use an artificial sweetener

(for example, if you are a diabetic), please choose

Saccharin products over popular Aspartame-containing

ones (see below!).


As of May 9th, 2000 Saccharin was removed from the

National Toxicology Report on Carcinogens as a

possible cancer-causing chemical. You can

this at the following links.

Link: Saccharin Dropped From Cancer List

Link: Consumer Groups Oppose Removing Saccharin From

Cancer List


Known in the world as Nutrasweet or Equal, Aspartame

is the most popular artificial sweetener used. It is

also known to potentially cause cancer and be

responsible for a wide variety of behavioral changes

in humans. It can cause seizures and even death. (Feb.

1994 Department of Health and Human Services Report.)

It is considered one of the most dangerous additives

in food today. Of the allergic reactions to food that

are reported to the FDA, it accounts for the reason in

75% of the cases.

Aspartame, is made up of three parts. Aspartic Acid

(40%) -- considered an " excitotoxin " that " excite or

stimulate the neural cells to death " ; Phenylalanine

(50%) -- which can build up in the brain; and Methanol

(10%) -- wood alcohol which is a deadly poison.



Side effects can include everything from minor to

severe. The more use of Aspartame and the longer the

person consumes it increase the risks. Here are some

of the side effects, and diseases that can be caused

by, triggered or made worse by the use of Aspartame:

Headaches/migraines, dizziness, nausea, weight gain,

muscle spasms, depression, fatigue, insomnia, heart

palpitations, vision and hearing problems, anxiety

attacks, vertigo, memory loss and joint pain,

Emotional Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus,

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Brain Tumors, Brain Cancer,

Diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease,

Epilepsy, Birth Defects, Mental Retardation and


Aspartame can often be found in: diet sodas, ice-teas,

coffee drinks, breath mints, cereals, sugar-free gums,

jello, frozen yogurt, wine coolers, multivitamins and

children's vitamins, milks drinks, laxatives and many

more products. It can also be in products that are NOT

promoted as " sugar-free " .

COFFEE : directly related to pancreatic cancer and

heart attack... it eats away the villi of the small


--- <juancarloscruz@...> wrote:

> Ok, here is my diet:


> breakfast: coffee



> breakfast: a plate of fruits 300 calories




> lunch: 600 calories

> 1 1/2 cups boiled rice

> 8 oz of chicken

> vegetables


> dinner: 600 calories

> 10 tablespoons crem of wheat

> 2 cups of 2% milk

> 10 packets of equal diet sugar

> salt

> 1 cup of water

> all cooked


> And a lot of coffee (lol!)


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Guest guest

What I'm hearing from you is that you are willing to

sacrifice your health for the rest of you life to

please your taste buds.



--- <juancarloscruz@...> wrote:





> well the thing is that i dont have a lot of money in

> my budget to buy

> splenda and splenda doesnt taste too sweet and stuff



> juan carlos



> From: Geng <molokai_duo@...>

> Reply-hypothyroidism

> hypothyroidism

> Subject: Re: my diet

> Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 14:15:27 -0700 (PDT)


> I just thought this may interest you:

> Dangers :: Deficiencies :: Substitutes

> Pregnancy :: Medic Alert :: Methods

> Heart Attack & Stroke


> Artificial Sweeteners and Fat Substitutes


> There are many inherent dangers that exist with the

> repeated use of artificial sweeteners and fat

> substitutes. Our bodies NEED real sugar and fat.


> I am always researching information on artificial

> fats

> and sweeteners. If you have anything you'd like to

> add

> or information that you think pertains to this

> topic,

> please e-mail me at fakestuff@...




> Artificial Sweeteners


> Saccharin


> We all know what it is... Pink packets of " Sweet 'n

> Low " that sit on restaurant tables that we may have

> put in our coffee or tea at one time or another.

