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My diet

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I do realize that I will have to make a complete lifestyle change. I'm prepared to do that. This 6 months diet will only get me as far as other diets have and that is not far enough. Besides just losing some of this weight with the surgery, my diabetes will be reversed. That by itself is enough to cause me to consider it. My dad died from complications of diabetes at 58. I dont want to end up the same way. I haven't come to this decision lightly. I'm well read on the subject and I've talked to many people who have already had the surgery who's health is much improved. I spent most of my life being about 50 pounds overweight. Then, 11 years ago I became diabetic and was put on insulin. I gained 100 pounds in a year. I've been about this weight ever since. I've tried for all of those 10 years to lose this weight but it hasn't happened yet. I believe I need to take a more drastic step if I want to regain my health.


Re: My diet

>The diet is going well so far. I just hope I can keep it up for six months.That seems like such a long time.You DO realize, don't you, that after you have the surgery you're going tobe on a very restricted, low-cal food plan for the rest of your life, right?If not, any weight you do lose is going to come right back on.The reasoning behind losing some weight *before* the surgery is to prove toyourself that you *will* be able to survive - physically and mentally - onall the restrictions. If you can't do it now, then all the surgery in theworld isn't going to help you afterwards. You've GOT to change your eatinghabits if you want weight loss to be permanent.Look at all the celebrities who had WLS done - Carnie , Randy ,Al Roker, even Sharon Osbourne. All of them have regained some, if not all,of their pre-op weight back. Carnie even spent 100 days on the Celebrity FitClub tv show trying to jump start her weight loss again. She blames herregain on her constant snacking and love of sweets. Sharon Osbourne justannounced last week she's finally going to have her surgery *reversed*because of all the problems she's had since it was done - not just theweight gain but her colon cancer is suspected of being the result ofabsorption problems after WLS. There are many others on mailing lists andmessage boards who can tell you that they, too regained all their weight,sometimes ending up higher than when they started.WLS is *not* the final solution, just another tool in the struggle forweight loss.Sue in NJ

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