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You are right - we don't talk about what is an embarrassing subect. I came

down with this dreaded disease right after having a hysterectomy - that's

right when my boyfriend & I became a couple. So it's been 3 yrs for us too!

It's not fair what these diseases do to our intimacy. It's just not fair!





>Thank you so much for sharing this with the group. I think that it can be a

>little embarrassing but I think that we should talk about this kind of

>thing. I think that a lot of women close-up about it and that is why the

>problem persists.


>Anyhow, it was depressing to read the list of meds that can cause the loss

>of libido. I am on a few of them. :-(


>I have AS and let me tell you, not a lot has happened in the last 5 months.

>Just this past month have I even felt " in the mood " and a *little* relieved

>from the pain. I think that my problem particularly sucks b/c I have it in

>the SI joints, so moving my hips is a big pain in the butt--literately. I

>have experienced dryness as you have, but it was not anything that lasted

>for a long time. It is also really depressing that this spondylitis is

>intruding on my marriage; my husband and I have only been married for three







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--- In rheumaticegroups, " Murray " <I_shin_den_shin@w...>


> Judy,


> Thank you so much for sharing this with the group. I think that it

can be a little embarrassing but I think that we should talk about

this kind of thing. I think that a lot of women close-up about it and

that is why the problem persists.

Though this post was for the ladies, since both parties (men and

women) are involved in this activity, I think it is helpful that men

understand what women are going through who have this disease, so

thank you Judy for bringing it up. You never know when men are on

the Net researching cure possibilities for their mates and may

stumble across your comment and find it helpful.I have a niece who

has Sjogren's and just recently had a baby. God knows what that was

like, but she seems to be doing fine and so is the baby.


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  • 2 years later...

Gaylen...how does one do ozone at home? How do you know this??Thanks for your


[ ] Judy


Ozone is supposed to make chemo work again if the cancer becomes resistant

to it.


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You can buy an ozonator for home use. You can breath it, drink it & bath in

it. You can buy ozonated products, but ozone changes to O2 after 18hrs.

I bought the ozonator we have at http://www.appliedozone.com/product.html

There is a lot of info on ozone at this site.

I don't know if you've heard of Dr. Day, but she was a doctor in Calf. for

years & got breast cancer & refused to do the chemo route. She has videos &

other stuff @ http://www.drday.com/ Her video called " Cancer doesn't scare

me any more " has the info on ozone reactivating chemo, among a lot of other

things. We rented the video from the library. My girlfriend has cancer &

going through chemo. It seems to work for her.


>From: " judy " <judehoff@...>


>< >

>Subject: Re: [ ] Judy

>Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 09:26:53 -0500


>Gaylen...how does one do ozone at home? How do you know this??Thanks for

>your reply

> [ ] Judy



> Judy,

> Ozone is supposed to make chemo work again if the cancer becomes


> to it.






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Gaylen...you've got me hooked...i've got to know more...which one did you buy

and what exactly does she do with it...I've seen the video but don't remember

that part about chemo as when I saw the video chemo was the farthest thing from

my mind. I was juicing. That was then and this is now and I'm on my 7th session

of Taxotere and it's shrinking things but my Dr. doesn't expect me to get a

remission as it's so widespread in my lymph system. I'm terrified I will get

resistant to this chemo and have to start a worse one. I will look at that video

of Lorraine Days again!!!! Please let me know in detail what your girl friend

does with the ozone. Did you buy the one for 550. Thanks for your help. Judy

[ ] Judy



> Judy,

> Ozone is supposed to make chemo work again if the cancer becomes


> to it.






> _________________________________________________________________

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I bought the AOS-1MP for $350.00. All we do so far is breath it while it

runs in the room, and Ozonate water once or twice a day. You can do a lot of

things with ozone though. I belong to the ozone group also here at .

The one with Dr. Pressman. There are archives you can read on what to do

with it.

On the Dr Day video, the part about ozone is towards the end, where she

brings out the different books and talks about them.

I would also like to say according to Dr s book, most people who have

cancer, have parasites. My girlfriend has them really bad we've found out.

She " had " a bad gallbladder, (among other things) and couldn't take the

parasite medicine. Last night she really got contsipated after the sugery on

wed. and we had to get a enema for her or it would have been hospital time.