> Around for more than 100 years it is the oldest

> artificial sweetener, in 1977 the FDA required that

> all food containing Saccharin contain a warning

> label:

> " Use of this product may be hazardous to your

> health.

> This product contains saccharin, which has been

> determined to cause cancer in laboratory animals. "


> In a study conducted by the National Cancer

> Institute

> during 1978 and 1979, it was concluded that heavy

> users of Saccharin, and products containing it such

> as

> diet soda, could be at an increased risk of

> developing

> bladder cancer. " Heavy use " was defined as " two or

> more 8-ounce servings of a diet drink per day, " or

> " six or more servings of [packets of] sugar

> substitute

> per day. "


> Saccharin, used long-term, does not promote good

> health, but if you must use an artificial sweetener

> (for example, if you are a diabetic), please choose

> Saccharin products over popular Aspartame-containing

> ones (see below!).


> note:

> As of May 9th, 2000 Saccharin was removed from the

> National Toxicology Report on Carcinogens as a

> possible cancer-causing chemical. You can read more

> on

> this at the following links.


> Link: Saccharin Dropped From Cancer List


> Link: Consumer Groups Oppose Removing Saccharin From

> Cancer List


> Aspartame


> Known in the world as Nutrasweet or Equal, Aspartame

> is the most popular artificial sweetener used. It is

> also known to potentially cause cancer and be

> responsible for a wide variety of behavioral changes

> in humans. It can cause seizures and even death.

> (Feb.

> 1994 Department of Health and Human Services

> Report.)

> It is considered one of the most dangerous additives

> in food today. Of the allergic reactions to food

> that

> are reported to the FDA, it accounts for the reason

> in

> 75% of the cases.


> Aspartame, is made up of three parts. Aspartic Acid

> (40%) -- considered an " excitotoxin " that " excite or

> stimulate the neural cells to death " ; Phenylalanine

> (50%) -- which can build up in the brain; and

> Methanol

> (10%) -- wood alcohol which is a deadly poison.

> (reference:

> http://www.peg.apc.org/%7Enexus/Aspartame.html.)


> Side effects can include everything from minor to

> severe. The more use of Aspartame and the longer the

> person consumes it increase the risks. Here are some

> of the side effects, and diseases that can be caused

> by, triggered or made worse by the use of Aspartame:

> Headaches/migraines, dizziness, nausea, weight gain,

> muscle spasms, depression, fatigue, insomnia, heart

> palpitations, vision and hearing problems, anxiety

> attacks, vertigo, memory loss and joint pain,

> Emotional Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus,

> Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Brain Tumors, Brain

> Cancer,

> Diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease,

> Epilepsy, Birth Defects, Mental Retardation and

> Diabetes.


> Aspartame can often be found in: diet sodas,

> ice-teas,

> coffee drinks, breath mints, cereals, sugar-free

> gums,

> jello, frozen yogurt, wine coolers, multivitamins

> and

> children's vitamins, milks drinks, laxatives and

> many

> more products. It can also be in products that are


> promoted as " sugar-free " .


> COFFEE : directly related to pancreatic cancer and

> heart attack... it eats away the villi of the small

> intestine...





> --- <juancarloscruz@...> wrote:

> > Ok, here is my diet:

> >

> > breakfast: coffee

> >

> >

> > breakfast: a plate of fruits 300 calories

> >

> >

> >

> > lunch: 600 calories

> > 1 1/2 cups boiled rice

> > 8 oz of chicken

> > vegetables

> >

> > dinner: 600 calories

> > 10 tablespoons crem of wheat

> > 2 cups of 2% milk

> > 10 packets of equal diet sugar

> > salt

> > 1 cup of water

> > all cooked

> >

> > And a lot of coffee (lol!)


> __________________________________________________


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I wanted to let you all know that I have lost now 16 pounds on the

South Beach Diet. I am back to being able to eat what I want but

watching out for those bad carbs and not eating tons of them.

I have learned so much about foods from reading this doctors book.