She said you wouldn't believe the parasites that came out. Anyway, her mom

(who has breast cancer also) has them also. So for my testing it's 2 for 2.

Anyway, I believe maybe you should check for them also. Those little pests

can really mess you up.

I believe a lot of cancers are caused from improper bowel operation. Filled

with toxins from what we eat, they can't absorb the nutrients the body needs

& disease is the result.

I believe you should keep up the jucing. I am the guinea pig around here &

always go first with any tests. I found so far, the biggest well being

things I've done is juicing, eating only raw foods, coral calcium & ozone.

The parasite cleanse helped also. I don't have cancer that I know, but never

been to a doctor. We tried the parasite cleanse on her children & nothing

from them also.

I tried the DMSO last night for the first time on a sore ankle & within ten

mins. I could taste the oyster taste & the pain was gone. I'm going to try

it on a finger I smashed & see what happens today. I really think there

might be something with that stuff.

Also, my girlfriend has been on chemo for almost a year now, had 16 cancer

tumors & a few other non-cancerous ones. We got them down to 2. One was big

& stubborn, & not shrinking. I believe the ozone might have made it submit.

She had a catscan last week & I believe it will show she is finally free.

You said the cancer is in the lymph system. The Flax Oil / Cottage Cheese

diet is supposed to be good for that. We haven't been able to try that one

yet, with the gallbladder problems. Can't take any oils. Also she has IBS,

which takes milks products out of the picture.

But like I said I believe the key is working from the bottom up. Get the

bowels working properly, then the rest will fall in place. Dr Day, & Dr

both promote coffee enema's. The coffee cleans the bowels, opens the

bile ducts, & helps the liver. The liver is another big one. Especially if

you're on chemo.

Another thing about the ozone, you can do enema's with it also. You can put

it in any hole in the body. You can have an ozone sauna. You can cover a

certain area of the body & zap that area. If you need more info on any of

this let me know. I'm " full of it. " hehe

Take Care!


ps- Please don't worry about anything. This is really hard on you. I've seen

the effects on my girlfriend. Praise God for everything. It's in the valleys

where we grow! God has faith in you & so do I!

>From: " judy " <judehoff@...>


>< >

>Subject: Re: [ ] Judy

>Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 12:36:08 -0500


>Gaylen...you've got me hooked...i've got to know more...which one did you

>buy and what exactly does she do with it...I've seen the video but don't

>remember that part about chemo as when I saw the video chemo was the

>farthest thing from my mind. I was juicing. That was then and this is now

>and I'm on my 7th session of Taxotere and it's shrinking things but my Dr.

>doesn't expect me to get a remission as it's so widespread in my lymph

>system. I'm terrified I will get resistant to this chemo and have to start

>a worse one. I will look at that video of Lorraine Days again!!!! Please

>let me know in detail what your girl friend does with the ozone. Did you

>buy the one for 550. Thanks for your help. Judy

> [ ] Judy

> >

> >

> > Judy,

> > Ozone is supposed to make chemo work again if the cancer becomes

> >resistant

> > to it.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _________________________________________________________________

> > Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

> > http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail

> >

> >

> >

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Dear Judy,

Thanks for the information. I'm sure the fact that I bite my fingernails

does not help the situation!


In a message dated 3/4/2004 3:45:17 AM Pacific Standard Time,

Dr writes:

Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 08:01:25 -0800

From: " Judy Kemecsei " <judyk8@...>


this message is for Joyce about her asthma, in the book a cure for all

disease on page 134 thru 140 dr clark talks about the CAUSE of asthma and lists


case histories. She says asthma is associted in ALL (100%) cases with tiny

ascaris larvae.as soon as the eggs hatch (in the stomach, immediately after

swalling filth) the microscopic larvaie travel to the lungs and the intestines,


cases of ascaris infestation also sho bacteroides fragilis bacteria which n

turn carry the coxsackie viruses, the preferred orgfans for coxsackie viruses

appear to be tooth absesses. wash your hands and fingernails with grain

alcohol, keep fingers out of the mouth, long fingernails are the worst for


mircoscopic dirt under them,dogs, cats, pigs and horses all get ascaris. I

highly recommend buying this book to learn more about the CAUSE and CURE. Dr

recommends zapping everyday and doing the parasite cleanse (which kills

100's different types of parasites judy

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...


I've seen the Thorne supplements, but I think you need a professional to

order them so I couldn't order them on my own. Is that right?

>From: " jeg203 " <jeg203@...>



>Subject: Re: Brainchild and calcium

>Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 18:46:37 -0000






>Aside from Kirkman's, which I do like and use, I also really like


>Thorne's supplements.  You can get calcium and magnesium separately,


>together, and in different formulations - aspartate, citrate, malate


>or a mixture.  I use the citrate forms, open the capsules, and they


>dissolve very easily in a small drink with no unpleasant taste (if you


>have problems with capsules).  I'm sure there are others, but I have


>been very pleased with these.








>-- In , " Robyn " <RobynRG311@a...> wrote:


> >


> > Terri,


> > Do you, or anyone else have any recommendations for a calcium /mag.


> > supplement based on these great specifications????


> >


> >


> > Thanks again,


> >


> > Robyn


> >


> > > >Hi all,


> > > >For any of you who use Brainchild's Ultra Sensitive Vitamins and


> > > >Minerals, do you supplement with Calcium too,if you are avoiding


> > casein?


> > > >I know there is some calcium in the formulas, but not sure if it's


> > > >the right type or if it's enough in quantity for my 40 pound son.


> > > >


> > > >Also, if you supplement calcium, is it always best to give it with


> > > >magnesium?  Brainchild's also have magnesium in them, but again,


> > not


> > > >sure if this is the right type or quantity???????


> > > >


> > > >I have Kirkman's Calcium powder with Vit. D.  I've just been


> > giving him


> > > >the vitamins and minerals though.  Anyone think I need to add


> > > >additional Calcium?


> > > >


> > > >Thanks for your thoughts,


> > > >


> > > >Robyn


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >

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Actually, you can order Thorne and lots of the " doctor " brands at

www.illnessisoptional.com -- this is one of my favorite mail order

supplement places.


At 04:54 PM 11/21/2005, you wrote:


>I've seen the Thorne supplements, but I think you need a professional to

>order them so I couldn't order them on my own. Is that right?



> >From: " jeg203 " <jeg203@...>

> >Reply-

> >

> >Subject: Re: Brainchild and calcium

> >Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 18:46:37 -0000

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Aside from Kirkman's, which I do like and use, I also really like

> >

> >Thorne's supplements. You can get calcium and magnesium separately,

> >

> >together, and in different formulations - aspartate, citrate, malate

> >

> >or a mixture. I use the citrate forms, open the capsules, and they

> >

> >dissolve very easily in a small drink with no unpleasant taste (if you

> >

> >have problems with capsules). I'm sure there are others, but I have

> >

> >been very pleased with these.

> >

> >

> >

> >Judy

> >

> >

> >

> >-- In , " Robyn " <RobynRG311@a...> wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Terri,

> >

> > > Do you, or anyone else have any recommendations for a calcium /mag.

> >

> > > supplement based on these great specifications????

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Thanks again,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Robyn

> >

> > >

> >

> > > > >Hi all,

> >

> > > > >For any of you who use Brainchild's Ultra Sensitive Vitamins and

> >

> > > > >Minerals, do you supplement with Calcium too,if you are avoiding

> >

> > > casein?

> >

> > > > >I know there is some calcium in the formulas, but not sure if it's

> >

> > > > >the right type or if it's enough in quantity for my 40 pound son.

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >Also, if you supplement calcium, is it always best to give it with

> >

> > > > >magnesium? Brainchild's also have magnesium in them, but again,

> >

> > > not

> >

> > > > >sure if this is the right type or quantity???????

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >I have Kirkman's Calcium powder with Vit. D. I've just been

> >

> > > giving him

> >

> > > > >the vitamins and minerals though. Anyone think I need to add

> >

> > > > >additional Calcium?

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >Thanks for your thoughts,

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >Robyn

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

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> Judy,

> I've seen the Thorne supplements, but I think you need a

professional to

> order them so I couldn't order them on my own. Is that right?


You can also order Thorne supps from Myvits.com I've been using their

lactobacillus sporogenes for yrs now. Its my favorite yeast fighter.

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