I have reactive hypoglycemia so knew about starches that they were

bad for me but I always thought before that I could eat as much of

any vegetable that I wanted. I didn't know that carrots are just

full of sugar and actually not helping me at all when I go on a


I use to eat them by the bag full now they are left on the produce


I eat 3 meals a day now and 2 snacks - this has to be the hardest

thing for me to do as I get busy and forget to eat and then would

munch rather then eat a meal. I have small snacks now of 2% cheese

and it is working.

I was so afraid that the initial weight gain would come back and

more with it as what has happened in the past but the scale is

continually going down and I am so happy.

God bless,


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Guest guest


Congrads on your weight loss. I hope it continues. Do you have a weightloss

goal? It does make a difference with you cut out a good portion of those


I also had problems with hypoglycemia, IBS and of course the dreaded fatigue

and exhaustion. Since having surgery, IBS and hypoglycemia are gone. Fatigue

and exhaustion and pretty minimal most times.

I chose surgical weight loss lapband procedure. It has been a great success

for me. I am now 9 weeks post op and met my first goal of 25 lbs gone. Now

100 lbs left to get rid of!!! My diet is very similar to South Beach. My

surgeon recommends reading both South Beach and Atkins and using some of the

techniques from both. Its all about what works well for you and a lifestyle


that one can live with for life.

I have been able to get off MTX, Prednisone, folic acid, leukovorin and

prozac. It makes such a difference. Even right now I am in flair but it has


been too bad...some pain but mostly fatigue. I am taking Enbrel, Bextra,

Nexium(as needed), Acitigal(gall bladder stone prevention), multi-vitamin and


I hope as this flair subsides I can get my exercise back on track...that,

high protein and lots of water is what makes the weight really drop off.


In a message dated 7/17/2004 8:51:04 AM Central Daylight Time,


Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 13:40:17 -0000

From: " blueroses11 " <bluerose11@...>

Subject: My diet

I wanted to let you all know that I have lost now 16 pounds on the

South Beach Diet. I am back to being able to eat what I want but

watching out for those bad carbs and not eating tons of them.

I have learned so much about foods from reading this doctors book.

I have reactive hypoglycemia so knew about starches that they were

bad for me but I always thought before that I could eat as much of

any vegetable that I wanted. I didn't know that carrots are just

full of sugar and actually not helping me at all when I go on a


I use to eat them by the bag full now they are left on the produce


I eat 3 meals a day now and 2 snacks - this has to be the hardest

thing for me to do as I get busy and forget to eat and then would

munch rather then eat a meal. I have small snacks now of 2% cheese

and it is working.

I was so afraid that the initial weight gain would come back and

more with it as what has happened in the past but the scale is

continually going down and I am so happy.

God bless,


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Guest guest

does diet help arthritic people? I heard it does.

aclavern33@... wrote:


Congrads on your weight loss. I hope it continues. Do you have a weightloss

goal? It does make a difference with you cut out a good portion of those


I also had problems with hypoglycemia, IBS and of course the dreaded fatigue

and exhaustion. Since having surgery, IBS and hypoglycemia are gone. Fatigue

and exhaustion and pretty minimal most times.

I chose surgical weight loss lapband procedure. It has been a great success

for me. I am now 9 weeks post op and met my first goal of 25 lbs gone. Now

100 lbs left to get rid of!!! My diet is very similar to South Beach. My

surgeon recommends reading both South Beach and Atkins and using some of the

techniques from both. Its all about what works well for you and a lifestyle


that one can live with for life.

I have been able to get off MTX, Prednisone, folic acid, leukovorin and

prozac. It makes such a difference. Even right now I am in flair but it has


been too bad...some pain but mostly fatigue. I am taking Enbrel, Bextra,

Nexium(as needed), Acitigal(gall bladder stone prevention), multi-vitamin and


I hope as this flair subsides I can get my exercise back on track...that,

high protein and lots of water is what makes the weight really drop off.


In a message dated 7/17/2004 8:51:04 AM Central Daylight Time,


Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 13:40:17 -0000

From: " blueroses11 " <bluerose11@...>

Subject: My diet

I wanted to let you all know that I have lost now 16 pounds on the

South Beach Diet. I am back to being able to eat what I want but

watching out for those bad carbs and not eating tons of them.

I have learned so much about foods from reading this doctors book.

I have reactive hypoglycemia so knew about starches that they were

bad for me but I always thought before that I could eat as much of

any vegetable that I wanted. I didn't know that carrots are just

full of sugar and actually not helping me at all when I go on a


I use to eat them by the bag full now they are left on the produce


I eat 3 meals a day now and 2 snacks - this has to be the hardest

thing for me to do as I get busy and forget to eat and then would

munch rather then eat a meal. I have small snacks now of 2% cheese

and it is working.

I was so afraid that the initial weight gain would come back and

more with it as what has happened in the past but the scale is

continually going down and I am so happy.

God bless,


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Guest guest


Congratulations on the weight loss! I have a friend who has been on South Beach

since April and has lost around 30 lbs. It seems to be a very healthy diet and

she said it is easy to stick to. You are doing great!!!

blueroses11 <bluerose11@...> wrote:

I wanted to let you all know that I have lost now 16 pounds on the

South Beach Diet. I am back to being able to eat what I want but

watching out for those bad carbs and not eating tons of them.

I have learned so much about foods from reading this doctors book.

I have reactive hypoglycemia so knew about starches that they were

bad for me but I always thought before that I could eat as much of

any vegetable that I wanted. I didn't know that carrots are just

full of sugar and actually not helping me at all when I go on a


I use to eat them by the bag full now they are left on the produce


I eat 3 meals a day now and 2 snacks - this has to be the hardest

thing for me to do as I get busy and forget to eat and then would

munch rather then eat a meal. I have small snacks now of 2% cheese

and it is working.

I was so afraid that the initial weight gain would come back and

more with it as what has happened in the past but the scale is

continually going down and I am so happy.

God bless,


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Guest guest


Yes I think diet does have an effect on my RA. I can't tell you exactly what

it is...but before I had my surgery I was on high protein, low carb diet to

get ready for surgery. I noticed that about a week into the diet I had less

pain. Of course this is not scientific....but I did feel better.

My surgeon tells me that its more so the lossing weight and the diet helps

keep blood sugar levels stable. All of this helps one to feel better. Since

you are eating small frequent meals(6 meals a day) you do not get that over full

sleepy feeling after eating. Also limiting simple carbs and sugars help keep

blood sugar levels from spiking.

Then of course any weight you can loose takes stress off your joints. Doc

said for every 10 lbs I loose is like 30 lbs of pressure off my lower

extremities and back.

So for me weight loss and diet is making a big difference.


In a message dated 7/17/2004 8:02:25 PM Central Daylight Time,


Message: 19

Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 15:54:37 -0700 (PDT)

From: B <reflectivepoet@...>

Subject: Re: Re: My diet

does diet help arthritic people? I heard it does.

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Fantastic, Althea! I wish you continued success in your weight.loss


I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] My diet

> I wanted to let you all know that I have lost now 16 pounds on the

> South Beach Diet. I am back to being able to eat what I want but

> watching out for those bad carbs and not eating tons of them.


> I have learned so much about foods from reading this doctors book.

> I have reactive hypoglycemia so knew about starches that they were

> bad for me but I always thought before that I could eat as much of

> any vegetable that I wanted. I didn't know that carrots are just

> full of sugar and actually not helping me at all when I go on a

> diet...lol


> I use to eat them by the bag full now they are left on the produce

> shelf.


> I eat 3 meals a day now and 2 snacks - this has to be the hardest

> thing for me to do as I get busy and forget to eat and then would

> munch rather then eat a meal. I have small snacks now of 2% cheese

> and it is working.


> I was so afraid that the initial weight gain would come back and

> more with it as what has happened in the past but the scale is

> continually going down and I am so happy.


> God bless,

> Althea

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Guest guest

Congratulations Althea. My sister-in-law lost a lot of weight on the South

Beach diet and is maintaining it as well. Good luck and I hope for

continued success.


> I wanted to let you all know that I have lost now 16 pounds on the

> South Beach Diet. I am back to being able to eat what I want but

> watching out for those bad carbs and not eating tons of them.


> I have learned so much about foods from reading this doctors book.

> I have reactive hypoglycemia so knew about starches that they were

> bad for me but I always thought before that I could eat as much of

> any vegetable that I wanted. I didn't know that carrots are just

> full of sugar and actually not helping me at all when I go on a

> diet...lol


> I use to eat them by the bag full now they are left on the produce

> shelf.


> I eat 3 meals a day now and 2 snacks - this has to be the hardest

> thing for me to do as I get busy and forget to eat and then would

> munch rather then eat a meal. I have small snacks now of 2% cheese

> and it is working.


> I was so afraid that the initial weight gain would come back and

> more with it as what has happened in the past but the scale is

> continually going down and I am so happy.


> God bless,

> Althea





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  • 2 years later...

Welcome . I think it is great the insurance is making you do a diet for 6 months. What is 5%? That is only 15 lbs. You can do that. AND like you said you maybe able to do it on your own once started. Best advice I can give you start a journal. Start out with what you have for exercise. If you have cable check to see if they have free exercise stuff on demand. Keep it simple like you said. As far as food having it the same way for a number of days. I am trying to come up with simple stuff for lunch where I am alone. BUT variety I think is key as well. Today is sweet potatoe.

NHMom to AbnEm...

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Thanks for your response. I appreciate your encouragement.I have found that simple works best for me. Like for lunch I have 's Soup At Hand. Soup every day sounds boring I know but there are many different kinds. When I get bored of it I will switch to yogurt for a while or something. So far so good though. I've lost 10 pounds since last Tuesday so I must be doing something right. I have high hopes that I might not need the surgery after all. It is just that there is a long way to go. Thank you again for welcoming me. I hope to get to know everyone better.Blessings,

Re: My diet

Welcome . I think it is great the insurance is making you do a diet for 6 months. What is 5%? That is only 15 lbs. You can do that. AND like you said you maybe able to do it on your own once started. Best advice I can give you start a journal. Start out with what you have for exercise. If you have cable check to see if they have free exercise stuff on demand. Keep it simple like you said. As far as food having it the same way for a number of days. I am trying to come up with simple stuff for lunch where I am alone. BUT variety I think is key as well. Today is sweet potatoe.

NHMom to AbnEm...

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Hi -

I personally feel that each person needs to (with the help of their doctor and family) make the best decision for their circumstances. So, if WLS is what you need to do, so be it. I am glad to see that they do have pre-requisites before just "giving" you the surgery (going on a weight reduction diet beforehand)....

You mentioned 's "Sit Tight" program - I was going to suggest looking for "Sit and Be Fit" on the PBS channels... I am sure it is similar in lots of ways though.

As far as eating the same thing several days in a row: as long as you do well with it. A lot of my breakfasts and lunches look the same LOL and dinner would if I could get away with it with the son!!

Good luck and keep up the good work, looking forward to following your progress.

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I've been on this list for years trying to lose weight and I opted for weight loss surgery on March 31. I know it's a hard decision. Let me know if I can help you with your journey.

I'm 42 also by the way. I live in the northern 'burbs of Houston with my husband and two daughters. Where do you live?

AnnLap RNY, Dr. Naaman, HoustonMarch 31, 2006start 285, BMI 52.1current 195, BMI 35.7 still "obese"goal 150ish5'2"

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>>I have decided that I want to give weight loss surgery a try. I know many of you disapprove of this form of weight loss but I've tried absolutelyeverything else.

Let me just say I wouldn't look down my nose at this if my Dr. gave me the option. Do what you need too.

>>I have a mental illness called schizoaffective disorder which causes a condition called schizophrenic apathy.

I understand completely, I was dx with that last year then they realized I didn't have it just just Bipolar I (I have that really bad), PTSD and OCD. On my "bad" days, like the ones I have had this week, I can barely care for the kids let alone worry about what I am eating and doing... Do what you can. "Normal" people have no idea the kind of stuff we go through. I know how difficult it is for you. Take care of yourself mentall, the rest will come in time.

Blessed be,

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Thanks for the encouragement. It is truly appreciated. I'm scared of the surgery but I'm feeling desperate. Sometimes when I'm lying down I can't breathe. Six months will give me time to work on it and also think about whether I want to have the surgery or not. It is nice to know there are people like you out there who know how I'm feeling and who are struggling with some of the same issues. I've been on the diet for almost a week now and so far so good. I know the weight I've lost this soon must be water weight but I'm still encouraged to keep trying. I will keep you posted on my progress. Thanks for responding.


Re: My diet

Hi -

I personally feel that each person needs to (with the help of their doctor and family) make the best decision for their circumstances. So, if WLS is what you need to do, so be it. I am glad to see that they do have pre-requisites before just "giving" you the surgery (going on a weight reduction diet beforehand)....

You mentioned 's "Sit Tight" program - I was going to suggest looking for "Sit and Be Fit" on the PBS channels... I am sure it is similar in lots of ways though.

As far as eating the same thing several days in a row: as long as you do well with it. A lot of my breakfasts and lunches look the same LOL and dinner would if I could get away with it with the son!!

Good luck and keep up the good work, looking forward to following your progress.

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Thanks so much for sharing your decision. You are doing really well with the weight loss. You must be very happy with your progresss. It is good to here from someone who has already been through the surgery and is doing well. I live in Sevierville Tennessee. Near Knoxville. If I go through with the surgery I will be having it in Nashville. I would love to hear more about your journey to and through the surgery.

Blessings and thanks for responding.

Re: My diet


I've been on this list for years trying to lose weight and I opted for weight loss surgery on March 31. I know it's a hard decision. Let me know if I can help you with your journey.

I'm 42 also by the way. I live in the northern 'burbs of Houston with my husband and two daughters. Where do you live?

AnnLap RNY, Dr. Naaman, HoustonMarch 31, 2006start 285, BMI 52.1current 195, BMI 35.7 still "obese"goal 150ish5'2"

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Thanks for sharing some of your struggle with me. It helps to know I'm not alone. I'm really dealing with apathy right now and that makes it difficult to get anything accomplished. I have 3 children but my daughters are grown and away from home now. My son is 16 and is in high school. I don't know how much longer he will make it there. He is autistic. I wish I had the presence of mind to home school him.

The diet is going well so far. I just hope I can keep it up for six months. That seems like such a long time. It will be great to have you and others here to talk too as the time goes by.Thank you again for responding.


Re: My diet

>>I have decided that I want to give weight loss surgery a try. I know many of you disapprove of this form of weight loss but I've tried absolutelyeverything else.

Let me just say I wouldn't look down my nose at this if my Dr. gave me the option. Do what you need too.

>>I have a mental illness called schizoaffective disorder which causes a condition called schizophrenic apathy.

I understand completely, I was dx with that last year then they realized I didn't have it just just Bipolar I (I have that really bad), PTSD and OCD. On my "bad" days, like the ones I have had this week, I can barely care for the kids let alone worry about what I am eating and doing... Do what you can. "Normal" people have no idea the kind of stuff we go through. I know how difficult it is for you. Take care of yourself mentall, the rest will come in time.

Blessed be,

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